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Everything posted by Tree_skier

  1. Belated Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. Monday morning DW and I left the area I have been working in SoCal and drove home to be with our daughter, SIL and the kids. We’ve been on the road for almost 3months so it was a very welcome reunion for me. They got a new kitten so my wife was able to become enamored with another fur baby and it took all my grinch powers to keep from becoming cat parent again. I will again some day but not for a couple of years when I get to retire I think. We travel to much and it’s just and it just isn’t as easy. The highlight of the week so far was going to see Frozen, the Musical in San Francisco. My oldest grand daughter was dying to go so it was my treat to take her. I have missed so much of their lives with all my traveling that they could ask anything and I’d say yes and do it. This one has me wrapped around her finger. Thankfully, she doesn’t realize it and try and take advantage of me. I have to say that it was one of the best musicals I have ever seen. Ive had the privilege to see quite a few over the years and this was the most surprising of them all. Some of the best and most iconic. However, this was a fabulous production. I’d gladly go again. I know I’m not the typical demographic but it was a fantastic production. We had a little excitement. 3/4 of the way through the first act strobe lights began flashing and a voice came over a loud speaker that advised us that we “must immediately evacuate the building.” and so out we all went. It was a remarkably orderly exit. Loads of emergency vehicles showed up while we all stood there on the sidewalk not knowing what was happening and then 15 minutes later they reopened the emergency doors and let us all back in. You’d have thought that might ruin the experience but honestly it just made it a little more unique. The actors just restarted at the begging of the scene that was interrupted and everything carried on as expected. We ate at Benihana’s afterwords. Fantastic hibachi! We left Thanksgiving morning and drove back to SoCal and had thanksgiving dinner at a shelter I’ve had opportunity to spend some time and work at over the last couple months. It was in Pomona which is an area with a lot of gang activity, prostitution and homelessness. It was a fabulous event. We had a couple hundred folks come through for dinner. We were able to feed everyone and send home extra with some who wanted it at the end. It was a remarkably festive event and the local organizers, whom i have gotten to know over the last little while did an amazing event. I will not be posting pictures out of respect for the privacy of those who were in attendance but if I could I’m everyone would be just amazed. This will be my most memorable thanksgiving ever. We had two kinds of turkey and ham as well as all the usual Thanksgiving accompaniments, including dessert. A local Costco donated pumpkin pies and and enough spraycan whip cream to feed double what we had. This brings a close to my time in Southern California for now but I can’t wait to get back next year sometime. Today we boarded our flight to Hawaii and we embark NCL’s Pride of America tomorrow. I almost feel guilty after yesterday but my wife puts up with a lot so she deserves this. I scored and exit row seat and have no sitting in the middle seat so I almost feel like I’m in business class. My first Bloody Mary has been ordered and vacation has officially commenced. To all my fellow Royal loyalists I apologize for my adulterous fling with NCL. There was a special personal circumstance, that i wont bore you with, that precipitated canceling Allure of the seas and choosing this one. I hope you will forgive me. I’m back on Royal in Jan, Mar, Aug, and Dec… I’m hoping that is enough prove my fidelity. 🙂 I’m not doing a live since I haven’t really posted much on the NCL board and it would seem weird sharing the experience with folks I haven’t really interacted with. If no one minds, I’ll drop in from time to time here and post pictures and experiences. Sorry for such a long post… There was a lot to catch up on. mele kalikimaka
  2. This is what I love about Cruise Critic, great hacks like these. Thanks. 😇
  3. Important distinction. Often this question is asked and the answer given doesn't take into consideration the myriad of immigration circumstances that could cause someone to need to a passport. Sometime people don't ask the right questions, then are upset the right answers weren't given. As just one example of an exception to the OP's question... If you are on an Alaskan cruise leaving out of Vancouver, you aren't getting on a cruise without a passport because you aren't getting into Canada without a passport. Trying to enter without one will leave stranded at the airport or in Blaine WA.
  4. As an example. If you order something in their version of the cruise planner there is no way to cancel it online. You must call, go through the phone tree (press 2, press 3, press2) and then wait until someone comes online, which can be a while, then hope the agent actually knows how to do whatever your are asking. So far I've had a 50% success rate getting them to cancel something that I have ordered when I have called in.
  5. I If you have been on 50 cruises you can easily identify who is a head waiter. He's the guy in a suit LOL.
  6. It's sad, because until last Friday I was having really good success with Royal IT and thought they had turned the corner. My next cruise is NCL and there IT is worse than Royal's. I was recently commenting on the difference to friends. I'll need to go back and correct my statements.
  7. The app is messed up again though... It only shows one cruise again. Oddly, it's not my next cruise but the second one on my list.
  8. I'm not buying the OP's story... Over 50 cruises but can't identify the head waiter. Please... If people lie about small things they will lie about bigger things.
  9. This Black Friday sale has been a shambles.
  10. I called C & A on Friday in the middle of the day and my hold time was about 10 minutes.
  11. Good to know. Just a coincidence for me I guess. I looked up all my other cruises and I have either have Italian or nothing listed as available for embarkation lunch. I'll keep my eyes out for it.
  12. No, the charge that wouldn't go through didn't show up in my order history but is showing as pending on my credit card.
  13. I had the same thing with with a UDP purchase. I was told that it was a temporary hold and that it would drop off in a few days. Apparently yesterday was a zoo with IT problems. Today all my purchases have gone through. I used a different credit card just to make sure there was no issue with charges going through that looked like the one that needs to drop off.
  14. There has been a change for me. I'm now seeing the first device for 13.99 and all subsequent devices for 11.99 per device.
  15. No, Chops isn't usually open on embarkation day. My last couple of cruises only Giovanni's or Jamies was open for embarkation lunch.
  16. I'm in the same boat as several others here. Attempted to make a purchase which the cruise planner said didn't go through. However when I look at my online banking it shows a pending charge. What a colossal fail on behalf of Royal. Their biggest sale of the year and this is what customers have to deal with.
  17. The new internet pricing is goofy. I want to pay for up front and not depend on them to know about the discount months later.
  18. I made a purchase yesterday in my cruise planner. It indicated that it didn't go through. However when I look at my online banking it shows a pending charge for the amount of the purchase. Royal's IT is embarrassing.
  19. I'm still getting squat when I go to the website. I booked something for cococay and labadee through the app but it frustrating trying to get into website.
  20. Make sure you sign up for zone zero VR experience. It's hoot for all ages.
  21. I was in A and C in February. I'm not really sure what to tell you except you'll enjoy yourself. We did. Specific questions may elicit more responses. Here is a link to my live review from Odyssey in February that includes stops in Aruba and Curacao. https://boards.cruisecritic.com/topic/2830373-not-homer’s-odyssey-semi-live-odyssey-of-the-seas/
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