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Everything posted by miched

  1. Yes the reason for putting the highest on the bottom is to prevent capping. Cheaters will try to add high value checks ( that is the proper term although they are commonly called chips, chips are for dipping) on top of their stack if they have a winning hand. Dealers are trained to take note of the amount wagered on every player. All you have to do is remember the amount of the lowest chip bet. Plus keep your eye roving around the table. You stand in a certain position to see everything. Another note is try to line up the the pattern on the edges of the chips. It is impossible. The reason is for the cameras to be able to detect the amount in the stack. This is to prevent cheating by the player and dealer on the pay off. Also the reason some may not allow the entry into mid shoe is because as you stated. It is because some will stand by counting the cards coming out. When the shoe is rich in high cards they will enter the game for a hand or 2. Does it work????? The dealer has the same advantage except having to hit on some hands that the player can stand on or can split or double down. The casinos know all of the tricks. They go to great lengths after the very successful card counters that were many many years ago. With the computers and technology they can analyze any game to benefit them. They also know all the ways of cheating by marking cards. Don’t ever play a game of cards that aren’t symmetrical. People will place the high cards facing one way and the low cards the other. Ex. A deck of cards that has a dog on the back. It isn’t symmetrical. There is a top and bottom. People will edge cards with their finger nail. They will indent the edge of the card with their finger nail in a location indicating the value. They will apply grease from their hair on the backs in locations on the cards to indicated the values. That is why many casinos don’t allow the customer to touch the cards. Think of those playing in poker games. They are touching the cards. Do you think they are marking them? Happy cruising 🌊🚢🇺🇸🌅
  2. Thanks for sharing a honest review that isn’t biased as many Celebrity loyalty tend to do. You make many great points on the differences. I guess I am a Celebrity Loyalist. I have no problem with mingling with the so called peons that aren’t in a suite because I am usually one of them. When I do have a suite I don’t feel as if I am better or above the non suite guests or expect any special treatment in any public areas or even in the Retreat areas. When I am on an elevator I have no problem sharing it with those that are or aren’t in a suite. My farts still smell the same even though some may think that their ***** doesn’t stink but their farts give them away 💩 Happy cruising 🌊🚢🇺🇸🌅
  3. Too many variables. It depends on the day, time, amount of casino business and etc. On our last cruise that was on the Equinox we didn’t see any $5 tables but we didn’t constantly check as I don’t play them. I do look when walking thru. Why do I look, I use to be a dealer. If I was on $10 BJ table my drop would be over $17,000 for a 8 hour shift. In my years of dealing very few walked away winning. Yes I was that good 😱. Contrary to belief we aren’t card mechanics and are nothing more than robots dealing the cards and taking your money. We do know all of the ways to cheat and the reason for that is to spot cheaters and to know that we as dealers can’t cheat the casino. Happy cruising 🌊🚢🇺🇸🌅
  4. You could try. When I was 12 they had cheaper prices at the movie theater for under 12, when asked I would say that I am going to be 12. I wasn’t lying. 🤥 I was going to be 12 for another year. 🤓🤑 Good luck Happy cruising 🌊🚢🇺🇸🌅
  5. Call the TA and ask them. In the past if it was a resident or military rate you had to prove it at the port for that rate. I don’t know what the results were if you weren’t qualified. Happy cruising 🌊🚢🇺🇸🌅
  6. The problem with the app is you don’t get a notice that there is a message. You have to keep checking it. We both have IPhones and watches. We always have a problem with the delay. I found a way to solve the problem. I just sit at one of 2 bars and she always knows where to find me. Happy cruising 🌊🚢🇺🇸🌅
  7. A little trivia about those geese. The correct name is Canada Goose or Canada Geese depending on the amount of them. https://www.tnonline.com/20210416/a-goose-by-any-other-name/8 So you are correct by Not Canadian Geese. 🤗 Happy cruising 🌊🚢🇺🇸🌅
  8. The problem is everyone wants an exception, they want to bend the rules , or not follow them. Read the topics where people that are in a suite or AQ want others that aren’t to be able to dine with them or have the same privileges when boarding. People that Elite want others traveling with them to have the same benefits. Then there are the people that walk out of a lavatory without washing their hands or those that use their fingers in the buffet, taste something with the spoon and put it back, and etc. Too many today don’t respects others or the rules. They are involved in the trinity of me, myself, and I. The problem is that the employees are afraid to enforce the rules because the passenger will report them as being rude and it could affect their job or advancement. It isn’t right to have rules and not let the employees enforce them Happy cruising 🌊🚢🇺🇸🌅
  9. Do you think that they were hoping to get some free drinks and nibbles or a discount on the drinks because of all of the business they were going to do? Happy cruising 🌊🚢🇺🇸🌅
  10. That is another reason I don’t take them cruising with me. Happy cruising 🌊🚢🇺🇸🌅
  11. I have heard this from many that have sailed with children. They said that the staff really catered to them. They felt that the workers deserved more in the way of gratuities because of all the attention, extra work, and patience. I love our grandchildren that are 9 year old twins but there is no way that I could put up with them for 1 week confined in suite, and being in a regular cabin would be miserable. I am selfish. I go on a cruise to enjoy it and don’t think that I could with having to put up with them. I am like Becker, no patience. This is my opinion based on my grandchildren and I know that others may be different because theirs are angels. 😇 Happy cruising 🌊🚢🇺🇸🌅
  12. Curious about the desert issue in Eden. Why did you have to share one? Is there only one per table? Why couldn’t you order the chocolate one you wanted and your husband what he wanted? 🤷‍♂️ Happy cruising 🌊🚢🇺🇸🌅
  13. I always thought about bringing a box of wine on board. It would be hilarious to see the server carrying a box of wine thru the dining room. Even funnier would be 3 Buck Chuck. I say 3 because the price went up from $2 a bottle so it wouldn’t be 2 Buck Chuck. Haven’t bought any lately so the price may have increase more. We were at a wine tasting and I asked about boxed wine. The answer was that many fine wines are now being packaged in them because the wine isn’t exposed to the air when being dispensed and can be kept longer without spoiling. Happy cruising. 🌊🚢🇺🇸🌅
  14. I tried it moving from AQ to a SS. The move up minimum was $1500 pp. that was too much for my budget. We were doing a B2B and was curious about moving up. I seen that there were a lot of suites available doing a dummy booking. I asked at GR 2 days before the end of our 1st cruise. They said they would get back to us. Didn’t hear from them. When the 2nd cruise started I called them again. They said they would look into it. On the 3rd day I finally got a message on our phone. It would be $1500 pp. No thanks. We already lost 3 days. And in all honesty I wouldn’t have taken it if it was offered during the first cruise. It was a 7 day cruise and I don’t feel a SS is worth an extra $3000 for 7 days. We have been in a few SS before and contrary to what many say that once you sail in a suite it is hard to go back. We have sailed more times in AQ after being in a SS than in one. You have to evaluate the added value and for us it isn’t worth $400 plus per day. This is my opinion and others may differ. Happy cruising 🌊🚢🇺🇸🌅
  15. Do they charge corkage fee if it is a twist off cap? 🤷‍♂️🤪🤗 Happy cruising 🌊🚢🇺🇸🌅
  16. Try telling your spouse that you aren’t cheating because you are just sharing what you have. 😱 Happy cruising 🌊🚢🇺🇸🌅
  17. On our last cruise it seemed as if many were pressuring us to give extra. They kept giving us outstanding service and attention that demanded it. 🤗 Happy cruising 🌊🚢🇺🇸🌅
  18. 28 days is max for me and that is pushing it. I like the comforts of my own home. It has everything that I like. Happy cruising 🌊🚢🇺🇸🌅
  19. Basil Hayden, Knob Creek, Bakers, Bookers, and Blanton a few years ago were all included in the premium package. Then they disappeared from the inventory. Supposedly because of a different supplier. Knob Creek was used in Whiskey Blu. When it was replaced by Bulliet it didn’t taste the same and not as good. Those prices in Craft Social are a little outrageous for those shots. Happy cruising 🌊🚢🇺🇸🌅
  20. Sometimes when getting off of the ship an an island there is someone at the pier handing out bags from Little Switzerland. Happy cruising 🌊🚢🇺🇸🌅
  21. About the entree being better on the Millennium. We had a special dinner as part of the Chefs Market. During dinner the chef was open for questions. I asked why the same entree was made and presented different between ships and also sometimes on doing a B2B on the same ship. He said that is impossible as everything is dictated from corporate and has to be the same. Others at the table agreed with him and I don’t know why they did as it happens and is the truth. I didn’t want to continue the discussion and left it at that. Happy cruising 🌊🚢🇺🇸🌅
  22. I cringe every time I hear that song “We are the Champions” because of the following. Living near Detroit we Detroit Lion fans. At every home game they play that song over the PA win or lose and for the most part it is losing. Whoever is in charge needs to get realistic. The lions are only champions of being the worse NFL franchise. They are one of the 4 teams to have never played in the Super Bowl. Basically I hope they don’t win for a very long time as I would like to see them win a Super Bowl before I die. Happy cruising 🌊🚢🇺🇸🌅
  23. When you walk into the cabin you can see where it is. 🤷‍♂️🙄 As others have posted look at the sticky and find a cabin near the one you want. The beds will alternate from that cabin, or go by the symbols. if you don’t get it where you think it will be it wouldn’t be a disaster. We wanted a bed by the bath for more space by the veranda. We got one by the veranda and found that we liked it better. It gave us more space to get into the closet and didn’t have to walk around the bed when dressing. Both have their pros and cons Happy cruising 🌊🚢🇺🇸🌅
  24. Wear the ball cap and pick up a hat from a vendor at one of the ports. It will help them by the sale and you will have a souvenir. I wear ball cap and use sunscreen. I never had any problems doing that. I am no longer a sun worshiper and try to avoid the sun for extended periods. I now prefer the shade and not basting in the hot sun. Happy cruising. 🌊🚢🇺🇸🌅
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