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Arizona Wildcat

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Everything posted by Arizona Wildcat

  1. Never heard any music from the cabanas. The quiet pool was outside the sanctuary on our ship.
  2. executiveoffice@celebrity.com got a phone call reply within 48 hours. I have gotten great support. Provuded booking number, ship and cruise date along with one or two sentences describing the facts AND what I would like as a resolution. Had to laugh about a bug in the Celebrity App. Was amazed three cruises ago when I was able to check in and book everything on the first try. Usually just give up.and do it on board.
  3. Be aware of a couple things in Reykjavik. Rental cars will be in short supply. Book ahead. If you can find a rental company that will pick you up AND DROP YOU OFF go for it. There are also very few taxis and they are scary expensive. Taxis only take credit/debit cards. No need for cash. The pier is a 45 minute walk from the center of Reykjavik. A bit longer to the National Museum which is excellent. Parking near the pier overnight is easy. As said most rental agencies are near the downtown airport which is not near the pier.
  4. The light rail works great for the airport to the CBD. The ship's shuttle to the airport a great solution.
  5. The issue getting to Whittier us the tunnel schedule. Ask you tour operator. Since there is basically nothing in Whittier except the Alaska Ferry to Valdez no real traffic
  6. Never understood why people feel the need to insult each other about what to wear to Blu. When I was in a full leg cast and was unable to full length pants over my cast the maitre d wrapped me in a table cloth like a kilt. Sad we feel necessary to challenge the boundaries of everything today.
  7. It is a total of 35 employees that have 30 years employment. Not a big deal. Am sure after 30 years they deserve some special perks.
  8. Many TAs have room blocks. Usually only verandas, but sometimes Aqua. Depending on the size of the TA anywhere from 25 and up. Some of the larger TAs have 100+ and might work with other companies. The group rates are to my knowledge very similar to the same and the TAs can turn back an agreed % or number of cabins up to X number of days before the cruise. Have seen 90 days for holidays and as close as 30 days for others. Those cabin blocks, usually show available on the TA website and booked on the cruiseline site. Am guessing that is what you are trying to figure out. Full disclosure, I organized group hotel/motel blocks for many years. Others where I worked handled cruise bookings. Cabin Cruiser is correct about affinity groups. Partially correct about groups assembled by the TA. Just like hotels, cabins can and are put into a block and sold.
  9. And we boarded to find all the MDR reservations were gone. Thus the comment your efforts might be wasted. Found it easier to simply show up. Except immediately following the early show or about 6-6:30 either no wait or a couple minutes.
  10. For the October cruise, did the OP book as two separate cruises (2 booking numbers) or one 14 day cruise. Each cruise requires the $$ to be zeroed at the end of the cruise. Any non refundable OBC is lost. So it depends on how the OP booked.
  11. If the people in the adjoining cabin(s) are noisy then you can hear them. Have had one noisy adjoining cabin and was moved (a mom with 2 young girls). Several regular cabins with occupants that were apparently deaf (TV at max volume) so you never know. Noise from a connecting cabin possibly a bit more noticeable but only slightly.
  12. The question was about the "corkage" fee for bringing extra bottles on board beyond the allowed two. It is a charge. Not really a corkage fee. The first 2 come on board free.
  13. Had great steaks there. Sadly Cruise Critic has become more and more a place for people to complain that things have gone downhill in service and food. The owner of Club 21 told me years ago that about .0005% of those who were happy wrote about their visit, but 20% of those that had a problem did so. And yes, things have changed since 2020.
  14. Definitely going to take a while with the billions in debt they now have. Return to normal? Do you think things will return to the way they were precovid? Time always marches forward except using the Professor's Way Back Machine in Back to the Future. We still enjoy cruising, don't complain about the changes except to ourselves and remind ourselves we were lucky to have the experiences we did. Not only cruising, but travel. Think about how many places you would not consider today! A bit sad.
  15. Charging is not an issue as the cords are plenty long. Turning a scooter around inside a standard cabin? I tried it and failed, but backing out was pretty easy. What was not easy is getting around the cabin. Truly awful. Would never suggest a standard cabin with a scooter.
  16. Far easier to sort on board. With anytime dining you really don't need reservations any longer
  17. The ports forum discusses Brisbane and options to the CBD.
  18. Your excursion booking is referenced to your info on the cruise ship. On a recent excursion those who were over age were denied access. Be glad you are not a bit older. Several European countries will not rent a car to those over 75!
  19. No. As said it is open play unless a tournament is scheduled On our last cruise there was rarely anyone there.
  20. Best to bring 2 and get two more on turnaround day. Also a heads up that you can buy duty free on board. Will be delivered last night of first cruise.
  21. Did cruise to Northern Norway. Solarium was always warm.
  22. Not sure exactly what you are asking. If you were trying to book a mini suite on deck 8 and they are not available; they are either booked or in a TA room block that could be in place until about 30 days before the cruise date. Impossible to know which. When is your cruise?
  23. Wouldn't two prong European sockets be 220V? Thus you would need a scooter that could handle 220V or an adapter plug and a voltage reducer. Seems unlikely that would be allowed as voltage reducers are a definite fire hazard.
  24. Not waterproof. Nylon is very crackle. DW refused to wear after trying it on in the shop.
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