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Posts posted by RMLincoln

  1. Sandi, many thank for the Daily FR and wonderful spotlight on Montevideo.  Smooth travels and fun times celebrating! 👩‍🎓🎉


    I had a pleasant day in Montevideo in early 2013 on our repositioning of Carnival Splendor before the new larger Panama Canal locks. I thought it was a striking mix of old and new and many of your pictures seemed familiar. I bought some jewelry pendants from one of those vendors in the park in one of your photos. Some people on our ship were getting info from our tour guide so they could come back and stay, it’s seemed a great place to visit, not crowded, lots to do, easy to explore. They told us the name came from the early cartographers identifying the location as the fifth (Roman numeral V) mountain (Mont) from where the coast was first visible. 

    I was drained last night and only slept till 5:43. We’ll see what the day brings. 

    Annie and Chuck, we’re here with you!  Would you consider a visit to MDAnderson in Houston or maybe Mayo in Jacksonville?  Or a Cancer Centers of America?  A place that can deal with evaluating and addressing multiple situations together. We found MDAnderson well equipped to set up team evaluations, consults and integrated treatment plans. They were such a caring environment! They were great at getting records, images, test results. I was very impressed. Our first visit we stayed in a Comfort Inn for a week or so… had consults, tests, scans, used their multiple libraries. For our long visit for treatment we rented a trailer in a trailer park. Worked great!   My life journey has taught me that when what we’re doing isn’t working, we have to do something different. Prayers for direction for a new path!  

    Gerry, I’m so happy you have dates beginning to firm up. 🤞I’m sure they can’t come soon enough. You are inspiring me the way you keep so level. 

    Blessings to all our Care list in need of healing, comfort or hope!  So many of us!  All in my heart and prayers. 

    Cheers to all celebrating 🎉 milestones!  Life is Good 🌈

    Smooth travels to all away and our many cruising friends. 

    DH is still asleep, the best healing!  I’m bracing for a new day. Thank you all for being here!

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  2. Still catching up. It was a better day today. No blurry vision periods for DH; the pressure goes down with the “massagers” as it’s supposed to, showing that they do push fluid through the new flap, so the flap isn’t sealed!  That’s Good!  But pressures are up by 4 hrs later when we do the next set. Drops every 2 hrs. We’re staying hopeful!  I’m still drained. 

    Brother from NC made it home today, 10 hrs. Tomorrow I’ll get groceries, late but we’ve managed. 

    Prayers for Maurice’s schedule to firm up!
     For Amber and family.  

    For Sandi and family.

    For Paul’s reservations, nerve-wracking!

     Bruno. Jacqui. Terry and Tana, Terri and Jim, and not forgetting Annie and Chuck!  
    For @Gsel and the horrific storm damage and tragic losses. 
    For a good sleep, or a g’day for friends afar.  
    Thank you all for being here. 
    One day at a time is quite enough!  m—


    It’d be grand to see Juneau again!  

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  3. It was a very very long day. 
    DH’s eye is not on track. We’re trying to follow the suggested regime but the pressure was too low for awhile today, vision got blurry, pressure too low to measure with home tonometer which means below 5. That was right after pressure message. Oiy. We were in the car, between funeral home time finishing up and start of the church service that I had a reading to do at, so I had to  leave DH to try to recover. Very stressful. I got through the service, my reading… He did better after awhile. We did the steroid drops roughly every two hours. Haven’t done more pressure massages yet but must before bedtime to keep moving fluid through the new drainage incision to try to keep it from sealing. Nerve wracking.  Trying to strike a balance. That’s all we can do is try. 

    It was good to be with family today for funeral, I’m just so very sad for my brother, his daughter, my dwindling family. Their 50th anniversary would have been May 4th. Mother’s Day coming. Both too soon for them. 

    I am so grateful! I help DH, he helps me!  Especially through tough days. 

    Many many thanks to you all for your support, for walking alongside me.  💙

    @atexsix Hugs Bruno. Lotta good people here, all on your side!  

    Hugs Annie, Gerry, Terry….  sometimes a day at a time just seems too big a chunk. Sometimes we just have to. Like my day today. 

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  4. Rough day at eye doctor. Things have gone sideways.  The new drainage incision sealed, no flow. Long story short and hours upon hours, a phone call while we were heading home to get us back to the office…. , he “cut” one suture (burned it with a laser) but then had to apply pushing pressure several times to get it opened. Eye Pressure dropped but is up again tonight. (We measure at home) We have drops to use every 2 hrs to reduce inflammation and scarring plus pressure massages to push fluid through. Trying to keep the new drain open. There’s hope until there isn’t. I’m praying for Amazing!! 

    Tomorrow we need to be out by 7 to get through the rush hr traffic to the start of sister-in-law services. It’ll be a long day. Brother from NC arrived safely. 

    I’m  sorry Annie!  One day at a time. 

    I’m trying to stay grounded in gratitude. Good night all. m—

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  5. Short morning getting ready for eye doctor. Supposed to be hot today, mid 80s, I’m not ready for it yet but it’s better than snow.  It was so nice seeing granddaughter and her DH yesterday, always a lift. 


    Lots of heartwarming sharing here!  

     Good luck to Annie and Chuck!  Lots of improvements lately, Yay! prayers for those in need… Terry, Tana, Sandi’s family, Terry and Jim…. all our Dailyites and Care list. 

    Love the stories, and Bruce’s days. Ahhhh.  I hope somebody has a picture of a Peace Rose.  Later, Maureen


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  6. 7 hours ago, rafinmd said:


    What interested me most was a memorial to the city's 1995 earthquake:




    and a nearby plaque:




    The plaque is a bit blurry but here's the inscription in English:


    This Earthquake took some things.
    Lives, Jobs, Communities, Cityscape, Our Memories.

    These things appear safe, permanent.
    Even moments before, we cannot know,.


    This earthquake left many things behind.
    Kindness, Compassion, Human Bonds, Friendship


    This flame links the lives which were taken away,
    With our thoughts, the survivors.





    Roy, I think this is beautiful. I’ve saved it. Thank you for sharing it. m—

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  7. 2 hours ago, USN59-79 said:

    Thought I would mention something about Kobe and the helpful people there.  About fifteen years ago our cruise ship stopped at Kobe and there was a shuttle to downtown.  There were some local citizens who had volunteered to show the tourists around.  Sara and I met a lady there who asked "What would you like to see?"  I mentioned that about 100 years ago my grandfather had died on a ship coming from Hawaii and was buried in Kobe.  I wondered if we could find his grave.  I gave her his name and approximate death date in 1912 or 1913.  She made a few calls and said that he was buried in the foreign cemetery in a park on a mountain outside of Kobe.  We hired a cab and she took us there and found his gravestone in the Russian section of the cemetery.  We took some pictures and came back to Kobe and took her to lunch.

    Sometimes it is surprising what you can do on a cruise.


    Stunning story of amazing and meaningful events in your life!  Thank you for sharing it with us. m—

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  8. 51 and cloudy, going up to 76 later, that’s very nice!  Tomorrow mid-80s!  That’s getting pretty warm, I’m not ready for that yet but Tuesday back to 70s. This will be our first summer in north Jersey. I hope it’s not as oppressive as Maryland but we’ll learn!  

    Yesterday we had zero energy. Recovering. I did get flowers picked out and sent from my NC brother and FL sister. Had a long talk with my sister who regrets she can’t come to the Tuesday services for sister-in-law but it’s just not feasible. It’s good that I’m back east and more available, and I’m so grateful I have Richard with me to help me through these tougher times, we help each other!  

    Today granddaughter and hubby will come in mid-afternoon and join us for dinner. They are such a lift to my spirit. 

    My condolences to Jim and Terri @Cruzin Terri

    plus it’s harder when you can’t join the gathering to give and feel support. 

    Thinking of Terry and Tana, hope you have a quiet, easy day. 


    Thanks for the beautiful nature pictures Paul and Brenda. We had great horned owls at one house in the foothills of Albuquerque. They’d sit on the air conditioner on the roof above our bed and hoot!  And eat rabbits….  But they were a treat to watch. Thanks for sharing. 

    Blessings lifted to all our Dailyites and Care list, thank you Vanessa! Great to hear you are moving forward. ….and all in need of healing, comfort or hope!  For our country, your country and all caught in wars. Protection for those in storms. Continued improvement for Amber. A date for Maurice!  

    Cheers for our cruising friends! Jacqui, keep safe and well!  And all celebrating. Life is Good🌈. One day at a time is Everything!  



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  9. I just caught up with yesterday’s Daily FR. So glad I did!  THANK YOU SO MUCH for your warm condolences to me and my family. It really draws me into your caring! I feel very hugged!  

    Nancy @ottahand7 I’m sure you had a lot of special reflections yesterday, I hope they were a comfort. 

    Debbie @dfish happy birthday weekend in Columbus ti start an inspiring year!  I hope the storms leave you out!  

    Vanessa @JazzyV I’m glad your incision was glued, that should keep it sealed and more comfortable that sutures. Your BFF is a saint!  Showers here are a whole process starting with sealing a patch around DH’s eye and me trying to shampoo his hair with the handheld while he sits bon a chair. But we manage and I’m so glad I’m here and able to!  

    Sandi, @StLouisCruisers I enjoyed your Hobart pix. We had 10 days in Tanzania and got up Mt Wellington too. The view was gorgeous. It’s a fascinating place, so many different types of experiences. One of our Ozzie couple friends had just spent 5 weeks there with their camper friends (ferried campers). Our other Ozzie friends couldn’t understand why we’d “waste” so much of our vacation there 🤷🏼‍♀️. We loved it. 

    Terri @Cruzin Terri I’m very glad Jim is calmer and therefore you too!  Familiar surroundings may be more important than the excitement of travel which can be overwhelming for any of us at times!  Thanks for your prayers for us. I feel like we’ve been carried better than I ever expected!  Amazing! 

    Sharon @Sharon in AZ it’s a relief to hear your mom is a bit better and eating!  Hoping she bounced back, they get to be old because of their resilience!  

    Lenda, @Quartzsite Cruiserthinking of you and Steve!  You are inspiring. 

    When we were in Tuscany with my cousins we went to wineries. One cousin worked in the industry buying wines for a distributer. He had a lot to say about the Brunellos!  A very rich wine!  My brother gave us a bottle for a wedding present long ago, I wish I’d save the bottle. I couldn’t enjoy it now (allergic) but it’s worth a splurge for those who can. 

    🏒I appreciate the NHL news and comments- we’re not keeping up these day. DH was born in Boston so always a Bruins fan, boo-woo. 

    @Mr. Boston We may get to  Ogunquit again this fall!  Loved it in 1994!  I bet it’s changed. That year we came east for my DB and DSIL 20th wedding anniversary. May 4th would have been their 50th. That whole trip was a heritage visit trip for DH and me, then we were married only a year and a half. We took each other to our childhood locales. Ferry Beach ME was where his family’s church had a summer camp; our Ogunquit stopover was on our way getting there from Boston and Dover. Good memories. Best of luck to you finding the right spot!  

    My lists are calling me!  Thanks all for sharing this time with me!  m—


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  10. Cloudy and chilly, 30s going up to 60s. I like this weather!  Not hot! I missed a lot of yesterday, a blur of a day. Mostly I made calls to family. I slept well last night, first night in a week, it was time!  

    Funeral services for my sister-in-law will be Tuesday. I’m impressed at how many of our cousins will make it. Today I’ll order flowers “from the siblings.” 

    Thanks for the Greenland pix Sandi, what a beautiful day you had to visit!  
    Graham, I love sitting in your car at the beach!  I just sit with it, feel it, smell the salt air!  Watch the clouds, the waves, a few people wander by sometimes, it’s a lovely respite!  Many thanks to you!  

    Elizabeth, I’m sorry to hear your car is still not operating. I’m amazed you got a mechanic to make a house call. I’d have had to have AAA tow it I think. Good luck to all of that!  Such a nuisance you didn’t need. I hope you stay safe through the storms in the region. 

    Blessings sent to all my family and friends!  Hoping for Gerry and Maurice!  I hope all the injuries are healing well, and all the discomforts are better today.
    Thanks for your caring support. DH is doing great!  We’re keeping up with 7 daily eye drops plus two sets of massage sessions (gentle pressure at base of eye 10 seconds off/10 secs on for 2 minutes) to help move fluid through. The pressure has been high, much higher than last time but not “over the top”. We’ll go to local specialist Monday for the 1-wk check. 
    We all have a new day to enjoy something! 


    Note: I’m using my iPhone SE without issues. 🤷🏼‍♀️

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  11. 2 hours ago, rafinmd said:

    The medical review for the week.  My visit with my primary today was uneventful, although two blood draws in 4 days is a lot.  He does want me back in mid-May for a Pneumonia shot.


    There were a couple of things from my Oncologist visit Monday.  I normally get a hormone shot every 3 months and a shot for bone density every 6 months.  I have a tooth extraction next Friday so the bone density shot was cancelled.  Even though I had radiation in January my PSA has been rising.  In January he started me on a new medicine (Erleada daily capsule) which required insurance approval so it started February 3.  Most of my lab results come back while I am in the office but the PSA takes 2 or 3 days.  My recent PSA history:


    1/16/23  0.57

    4/17/23 1.4

    7/17/23 1.6

    10/19/23 2.5

    12/19/23 3.21

    Week of 1/18/24 radiation

    1/22/24 5.35

    2/3/24 Erlida started

    2/21/24 4.13

    4/19/24 2.27


    Very happy about the current trend.



    Thank you for sharing this information Roy, it’s very encouraging. Very happy for your reversing trend!   DH just had his every 6month consult, 4 yrs after he completed radiation treatments. I’m very encouraged to hear of your improvement! 🤞We’re watching DH numbers…. m—

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  12. We just got home! DH drove 2 legs!  Amazing, right!  

    Sister-in-law passed this morning. May she rest in peace. It’s been an exhausting 2 weeks on top of a tough 2 months for my niece and brother.
    For me and DH it’s been a long month this week!  But we’re good!  very, very good! So grateful!  

    I’ll catch up later, m—

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  13. It’s a fresh 46 in Maryland, will be near 60 where we’re headed home in north Jersey. Some clouds will make the drive more comfortable, DH is using dark glasses, he’s a bit light sensitive now, not unusual. 

    SO happy for Vanessa being pain free, so Amazing!  
    And for Chuck’s cancer receding, fantastic! Now fir replacing that stent…. 
    And to get Maurice’s approval!  That would make a Happy Birthday 🎈🎂 


    Loving @DeeniEncinitas paintings!  Very uplifting!  Glad you posted them!  I’m just looking again to breathe them in!  


    Seems I was just a few days early on my Santorini comments 🤣. We took the excursion tender to go to Akrotiri first so didn’t go up the cliff. By the end of the day the cable car line was 90 mins to come down so we walked down. Nearly got knocked down by a mule, not my favorite memory. But Santorini is a stunning place to visit, something for everyone!  Thanks Sandi, your pictures are lovely. 

    Hoping for better news for those in angst. Sending out blessings to all our Dailyites, for our country, your country, and the too many war zones. 
    Thanks for being here every step of the way, every mile today. The run up I-95 is always a slog but I’m grateful we can do this. @ottahand7 Nancy, I was pleasantly surprised we didn’t encounter any unusual traffic getting through Baltimore. We use I-895’s Baltimore Harbor Tunnel. Maybe the decline in shipping has cut the traffic? sad and burdensome for so many. We’re planning on a 10:30 departure to get us through without hitting any of the rush hours. 🤞

    Elizabeth, what’s the status of your car?  Sorry if I missed it, hoping it’s cured!  


    Time for eye drops!  And grateful for a new day!  And every bit of my DNA🧬 !  
    Wishing you each something good for you today!  


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  14. Late check in… 

    DH’s doctor said it’s all good. Got new instructions for medications, 3 types, one 4x, one 2x, one 1x a day.   Plus eye massages 10 sec on 10 sec off 2 mins 2x a day. Patch taped on at night, glasses to protect during day. No bending over, 10 lb lifting limit. Patch sealed for showers.  We can do this!!  His vision was good, eye looks a mess but it’s working!  

    Elated to see friends!!  

    Terri, please be kind to yourself.  Breathe. See what tomorrow brings. If the meds help, great!  Baby steps. Enjoy Jim being with you. Love if your Life! That is more important than travel right now. Hugs and more hugs!  

    And Elizabeth, sad about the cruises, and the reasons you canceled. So for the car, try Google and You Tube. Horrible about the school. We’ve gotten numb, but it’s just horrible. 

    I’m sure I missed things tonight but I’m hitting lights out. Tomorrow will be a long slog. I’m ELATED today was excellent!  Good night all. 


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  15. We’ll be in Maryland today. 56F going up to 72, and breezy later. Checking out of hotel this morning, then eye doctor check. If is the eye is good and we’re cleared to go we’ll head over to a friend's. She lives in the retirement community where we lived. It’ll be interesting to be back, should be beautiful with the flowers and trees all in color!  I’m looking forward to a special hour at the chapel with some of my prayer circle friends too. Then we’ll drive home to north Jersey tomorrow at an hour between rush-hour traffic times in DC area, Baltimore and NY region. That’s the plan. 

    Thank you all for the comfort of your support!  It helps a lot. I’m thrilled for Vanessa and sure hope it continues!  And we need some more good news for Maurice !  

    We were in Lofoten Islands on our Hurtigruten cruise, very picturesque but we had rain so it looked very different from Sandi’s pictures. 

    Thinking of those in need of healing- Paul, Jacqui, Annie,Chuck, Elizabeth, Amber, Murphy….  Comfort- especially my niece and brother, and those remembering loved ones lost, Graham, Pauline and Sarah… and Hope- Terri and Jim, Terry and Tana, and all in anxiety. Know that we care!  

    May all our cruisers have a grand time, safe travels to all away! Life is Good🌈!  
    Onward, Maureen 


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  16. 4 minutes ago, ottahand7 said:

    Vanessa, so happy you had a first good night of sleep in I don't know how long.  


    @RMLincoln I am happy to read that your DH eye surgery went well.  


    @0106 we would be all in on renting a car in Kona.  Even if an Uber is involved to get one.  No bad traffic I would imagine there.  

    Thanks Nancy. Got through today. Tomorrow is the day-1 check, we’ll find out what’s what, how she thinks it is. Last time he was very relieved to be able to see when they took the patch off 🙏. He’s asleep, I’ve set up for lights out in just a few…. m—

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  17. I am tired. DH had 2 slices of pizza (that we brought with us) and is resting. I’m so glad we got through this procedure. It all happened!  What a gift!  Tomorrow we do the day-1 check, remove patch, restart meds. Keep moving forward. 

    Thrilled for Vanessa @JazzyV!  Amazing right?  Fantastic news. Let the healing begin!  🎆

    Thanks @bennybear for the beautiful pictures. Ahhh. It’s good for the soul!  

    I think I’ll take the rest of the day off… 


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  18. We rented kayaks in Kona, just next to the tender dock. Had a hoot in the bat watching the spinner dolphins!  

    I was in England 1972 and the coins were a mixture of the old and new… confusing for everyone. 

    Overjoyed for you Vanessa!  Go slowly!  

    DH is in recovery!  Haven’t seen him yet but soon! It’s suddenly easier to breathe…. 

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  19. Thanks Gerry!  It does get more familiar but it never gets easier!  I’m in the tiny waiting room, they’ll get me after they have him prepped and I’ll sit with him until they take him in for surgery. It’s a 60 min procedure whereas the drain emplacement was 10 mins, that with cataract lens emplacement was 15 mins. We’re so blessed that they can do such things. Prayers for Maurice for perfect timing. 

    No word on my sister-in-law. We brought funeral clothes with us in case we had to go to services Thursday morning… not looking likely. 
    later, m—

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  20. 🎂🎂🎂 Happy celebrations today @marshhawk Annie!  Love you bunches!  

    Thank you Sandi!  I opened todays Daily then skipped ahead, will read in the waiting room while DH is in surgery. He’s better I think today, yesterday some of it was weighing in him. He’s being very brave!  He’s always been phobic about his eyes!  At least we’ve had the blessing of the successful surgery for the first one!  It’s a really strange surgery and healing progression but we keep moving forward!  Thanks all!  Oh, time rescheduled to 11:45, no bets. Later,  Maureen

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  21. We’re in Maryland at hotel across the street from the eye surgery center. Yea! No problems really just the usual that makes a 4-hr trip take 5 hrs. The front desk charged the credit card $225 above the confirmed price, the $200 deposit and the $40 parking fee…. guy says check back tomorrow…. like I have nothing better to do tomorrow. 

    Hospital changed time for surgery to 11:45, at least I’ll get breakfast!  We’re here and I’m very grateful!  

    Terri, you are stronger than you realize, doing what’s very best for you and Jim!  Give yourself a big hug, we’re all with you. 

    Annie, thanks for your trust to share your angst. Two things to have to do: breathe in, breathe out!  Again!  🤗. We all want Chuck to feel better. 


    Roy, hope your consult was encouraging.  

    Gerry, hugs to you too and also hoping for a new path for Maurice soon!  

    I confused Mykonos with Santorini this morning. Guess I’m not at my best. Thanks for understanding. 

    I’ll update you all, thanks for your support! Maureen 

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