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Everything posted by OCSC Mike

  1. She says to the guy who gains 10+ lbs during a 7-night cruise, lol. Only reason I couldn't remember was that I didn't spend nearly as much time in the WJ on Harmony a few months ago b/c it was a family trip and my extended family (including those who were generous enough to pay for the trip) aren't buffet people and I didn't make my usual nightly stop to see what the WJ had after having dinner earlier in the MDR or CK. I can tell you ALL ABOUT the WJ on Indy since it was just me and my wife in July. 😁
  2. You can get real ice cream hand scooped for you in WJ. Can’t remember if it was there for both lunch and dinner.
  3. Odd, it was self-serve on my 5/29 Harmony cruise. I thought the entire fleet was back to self-serve by then, guess not.
  4. Pretty much, although those prices vary wildly depending on season, how many ships are in port, which ships, etc. Extreme example... An OTW cabana is only $1499 on my Indy cruise next month (which is quite low nowadays). We're the only ship scheduled to be there right now. On my June 2023 Wonder cruise (also only ship there), it's $3799! Not sure what type of cabana you're hoping to reserve, but regardless, I don't think they sell out as quickly as it seems you believe. If you're keeping an eye out, you should be able to get one.
  5. Just got an email from UPS. Looks like our first ever block from Harmony 5/29 is on its way! Think I was told 4 months when I had to call about it in June after the cruise so I’m going to consider it a month or so early.
  6. Yes, in addition to the main pool (which is enormous) and tons of beach, there is a free water play area with small slides and whatnot, similar to the kids pool area onboard the ship.
  7. This one definitely varies by ship. It used to be all my wife and I drank but the only place we found it on Harmony 5/29 and Indy 7/15 & 7/18 was one day in Park Cafe on Harmony and on Cococay. Really hope it becomes standard as it used to be.
  8. Fruit punch at times, chocolate milk cartons at times.
  9. If you booked a suite GTY, you will get one. Don't worry about the inventory you see. There are always more open cabins than you see on the RC site.
  10. I don't find my interior cabin attendants any less attentive, friendly, or professional than the one I had in my only GS experience. My cabin attendants have almost always varied from being efficient to being incredibly friendly in addition to doing a great job!
  11. Sorry if I was unclear. The new flyer came up yesterday as usual. I'm asking when the actual sale begins... i.e. when can I book something under tomorrow's sale?
  12. Has anyone confirmed exactly when each week's sale starts? Midnight ET? Midnight PT? Asking for a friend who may want to book a cruise when tomorrow's sale starts. 😁 TIA.
  13. Nevermind then. I have little to no experience with smaller ships, sorry. Someone else will help I'm sure.
  14. What ship? I ask b/c you get extra drink perks on Oasis class in the SL.
  15. I must be missing something. Why can't you just set your phone alarm for however long before sunrise you wish to wake up?
  16. You're welcome although I feel bad you had to deal with all that. Sounds like your particular proctor didn't "show up for work" and didn't bother notifying whomever they should have. (Actually, I shouldn't jump to blame them, I suppose, could have been an emergency of some sort.) Glad you were able to contact them so quickly and easily at least and it all worked out. As I think I mentioned, it was their customer service that led me to pay a few extra bucks for them over OnPoint. Enjoy your cruise!
  17. I wore the same belt on Harmony 5/29 and Indy 7/15, both out of Terminal 1, went right through the metal detectors on 5/29, set them off on 7/15. Who knows with those things?
  18. I'd mention it when you order. "Could I have an XYZ, refreshment package, not Diamond drink, thanks."
  19. Yeah, we don't exactly have the most appealing creatures down here, lol. I grew up in the Philly burbs with deer, bunnies, chipmunks, etc. Moved down here and it's gators, snakes, lizards, armadillos, love bugs (yes, we have still have some cute, furry animals too). On the plus side, it's ungodly hot for what seems like 9-10 months/year. But hey, I can drive an hour to PC so there's that.
  20. Mine has never changed but I'm sure in some rare cases it can and does for whatever reason.
  21. Shameful, I know, especially since I'm only Diamond. My wife only drinks mocktails but that just means I'm not doing my part using up her extras. ☚ī¸
  22. Works great! No longer limited to the small DL drink menu and 3 hour time frame. Lets you try new things, signature drinks from certain bars, frozen drinks but the pool, etc. If you have leftover vouchers at the end of the night, get beer, seltzer, soda, bottled water... anything unopened to take back to your cabin.
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