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Everything posted by AndyMichelle

  1. Very jealous... Aren't the Privateers great. Have a fantastic time. Andy
  2. Going 'up to Truro' is a phrase I have never encountered before... ๐Ÿ˜‚
  3. You won't get stopped for 4 cans of beer. He could always drink them in the rain in the naughty queue..๐Ÿ˜Š Have a great time, just hope embarkation runs smoothly for you. As one of our esteemed fellow posters always says, it doesn't rain in the Crow's nest๐Ÿ˜‚ Andy
  4. When I win, we can all go together๐Ÿ˜Š
  5. We will definitely try other lines when we 'grow up', but for now, familiarity is a big winner. We are fully aware that P&O are far from perfect and of the cutbacks, but they still give us enough to have a great holiday. We are still at the stage where we would rather have a few cheaper, shorter cruises as opposed to blowing our budget on 1 good long one, but that will change when I retire I'm sure... Andy
  6. This thread is about comparing Princess to P&O. For us, we don't need WiFi, dont pay gratuities or taxes on P&O and never spend ยฃ100 per couple per day on drinks... Still doesn't work for us. Andy
  7. From what you have told us John, I definitely like the sound of Princess, but didn't get too far as when comparing with P&O, familiarity won over. I'm sure it's all good when you are used to it, but, as you say yourself, PP is not worth it unless it's reduced, then you have to consider the drinks prices, tax, dollars, tips etc. It seemed almost impossible to budget. Of course, the cruises we liked had very little in the way of offers. Perhaps one day, but not for us for now. Andy
  8. Our thoughts exactly. We were looking for an alternative/slightly better option than P&O, but couldn't really get my head around it, so decided 'better the devil you know' for now. Andy
  9. Oh Michelle, so sad. What a beautiful dog. Our thoughts are with you. Andy & Michelle xx
  10. We were on about 3 weeks before you and can honestly say we didn't notice any vibration anywhere on the ship, although our cabin was mid ship and low. As for maintenance, again, we commented at the time how well kept we thought Britannia was and, like Selbourne, didn't see any buckets. We haven't sailed on the bigger ships yet, so perhaps what we perceive as normal doesn't compare. We have booked 2 more Britannia cruses, so will now be looking... Thanks๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ Andy
  11. Many superstitions originate from the sea. The captain on our last cruise told us not to cross your knife and fork because the pirates will come. And touch wood comes from not wanting to bang your head on the low beams, walking with your hand out in front. Andy
  12. Thank you for reporting back, glad you had a good time. Andy
  13. Until recently, I would have said it was OK to be above the Crystal rooms as it was used mainly for ballroom dancing and wasn't open much past 11. However, it is now being used for Karaoke and the 'Silent' disco, which is anything but silent... Hope you get it sorted. Andy Ps. I think it still closes around 11.
  14. You are right, we were worrying about lots of things before we went on our recent cruise. None of it was that bad, but I think a lot was due to our expectations being realistic thanks to honest reports from our fellow posters. Andy
  15. Totally understand. I admit, I would have probably wrongly assumed you just didn't care, but if the majority were participating, I doubt I would take any notice of the odd one... I will think twice before judging in the future. Andy
  16. Yep, totally understand about hidden disabilities, we deal with it every day... Sad that 99% of the passengers using the buffet all have hidden disabilities.๐Ÿ˜‚ I don't doubt there are exceptions like yourself, but I'm sure the majority I saw just don't care... Andy
  17. The Crow's Nest must have been rammed if all the people we saw not washing their hands were just passing through๐Ÿ˜‚ I heard one lady pushing a wheelchair proclaim loudly 'It's OK, I washed my hands earlier'... Andy
  18. Thank you for confirming. I just recall quite a few passengers turning up with luggage as we were trying to disembark about 9.30, it was chaotic to say the least... Andy
  19. Sorry, can't remember exactly but it didn't seem worth it to us at the time for a 7 night cruise. That doesn't mean it was expensive, we just thought we didn't really need it. Now more cruises are being booked, we will have another look when renewal is due. Andy
  20. I think you can drop your bags from about 11? Trying to do it earlier causes problems with the disembarkation from the previous cruise. Have a great time. Andy
  21. Our Stay sure policy, which covers Michelle's medical condition and is very reasonably priced, allows you to add missed ports as an extra. We have a yearly policy that cost ยฃ158 for both of us, without the missed port cover. Andy
  22. Is that where Batman lives? ๐Ÿ˜‚ Have a lovely time. Andy
  23. The nice thing about most of the Fjords is that if you don't see the best view on the way on, you will see it on the way out. Our recent Britannia cruise, starboard was usually facing the port, but don't bank on it. Andy
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