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Everything posted by d9704011

  1. Well done and thank you for your grudging cooperation.
  2. The rapid antigen test must be taken within two days of embarkation. So, if you embark on a Saturday, the test can be taken on Thursday at the earliest.
  3. You may agree with him but it appears as though you did not understand what he said.
  4. I'm sure the guide has a few unusual things in mind and you'll enjoy yourself. If you go anywhere promising 'Danseuses' be prepared to tip generously.
  5. With the ship moving at 18 knots or so and the diameter of hose required to suck up enough cold water they'd have to weigh the end down with one of the ship's anchors and that produces too much drag.
  6. I find it strange that full payment would be required prior to any cancellation penalty phase kicks in but, for the sake of argument, let's go with it. I wouldn't fork over thousands of dollars without some sort of insurance no matter what the cruise line may say on the matter. That seems too risky to me.
  7. Here is an excerpt from the RCCL Cruise Ticket Contract: Passengers are solely responsible to maintain in their possession all passports, visas and other travel documents required for embarkation, travel and disembarkation at all ports of call. Passengers assume full responsibility to determine through their travel agent or the appropriate government authority the necessary documents. Passenger agrees to provide to Carrier (at Carrier’s reasonable request) any travel documents. Carrier shall return such travel documents to Passenger by no later than the end of the Cruise. Seems to me you are on very thin ice. The booking agent isn't really a seasoned travel agent and, in any event, making sure you have all the correct travel documents is your responsibility and with the unusual birth certificate situation you seem to be aware you have well... You're probably correct that the agent at the 'exception desk' had a busy and stressful day. Good luck pursuing this one.
  8. Sorry, when crossing the Atlantic from/to the Mediterranean from/to North America the sun is always going to be south of the ship.
  9. Perhaps he was referring only to bacon-related fights!?
  10. More detail on your plans/itinerary/nationality is necessary to answer your question.
  11. I've done it at a Shoppers in Ottawa. Maybe you can't book an appointment at this specific SDM because, despite what they may lead you to believe, they don't offer online bookings.
  12. And here is an excerpt from the notification from the Trusted Travelers Programs of the US DHS my wife received when she sent her applicatio for renewal in this past January: Due to a significant increase in application volume, we are extending the grace period from 18 months to 24 months for any submitted renewal application. This means you will continue to receive full benefits for 24 months while U.S. Customs and Border Protection is finalizing your renewal application. Apparently, there is a variety of experiences.
  13. And Boston has been getting christmas trees ever since....
  14. You need a rapid antigen test. Why not call them and ask about booking a test? 604-605-1200
  15. You'd sort of think it would be something like that but..... our cruise departing September 16 was advertising check-in date on August 2; many of us have checked in today and snagged our preferred boarding time.
  16. Yes. Also, I don't believe you'll see anything in the GoC website(s) related to ArriveCAN about saving time, except maybe pre-filling the CBSA Declaration and that's no big deal. For sure, if you don't complete ArriveCAN you may be spending much more time at the entry points than previously!
  17. Since you submitted your renewal application prior to expiry your Nexus card will be extended 24 months while the backlog is worked through.
  18. Trains are reliable... stay with your plan.
  19. And with these humourous stories you want ArriveCan stopped?
  20. And I thought 80 CAD for two rapid antigen tests was highway robbery! You must be getting the gold standard tests.
  21. Not to mention the concussions suffered by innocent passengers sitting in their seats when people haul the overhead luggage out without thinking about how heavy the things are.
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