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Everything posted by Clodia

  1. There are a few conservatory mini suites on deck 9 which are above the Olive Grove and much more private because balconies are set back from its roof. I think I worked out that they are mid aft from 9615 to 9621. I've had 9617 twice now; with the conservatory door open you have total sunbathing privacy. Important to me because I am a naturist.
  2. It's pretty easy to DIY in all 3. Tromso has musuems, a cathedral and town to walk around. Andalsnes we climbed up the hill overlooking the town but you can catch a bus or tram. Stavanger is easy walking, to the town and round the lake. All three are quite scenic in different ways.
  3. Same from me; a number of my friends have had this and it seems miserable. I always take high dose vitamin D3 all winter, especially before a cruise. It seems to work. Honestly I'd go to the medical centre if it doesn't get better soon.
  4. I did it the other way round and the overnight flight home was a nightmare. At least flying out gets it over with and then you can relax into the cruise. I hate flying so much that if I sail transatlantic again I'll do the 35 days both ways. My best friend and I have always wanted to cruise to Australia and New Zealand but couldn't face the flights. So we've booked the full World cruise for 2026.
  5. As I love spicy food I am much keener on the Beach House these days. Some of the MDR stuff is sooo bland.
  6. I needed a nighttime doctor visit once on a ship. Cost was £300 callout plus £75 for meds. My policy paid all but the £75 excess. I only pay around £230 for an annual policy with cruise cover. That covers 10 million pounds medical expenses including helicopter evacuation and repatriation if necessary, plus missed port and confined to cabin through illness cover. I think it's worth it.
  7. He's from Tyneside. When he returned home after x factor my school had over 200 extra absences as young girls took the morning off to welcome him back.
  8. 2018! My phone doesn't always pick up every keystroke!
  9. Just opted to stay on when we dock on 24th May for a further week to Norway. Got to move cabin one deck down but hey, excited.
  10. I am on that cruise too and have paid my balance as I booked through a TA. I would be disappointed not to see Tallinn again as I went on a similar itinerary in 208 and loved it there.
  11. I have sailed across Biscay many times with any line sailing from the UK as I hate flying. It can be millpond smooth or very rough any month of the year, though I've had more smooth then rough days in about 40 crossings. Silversea ships being smaller are going to feel it more, whereas you don't notice it much on a large ship.
  12. I don't think they could stop providing smoking areas because of the behaviour that would result. On Iona last November the 2 small areas on deck 18 certainly led to increased smoking on balconies which is dangerous as cigarette ends can be blown back onto the ship and cause fires. I was sitting on my deck 9 balcony late one evening enjoying a nightcap when a lighted cigarette end flew past my head and almost landed in my hair, having been flung from a balcony above me. I complained, and so did the family in the next door cabin, about this incident and also extinguished ends landing on our balconies and on the roof of the Olive Grove which is just beyond the edge of some of the deck 9 balconies. A visit from the Safety Officer followed, and I think they worked out which balcony was occupied by the smokers and paid them a visit, because it stopped after that. But if they took away any smoking area that sort of thing would inevitably happen more often.
  13. I can't share tables at breakfast and always have to see the Head Waiter on day one to request a solo table. The reason is my severe allergy to baked beans, or rather the virulent additive laden processed sauce in which they are cooked. I can't share a table because if someone orders them the sight and smell will make me ill and I will have to flee the table. Great for having a quiet restaurant breakfast.
  14. I was fine with any boarding time until I injured my leg and am currently unable to walk far or stand for more than 5 minutes. It really does make a difference if you're disabled, and disabled people are givren assistance and special consideration at airports; they are supposed to get the same at cruise terminals but sometimes it fails.
  15. Brilliant! Definitely a new word , and one I shall use on future cruises!
  16. We had William Joyce last time I was on Oriana to Northern Lights; he was brilliant!
  17. Love it! Great sense of humour and enjoyable read.
  18. I was told on Iona that they rarely take a bottle from you now when getting back on as it's just too much hassle. People were claiming their drinks back on the last night and some was going missing. People were threatening legal action and the staff were upset, so now unless you try to bring daft amounts on they just leave it.
  19. I live in the north of England and have done one of these cruises a few years ago as well as cruising round the UK on Spirit in 2021. The weather can be dreadful in Scotland but the scenery and wildlife encounters are spectacular and will leave you with lasting memories.
  20. Infinitely prefer more sea days.
  21. Trifle Wally Lad is identical to my elderly mother's home made Trifle recipe. Hence we have it every Christmas. Had it on Iona recently and it's the same as the one I make. Really enjoying your detailed and interesting posts Selbourne.
  22. Saw La Voix on Iona and loved him/her too! Clever and amusing act and great meal.
  23. Sometimes the cough is entirely due to aircon; it affected me once and I had no cold or flu symptoms but felt very embarrassed. I finally took an anti histamine for a few days and the cough disappeared. Worth having some with you.
  24. THe Hop on Hop off bus in Funchal does virtually the same tour. On Iona last November P and O sold tickets onboard and took over 3 buses. I was glad I bought one because others complained that the 3 reserved vehicles led to a shortage of buses for people who just wanted to do it independently. I took the entire tour and fortunately it was a sunny day with great views. The bus brought us all the way back to the ship too. BTW I am really enjoying your posts and following the cruise as it's one I'd like to do too.
  25. I've sailed solo on Azura several times, easy to be as social or as solitary as you wish. Tables for solos have been great fun. Go for it.
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