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Everything posted by ontheweb

  1. And they also do not have to pay the fare for an extra passenger I suppose.
  2. I do not believe that a passenger would have to register a stuffed animal as a service animal no matter how much emotional support it provides!
  3. Thanks to all of you who responded. I had already read a post and saw the pictures from @Steamboat which is why I wondered how our TA could be on an inaugural cruise in November. What kind of first will it be by November?
  4. When the cruise lines first changed this, the experienced mariners on these boards often posted that the muster drill was really for the crew; it was the only time that they got to "herd" passengers. One hopes there is not a real emergency to prove whether the old style drill was really necessary.
  5. Our TA had told us he was scheduled to be on the first sailing, but was not sure if he would take the cruise. I thought I had seen some posts of people already having sailed, so I e-mailed him asking if he had gone and if so for his impressions. (We are booked for next August.) He e-mailed back that the first sailing was not until November, and that he would not be able to get out of the office.
  6. Unfortunately, I think I CAN believe it.
  7. Would that be the equivalent of my DW wears an angel pin? Once we were on a flight and she realized she had forgot to put it on; she was a nervous wreck that flight.
  8. Are you saying that they have "imaginary" service animals?
  9. You would be able to tell because he would be on ice skates and carrying a stick. 🤣
  10. The most disappointing excursion cancellation we ever had was on the Epic in the Western Mediterranean, a trip to Arles from the port of Marseilles. The staff at the excursion desk warned us it was not selling enough and promised to try to push it as they said it was an excellent excursion, but alas it never received enough bookings.
  11. If you use a TA, he or she will get the notice when it is applied so you can check with the TA if it has been approved and applied.
  12. We were going to take that on our 2020 Princess Norwegian fjords cruise from Southampton. DW even said she was more looking forward to that than the actual cruise. We had previously done something similar on a Princess British Isles cruise from Dover. Our transfer took us to Canterbury. One other positive of this type of transfer to the airport in addition to what you already wrote is that instead of a feeling of loss as you depart the ship because your cruise is over, you have something to look forward to. And in our case we knew a few people on the transfer from our roll call, and it really made it feel like we were still partaking in the cruise.
  13. There is a famous example of an NFL player who managed to substitute someone else's urine for his own. The test showed up drug free, but he ended up suspended anyway. The test indicated he was pregnant!
  14. Yes, that makes sense. I understand what you are saying.
  15. Sounds just like a teenager who was on our last Carnival cruise. I won the second most ships on a stick; he won the most. He would have won more than me anyway, but he racked up several wins while DW and I explored the various ports while he won all the trivia contests that were held at those times.
  16. I asked that when we got our boosters, and the answer was he thought so.
  17. NO! The largest ship we were on was the NCL Epic, and as far as I am concerned, it was much too large.
  18. I don't think it is really necessary as this board is not ultra busy to the point where one cannot find something recent. Also, too many stickies would just negate the whole idea behind having stickies. JMHO.
  19. The least stale question I ever heard was how old am I from the member of the fun team running the contest. (No one got it right, but two of us including me, were only a year off.) Later at another contest, I told a different fun squad member running a trivia contest about it, and he said "that is not in the book.". Also, the person who had asked that question was later at the checkout for one of the ports, and I said to my DW, I bet I can guess his age. He chuckled.
  20. Or several if you are good at trivia and others don't cheat.
  21. However, what would happen if only the second person went on an excursion, but the first person bought it? It is not like they look at the names on the excursion tickets when they take them.
  22. It can be a health choice and/or an ethical choice. And unless allergic, it won't kill you if you eat something that ends up having say a meat stock.
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