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Everything posted by ontheweb

  1. And when in the past, I questioned whether someone could enter your cabin because of this wonderful feature that everyone touts, I was told that someone would really have to be planning on this to do this.
  2. They blamed there was a constant smell of marijuana on Covid? LOL
  3. Good that there was a solution; otherwise I think it would have been a problem.
  4. Can you actually get their cabin number from the cruise line they are using, or is that information that is considered private? I'm not sure how you can get it from your friends without them wondering why you are asking.
  5. And that is a FACT that many posters here seem to be totally ignoring.
  6. Absolutely correct, and none of them with the same testing requirements as cruises.
  7. And if you are flying in to your cruise, you very well may contact Covid at the airport, especially in long lines.
  8. The person "skipping out" was both unconscious and had a credit card on file. The niece was not in any way legally responsible for her aunt's bill, something her credit card company agreed with when she contested the charge.
  9. Also make sure you black out any customer # that identifies your account from your brokerage.
  10. Perhaps, you could read the original thread that I posted the link to before you make comments like that.
  11. But, can you imagine the opposite? What if this happened to a Polish person (or really a person of any other nationality) in the US? How do you think they would react to the bill from the emergency room?
  12. If you read the original thread with this story, you will see the aunt did have a credit card that had been provided.
  13. We had a cruise for 2020 that I cancelled before the cruise line (Princess) inevitably cancelled it. We not only got back our refundable deposit, but also the 3rd party insurance, but only because of a ruling by the NY State insurance commissioner. Our TA told me when I asked him that no other state has such a rule. Another time, almost 20 years ago, a river cruise from Amsterdam was chartered out from under us after final payment. We decided to fly to Amsterdam and book a hotel instead. The insurance was transferred, and because the cost was now less (we went for less days and obviously meals were no longer included), they not only transferred the policy, but gave us a small refund (which I had not expected.)
  14. But included in her story was the fact that they could not find her bags. 🤦‍♂️
  15. I find it interesting that they split the OBC since my only experience with shareholder's OBC previously has been with 3 different lines all owned by the Carnival Corporation, and they do not split the OBC even when the stock is owned by both passengers jointly. (Sometimes when buying excursions pre-cruise they will allow it to be used by the "other" passenger, but it really depends on what customer service representative you get on the phone line.)
  16. Interesting, but not allowing someone to board is an entirely different issue than not letting someone disembark. The passenger whose plight inspired this thread was being threatened to not being able to leave if she did not pay her aunt's onboard medical bill, a bill that she was in no way responsible for.
  17. I wonder if you can ask for a card to do so at the Purser's desk.
  18. I realize that you want to ask a general question, but since you referred to that specific case, I thought both some, possibly many had not read it in another forum and it was interesting including all the comments, plus it gave some more context to your question.
  19. Baltic cruises also change time zones, especially back when St. Petersburg was one of the ports.
  20. You actually should have paid somewhat less as the port fees for the son not sailing should have not been charged.
  21. We did have multiple cards, but the other one was Amex which was not accepted there or in many places in Europe.
  22. Just to add to your facts, it was in Italy and by Princess. Also, they did manage to bully her into paying her aunt's medical bill, but on the advice of fellow cruisecritic members she challenged the charge with her credit card company and had it reversed. It is a sad, but fascinating story. Here is the url for the discussion.
  23. Once in Europe at a museum, we were told our card charge was not accepted. I later called the number on the card to make sure they knew where we were so we could keep using the card. They said that they did know, and in fact there was a pending charge for the museum that said the card was turned down. I said we were not allowed in as they said the charge was denied. I was then told by the card's phone representative that the charge would now disappear on Monday (called on a Saturday).
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