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Everything posted by FlGoodShips

  1. Also don't miss the salute to the veterans on the Promenade. Very moving ceremony.
  2. We were just on Utopia.. Our favorites in order.. 1. Aqua show-amazing 2. Ice show-amazing 3. Theater show-excellent I'd pass on comedians. Not very funny. Just my opinion. You can see comedians on land, but not the Aqua Show, Ice Show, or Theater production Don't miss those 3. Enjoy.
  3. Gingerbread village is so beautiful. We actually watched them put it up last year.
  4. We always cruise last of Nov or beginning of Dec and decorations are up. Including gingerbread village!!!! Its amazing.
  5. Tropical Storm Ernesto is in the area. Just trying to keep you safe.
  6. For the price...? What is the price? Is it one price for the entire cruise or can you buy it day by day?
  7. At Starbucks on any ship that has one. Thats what I use with my OBC money.
  8. Just bring your own reusable water bottle/container and refill it. Ship water is great. No need to bring your own bottled water.
  9. Agree. We called and distilled water with extension cord was provided. Also agree...soda for medical purposes??? Also, if you need drinking water, just bring your own water bottle and refill it.
  10. I buy Starbucks gift cards with my obc. Can be used at any Starbucks on land or sea.
  11. Just call RCCL direct and have a rep schedule for you. Thats what I did.
  12. Simple answer for me.. Meet and Greets are fun and its great to meet new people. Don't need food.
  13. Just to let you know...there is a newer thread "Officers & Crew 2024" that you might want to use instead of this one.
  14. Just went to "Port Canaveral Cruise Port Webcam".... Wow. What a amazing picture of Utopia. All lit up. Gorgeous.
  15. Any night time pictures of her. I bet she's all lit up. Those would be beautiful. Thank you
  16. Maybe because it had your names on it? Maybe he was trying to protect your privacy?
  17. Later this year, our first time on Celebrity. We chose Ascent. Same type cabin that you had. Do you happen to have any pics of your cabin? Thank you.
  18. Sorry, I don't recall them saying what was being done in drydock. Maybe if someone will be on Encore between now and Nov. they could find out.
  19. Just recently been on Encore. In the questions with officers in the atrium...they said dry dock was happening in Nov 2024.
  20. Just got back...my door and hundreds others were decorated. No one removed them. I used magnetic decor.
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