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Everything posted by cellfree

  1. Called Carnival and was told Bermuda gave all cruise lines guidelines and YES testing is still required - how much sense does that make?
  2. Just called Carnival - we arrive in Bermuda October 25 - agent said that Bermuda gave all cruise lines guidelines as to what is required and “yes” testing is still required - how much sense does that make!?
  3. I was excited to read this also but Carnivals site still says necessary - do we think that is so? I emailed PVP but haven’t heard back yet.
  4. Well now I too am confused. I was relieved when Bermuda said "testing" was no longer required when arriving on a cruise ship effective October 25, 2022 but when I went on Carnival's site it states that their cruisers to Bermuda (and cruises over 16 days) are still required to be tested. Crazy! Am I reading this right? Or are they referring to the TA Bermuda travellers?
  5. Completed Application yesterday for arrival October 25 on Magic. Several times on the website it states that testing is not longer required (for vaccinated) October 25 onwards. $40 is still required. When you start the process it asks what Ship you are arriving on. You need to download your Proof of Vaccination and you need your Passport Information.
  6. Just off Divina, had “easy plus” and for us was fine. MSC packages are also good on private island. Water, large/small bottles included, flat or bubbly. Also outside gym there is a “healthy beverage” bar that few take advantage of.
  7. We are sailing on Mera again in January. Just off Divina a couple days ago, again a wonderful cruise. Hope you enjoy MSC as much as we do. Also with Bella you cannot choose Dining time but when we have sailed that category we have always been able to change time/table once on board.
  8. Bella - cannot choose cabin - you said you had Bella booked - do you have a cabin #? Main stage shows - free. Bella - room service has a fee but never use it so cannot help you there. We seleom do excursions either, we enjoy the ship(s), Meraviglia is beautiful, have cruised on her several times.
  9. Good to know, ty, while we very much enjoy the Meraviglia we often ate at the buffet for diner time as we didn’t favor their evening menus, was hoping the menu change was fleet wide.
  10. We are just off the Divina and the food was exceptional. On the Dinner Menu in the Dining Room they now offer “daily favorites” on the side which include Salmon and Steak. Recent Mera cruisers, does its menu also now include the “daily favorites?”
  11. Charles4515, I should have searched further and I would have seen your Posts, just off a cruise this morning and next one is the Magic to Bermuda so was searching for any updates and excited to read the news.
  12. Testing for vaccinated no longer required for cruisers arriving October 25 forward. Document/form, vaccination proof, still necessary to complete. Not sure if $40 is still required as I still need to complete doc, must do so in a couple days.
  13. It appears Bermuda has lifted the testing requirement of those vaccinated and arriving by a cruise ship starting October 25 onwards (we arrive on Magic on the 25th). There is still a necessary document to complete, download vaccination card, etc., but haven’t completed doc yet so not sure if a $40 fee is still required or not.
  14. On Divina, announced at dinner that ship will not return to Port Canaveral to disembark until (at least) Saturday morning as Coast Guard has not given us clearance yet. So Friday is another Day at Sea, close to Port though I believe.
  15. We are Sarasota County, most likely w/o power, neighbors say little damage, not sure when we will see our home, just cruising along for now.
  16. Interesting. My update - Captain just announced we are heading towards PC as planned and once closer in will know more - free internet for 24 hours.
  17. Back online this morning, Thursday. We have all been given new keys that are dated through October 1 BUT we have not been told officially when we will disembark. Later today we will be given an update. Our letter yesterday implied Friday morning but just saw flooding in Orlando area on news so cannot imagine them disembarking us in the morning. But still remains “wait and see.” Anyone else know more than I do? For us, because we live on Gulf Coast, as crazy as it seems, disembarking later than earlier is better, allows more time for cleanup and power restoration etc.
  18. In Puerto Plata today, Wednesday, along with Seashore. Yesterday was a Sea Day as opposed to Ocean Cay. 2:33 pm now, have not had a weather and/or schedule update today from Captain.
  19. We are on board and interestingly enough have not heard yet that we are skipping Ocean Cay tomorrow. In Nassau currently (345pm) with hot and sunny conditions.
  20. Husband and I have been talking and wondering about cruisers who have all their plans set. Hope you are told shortly. And perhaps Officer I visited with didn’t know what he was talking about.
  21. Talked to the Officer in charge of Buffet about 2pm, complimented him on food and service and said we were on a B2B and staying on, he said “the four day is becoming a five and the three night has been canceled.” I would expect he knows what he is talking about.
  22. Currently on Divina since 18th out of Port Canaveral - have heard the following four night is becoming a five night and the three night is cancelled - have been told they hope to be able to get into Port Canaveral on the 30th as opposed to 29th but it’s wait and see. We are on a B2B and will stay on.
  23. Just noticed someone posted that Bermuda plans to keep “testing necessity” in place until March 2023. Well that’s ugly. I suppose no point in me hoping it will be discontinued in October!
  24. Took a stroll to guest services (no small feat considering we are in an aft facing balcony on deck 11 - but a good reason to pick up a couple beverages - yikes) and was told the following: hotel director - Manoj yacht club director - Raffaello Benfenati
  25. Tissues - not in cabin but if you ask they will bring a box.
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