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Everything posted by Charles4515

  1. You can’t just look at height of the ship. Air draft has to be considered. To find that out they run simulations.
  2. I did Celebrity Galaxy, Celebrity Mercury and Carnival Miracle out of Baltimore.
  3. No chance at all. Bermuda is making them a lot of money. Also it a good port for the northeast market. They built a cruise port at Bayonne for that market. Also Royal has a contract with Bermuda and there is no way they can drop Bermuda mid season. In addition your cruise has to have a port it can’t be a cruise to nowhere by law.
  4. Ever heard the expression cut off your nose to spite your face? I think that applies if you stay on the ship. No one will notice if you don't take the excursion and it won't mean anything in the grand scheme of things.
  5. I agree with you. I have never had a waiter in Bermuda point out the service charge that was on the bill. I expect at a place like the Frog and Onion that is frequented mainly by US cruise passengers some don't notice and add a tip out of US tipping habit. They may gotten used to that. Sounds like this waiter was being proactive shady in case you noticed the service charge.
  6. No. My flight was from the US to Rome. Of course the airline checks your passport before your flight so maybe that was good enough. When I left Rome my passport was stamped. As I understand that is important as you need the exit date stamped.
  7. They will let you board as long as it is not expired if your cruise is to a port that allows it. A lot have done that including me. And think about the illogic that a birth certificate and DL is better than a valid passport.....It is better not to wait until the last minute but I had travel stacked so I had to plan my renewal so that I had a passport in hand for a bunch of travel.
  8. That is not true. Only for some destinations is 6 months required. All you need for most North American destinations is a valid passport.
  9. When I flew into Rome t showed my passport but they did nor look inside my passport book. Just waved me through. Seemed very odd.They did look at it on the way out.
  10. You were not banned. You made a personal choice. That was your right. A majority made the opposite choice. I don't feel sorry for you at all. When you take a stand you shoud not whine about it. Accept the consequenses. Cruises are not a necessity and there were plenty of other vacation options.
  11. Thank you. I was wondering how safe it was. I would like to walk back.
  12. It is not a gray area loophole. It is a legal exception to having to have a passport. Cruise lines lobbied for the closed loop exception. I would not cruise without a passport but having done over 60 cruises I have never had to fly home. So the odds are pretty low.
  13. I recall the same about the locals being rude to tourists. Martinique is a department of France and then and maybe now I don't think tourism was important. I have not been back. I think my cruise was in 1995 or 1996. The first evening all my tablemates spoke Spanish and I was really left out and did not know what to do. I did not know I could change tables. Happily my waiter noticed and asked if I wanted to change which i did.
  14. That itinerary on Monarch of the Seas out of San Juan was my first my first cruise but it was a few years later.
  15. That is weird. II have flagged down taxis with no problem. Also have been walking and also waiting at bus stops and taxis stopped unsolicited and asked if we wanted a ride. As far as the walk were there sidewalks the entire way from Woody's?
  16. Not everyone drives. We don't know what state. But at 16 tI expect they should be able to get a state issued ID in any state.
  17. That is cool. Thanks again for posting how it worked out and the video.
  18. Probably the way to get a taxi back from there is if one has dropped off or prearranged, call the taxi company or use the Hitch app. Those passing taxis must have been occupied. Two bus routes #7 and 8 so a bus would have come eventually. Just need a token or $5 exact change. Don't have to have a pass. Tokens are $4.50. If I had not planned ahead and I didn’t have a token I would have gotten change from Woodys.
  19. I had to replay it a few times. I would consider it an interesting test and worth doing to seeif it could be made to work but having the door open is problematic.
  20. You would take a taxi or a bus.
  21. Changing the Hidden Gems day is a good idea but it is not always possible. They are sometimes sold out. I do think though that doing Hamilton, Horseshoe and St. George on one day is a lot on any day even if it is not the last day.
  22. Take the ferry to Hamilton. Then a bus to Horseshoe. I think doing St. George would be a stretch.
  23. I have never been pickpocketed but I also know a few who have been. The kids doing it is common. They will put mustard or something on you or something like that to divert attention. Interesting that they got into shoulder bag as Rick Steves advises using that with the straps crosswise instead of a backpack because you can't see them from behind. He also suggests carying a wallet with a dollar or two in it so that they grab that. He keeps the real stuff in a money belt. He claims that the pickpockets have taken that a few times from his front pocket. In Europe I wear a Scottevest with hidden pockets if the weather is mild enough. Not too comfortable in hot weather though. I always wear my vest on planes because it holds an iPad, chargers, and travel documents.
  24. Thank you for posting the results. I would be interested in a photo. of the setup.
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