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Everything posted by albingirl

  1. And breathe that heavenly smoky air. Let's not do anything but call it what it is. 🤷 this is ridiculous.
  2. Just so disgusting to even worry about this. Yuck.
  3. Could be a plan. Brilliant! It will be like watching paint dry but time to give it a whirl.
  4. And always be nice is key. Remember the karma rule.
  5. I don't play bingo or do the casino. We don't buy much in the shops and we take a cab and go to alot of places on our own. In Europe, however, we have had some magnificent tours worth every dime. Generally, We don't spend wildly and manage just fine. Tap water is my middle name.
  6. I have my own opinion about upgrades or upsells. They may or may not happen. Be happy and ready to respond if they do. I watch my email very carefully about a month before sailing.
  7. I have sailed with Pinnacle class ships several times and found there are always quiet nooks onboard. I like the ships since I find them shiny and new with the dutch cafe.
  8. I'm usually grossed out by behavior in the lido. The list is long.
  9. Hope you have a wonderful cruise! Love the pictures. Some bring me fond memories.
  10. And I would like to add that there's a whole lot of thinking on the subject ...I am on of those who holds a finger to the wind and hopes. I do love it all even of its not perfect. Life is short.
  11. Some of the wine tastings are fun. Some, however have hosts who talk too much and too long. I liked the ones that were casual and you could have a second helping of a wine you liked
  12. Yes, it's getting chinzy. I might have to start a diet to shrink my stomach before I cruise. So I don't starve to death. What happened to all you can eat stuff your face cruises? All gone. It was entertaining for a long time lol 😆
  13. Honestly, ridiculous to even complain with your free cruise. What is up with all these free cruises. You would like Hal to see this is a mistake on their part?
  14. Wow, that's being cheap. Alot of people seem to cruise to eat alot so this is bad news for them.
  15. Actually, sorry. I didn't read the whole thread. A bit distracted right now. Carry on good sailors!
  16. Mostly the crew and familiarity with the ships. Yep, creature of habit...thats me.
  17. Lido is like a cafeteria. I'm not going there when I can be served in the dining room. It's not that hard to dress nicely without being too fancy. It's no big deal, really. Literally thousands of opinionated threads right here on trusty old cruise critic. Some more entertaining than others
  18. Awful to read about hot tub. And other things that went wrong. Better luck next time.
  19. Many times, the staff will fold up the chairs and put the cushions away. Sometimes around 8. I think people make too much of the privacy issue. Just close the curtains at night. Its that simple. I love the lanai cabins. We sailed in them twice for long cruises. Plenty of room for us but we are not heavy packers or heavy people either.
  20. Every one of us lol. Do not ever underestimate people posting on cruise critic to offer a helping hand. Pure love.
  21. And then after getting the free cruise, they muse about getting upgrades.
  22. I just love a long transatlantic And we adored the Atlantic adventures with the crossings both ways. We really got into a rhythm with the ships and never got bored. They had plenty of activities, and no, I never learned how to fold a napkin. Great guest lecturers and different people joining the ship at different stages, like entertainment. Loved every single minute. But, I need to add that I love to read and that probably helps on the long cruises
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