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Everything posted by time4u2go

  1. Same here. I use the pools and hot tubs all the time, and they have never made me sick. My immune system works just fine!
  2. It is a serious question. I was thinking about new cruisers, and those that haven't cruised in a long time. I would bet some don't even realize there's an automatic gratuity option. I do like your idea of adding "plus gratuities". At least it would warn new cruisers that they aren't necessarily looking at the total cost.
  3. How is this (daily gratuity) known ahead of time? I just started a mock booking, and I got as far as entering the guests' information, and it's not shown.
  4. Thank you. That information confirms that no state, including Texas, has any special permission in regards to flying its flag with the US flag.
  5. Either way, it does not look good with the hunk of fat peeling off of the front of it!
  6. Nope, not true. All state flags can be flown at the same height as the U. S. flag: https://apnews.com/article/fact-checking-515351943107
  7. Interesting. I've seen them in airports in several of those states. I guess it depends on which airports?
  8. Also chairs. People grab the armrests and edges of chairs to scoot them up to the table.
  9. Actually lots of other states have airport stores with gifts dedicated to that state.
  10. Not sure about the gratuities, but that steak does NOT look appetizing, at least to me! In particular, the layer of fat on the side closest to the camera.
  11. I do it all the time and I've never had a problem. Same with the ocean.
  12. How long ago? Where was it set up if not in the MDR?
  13. I'm more wondering what's up with the big orange circle covering the guy's back.
  14. I also avoid the sun because of skin cancer. There are quite a few shaded places on Oasis class although they may not have a great view of the pool
  15. I totally agree! They are being cheap. But as long as their ships sail full, at their current high prices, they have little incentive to change things.
  16. Perhaps it costs RC less money to show those channels.
  17. In general, the more forward (or the more aft), and the higher up you are, the more motion you will feel. Since these rooms are as high up as you can get, and as forward as you can get, you are more likely to feel motion in these rooms.
  18. You might want to change the two words "Out Doing" in your thread title to one word "Outdoing". VERY different meanings.
  19. I'm fairly certain that all cruisers that were supposed to stop at Labadee got another sea day or were sent to another island. Really not sure what you are asking.
  20. While that is no doubt good advice when possible, it's not always possible or desirable. Sometimes the other parts of the vacation are other cruises, with perhaps only one or two nights between them, which makes it a challenge to wash and dry clothes. It's much easier to do so during a cruise because there are typically more consecutive nights on a cruise, and because it's a lot easier to put a load of clothes in the machine, grab something to eat or drink, come back to the machine, etc. As far as using Airbnb's, I'm also somewhat hesitant to use those in other countries. I prefer to use hotels. Note that I'm not trying to say that everyone should wash clothes during a cruise. Of course not. I'm just trying to explain to those that say basically, "don't wash clothes, you're on vacation" that there are a lot of factors to consider.
  21. Because sometimes the cruise is but a small part of a much longer vacation where it is impractical to carry enough clean clothes for the whole time.
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