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TSA and Liquids bag


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This is my first time flying since 9/11, believe it or not. With four children, we have tended to take more road trips than flying trips over the past 10 years.


We are flying with carry-on only so I am trying to stuff all my sample size liquid cosmetics in my little ziploc and its not easy! I have decided to leave my shampoo behind and use the shampoo in Venice and on the ship but I do need my conditioner, mouse, and hairspray along with my foundation, mascara, plus moisturizer, face soap, deodorant (I am allergic to all but one and its a liquid)...and other things. Yikes! I managed to squeeze it all in but the bag is bulging. I would feel rather silly suggesting to DH that we check a bag just for my cosmetics! Funny thing is I don't really wear that much make-up but a quart-sized ziploc is not very big!


I have a few questions. How difficult would it be to find small size toiletries in Venice (or in the airport)? We really don't want to waste time shopping for things like this and would rather be out sightseeing or wandering the canals, eating gelato. I am pretty sure I could get stuff on the ship but we are spending four days in Venice pre-cruise. I do have sensitive skin so prefer more natural products without all the perfume. I know they recommend using biodegradable stuff in Venice because the gray water goes into the canals so maybe it won't be so difficult. But then what will I do if I get there and no conditioner!!


Also, does the ziploc have to be flat? I managed to squeeze most of the stuff in but its bulging with three layers of little bottles. I am wondering if they get upset if they can look at it quickly and see everything.


Silly thing to worry about five days before we leave but my other plan is to sneak into my hubby's suitcase and toss out his shaving cream...and sneak in my conditioner but I am afraid he will find out when he tosses the bag into the bin at the airport. ;)

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First of all, check the TSA website and see if you can determine what they are going to consider a liquid, and put only those things in the bag. If it's not a liquid it can go in a regular cosmetic bag or otherwise packed separately. (Good luck, the TSA is vague on purpose...)


Secondly, if your husband's bag isn't jammed full, put some of your stuff in there. There's nothing that says his bag has to have his stuff only.


Finally, determine just how much you need of a product, and transfer that amount to the smallest possible container. Believe it or not, I've transferred some things like moisturizer and foundation into contact lens cases because that's all the more I need. I've also got some very small vials that hold enough for a week or so. If you look at your travel size moisturizer, there's probably more than you will use for your trip - so don't take all of it.



Air travel is a pain. For some other suggestions, you might want to review some of the ideas on the FlyerTalk forum - there's a Women's Traveller section that has a lot of good ideas and the people who post there are pretty friendly and helpful.

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I can't answer several of your question since I've never been to Venice, but the quart size bag does not have to be flat. If you can close the zipper, you're good to go. Remember to take the bag out of your luggage and put it in a bin (with your purse or shoes) when you go through security.

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The others have mentioned what I was going to say: if the soap is a bar it can go in a regular bag in your carry-on, or even in your suitcase. Why don't you put your conditioner in the suitcase in a double zipper baggie? That's what we do: all the liquids I won't need immediately travel in the suitcase.


..but my other plan is to sneak into my hubby's suitcase and toss out his shaving cream...and sneak in my conditioner...


Not sure if you are kidding, but please don't do this. You'd be upset if he tossed something of yours, right? ;) He probably thinks you can "just get more conditioner", just like you think he can "just get more shaving cream".

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I was going to say...EACH person is allowed a baggie....and you have to make sure that ALL of the liquids/sprays/gels are 3oz or less.....that certainly wouldn't last me long!


That's why I just check a bag...so I can bring the toiletries I like and need. I don't want to spend valuable vacation time looking for somewhere to shop for items I might not like!


If you check a bag, you can have all the full-size things you want...no zip-locs required!

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I read that you're flying carry-on only, so....Instead of shaving cream, try shaving oil. MUCH smaller container, use less, works great. You might want to try it out ahead of time though. When my husband and I went to Costa Rica last year, we flew carry-on only and could bring one bag, had to be less than 27 lbs (flight regulations) So we got our liquids down to the BARE minimum - and we shared a container of shave oil. Bought it for $3 or so at Walmart. Now it's our regular travel solution. I do prefer to fly carry-on only whenever possible - lessen the chance of a bag going astray!! There aren't many places I can get to with a non-stop flight, so....


Where are you staying in Venice? If you're staying at a Chain Hotel, you might be able to get some toiletries from them. Obviously, there will be places to buy toiletries in Venice - Venetians need to wash their hair too:D Use a Google map to see if there are any stores convenient to your hotel or where you plan to sight see.

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I fly often, and I can echo what everyone else has said. Each PERSON is allowed 1 quart sized baggie and it does not have to lie flat, just close. However, each item in each baggie can be no more than 3 oz ... get everything as small as possible. There are obviously some things that 3 oz just won't make it for a long trip, but generally you should be fine. Make no mistake about it, TSA will throw out anything that doesn't meet the rule.


FYI ... your mascara is probably considered a solid by TSA. I have never had a problem not putting mine in my 3-1-1 bag.


Whatever you do, don't stress over it! Have a fantastic trip :)

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However, each item in each baggie can be no more than 3 oz ... get everything as small as possible.

And to clarify even more - that means the CONTAINER has to be 100ml or smaller (that's the regulation - which is 3.4 oz http://www.tsa.gov/311/) So if you have a 5 oz tube of toothpaste that's only half-full - that would be thrown away as non-compliant. You need a smaller container, no matter how much product is actually in the container.....

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The kids are not going on this trip so we don't have their bags. Good idea though! Makes me almost wish they were coming with us..well, maybe not. :) Its our 20th anniversary and the only other time we have gone away without the kids for anything other that a day or two was when we adopted our third child and spent a couple weeks in California almost 13 years ago. Other than that, it's always family vacations.


I like the idea of transferring to tiny containers and am going to get a couple of contact lens cases. Shaving oil is a great idea and my husband says he is willing to try it.


Mascara is not a solid according to TSA unless its the cake kind and I can't use that. As for the face soap, I use Clinque because my skin breaks out with most other things but I did buy a bar of Toms Natural so maybe my face can handle that. I will try that tonight. I might check the Clinique counter as well and maybe they have a solid soap.


Thanks so much for the ideas! They have been so helpful.

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The kids are not going on this trip so we don't have their bags. Good idea though! Makes me almost wish they were coming with us..well, maybe not. :) Its our 20th anniversary and the only other time we have gone away without the kids for anything other that a day or two was when we adopted our third child and spent a couple weeks in California almost 13 years ago. Other than that, it's always family vacations.


I like the idea of transferring to tiny containers and am going to get a couple of contact lens cases. Shaving oil is a great idea and my husband says he is willing to try it.


Mascara is not a solid according to TSA unless its the cake kind and I can't use that. As for the face soap, I use Clinque because my skin breaks out with most other things but I did buy a bar of Toms Natural so maybe my face can handle that. I will try that tonight. I might check the Clinique counter as well and maybe they have a solid soap.


Thanks so much for the ideas! They have been so helpful.


Clinique does make a solid face soap and they even have tiny travel size! You are right, mascara has to go in the bag. I am always surprised how much stuff I can get into 2 ziplock bags! We usually vacation for 2 weeks at a time and shower twice a day because of pool and ocean so we do need full sized shampoo and condtioner. I also need lots of sunscreen so there is no way that I could just do carry on except for a very short trip or if I could stop at a store once I got there.

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The kids are not going on this trip so we don't have their bags. Good idea though! Makes me almost wish they were coming with us..well, maybe not. :) Its our 20th anniversary and the only other time we have gone away without the kids for anything other that a day or two was when we adopted our third child and spent a couple weeks in California almost 13 years ago. Other than that, it's always family vacations.


I like the idea of transferring to tiny containers and am going to get a couple of contact lens cases. Shaving oil is a great idea and my husband says he is willing to try it.


Mascara is not a solid according to TSA unless its the cake kind and I can't use that. As for the face soap, I use Clinque because my skin breaks out with most other things but I did buy a bar of Toms Natural so maybe my face can handle that. I will try that tonight. I might check the Clinique counter as well and maybe they have a solid soap.


Thanks so much for the ideas! They have been so helpful.


Hey, happy anniversary! Since you're staying at a hotel pre cruise, what about mailing or fed ex or ups a nice padded envelope full of your makeup & lotions to your hotel?? I wonder if it'd be easy? or would the pkg have to go through customs?

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Thanks!! Its hard to believe it has been 20 years!


Mailing a package to Italy is very expensive and I hear the postal service is not always reliable. Its a good idea but probably not going to work for us, especially for just a few things. But thanks for the suggestion. :)

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Any particular reason why you are doing carryon only? If it's for convenience sake, you could still check the bag on the way to Venice with your over 3.4oz/100ml items in it. Once picked up at the airport, you would be free to take it onboard as a carryon. On the way home, either check again or rid yourself of any non-TSA-compliant items and carryon. I do this myself. I have to use one particular type of contact lens solution (Clear Care) which the TSA does not allow in more than the tiny bottle. My last trip to Europe in April, I decided to see if I could find it there. I could not and had to deal with just Opti Care, which dries my eyes out. So, I'll check my carryon from now on.

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We travel to Europe every summer for a month and only take carry ons. Here is what I know:

1) use the bags allocated to your kids for extra storage space and fill it up all the way!

2) it is more difficult to find travel size products over there but there are tons of "pharmacies" that have amazing products. Just stop in one and point out any skin issue and they will have the perfect product. Also the place to get medicines, etc. Describe your symptom and they will have the product. My daughter got hooked on a facial cleanser called bioderma that is amazing.

3) buy the empty bottles at the drug store and transfer your products in to them or go to the cosmetic counter and ask for samples

4) sunblock has always been the hardest cosmetic item to find in Europe. I try to take as much as I can fit in... especially the facial sticks which are sometimes impossible to locate

5) most items that you purchase over there are not marked in ounces so if you intend on bringing them back make sure you convert it properly and do not rely on the salesperson on this. Sometimes they just want to make the sale and will tell you that it is 3.4 ounces when it is not.

6)Venice is a great place to buy perfumes, again be careful on the sizes if you want to bring it back.

7)Another great product in Europe is Nuxe. It is a natural oil that does everything..hair, face, body. Love it!

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If you can avoid checking a bag into Italy, you will be thankful..with no disrespect to Italians who are the best. Trust me on this. We learned our lesson the hard way after several trips. There is typically not a "baggage service" desk for each airline only one main desk that handles all the airlines lost luggage. You can just imagine the chaos.

Our rule of thumb is to only take your absolute essentials. Our favorite thing is to visit the "pharmacies" and buy all the cool stuff they do not have in the states. There are stricter guidelines on the products there so many are actually far superior. Also, if you anticipate needing any female products, take a few. Another impossible product to find.

I always take a fold up tote that I fill up with treasures to carry on and check my suit case back. Or buy a checkable tote (They sell them at Target or luggage stores). They are very small and you can slip in your purse on the way there. We had to purchase two duffles for our trip home this year and they were not easy to find and expensive.

Also in Italy pick up the Olive Wood spoons and cooking utensils. Last forever and are the healthiest and safest cooking utensils

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Some of my favorite souvenirs were toothpaste from Venice and shampoo from Croatia. Yes, they do have stores in Italy that sell toiletries. I purchased the shampoo at a hair salon, the toothpaste in a little neighborhood convenience store.


Or...if your flight isn't direct and you have a layover in say, London, you can always pick up makeup or toiletries in the duty free shops in the airports. Since you are beyond the security checkpoint, the 3-1-1 rule doesn't apply, or they package it up to be claimed (we didn't do this but I saw people who bought alcohol had their bottles packaged)

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We are taking carry-on because we think its easier to move through Venice without heavy bags and I over packed on my last trip to Europe (many years ago) and have never forgotten that experience. :) I had a bag lost for several weeks.


We are taking a folding tote so if necessary we can check a bag coming home. We will only have to walk to the airport limo station rather than through a city full of bridges and cobblestones.


Thank you so much for the ideas on products in Italy! I will look for those. I feel much better about leaving some things behind.


Now, another question. I have a liquid prescription drug. Does that need to go into the ziploc or can I keep it separate? Also, what about non-prescription medications like nasal spray and eye drops? Must those go in the liquid bag? I am already having allergy/sinus issues so don't want to leave those behind and will need them on the airplane.

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1) use the bags allocated to your kids for extra storage space and fill it up all the way!

Her kids aren't coming, OP has stated it's an anniversary trip for just her and her husband


5) most items that you purchase over there are not marked in ounces so if you intend on bringing them back make sure you convert it properly and do not rely on the salesperson on this. Sometimes they just want to make the sale and will tell you that it is 3.4 ounces when it is not.

I already posted the TSA website stating 100ml is the limit - should be easy enough to find that "conversion";)


Medical supplies are exempt from the 311 bag. I'm not sure about saline for noses - if it is for eyes, presumably it would be for nasal use but I didn't see that mentioned specifically on the TSA website.


Ah, here we go: http://www.tsa.gov/travelers/airtravel/specialneeds/index.shtm


Additionally, we are continuing to permit prescription liquid medications and other liquids needed by persons with disabilities and medical conditions. This includes:


All prescription and over-the-counter medications (liquids, gels, and aerosols) including petroleum jelly, eye drops, and saline solution for medical purposes;

Liquids including water, juice, or liquid nutrition or gels for passengers with a disability or medical condition;

Life-support and life-sustaining liquids such as bone marrow, blood products, and transplant organs;

Items used to augment the body for medical or cosmetic reasons such as mastectomy products, prosthetic breasts, bras or shells containing gels, saline solution, or other liquids; and,

Frozen items are allowed as long as they are frozen solid when presented for screening. If frozen items are partially melted, slushy, or have any liquid at the bottom of the container, they must meet 3-1-1 requirements.

However, if the liquid medications are in volumes larger than 3.4 ounces (100ml) each, they may not be placed in the quart-size bag and must be declared to the Transportation Security Officer. A declaration can be made verbally, in writing, or by a person's companion, caregiver, interpreter, or family member.


Declared liquid medications and other liquids for disabilities and medical conditions must be kept separate from all other property submitted for x-ray screening.

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I have a liquid prescription drug. Does that need to go into the ziploc or can I keep it separate? Also, what about non-prescription medications like nasal spray and eye drops? Must those go in the liquid bag?


No, that's separate. I have to fly with bulky liquid meds, and they go into a gallon-sized bag which I report to the first official at the checkpoint. (Be sure not to neglect that step.) I have invariably been told to just put it in the bin with my quart-sized 3-1-1 bag. When I've put common over-the-counter liquids such as Visine in the larger meds bag, they haven't been removed. :::knocking on wood in case I've just jinxed myself:::



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Maybe I wasn't too clear the first time. Take the carryon size bag. Just check it. That's the way to get your big toiletries to Europe with you. Me - outside of my Clear Care, I LOVE to wander the shops where I'm at to pick up toiletries.

Now, about those "medical" items. You are supposed to be allowed to take those without limit. BUT, the TSA being the TSA, they can hassle you about some of them and even tell you you can't have them. Be prepared for that. That's what happened with my Clear Care. It's a contact lens cleaning solution. Per the TSA regs, it is supposed to be allowed. But, if the TSO recognizes it as Clear Care and not just another bottle of contact lens stuff, it can be "voluntarily relinquished" (remember - they don't confiscate :rolleyes:). It has hydrogen peroxide in it and TSA doesn't like that.

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I use an over-the-coumter nasal spray. My Dr. wrote a "Prescription" for it so it doesn't have to go in the 311 bag. Take any prescription drugs in their containers with the prescription on them and they do not have to be in the 311 bag. Julia

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If I were going to check the bag, I would not have bought a bag small enough to be carry-on. The reason I have a bag under the limit is so it doesn't have to be checked. ;) I understand that it would be easier to get liquids on board if I check it but I don't want to do that. I have had too many experiences with lost luggage.


Jinn, According to the TSA rules, they will allow non-prescription liquid items as medicine as well as long as it is under 4 oz. Since both the eye drops and nasal spray are tiny, I am not going to worry about it. If I can fit it in the other bag I will do so. I can't get a doctor's scrip at this late notice and in fact, since my primary doctor just moved to Oregon and the new doctor has no open slots. I will remember that for next time though!


Several ideas here have allowed me to decrease the amount in the bag so thanks!

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If I were going to check the bag, I would not have bought a bag small enough to be carry-on. The reason I have a bag under the limit is so it doesn't have to be checked. ;) I understand that it would be easier to get liquids on board if I check it but I don't want to do that. I have had too many experiences with lost luggage.


Jinn, According to the TSA rules, they will allow non-prescription liquid items as medicine as well as long as it is under 4 oz. Since both the eye drops and nasal spray are tiny, I am not going to worry about it. If I can fit it in the other bag I will do so. I can't get a doctor's scrip at this late notice and in fact, since my primary doctor just moved to Oregon and the new doctor has no open slots. I will remember that for next time though!


Several ideas here have allowed me to decrease the amount in the bag so thanks!


Fair 'nuff. I just wanted to be sure you knew that option. And, just be prepared to give up those items just in case you get a cranky TSA checker. It happens. You can check the Security forum over at FlyerTalk to see instances of that.

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