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Arizona Wildcat

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Everything posted by Arizona Wildcat

  1. Bring your Expresspass from Celebrity and invoice from your TA. Luggage tags are a waste of time. They will tag at the pier. I give Celebrity one call and a few minutes then just arrive at the pier. If an issue with you drink package or other suggest sorting it after there are no.lines at customer support. They can back out any charges as needed.
  2. Always wondered why any sane person would stand in a line for a couple hours to correct a beverage package or similar issue when they boarded. Would it not be easier and faster to visit customer relations later that evening or the next day when there was no line to sort it out? They can quickly reverse any incorrect charges or add OBC on the spot.
  3. Then why not simply go through special needs and do it properly.
  4. Acknowledged the next business day. Submitted with a letter from my broker confirming ownership and a copy of my bookings. One was for August and the other not until April of 2023. When I simply sent my CClub number and a copy of last broker statement never acknowledged.
  5. Several TA sites show bookable cabins. None show everything as TAs block groups of cabins and they are shown as unavailable until a few weeks before sailing when unsold cabins are released back to Celebrity.
  6. If this is a ship's excursion then no problem. The ship will wait as it did for our group to return. We arrived back about 2 hours late and were "assisted" on board. Saw others on a private tour be left behind. You might need to dine at Oceanview or a later time or even miss a meal - heaven forbid. Just remember shore excursions are being pieced together and often have missing or incorrect information. As an example, the April 15 night TA to Amsterdam showed Southampton with a London excursion with airport dropoff. Maybe for those who were unhappy and did not want the last 3 nights?
  7. Thank you for your summary. A couple things: We are in far northern New Brunswick- the leaves are probably another 10 days from showing much color. There are lots of things to do in St. John including the historic City Market, Loyalist House, #2 Fire House and the incredible provincial museum. All a short distance from the pier. St. John has only 1 gangway because of tidal fluctuations. Passengers on Summit have been quarantined in their own cabins for at least 3 cruises as the cruise is full! Emailed with a crew member who indicated staff are still having issues getting visas etc. Also some are leaving due to heavier than regular workload and issues with passengers. A couple of these were on the internet discussing rude passenger behavior. Sad . Summit was short some 200 staff for their August TAs with lots of new crew. Assume the situation has not changed much.
  8. In simple layman's language - the plugs are almost all recessed. Thus you cannot fully plug any of the multiple plugs into the outlet. They then fall out. With 3+ outlets in a room why do you need more? Many of my devices are 110/220 so I plug them in to the European outlets.
  9. Really? ArriveCAN is great. You complete the app ONCE with your information. Then on subsequent trips just update the entry point and date. Takes one minute. All your details are saved. Makes entry a breeze.
  10. I made mine 30 days ahead the first time. In August made the appointment the day before. Getting an appointment has never been difficult. We tested using wifi from Iceland. Fast and easy.
  11. Lots of questions asked repeatedly. Summit was revolutionized just before covid. Thus everything looks very new. Whether you like the new version is a personal opinion. Summit is short staffed and the last few cruises are at capacity. Thus are there drink waiters walking about looking to sell a drink? Sometimes, but not often. At peak times dining and kitchen staff are beyond maxed out. Many staff are new are getting up to speed will require time and some patience from those cruising. The dining experience is the only clear change with lots of moves toward less expensive cuts of meat and fish. Specialties one was accustomed too might not be on the menu. Simply put, in August when all ships went into service the number of crew per ship dropped at the same time the number of passengers in many cases doubled. The rest needs no explanation.
  12. You are looking at the wrong documents. Check out your invoice from your TA and your Celebrity confirmation. I see similar notices about buying a drink package on every cruise. Makes no difference I already have it. Just a generic solicitation.
  13. Agree the cans are hard to open, but the cans have a soft liner in the cap and reseal quite well.
  14. How can Blu be overbooked? Recently on Summit they simply told suite guests no as short staffed. Have never had an issue waiting at 7:30 or later. 6:30 was different.
  15. I used it once. Think that says it all. I put it in the category of doing my complete on line checkin. I give it one or two tries then check in at the pier bringing the required documents. As for "luggage tags", lots easier to have the porters tag at the pier. Heavier airline plastic tags last cruise.
  16. Doesn't matter whether Celebrity, Princess, HAL or Royal. Give them one try to complete online check in. If it fails simply take your confirmation from the cruise line (and TA) to the pier. Most issues are with software on our computers. I always try printing mine at a library or other such location. Easier.
  17. The tags would not come from your TA. Why are you wanting the crappy paper tags that are part of your edocs? Just have them tag your bags at the pier. FWIW in Iceland they had 2 porters doing tags. Took less time than waiting in line to drop tagged bags off.
  18. You are very limited. Thursday morning before 9am would likely be the last chance. FWIW with only 5 days except for a bit of dry cleaning, why bother?
  19. You miss the point of ArriveCAN app. It allows one to enter passport, personal and vaccination data ONCE. You then simply insert date and port of entry each time you enter Canada. Takes 2 minutes. Makes customs and border crossing very fast. Not sure what your drug comment has to do with ArriveCAN.
  20. You must book your cruise/residefrom those countries. Has nothing to do with where the ship goes.
  21. If you look and sound unwell then they check further. Nothing different from before covid. Getting on board when one is sick is pretty silly.
  22. Luggage tags are the last page of your edocs. FWIW do not stress over them. Just take your luggage to the port and they will tag them there.
  23. Complete agree. I use the $5 match play coupons and occasionally buy chips with a 110% promo deal. Otherwise stay away from the casino.
  24. The cruise ship already sent the manifest to the port authorities. The manifest has your passport details. If there was an issue you would be notified usually before embarkation. The manifest is sent out about an hour before sailing. Only takes seconds to verify everything with computers today.
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