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Everything posted by ontheweb

  1. I would add Fodors to that list of sources you can explore
  2. Yes, I did read your post. But, I do believe our TA was talking about any monetary problem, not just OBC. And I realize what you wrote about your TA's response, but was implying that instead he should have said he would take care of it for you.
  3. Does not matter if your TA marks it no upgrade. As I said in my post just previous to this, our TA had assured us we would not be moved as he had done everything necessary for that. But Princess can do what they want to do, no upgrade marked or not.
  4. Yes, as I posted earlier (post #37), this is what happened to us (2014 Ocean Princess British Isles cruise.) And I had been reading at the time about Princess just moving passengers and expressed my concern to our TA. He assured me it would not happen to us. Which really shows Princess can do whatever they want according to the cruise contract you sign.
  5. If you have a TA, does he or she know anything on the subject? The reason I say this is we booked a cruise in 2020 that of course never sailed. (We actually cancelled it before Princess did.) We had a refundable deposit and paid for insurance. Our TA mentioned that for NY residents even the insurance was refundable if we cancelled. When we cancelled and got back our insurance, even the guy (I forget his name from InsureMyTrip) did not know about this ruling from the NY State Insurance Commision). I wondered if any other state did this, and he said he would try to find out. He later posted that none of the states insurance commisions would really answer him. I late by e-mail asked my TA, and he said this only applied to NY state. So, really there is nothing to buy. NY has ruled that if you cancel, there was really nothing at risk, so they have insured nothing and must refund the insurance.
  6. Our TA had told me in the past that if we ever had a problem with OBC not being there or not applied, instead of stressing about it, call him after the cruise and let him deal with it. I would assume your TA has more experience dealing with NCL than you and even possibly a contact he or she regularly deals with. I would have asked the TA to deal with this.
  7. We have done a land trip to Iceland, and I would recommend it especially if it is during the time of the year that you can see the Northern Lights.
  8. Actually, this will be our 3rd. Our past cruises were one round trip NYC to Bermuda and a Western Mediterranean from Barcelona. The booked one for next year is from London (Southampton) to Reykjavik, Iceland. I think we are the second category, whatever that is.
  9. They are supposed to e-mail you or if you use a TA, your TA. But, sometimes things get lost in cyberspace. I know once we were upgraded to a cabin I did not want as instead of having cabins above and below us it was below the casino bar. I found out only by looking at the personalizer. Our TA said he never got the email; Princess said they sent it. (I sort of believe both, but especially our TA.) It was too late to get our original cabin back, but after much hassle and time consumed, he got us one near where we had originally booked.
  10. What is the discount for Latitude status, and at what point does it start? We have the $50 for first person credit on our future booking on the Prima. As for Latitude, we each are on our 3rd NCL cruise.
  11. DW and I get to spend time beforehand planning what we will do in each port. And then spend a lot of quality time together. And at the same time on the actual cruise we each get to do things we really enjoy alone (for instance swimming for her and trivia for me.) So as a vacation we get a both a lot to do together and a lot we can do separately. Add this to what others have said about getting to a lot of different places and not having to pack and repack, makes cruising unique.
  12. An English pub, hope you try the fish and chips. Seriously. also looking forward to you trip report. We booked in 2021 for an August cruise in 2023 (starts also in Southampton and ends in Reykjavik). At the time it seemed so far away, but it keeps getting closer.
  13. My DW just retired as a teacher. We did a land trip to Iceland and saw the Northern Lights while she was on their Easter vacation.
  14. Think of it this way, the cruise has to get better; everything that could go wrong already has.
  15. Yes, we once had alerted our TA to an itinerary we were interested in. He found a great deal, but it came with a catch, not only was the deposit non-refundable, but it was the entire fare. The first thing we did after booking it, was buy insurance.
  16. Yes, and I have tried to get that across to DW, but she at times sets a frenetic pace. I do think we are better than that then when we started. The few times I think she actually is slowing us down is when we are in a museum, and she does much more studying of the art than I do. (I guess that comes from being a long time, just retired, art teacher.)
  17. Yes, you have that right to be wrong. LOL.
  18. OTOH, some think the medallion is a terrible idea.
  19. Also, non-refundable OBC will be used first before any refundable OBC.
  20. If you tell them you have a pacemaker (even if you do not), how can they possibly deny giving you a card?
  21. Looking forward to your review. We are booked for August of next year. We also took their airfare with the 1/2 price, but asked for Newark, as we find it much more convenient (from where we are in a similar region of NY State.) Our TA said no guarantee, but their flights to London are almost always Heathrow and no layover. It seems your experience is different. DW hopes for British Airways as her late father was an executive with that airline.
  22. Yes, the travel costs are something you were intending to pay so presumably, you can afford them. A huge uncovered medical bill plus possibly a need for a medical evacuation can wipe you out.
  23. They also have deals bundling the airfare with the hotels that they own. That is what we did when we did a land trip to Iceland.
  24. 👌 I hope it all works out for you. And wouldn't it be great if you did get that one non-stop flight.
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