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Arizona Wildcat

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Everything posted by Arizona Wildcat

  1. Celery - where are you located? While we all know there are lots of glitches in the X website; $99USD plus gratuities is similar to 110€. No glitch. If I book when in Australia using there are often (probably usually) promos that are not available or different on the US website. Even when my cruise is from or to Australia from the US.
  2. All StockPerks requires is your booking number (it has your name), but the broker statement obviously needs something to show who owns the shares. Much ado about nothing IMO.
  3. Not unusual. The solutions are usually- Clear cache Clear browsing history Use different browser Sign in with email Sign in with booking number Wait a bit as Princess app sometimes has issues.
  4. Think already said. There could be several issues including a Coast Guard hold, weather delays, a smash on the way to the airport, delays at security. One cruise there was a 2 hour delay because a couple longshoremen unloading the luggage got into a fight and a weapon was involved. Everything was frozen in place till about 9am. On another cruise the normal facial recognition by immigration was not used with each person needing to show their passport - looking for something. We spent from 7:30 until 11am standing in line! You never know. Same thing I say about once a week. If you need to think that your flight might be too early; it probably is.
  5. Yup. You can work around using the app. BUT. . . Princess then sends your data to StockPerks. The concern about SockPerks selling your data in not valid. All StockPerks gets is your name, address and a booking number. If they sold stuff Carnival.would stop using them. I simply sent a copy of the trade where I bought 100 shares. Your broker will also send you a letter says as of X date you owned 100 shares of CCL stock. Send a picture as an attachment. Want to be concerned about an app and getting garbage or the app hacked? Try Princess or Celebrity or . . . You don't send StockPerks anything worth selling.
  6. Do not understand as you said your phones were shut down - suggesting while still in port. Things don't make sense.
  7. In Skagway truly suggest you simply rent a car and drive to Carcross, Dyea and see everything in Skagway. Lots cheaper and you can see everything. You can get the car and pick up the others. The photo excursions is nice if the weather cooperates.
  8. There are probably a couple threads a week on this issue. Sometimes clearing the cache or using another browser works. Other times waiting for a day. The Celebrity website has a very long history of being wonky.
  9. Just be ready with your bags in hand and walk off. It would like me providing my flight info for my October TA to Houston - will spend 4 days there. Princess doesn't need to know unless you are using their transfer. How about my arrival in Southampton for the start of my cruise on 6 October? We arrive in Southampton on September 1st! Just leave it blank.
  10. Have been on cruises scheduled for Kotor three times. Docked twice. The other time was on M class Celebrity ship (smaller) on a windy day. The channel is indeed very narrow.
  11. Actually your post is exactly about the merits of HAL answering your emails when Princess did not. I do not care who you cruise with or if you cruise. I do know that we gave had problems with Princess, HAL and Celebrity not always answering emails. Found often that my messages were sent to the wrong address from Cruise Critic. Now have ability to connect rapidly (often requires a phone call). I also know that Actually having my dietary needs met requires asking at every meal as all 3 have failed at times.
  12. Our October TA had a price reduction. There was no need to cancel and rebook. Simply let Princess or your TA know. Some dozen people from the roll call were able to reference at anywhere from a couple hundred to $2000 reduction in fares. We were able to keep our group fare. The warning is the (perks)OBC from your old fare goes away and you get OBC from the new fare
  13. Thank you for a great laugh. I would have gotten some help an taken it to Guest Relations.
  14. The MSC employees would have had exactly no idea how to get anywhere in Italy. Certainly not hard using a phone to Google, directions from X to Y. You will get several choices. Look at unexpected changes as an opportunity and your travels will be lots easier. MSC got hoodwinked by the Bolivian passengers who showed official looking documents to Argentine officials (not MSC employees). Spain handled it poorly and the decision to sequester the people and return them to Bolivia should have happened very quickly as the cost was always MSC's responsibility. Sorry for your situation.
  15. There is no "terminal". Ship dock at the pier just outside the old city walls. Uber is the easiest and reasonable. There is enough space for 3 ships to dock. Usually only 1 or two. All very close. The city and Fairmont are "up the hill".
  16. Glad the OP got things sorted. Sadly as an Ombudsman in my state we see all manner of things. About once a month a complaint about incorrect billing from a cruise company. With few exceptions, the cruise companies are foreign companies and as such you are #1 bound by the cruise contract requiring arbitration, or #2 fighting them with an attorney in their country. Difficult and hard to win. Captain Kate of Celebrity said always get a copy at guest relations the afternoon of your last day aboard and check it carefully. Missing that, contact your credit card issuer and dispute the charge. Preferably within 30 days of your cruise. A short clear explanation will usually get things sorted.
  17. The location finder on the app is really great. Link everyone together and you can see where they are. More than about 5 or 6 gets confusing.
  18. Purchased OBC can be used for anything on board and should be refundable.
  19. Going to Amsterdam you will have both passport control and customs. Agree with the gate 30 minute requirement. At least 2 hours unless you have the business class pass you suggest. This is an international flight. GB is not part of the EU any longer.
  20. The thread title says HEATHROW. I would be flying out of Gatwick is SOU is sold out. Lots closer
  21. Absolutely agree the van tours have far better views than the train and can stop for photos. Even better is hiring a car in Skagway. You can see everything, luncheon in Carcross, Dyea and all the sights. Just book ahead. And you can cancell if the ship doesn't port. Just book way ahead. Sourdough Rentals is local and easy to work with.
  22. Had a good laugh from this thread. The OP is probably not aware that butter is not yellow- is colored for visual.appeal- and the salt is certainly added.
  23. Cabins should not be a consideration as you will want to be on deck to see the canal from there.
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