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Everything posted by clo

  1. And I believe that Hurtigruten has done this or is well along in the process.
  2. One of my favorite dishes is seared foie gras. They had a couple of dishes where they were cooked with 'something' and then put in pastry. Someone suggested to me to politely ask if I could have it my fave way. No problem.
  3. And let's face it. In the long term this isn't even close to world peace.
  4. And if you choose anger/rudeness, then I don't believe of the subject of that is going to go out of their way to go out of their way for the rest of the trip. I have a wicked temper but keep it under control just in case it help me in the long run.
  5. Oh definitely. I should have been more precise. I look at local sites.
  6. Thanks for that link. I'll also add that some cruise ships offer shuttles and they are way, WAY more than the public transit ones.
  7. We're doing a cruise where I won't be doing all escorted tours. I have googled things like "transportation from the cruise terminal city xyz."
  8. Are you from the South? I am and that was certainly true.
  9. I've carried that a step further. I emailed a day or more before arrival, telling them we're getting in early and could we drop off our bags. When we arrived they had a room for us. HOURS ahead of time.
  10. LOL. I think this is a superb argument in favor of traveling on a ship with hundreds not thousands of pax 🙂
  11. I'm sincerely glad if you will help educate us.
  12. clo


    Not at all what you're asking but I'll toss it in just in case. No one - outside of government I suppose - calls it anything other than Saigon. Have a great time.
  13. My husband had that exact meal multiple times with a tiny bit of salad 🙂
  14. Aw just kidding. I'm an old Left Coast "gal."
  15. This isn't the main point of your post but why do you have to do those things.
  16. Our dining room gets covered and becomes our "staging area." It's great when things get removed from that area.
  17. Many years I ran a little contest. I tried to remember what anyone I worked with had worn to work the previous day. Women only as the male component was too easy. Didn't get a single one. So, yeah, I pack like you do.
  18. Are you really all "guys" 🙂 LOL (PS: OT cause so few posts. I actually liked it.)
  19. This thread is now over 300. Is there someway to end it and continue with just a part of it? TIA.
  20. A few years ago we cruised on Hurtigruten, one of their small Norwegian coastal cruises. IIRC of the 100 (!) pax there were only two other "Americans." And that mad it even better in our opinion. And it wasn't our first cruised.
  21. We got audited many years ago Bob actually taught the examiner something she didn't know.
  22. So does that mean you won't be traveling on that line?
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