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Everything posted by Lionesss

  1. Regarding SS. I opted to retire at age 62 1/2. By choice. I had enough. My DH is still in the work force, so health insurance was not a problem. However when I was in the work force, business and pay was exceptional, and by opting to pick up extra as well as being mandated when the a crisis occurred really made the pay check great.......at that time. (Yes, 401K, IRA.....) Planned well. So, last year when I went on Medicare A, they looked at my earnings to determine how much I would pay if I selected medicare B. Well, surprise, surprise, surprise.......they would take out almost $600.00 from my Medicare A social security for me to pay for Medicare B. Thank God, I am on my DH plan. Eye opener. I inquired And was told it was based on your income over recent years I at that time did not get the definition of"recent Years'" and forgot to ask. I can only hope when the DH retires I now stay below the SS deduction plan limits since my income shall we say is nominal, but I am sure they will figure out a new way to get more out of me. Like cashing out savings bonds for first time home buyers and college tuition.....boy did we get screwed on that one. Take care
  2. I can access CC. The public sites BUT if I want to post or visit member sites I must log in. if I leave and log off the computer The next time I come back. I can access the basic but once again cannot go to member sites. once I re log in. I can see them. ty
  3. Will it never end! I know my issues are minimal compared to all the struggles our fellow members on this thread are dealing with, but I need your help. About two weeks ago I was unable to log into CC on the computer. It kept putting in a password I used in my first life, and would not let me delete it. But I had no issues with my smart phone. So doing the best thing I could do I ask the DH to fix it. So he went and did that cookies thingie and then went into settings and fixed the problem. Now I can log into CC and sign on. But it will not let me stay logged on. Every time I go to my computer it makes me re-log-on. So, once again DH went to settings and all my other site loggins appeared with correct password. But the site for CC will not let me put in the password. So HELP! Loosing patience in Ohio. Sue
  4. @grapau27 HAPPY BIRTHDAY @h20skibum I am so sorry for your losses, and hope the days get better. @Coralc Welcome to a next stage of your life....It was the best move I made a few years back. @Sea Dog Take care of your shoulder, and hope the healing goes without any bumps in the road.
  5. This week is recognized as National RESPIRATORY CARE WEEK. Being married to one, they are usually known as the unsung nameless heroes. If you work in a hospital, especially a trauma center like we do (did, me), there are so many faces it takes while to remember names. And as default, their names are "HEY RESPIRATORY" and when I worked it was "Hey Anesthesia" But their profession came to light on March 13, 2020. When our world changed forever. To begin with their role does not come easy. Similar to RN's they must have decent High school GPA's. Take whatever entrance test the university requires (our area ACT) Pass interview. 4 years, heavy on the sciences.......Chemistry, Physics, Biology. The last 2 years clinical sites for hands on as well as carrying full time studies. Prior to graduation a department final exam covering all 4 years of college that you must attain 85% Then oral boards in front of department heads, from Physics, Chemistry, and on and on. Once diploma in hand. National boards and part of that is SIMS, a program of case scenarios. It usually takes 4 1/2 years to complete the whole process. I am proud to say that the DH finished all requirements as well as national testing within 2 weeks after graduation. He wanted to be over with testing, and thought the material was fresh in his mind. He did well. Over the years he has held many roles: Newbie Clinical Preceptor Instructor at University Clinical Manager. The period after March 20, was very stressful and had an impact on his as well as others profession. The unknown. At first too many unanswered questions. This was from patient and care taker safety all the way to adequate supplies. At times he was expected to be everywhere and do everything. Side by side with nurses caring for ventilator patients as well as helping nurses turn, and care for their patients. Now, he did not take on the role of an RN, only assisted her providing care, hands on in strict isolation rooms, when the shortage hit. But, few were qualified to help with respiratory support. Some floors had 20-30 ventilators running with only 3-4 therapist monitoring them. And you just do not put someone on a ventilator and turn it on to work. You have to adjust all the modes after you determine a multitude of factors, like compliance, patient weight, evaluate chest x-ray for infiltrates. At times it took some time to program it to meet the patients needs. Sure if a tubing would pop off, the pressure alarm would loudly sound and alarms light up outside the patients room and anyone near could put isolation gear on and put the circuit back on. At the crisis time, not one patient suffered severe incident from a pop off. WHY? They found a way to stick that tubing on for dear life. So any crisis avoided. But in addition to direct patient care, he was involved in administrative meetings that in the event of lack of ventilators, who would get the last ventilator to save their life. Thankfully it never came to that point in our area. They had 75 ventilators available, and only at the peak of the disease had 72 in use. But also, we had the ability to place patients if needed on anesthesia machines to provide oxygen and we have over 30 of those. Along with the nurses at times he was at the bedside when patients succumbed to the disease. He rarely speaks of this period. (remember families were not permitted to be in room during this time). When the day at work ended, it had no specific time,( because employees were also getting sick, even with stringent safety isolation techniques) he would text me and let me know he was on his way home. Day after day, week after week, he would go to work at 6am. and get home any time between 4-7pm. But his little routine protected me. When work was done, he went to the locker room, Showered, threw his scrubs in a bag. Drove home. Took off most of clothes in garage (yes it was very cold that March and April) Avoided me, went and took a shower at home. Then he threw everything in washer, and later dryer. Sat down before we would share dinner, usually fall asleep from exhaustion. Have dinner Watch a little TV Bed time And start the whole process over and over again for months. It took a toll on him His BP hit new limits, which is now under control without meds So the next time you unfortunately have to be under the care of a respiratory therapist whether they do your pulmonary function testing, breathing treatments or a family member needs a ventilator take the time to learn their name................... Besides, at home, if I ever need something done and have had to ask a couple times.............I'll go '. . . . HEY RESPIRATORY. . . ." and it is like nails on a chalk board to him, and it gets done. To recognize his department in a small way, I am delivering a home made meal to feed and recognize what they do and did. Also, some restaurants in the area are delivering breakfast, lunch and dinner this week to their departments. In closing, If you took the time to read this. Thank You If you ever meet a Respiratory Therapist................Thank them With kind personal regards Sue
  6. Good sunny Sunday morning. Last couple days not feeling well. Total head congestion. Tired. Achy. No fever. Still can smell. ( cleaned out litter box) Home test COVID negative. So must have gotten first cold of season. Resting. Drinking tons of water. Frustrated. On another note. I am only able to post thru my I phone and view sites that only members of CC can view. On the computer through AOL and Internet Explorer it will not let me log on. Keeps saying invalid user or password. So I did what any techno incompetent 60ish old would do. Have the DH FIX IT But after he did a virus check. And went and cleaned up whatever you clean up. We tried again. NADA. So I regrettably changed old faithful. The password. NADA. It is frustrating not being able to click on my favorite threads with the click of a mouse. Any help would be appreciated. From Under the sunny sky and under the weather in Ohio.
  7. John, great pictures and dialogue. ? Do you ever have lets say a "boring" drink? Like a rum and coke, or a 7 and 7? By the way I love your planning list on selection of all your drinks. Now, if you could only have a choice of 2, what would you select. TY Stay safe
  8. I can relate to this. One day when we were cruising on the Symphony last October we did not go to the show and I told my husband because I was going to win in the casino.............I did. Sunday night I dreamed the DH dropped his water camera over the balcony at sea. When I woke up I told him. Monday, he got it out because we use it for everything not just underwater (Using at shower in 2 weeks) and he informs me it is broke, charged but will not take pictures. He took it to our local camera/repair shop and yup, its done. Only 4 years old, off warranty. When you see us on board, he will verify. I have had this happen to me on numerous times. With different case scenarios Take care
  9. Greg Glad you are able to enjoy your cruise, Great pictures/love the videos. Have a great time and thanks for sharing. Be safer
  10. At times I wonder how I ever got anything done when I worked full time plus mandation which easily made my 40 hr work week around 54 hours. (We are salary plus paid overtime). But I should not complain, when the surgery schedule was slow we were sent home with full pay. But anyway. Retirement is good. I am truly blessed that I have a great husband, I mean if he can put up with me he is awesome. He never says "NO", if I want to do something he never hesitates. Ok so this weekend was all about Rick. I helped him when he needed help, and got out of the way when I was in the way. We had a friends wedding Friday. Got home late. Saturday we arose before the sun. (Yawn) BRRRRRRRR it was cold. Had breakfast and then went to the man cave to rut her up and prepare for winter. The tiller was pulled off the tractor and the snow blower attached. The Kubota was cleaned and the bucket taken off and preparing for leafing. Yes we have two man toys. The new birthday gift was put together. (A new work station). Took 5 hours and only 1 fother mucker was shared. I got nervous with the extra bolts, but he said he followed directions to a T. Um, yea right. They also gave the tools to assemble it. I cannot post pictures from the computer, so when my phone is charged I will share the finished product. Today Sunday, after mass we knew we had to finish. Then we cleaned off the deck and carried all the outdoor furniture to the man cave and stored in the back. Not to leave the house garage looking shabby, we completely cleaned and put everything back where it should have been put back when done with it (Not mentioning any names). And I, are you sitting, yes me loaded 10 wheelbarrels of split wood to place in the garage ring for storage to burn when the weather gets nippy in our fireplace. We can do either, wood or gas, we prefer wood. The main wood pile is safely back on our property and it was great exercise. Then the Old Goat was washed and carefully driven back to the man cave and tucked in safely so nothing can cause harm. Then we played musical cars. We moved my GTO to the back of the third bay. In front of it will eventually be the tractor with snow blower In the middle bay is the Colorado. And in the first bay is my Equinox. Finally we brought all the landscaping ornaments, statues, memorial markers, and put them safely away. Then as the sun was beginning to go behind the trees, and the leaves were blowing everywhere, it was time to come in. Time for Sue work. Working on the Baby shower for the DD in two weeks. Starting dinner Shower Vacuuming And now computer time. Oh How could I forget. Saturday morning when I said BRRRRRRRR Our brand new High efficiency Furnace was not being efficient. It's Idea of working was blowing colder air than when the air conditioner was on this summer. Thank God we were still on warranty and bought the extra protection plan. So, the company called back instantly when we left a message on their answering service. And the repairman was surprised we were having issues with it so new. He thought it could be a pressure sensor. But he told the Souse to go outside and make sure the vent was not clogged with leaves. Spouse did, no leaves. So Mr. Furnace man comes to the house, he checks the things in the panel that need checked. And goes outside with his remarkable modern device to make sure the vent is patent. Get this He drops a golf ball, ( a nice clean white one) into the vent and it does not come out at the other end in the house. So now he goes to his truck and gets a larger version of a turkey baster brush and low and below, leaves deep down, where no man has ever gone before.. Now withing minutes we have heat. Well thank God for warranties and extended service contracts. When all was said and down, he presents the statement........... $169.00 Yup warranty does not cover labor, house call.............weekend visit................. That was one mighty expensive golf ball. But, it could have been dangerous, if we would have had a fire, or Carbon Monoxide poisoning. And we do have smoke and monoxide sensors on all floors. Ok let me see if phone charged, the spouse probably forgot to charge mine............Yup good spouse. Be safe
  11. @Sunshine3601 Best wishes for a healthy recovery. @Sea Dog Greg OMG!!!!!!!!! Be safe I mean sure it is Fall, but you did not have to play charades and describe it. But all kidding aside, I hope you recovery quick and have a great cruise. Take care Be safer
  12. Our DD inlaws live in Seville. Making arrangements now. If your brother grows garlic
  13. Great start!! Never a dull moment when you share your thoughts and pictures. Safe travels. Enjoy Thanks for taking us along Be safe
  14. Thank you for sharing. We said we would never be able to sail Allure again, but we booked her for Galveston next June. I am eagerly awaiting all your updates. Take care and Safe sailing. P.S. If you have any left over fresh Garlic, I can send you my address................. Be safe
  15. Well I did it again. A new claim to fame. I had 2 weeks to pick a cruise to be booked. Yup. I listed the wrong week above. Mom moment? We are sailing June 4, 2023. Oh well Time to go to bed. 💤💤💤💤
  16. While other family pets are snoozing. Our Lizzy when asked for a kiss gives me a punch. Ok. Not once or twice. But third time a charm as a Kodak moment.
  17. Well we did it. Booked the Allure out of Galveston for next June 11, 2023 It is actually the cheapest fare we ever paid. Not mentioning we got to use our free Junior suite casino voucher and upgraded to a CLS. And we still cannot believe how little it cost. Also Booked our airfare. Which is also down Southwest was the cheapest but we do not use them Got a non-stop Cleveland to Houston. Now debating on which transportation to use to Galveston. Take care Thanks for all the insight and help and also any more hints greatly appreciated. Be safe
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