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Everything posted by BecciBoo

  1. I can totally believe how entitled some guests are Funny, I never see this kind of behavior, maybe I'm just oblivious and having too much fun to notice. I met a pinnacle on Odyssey, Betty and her husband, you'd never know their status by looking or talking. Delightful people.
  2. That was a good one too it was a huge boat with a saloon, snacks and hot chocolate really toasty inside.
  3. My favorite was Michelle's Island Wings float plane...loved it! It was heaven, we saw so much, mountain goats/sheep in snow and set down on a mirror inlet where the silence was deafening! So beautiful. Worth every penny, at the time (2014) it cost us $235 each and we went with friends. Mendenhall was a treat as well, Nuggat falls is fantastic and we saw a black bear on the boardwalk. The whale boat was great only 6 of us with our captain on Harv n Marvs tour. Cpt. Jane followed a resident whale called Spot around the bay and we saw otters, seals etc. Worth it too, can't remember the amt but was cheaper than the plane.
  4. if I want things to be "as usual", I'd stay home and save thousands of $s. Wow, this would never keep me off a ship...
  5. I always try to book starboard because the majority of our cruises have always docked starboard to pier, I'd say 80% but ya never know. Some may rather just look at the ocean, I like to watch what's happening on the pier.
  6. Key word Grace. I put the Do not disturb sign on my door all the time because it's not necessary. And I don't require a new towel every time I shower. Every couple days is sufficient. I don't mind picking up after myself, I keep a ship shape cabin without any help from the steward at all because I can't stand clutter. It may take 45 seconds to do that if you keep it uncluttered from the beginning. Big deal. I lightly spread our bed in the morning cuz I can't stand rumpled bedding (that takes less than 30 seconds), have taken dishes out of my room multiple times and laid then on the cart in the hall along with damp towels, and I keep shoes and clothes in the ample storage in our cabins...period. I am OCD and that's how we roll in our shire. You could visit my home any time, any day without embarrassment. It's always spotless. I have a robot and 2 vacuums and a dust buster and Shark floor cleaner. Some days my floors get sucked twice, we live in the dusty country. That's how my Momma taught me. She was a clean underwear person too! No embarrassment there. I don't change my sheets at home but once a week on cleaning day (Saturday at my house) which is adequate so I usually tell the steward not to bother but once a cruise. Who really changes sheets every day at home...sorry, I will never believe that one! I have walked by cabins with the door open and the cleaning going on where it looks like a tornado was in there...people in general are slobs. Not me. But...to each his own, it doesn't bother me a bit that your cabin may look like the wreck of the Hesperus...what was that anyway, Longfellow poem! Mine never will and this new policy isn't even on my radar. I wouldn't even miss it. Neither is Half n Half. It's all relative, one man's Ugggg is another man's Meh! Happy just to be on the water...always.
  7. I swear I quote functioned from basenji56 statement...wonder how it pulled your name??? Strange
  8. Well who did say it, I used the quote function and it pulled your name????? If it wasn't you sorry, who was it?
  9. https://www.coaster101.com/2019/06/22/inside-360-degree-universal-sphere-dome-theater/ I was hoping for this
  10. Did you catch the sculpted whale up in the ceiling? Kool! 1:42 in the vid.
  11. No it's not, you weren't paying attention, they can project anything literally anything inside there hopefully. My thoughts were get up of a morning, the day of the week is displayed along with the ocean if a sea day or the port of call etc. Boarding day, vids of all of the activities on your cruise etc.
  12. But milk isn't of any concern to me whatsoever............There are plenty of things that are important to me and it doesn't look like griping is helping in those areas at all!
  13. I don't even wonder, what difference does it make. I love cruising...anyway. I've been remarking about the high pricing on ICON, did it stop me booking....NOT!
  14. I can tell you they do indeed pay attention to these boards, I spoke with Laly Rodrigues about that and she said "Yes, I noticed that", so even the head of Customer Services company wide at least gets reports from a flunky about it.
  15. PRAGMATIC: dealing with things sensibly and realistically in a way that is based on practical rather than theoretical considerations So another way of saying, "it is what it is" and that is simple. I call it a good attitude.
  16. Yes, but a critic CAN give a good review!
  17. We also did it for the bonus credit on the card, but we've never used it much as it just doesn't pay many points at all. We've had it now for 10 yrs.
  18. Still checking every morning Mike, hasn't so far! All this angst helps the time pass though, LOL Like "Did you find the treasure today?" 🤣
  19. I'll find out next Thursday! But still no joy...so relieved it does say OCEANVIEW BALCONY GTY!. There are just singles left mostly, even suites. Just about full up! Only 4 Crown Lofts left. If they truly haven't assigned us yet, wouldn't they have to upgrade it to suite. That's what I understand, it has to be Oceanview Balcony "or better". Wonder if that has happened at all to anyone? Anyone?
  20. Crowds don't bother me at all, but the price does. We've been on numerous Oasis class cruises on all the sisters and crowds were not a problem. The only place I ever notice lots of people are after shows and that is fleetwide even on small ships. But having to pay $6K plus for something you just booked on Allure for $1449 is retarded! SOOOO glad we booked when we did so at least we can do her once. I feel she is going to be the flag ship and everybody will want to sail her eventually. So hope they reduce drastically. Can't wait until we start getting reviews and to watch the agents cruise or Inaugural on Youtube!! going to watch the Pearl video right now!
  21. Hey Chris, we'll be there Sept. 14th next year! Our second cruise with you. Maybe I'll even spend some bucks in the casino! LOL
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