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Marina--Meet & Greet Location Suggestions?

Bruin Steve

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I know there was a thread on here a little while ago about Meet & Greets on Marina or on Oceania in general...

...and it dealt a bit with how much help O was...or wasn't...in organizing these...

But that is irrelevant for our cruise...

Ours is so port intensive (Day after embarkation is Honfleur, the first of 11 straight port days!)...


So, if we are going to do any sort of Cruise Critic Party, it seems it has to be on Embarkation Day in Dover...


We are supposed to set sail at 6:00 pm...I am going to assume there is a muster drill in the late afternoon some time...Also assuming that, although WE plan on getting to the ship early (we will only be driving from Canterbury) that not everyone on our roll call will...


So, I am guessing we look at meeting right after the dreaded muster drill...But where???


Is there a location on Marina likely not booked for some other activity that could accommodate a reasonably sized group at that time?

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How many people are you talking about, Steve?


When I set these up on the "R" ships, we were maybe 30 people tops. We were always in Horizons, but then again I had time to go to the concierge to reserve a space. And we generally did it on the first or even second night after departure. I can't remember if these were after ports of call ... but if you leave a port in the late afternoon, it should be do-able.


On last year's Midnight Sun we did the M&G in Horizons after the boat drill but it was set up by one of our member's TA who footed the bill for wine and cheese, etc. So we didn't have to fuss with arrangements.


If you really think you need to do the M&G the night of departure (and I see why you might think so), maybe some advance work with O is to be considered. Not that they will give you great help, but at least you should be able to get them to suggest a venue!


I certainly would hope so!


Good luck!



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I'm thinking the critical factor is how busy they are that day and that you can't make arrangments in advance


It would be hard to get an area set aside or to make arrangments with the Concierge once you're on board.


It might be safest to just meet in Horizon's. Hopefully there will be enough staff on hand or they can arrange for another server or so with short notice.


Nice problem to have - 11 port days!

If any of these in the first few days have a short port stay and leave fairly early it might be better to have your get-together early evening for half an hour or so at say 6:00 and then go as a group to the GDR taking a number of tables

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I would just go for Horizon's after Muster drill usually held between 5-6pm


On the Marina it was less painful as you do not need to stand outside by the lifeboats

You report to your muster station have the drill ....it was over in about 15 minutes


If you have a small group Martini's would also work

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It would be hard to get an area set aside or to make arrangments with the Concierge once you're on board.



Forget the concierge - neither the concierge nor Oceania give a d**m about M&G. You are definitely on your own. It really is a shame as FDR seems so involved and responsive here on the boards. I can't quite figure out why this attitude.

When I inquired with the concierge about the use of a microphone to facilitate introductions at a M&G, I was told that there would a charge for that :confused: . In another case when a M&G organizer gave a list of CC members to the concierge and asked to have a message delivered, she wound up hand delivering the messages herself to all the cabins (not a small task on Marina). You can guess what the concierge told her.....

Just meet at the Horizons; if there is something going on there at the time you can gather in one of the corners (or the "smoking" lounge).

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On the Marina, there is a great place to meet right outside the GDR..it is a long wide corridor with tables and chairs..a great place to meet and have drinks..


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On the Marina, there is a great place to meet right outside the GDR..it is a long wide corridor with tables and chairs..a great place to meet and have drinks..



Yes, that is the Grand Bar




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How many people are you talking about, Steve?


Hi, Mura...


We currently have 23 posters on our Roll Call, each, I assume, representing a couple, so, as of now, with three months to go before the cruise, call it 46 people...


Of course, from experience, we know all 46 seldom show up...

Also, with three months to go, I'm guessing a few new posters pop up toward the end as the late bookers arrive...


Figure we end up with about 25-30 posters--or 50-60 people and, say, a 50% attendance rate...


We would be talking about 25-30 people...But, of course, that's just a guess...


Based on my experience with the R-ships, I am guessing that, if the Grand Bar MIGHT be a good location--because, with the timing, some may want to continue by forming dinner groups and proceding to the GDR...but, if we end up expecting 25-30 people, I don't know that it is large enough...

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Based on my experience with the R-ships, I am guessing that, if the Grand Bar MIGHT be a good location--because, with the timing, some may want to continue by forming dinner groups and proceding to the GDR...but, if we end up expecting 25-30 people, I don't know that it is large enough...

As you can see from the photo the Grand Bar is very long

I would say it is about 100 +ft long ...not really conducive for a M & G IMO

It is like a long hall with chairs;)

The string quartet plays there in the evenings


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Forget the concierge - neither the concierge nor Oceania give a d**m about M&G. You are definitely on your own.

I never get upset when someone relates their experience, whether it be positive OR negative. But, it really grates on me to see thos experiences being related as fact, as if it were always the case. Paul, I respect your posts, but this was your experience and is your opinion, and should have been so stated. It is directly contrary to the experience I had on the maiden voyage and we had on the second voyage of Marina.


It is true that Oceania does not regard the cruise critic get-togethers as something to be supported, unlike Royal Caribbean and its offspring. It's also true that if one wishes any special services for such a get-together, that cruise critic members are treated hjust like any other special organization that wants a meeting on board -- whether a travel organization, wine group, quilting group, corporate group or cruise critic members, if you want a hosted party, you have to pay for it. The free parties offered by Oceania are the Captain's welcome party and the past guest party.


But, ask the concierge (or assistant concierge) for assistance in setting aside and area and making certain there will be enough wait staff, no problem. They still deliver invitations -- in fact, they have a couple of dedicated crew members they call bell boys who will take your invitations around the ship. And, as long as all you want is a printed notice of the get-together on Oceania letterhead, produced in minutes on a word processor and laser printer, no problem. In fact, Keith (the asst concierge on Marina) produced an invitation for us while he was chatting and waiting for a call back from the food and beverage manager.


This had nothing to do with the idea that Jim & Stan and Betsy & I had become friends with some corporate managers -- Keith had absolutely no idea of any of that.


When I tried to make special arrangements for the maiden voyage through the corporate office, that is when I learned about Oceania's policy in this regard, and we were on our own just like anyone else. You do have to ask nicely and accept whatever help they are able to give, and not show an attitude.

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Based on my experience with the R-ships, I am guessing that, if the Grand Bar MIGHT be a good location--because, with the timing, some may want to continue by forming dinner groups and proceding to the GDR...but, if we end up expecting 25-30 people, I don't know that it is large enough...



I don't think that it is a good idea to hold a M&G there. It is open to all and often busy. Your CC members would not know who belongs to the group and who doesn't; other passers-by would wonder what's going on, etc.

It's best to find an area where it's just your group.


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But, ask the concierge (or assistant concierge) for assistance in setting aside and area and making certain there will be enough wait staff, no problem. They still deliver invitations -- in fact, they have a couple of dedicated crew members they call bell boys who will take your invitations around the ship. And, as long as all you want is a printed notice of the get-together on Oceania letterhead, produced in minutes on a word processor and laser printer, no problem. In fact, Keith (the asst concierge on Marina) produced an invitation for us while he was chatting and waiting for a call back from the food and beverage manager.



Sorry Don

I have to disagree with you Again

I tried from day one to get a space allotted for our M & G

After several attempts I finally got the room set aside on day 17 of the 18 day cruise

The invitations we got were certainly not on letterhead & in the nice envelope we have come to expect from past sailings

It was on regular 8x11 paper delivered the room the night before (not a problem) at least we got them


Maybe for those with friends in high places you get fast service it was not the case with us


We did not expect nor ask for anything other than space set aside



Things are changing at Oceania so you cannot expect to receive things that you have in the past unless you have connections :rolleyes:



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This had nothing to do with the idea that Jim & Stan and Betsy & I had become friends with some corporate managers -- Keith had absolutely no idea of any of that.


I think you are deluding yourself on that count


They know who you are ;)



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I never get upset when someone relates their experience, whether it be positive OR negative. But, it really grates on me to see thos experiences being related as fact, as if it were always the case. Paul, I respect your posts, but this was your experience and is your opinion, and should have been so stated. It is directly contrary to the experience I had on the maiden voyage and we had on the second voyage of Marina.



Fine - I stand corrected. That has been MY experience on 3 segments on the Marina. I was very polite to the concierge and was specifically told that no such arrangements could be made and no area can be secured for a M&G. One of our CC organizers DID have to deliver hand-written notes by herself to each cabin (not because she had nothing better to do). When these things happen to me 3 times, that becomes a fact for me.


BTW - yes, you do get upset when people post anything that might seem negative about Oceania and you always contradict it.

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I think having an M&G on Day 17 really defeats the purpose...


IMHO, the reasons for holding a Cruise Critic M&G are:

1) To put faces to the screen names of those people we have been discussing the cruise with for the past year plus here on CC...

2) To find others with whom we may have set up private small group tours...

3) To discuss possible additional arrangements in unplanned ports...

4) To "make friends" with those with which we have these boards in common for various onboard activities such as shared dinners...


For these reasons, it really is important to hold this event BEFORE all of the port stops...On cruises where there is an at sea day at the beginning of the cruise, that day is usually ideal...But, for one like this one, where we have Honfleur, then Saint Malo, then Pont Aven, etc., tight off the bat, it is sort of important to hold this on embarkation day...


For that purpose, any sort of printed invitation only works if you can arrange it all AHEAD of the cruise...and, even so, it helps to just publicize it on the Roll Call...


On other ships (not including RCCL, X or Azamara where the cruise line sets it up), we have always looked for some out-of-the-way lounge or public area (often a bar, but, on one cruise, we chose a remote corner of the pool deck), then reminded everyone regularly on the Roll Call.


I sort of assume there would be very little assistance from Oceania--though, I suppose it would be nice of US to let them know what we are planning...just so that they might notice any conflict with any official plans...

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I think having an M&G on Day 17 really defeats the purpose...


You would think so!!! :D

We did have our own meeting on day 2 in the morning but there was a seminar going on at the same time but we did mingle a little not the same as having an area set aside for you though


We agreed to just come if we could, sometimes things are scheduled that people want to participate in



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On the Colonial Crossing we had about 75 people show up for our M&G...we met in the Horizons Lounge but as it was already set up for tea, and therefore not too condusive we moved to the smoking room....since Marina is so new the room did not have an odor and we weren't displacing any smokers..while space was tight it proved great for CCers to greet each other. I too agree that the Grand Bar wouldn't work...unless you had a very small number of CCers ....it's really used as a walkway most of the time. Where ever you end up...enjoy! BTW...Keith and the Dining Room Manager were very helpful in working with me to have a CC luncheon in the MDR one noon-time...fun and another way to meet others! They allocated the area on the opposite side of the entrance to the MDR and it was a perfect location. LuAnn

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I think a perfect place for the Meet and Greet would be in that flourescent Casino Bar. Not for the coloring, but for the fact that I never saw anyone in that bar. It isn't a gigantic area, but I don't think you would be in the way of anyone!! Just an idea for you. On the Maiden Voyage we were supposed to meet in Horizons and on the last minute were told that we couldn't use it, so just by word of mouth, it was changed to the theater/lounge in the very back. You sort of have to go with the flow since Oceania unfortunately does not participate in Meet and Greet functions.


Good luck wherever you end up having it. And yes, I do agree that the sooner the better after sailing.



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On the Maiden Voyage we were supposed to meet in Horizons and on the last minute were told that we couldn't use it, so just by word of mouth, it was changed to the theater/lounge in the very back.


That is why it is good to have Oceania arrange a time & place for you but if unwilling to do so then you have to just DIY!!! ;)


Do you mean you had the meeting at the back of the theater? ...did not seem to be much room. A lot more seats there than on the R-ships but in a good way for meetings

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For God's sake don't do it in the theater. Why would anyone voluntarily set foot in that place if they didn't have to? It's the one inexplicably ugly and uncomfortable public space on the ship, unless of course, you like to feel like a first grader who needs to pull out his little desk on which to perch his notebook, I mean drink.

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For God's sake don't do it in the theater. Why would anyone voluntarily set foot in that place if they didn't have to? It's the one inexplicably ugly and uncomfortable public space on the ship, unless of course, you like to feel like a first grader who needs to pull out his little desk on which to perch his notebook, I mean drink.

I totally agree with you

I just thought of a possible area..what about Waves Grill area. You have the bar and there should be servers there..just a thought:confused:

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For Bruin Steve:

On our Carib cruise ( Marina) in March the drill was held on the second day not the first , so go figure.

And, while we mentioned that there was to be a M & G with about 45 people.. no one made any attemp to assist with special invites ( as on the other ships)..so don't rely on that.

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I know there was a thread on here a little while ago about Meet & Greets on Marina or on Oceania in general...

...and it dealt a bit with how much help O was...or wasn't...in organizing these...

But that is irrelevant for our cruise...

Ours is so port intensive (Day after embarkation is Honfleur, the first of 11 straight port days!)...


So, if we are going to do any sort of Cruise Critic Party, it seems it has to be on Embarkation Day in Dover...


We are supposed to set sail at 6:00 pm...I am going to assume there is a muster drill in the late afternoon some time...Also assuming that, although WE plan on getting to the ship early (we will only be driving from Canterbury) that not everyone on our roll call will...


So, I am guessing we look at meeting right after the dreaded muster drill...But where???


Is there a location on Marina likely not booked for some other activity that could accommodate a reasonably sized group at that time?


Thanks for starting this thread, Steve. Yorkiemom and I have been emailing each other the past few days about our June Baltic cruise M&G; we also have no sea days, plus the first full day on board after embarkation in Copenhagen is the dash to Berlin from Warnemunde. I actually have committed a group of 16 from our roll call to be on the dock and ready to roll at 7:30 AM!!:eek: So after we all wake up, at least 16 of us will have a M&G on the bus to Berlin!:D


Seriously, I think the best plan simply is to tell anyone interested from the roll call to meet in Horizons after the muster drill. We are over 45 people, and nowhere else really is big enough with a manned bar at that time. I did a lot of pre-planning last year for the first of our two M&G's, but our first morning we did not dock until 11 AM so we had some time then. We then also had a cocktail party in Horizons about five days later and the Concierge was very helpful in distributing invitations for the second event, making sure we had one area of Horizons specifically reserved for us, and some bar munchies and a server, but the first I arranged myself.

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Hi...On our last Oceania M&G we met after dinner, in a large lounge. Teh one that was used for afternoon tea and sweets. No one else was there and we brought name tags along for everyone to fill out. Nice putting a face with a name. Not worth arguing about. I think that it is not worth arguing about, and we should let those who have cruised on the Marina already made suggesiions? Wherever it is, we'll all show up.


Also, getting together before dinner and dining in groups of 8 or 10 would also be fun.


Who is from Cinci? We are from Cleveland in the summer. Boynton beach in the winter. and looking forward to meeting everyone , where ever.


Now, how do I start a new thread on a new subject.?? I just can't seem to find our how to do it. I want to seek an other couple or two who have late flights out of Heathrow, and are interested in a tour in Dover, and other on the way back to Heathrow.We don't fly out until 6 PM. Also, for some day trips out of London the days prior to boarding.




Bobbi and Marv

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You need to find your Roll Call -- you need your ship name and sailing date to find it. Then post your question where people on the same cruise will be sure to see it.



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