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Everything posted by Oceangoer2

  1. Was anyone able to use this promotion on concierge class, Cdn $$s? I'm inputting both cruises and not having any luck...saying code is invalid.
  2. Actually it's 'within 3 days', not 3 days before from the advice I read on the Celebrity Health at Sea web page. Good advice to phone the SD store itself and book your appt. at that time. They allow you to do it months before which I did, just in case there wasn't an opening when we required it.
  3. I booked an appt. at SDM for Nov. and did not pay at that time. Required after the test.
  4. I'm checking my Nov. '23 Transatlantic cruise and no offer; says the code is invalid. Maybe Cdn $$s not able to participate? Nov. '22 won't accept the code either. But appreciate letting us know.
  5. Your server will make sure you're happy with everything you order. Ours have always been very attentive and obliging. DH is almost a gourmet and I'm the opposite...too picky some might say, but I wasn't unhappy with any meal in Luminae. Once you let them know your preference they seem to remember without having to be told again at the next meal.
  6. Wish I knew who/what a "Derek Zoolander, you're not an ambiturner" was. Naive in some respects, but sounds interesting.
  7. But.....fuel savings ARE a big deal........and.....X is ensuring that suite passengers are dearly paying for being 'green' if balconies can be considered a concession to environmental concerns.
  8. FWIW....I also see the OP has posted his 'vent' on another thread, word for word, and I never found one reply that wasn't supportive. Guess when you're actually 'in the soup' together your perspective differs. Also, don't take my posts to mean I think I, or anyone, should "beat up" verbally on cruise staff or each other. Wouldn't be my choice of words but when we explain things differently to each other, we sometimes take a different meaning from those words.
  9. Oh well....I said they had a 'problem' in the first instance and a general remark re 'answering questions' in the second. Their 'problem'...... "but we are upset of the no notice". The note itself was a big vent. Who hasn't done that here. Despite all the verbiage, drilling down to the actual 'problem', I too would have been upset, at the last minute, to find out I was being moved from a carefully selected cabin. I would understand the reasoning however. Bring on the flamers. This whole thread has been helpful in that I found out, from another source, the OP is on the same cruise as my friends. I'm going to check they're not on deck 6 just in case. Can Aqua class be on deck 6?
  10. No matter how innocent a poster believes their message to be, there seems to be some who still find a 'fault' within it. I've seen it here that the responding poster doesn't recognize they themselves may have offended. The OP had a problem he/she wished to share. Some reacted to the wording which may have meant something different to each of us and especially to the poster. I'm not excusing or judging. Just maybe it's not necessary to come out on one side or another...just answer the question or try to help with the problem...or don't write anything at all. JMHO. BTW...has the OP been back? and we're still going on 3 pages later?
  11. I think if I knew the possibility of being moved prior to my sail date and I was booked on deck 3 or 6, I'd look at available cabins on decks other than 3 or 6 (whichever category you're in) and change with my TA or directly with Celebrity. Not sure that hold times are 'as they were'; I called this week twice and waited no more than a few minutes....earlyish in the AM...maybe that's why.
  12. Neither do I so you'll have to put on your investigative hat and go back a few posts.
  13. Are we still having fun here or are you offended? I'll email 'Zitsky@?' and apologize.
  14. BTW....I also was in a position to 'assist' others from the 'side of my desk' (office). Gave me great satisfaction to help, but inevitably I became the 'go to' person thereafter.
  15. Problem? None, except you're anonymous; I'm trusting and I totally accept your word...cheeky devil 🥸.
  16. I'm assuming you're an excellent employee, helpful, patient and a font of information 😉.
  17. I think posters understand OP-s upset re cabin change ... it's the choice of words used, especially aimed at ship staff with no pre-cruise control.
  18. Prosecutor, Defense, and Judge all in one! Left out witness...assuming you have been in an IV cabin.
  19. Omitted....the "should I/shouldn't I tip (extra/not extra) horse?
  20. We have friends b/b on the same G/I Summit cruise. Looking forward to your info; hoping numbers don't correlate to covid for their (and your) sake.
  21. Did you ever find out what the 'kitchen issues' were? Perhaps the many staff tested positive....that would certainly create chaos. I've found Tuscan to be very consistent pre covid. Haven't sailed since Dec. 2019 but looking forward to our Tuscan dinner first night sail away from FLL.
  22. Equinox Suite Cabin just as I remember it...but Michaels (or Retreat lounge now) sure has changed. Good to see but I did like the dingy coziness of the former...LOL.
  23. Oh well. We needed a negative, whiny post on this otherwise nice, positive thread or the monitors will close it down. Some just can't stand 'nice'...LOL. BTW...you do not sound whiny in this post...I would say realistic. To that I can add...."once you've enjoyed steak, you don't want hamburger"....sorry, but I still like both on different occasions.....
  24. You couldn't mean 3 pages of 'where/when to put on your luggage tags'?? LOL. I expect you'll enjoy your Edge cruise...a beautiful ship on a wonderful itinerary. OP may have set the tone for more upbeat commentary.
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