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Everything posted by A&L_Ont

  1. Be thankful the Canada Goose isn’t there. 😀
  2. Lisa is excited. The presale text from Ticketmaster just came through for the Taylor Swift pre-sale tomorrow. She has her fingers crossed, as the concert is November of 2024.
  3. Forget the silly cruise ducks, we need to create the fad of cruise bracelets. That should cover the cost of Bella 2.0
  4. We stayed at the Downtown Marriott a few years ago and it was great for us.
  5. I second that comment. Baseball has been consuming our lives lately. Happy Birthday @FromSea2ShiningSea.🎂
  6. To further Jane’s accurate comment I have these two images. From the pier to the transfer area is the red line. These are smaller shuttles. The blue line I marked goes from transportation centre to Chill Island on a larger Disney style tram. They run frequently and stop at a few locations along the way.
  7. I agree with you. One doing this leads to others. i know someone who just sailed on Wonder and the chair hogs in this area were horrendous. Maybe they were all suite guests but who knows.
  8. Exactly Jimbo. We played them yesterday and won 8-2. They had to beat us twice today and they were running out of pitchers, with 4 burned up. We had 1 burned and 7 available from Friday to today. They have a chance to exact some revenge at the year end local tournament. They’ll be gunning for us, but they also have a donkey for a head coach, and their worse one was booted out for their association this season. Edit: the worse one was coaching his son (the pitcher) from the sidelines all game.
  9. Posted 5 months ago doesn’t necessarily mean the cruises happened 5 months ago. I guess you could ask on their YouTube video how long the actual sailing happened. I tend to think this was a one off situation, due to a booking issue. I remember reading about a one off situation where a guest was issued Star Class perks to their Sky Class cabin because of this type of situation.
  10. Owen’s team was won today 4-0. With that win they are now moving onto Provincial’s. Owen made 4 catches for outs in the field today, 2 being the last 2 outs in the final inning. He didn’t make it onto to base, but he earned some RBIs in this game. 7 full innings were played in 1 hour and 20 minutes. For perspective a full 7 inning game at this age lasts 2 hours. Each team used just one pitcher. Theirs threw 104 and ours was 56. They had just 2 players that made it onto base, the furthest got to second and the other only to first. My team job, pitch counter.
  11. 💯. Great examples for this thread are 😉😂🙃
  12. Our nephew’s team was knocked out today, after 3 games. They eventually ran out of pitchers. Owen did go out and help the last pitcher warm up while the catcher was gearing up. Baseball from 10:15 to 6 today was enough. Tomorrow there’s more, but hopefully just one game. 🤞
  13. So what do you do after you watch Owen’s game? Go watch your nephew play obviously. Owen’s team is in the finals tomorrow, with no loses yet. 💪
  14. Another weekend another tourney. This time a 4 team local one to determine who goes to Provincials. It’s a double loss knockout tournament. First game was a win, last night. Next game is today at 12:30. If we win we play tomorrow morning in the finals. If we lose, we play again 30 minutes after that game ends. If they lose they are done, and if they win they play tomorrow in the finals.
  15. Traffic at the bridge narrowing I bet. I hit Cincinnati headed south once at 4:30pm. Ugh. An hour added for me too.
  16. I did go to towns where people were murdered frequently I wouldn’t be able to go to Detroit to fly to the cruise and Orlando, Fort Lauderdale or Miami which are our normal cruise departure ports to get on the cruise.
  17. Lucy just rides lose in the truck. Edit to add. One of our old farm cats didn’t like the cage. We stood the cage on end and lowered her into it.
  18. Which happened “Thursday morning while serving at their community ministry on El Roi Haiti’s campus near the capital city Port-au-Prince, according to a statement from the non-profit.” ( News story here. ) Port-au-Prince is 6 hours away. The locals in Labadee are not going to bite the hand that feeds and them.
  19. Maybe RC is the unspoken “warlord” of the Labadee area. They run the local economy, they fund the local school, provide jobs, and help when the community is in need. No local is going to ruin what they have going. An outsider might try but the locals would spot them miles away. The locals don’t want their gravy train coming to a halt.
  20. I have to agree, it was a very nice location. Lisa and many others noted that the water depth was troublesome. Half way to the bench seats and the bridge I had to be on my tippy toes.
  21. You know, we never saw his name posted or mentioned. Even though he was near us at Chops breakfast I was never able to read his name.
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