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Everything posted by zqvol

  1. The price doesn’t vary, but there may be a price increase.
  2. 70% off second passenger is the same as 35% off
  3. Plan and commit? Its a vacation not a prison sentence. Make reservations if you want but know that well over 50% of time slots are held for booking on board. Even as late of the day you want special dining you can get in you may just have to wait a bit.
  4. Whether it is worth it or not depends on your point of view. I find that we use it two or three times on a typical cruise so we have decided that it is not worth the money,
  5. they don't reprice with a penalty.
  6. NCL is just telling you to stay on top of requirements. it has always been the passengers responsibility regarding visas and they are just letting you know that you need to be alert for any special health requirements so that you don't show up for boarding and get denied. Letter is nothing to be concerned about.
  7. Seems to be a lot of detail missing from the original post.
  8. You won't get the platinum benefits until AFTER your 10 day cruise.
  9. Yes they do offer them, its probably just too early.
  10. Nice to know but doesn't do any good about getting it back.
  11. You can always get tags from the porters
  12. You get a great perspective being on deck 8, better than being higher.
  13. You can get a refund if you bid for and get any type of spa cabin
  14. Never understood the reason to be the one to contact NCL about a M&G. You don’t get anything for doing it other than getting to pat yourself on the back. Definitely a first world issue getting so upset.
  15. If cabins are available you can book the next week while on board.
  16. You didn't have to pay it so why complain, but I'm sure that if you go to guest services they will add it to your bill for you convenience.
  17. op wants to get off the ship after checking in, nothing to do with the airport. They just need to be back to the ship by all aboard time.
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