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Everything posted by d9704011

  1. Nope. For a fully vaccinated passenger, an antigen test two days before the cruise is fine. So, for a Saturday departure, the two days means beginning anytime Thursday, which is what this person did. A PCR is three days, but you can't get a proctored one of those.
  2. Here is an excerpt from a major US University for the information of foreign students with entry visas. I suspect it is a good start for the member of yor group with a Thai passport: Travel Abroad For specific guidelines for checking whether all of your documents are in order for travel, please review our Visa Documents Guidelines table. Before entering your home country, you will need a valid passport, or some other acceptable proof that you are a citizen or legal resident of that country and have the right to return to and enter it. Before entering another country, you should contact the country's consulate or embassy and obtain a visa, if one is required for citizens from your country of citizenship or lawful residence. One of the basic rights of any country under international law is the right to determine who may enter its borders, under what conditions and rules they may enter, and how long they may stay... Contact the embassy or consulate of the country you plan to visit before you leave the U.S. in order to save yourself much time, trouble, expense, and disappointment at the border or airport. To obtain contact information for the embassy or consulate of the country you plan to visit, check the Washington D.C. Embassies list(link is external) or call directory information in Washington, DC at 202-555-1212 and ask for the telephone number of the embassy of the country.
  3. I prefer to cool my heels on the airside of the airport when there is no particular reason to hang around my initial departure point (in this case, the cruise ship). So, I would make a taxi reservation for 0900 and plan on disembarking at 0800.
  4. My wife and I would take the train; luggage isn't a problem and the walking wouldn't bother us. You'll have to decide what's best based on the makeup of your travel party.
  5. Don't forget the hike from your AirBnB to the transit line. With six people and luggage, I'd say investing in two taxis or uber rides would be best.
  6. And the distinct possibility of being well out to sea, maybe a day or two from port, priceless!!
  7. Too bad they put that 'CBSA working around-the-clock' business in the story... they almost had me!! Seriously though, I agree with you that with all the changes foisted on the app developers/maintainers in short time periods it's no surprise there are glitches (and outright failures) from time to time. By and large, my experience with ArriveCan was pretty good.
  8. People have been suffering with the cruise line apps and websites for so long now they've just kind of built all that in to the process. ArriveCAN is relatively new and a great whipping boy especially as the traveller doesn't really get to enjoy any particular benefits by doing it other than avoided problems at the airport and/or immigration. There is no buffet lunch waiting on the other side of the picket line!
  9. Then you're going to have to this twice: 1. prior to embarking the cruise ship - the cruise related requirement with covid testing; 2. prior to returning to Canada - in your case, an entirely different event with no need for covid testing.
  10. I sort of doubt it.... I don't believe ArriveCAN was really the problem in this case; just too many moving parts involved in filling things out completely and correctly. At least they got home. I was in Zurich last week and saw a couple groups of Canadian scouts at the McDonald's near the train station. They have a lot different trips than I had, which usually revolved around canoes and tents at parks in Ontario.
  11. Yes, when the app asks you for your reason for entering Canada, choose other then 'Entry by Marine'. Don't forget you need a pre-embarkation covid test.
  12. The article doesn't shed much light on what the supposed ArriveCAN glitch was. More related to complaining about AC insurance and the current government's efforts to make travel as needlessly complex as possible.
  13. If the journey from Rome to Civi hinges on the availability of a KN95/FFP95 mask chances are good the OP will never get to the ship.
  14. Yes, this seems to be more favourable for your situation. The Certificate of Recovery is for the person who tested positive and the 10 day window is for the people who may have been in close contact beginning from the date of the positive test result.
  15. And presumably, the Certificate of Recovery will pretty quickly establish the falsehood(s).
  16. I guess you should be able to throw your hat into the ring for free; two cents ought to be rounded down!
  17. I suppose there is a link between wearing a mask on public transit and the fastest, easiest, cheapest way to get from Rome to Civi.
  18. OK... this has little to do with the topic in the thread but I guess it's mildly interesting. FYI, we recently took Bernina Express from St. Moritz to Tirano, Italy and nobody mentioned a word about masks on the train or in the station in Italy.
  19. You need a test. https://travel.gc.ca/travel-covid/travel-restrictions/cruise
  20. You forgot to round out the list with this one: Oriol Romero-Isart et al. Toward quantum superposition of living organisms. New Journal of Physics, 12 (2010) 033015) DOI: 10.1088/1367-2630/12/3/033015
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