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Everything posted by osandomir

  1. As far as I know TAP IS a partner with United and Star Alliance.
  2. It’s interesting that so many people paying O cruise prices would care so much about free hats and tote bags. We have so many from different sources here at home that I barely have room to keep them all.
  3. How it was your fault? People often ask you for any insight information. You were trying to help and just passed whatever you were informed about the Vista progress. On many other occasions I found the information from you to be very helpful. Also, with so many cancellations everywhere nowadays and for the Vista inaugural season in particular, I would book a cruise with O air included rather than making any independent non refundable air arrangements.
  4. Thank you Jan. This information is much appreciated.
  5. Thanks for your posting. Jan, would you also happen to know when it will be the next release of Oceania itineraries for winter 24-25 and beyond. We’ll be cruising in November and will be looking to book a future cruise while on board.
  6. We took many longer cruises 28 - 36 days and enjoyed almost every meal in any of Oceania restaurants. Of cause some were better than others. Guess what I appreciate the most - someone has to cook it and it’s not me.
  7. Thank you Pinotlover for the very useful information that you provided based on your experience. This routing with direct LHR - LAX flight makes sense. Last year we spent three weeks in northern Spain included Bilbao and we don’t need extra days there. Ours will be return flight so deviation won’t be necessary as I think it will not affect the routing much anyway.
  8. Thank you. I completely understand that we have these two options. My question was for someone who had particular experience with Oceania INCLUDED flights from non hub European city to the US.
  9. Thank you Mauibabes - that’s exactly what we are hoping for when we fly from LAX to to Europe. The problem is that we’ll need a flight from Bilbao back to US. Most of the direct flights from Europe to the West Coast are the daytime and depart early. Short flight in Europe is OK, but I can’t figure out if Oceania get us to the European hub in time to the long haul flight to the West Coast. We don’t mind to overnight somewhere on our own expense to get on the comfortable flight, but I’m not sure Oceania allow it without paying a deviation. We mostly book our own business class air, but trying to save some FF miles this time. We have no problem to do daytime Premium economy, but we’re definitely not looking for a cramped coach flight across the US. I don’t think we can ask for any specific routing without deviation. That’s why I asked someone with O air experience for any insight.
  10. In the past we used Oceania air and flew Premium economy to London. Great direct flight on British airways. We’re booked on Sirena Barcelona to Bilbao next April. Anyone can comment on Oceania Premium economy and Coach routings from Bilbao back to US. We expect the itinerary to be more complicated and will appreciate any feedback.
  11. I agree - it IS time to move on. Just decide for yourself and don’t tell Oceania and everybody else what they have to do.
  12. I don’t argue with you what picture is selfish. I should mention from the start that I agree you have all your rights to stand up for your point of view. Just don’t forget that other people may have a different opinion. It’s your choice. I never told that YOU have to stop cruising, and I don’t understand why you believe that you can tell us to look elsewhere
  13. You continue to post your reasons again and again, and you obviously don’t want to admit that most people who book the crises or any other vacations now days want to continue with their plans if they don’t feel sick even when they may be tested positive for COVID or any other virus if that matters. Nobody is looking to find themselves in the foreign country far from home with nowhere to go. It was mentioned before that the ones in the risk group may want to reconsider their travel plans. We traveled a lot on the cruises and the land trips and many times were infected with the viruses by the fellow cruisers on board before the COVID. It didn’t prevent us from traveling and we were willing to take the risk.
  14. I agree - most likely it’s 275,000+ One Way. On the other hand, some times Biz Air deals are still available, especially to Asia or Far East, but it’s best to book a year in advance when the schedule opens.
  15. Keep in mind that when people are willing to Share a table they are most likely looking to meeting other passengers and starting a conversation as well. So if your goal is mainly finish your meal as soon as possible and leave “quietly” your table mates may also not feel very comfortable to share that table. Tables for 2 in specialty restaurants maybe available when you come on board. Talk to restaurant manager or concierge.
  16. Over the years we had some kids on board O cruises on multiple occasions - passengers or the family of the crew members. All of them were very well behaved and didn’t cause any inconvenience to other people. On the other hand, occasionally there were some adults on board that weren’t demonstrated the same kind of behaviour. Unfortunately, there’s a chance that you can meet them too.
  17. It’ll be great if this becomes a norm for O Biz Class Air. I believe a lot of people, us included, will be taking advantage of it. It became more and more difficult to find Biz class tickets even while using FF miles. Air consolidators can provide very competitive price. Also, it’ll bring an additional revenue to Oceania as well which is great too.
  18. Thank you for your input. The price of the stock is so low it may worth a try.
  19. Anybody had an experience of booking on board and receiving Onboard booking discount and combined it with the Shareholder OBC, or these two credits are not combinable. Most often we book or reprice our cruises while on board of any current cruise.
  20. Nothing wrong with your post. That’s true - the ship hasn’t sailed but people may still have their opinion. Let’s say, we don’t spend much time on the balcony in our cabin, but having a fresh air is very important to us. So French balcony on the Vista is an attractive choice for us. These cabins are often booked fast, so obviously they are popular with others as well. Congratulation on your booking.
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