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My Experience in CL with Kids


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Many people do not realize they can pick up a bottle of wine from most of the bars on

the ship and hand carry it to your cabin. They will even open it for you if you do

not have an opener, and give you a couple of glasses.


Why go into the CL (a closed in small and already crowded area) when you can enjoy a glass of wine in your nice spacious suite and sit on your balcony with family room to roam? :rolleyes:

Socializing with other adults.
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Socializing with other adults.


That is why we totally enjoy the DL! ;)

We have met some really great people in both the DL, and the "Diamond Event" on several


But bring in the noisy little "darlins" and I am back to my own cabin. Sad it should be that way. Then again, I can always host a party! :D There are many occasions to meet

people all over the ship, at all times of the day, plus shore excursions.

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What happens when some goofy parent orders a rum and coke and hands it to their 16 year old?


The ship: Allure of the Seas


The setting: The Flair Bartending Show in Studio B before The Quest


The setup: Assistant CD gives away the drinks created by the bartenders


The climax: ACD hands drink to mother in front row with four or five underage kids, aged 8-15, who takes a sip and then passes it down the row for all of her kids to try.



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The ship: Allure of the Seas


The setting: The Flair Bartending Show in Studio B before The Quest


The setup: Assistant CD gives away the drinks created by the bartenders


The climax: ACD hands drink to mother in front row with four or five underage kids, aged 8-15, who takes a sip and then passes it down the row for all of her kids to try.




This is exactly the problem. We seem to be focusing on younger children in the CL, but there will also be teenagers. There are some adults who simply "don't get it and will give an alcoholic drink to a 17 year old. Now suppose someone sees it. Later the kid does something stupid and gets into trouble and it is reported the kid was drinking in the CL.


Who's liable? The concierge? The server? RCCL? probably all of them. This could lead to lawsuits and more trouble than RCCL ever imagined!

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This is exactly the problem. We seem to be focusing on younger children in the CL, but there will also be teenagers. There are some adults who simply "don't get it and will give an alcoholic drink to a 17 year old. Now suppose someone sees it. Later the kid does something stupid and gets into trouble and it is reported the kid was drinking in the CL.


Who's liable? The concierge? The server? RCCL? probably all of them. This could lead to lawsuits and more trouble than RCCL ever imagined!


I'm not sure how different that is then a parent who gets a drink for their 17yo at any bar on the ship. I'm sure it happens, some don't believe in the drinking age. Whether the parent was handed it to them free, or bought it, nothing is different once they hand it to someone else.

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...why does the conversation have to be reduced to "whiny parents". Nobody knows the facts behind the change and it could be part of a bigger plan. If the D+ get the boot out of the CL watch out. :eek:


Actually AG said it was done due to "complaints" by parents who were sailing in suites. I don't think he actually said the word complaint but it was implied.

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This is exactly the problem. We seem to be focusing on younger children in the CL, but there will also be teenagers. There are some adults who simply "don't get it and will give an alcoholic drink to a 17 year old. Now suppose someone sees it. Later the kid does something stupid and gets into trouble and it is reported the kid was drinking in the CL.


Who's liable? The concierge? The server? RCCL? probably all of them. This could lead to lawsuits and more trouble than RCCL ever imagined!


If the concierge or the server gave the drink to the child, then I can see liability. But if the parent does it, then I think they're off the hook. Other than the cost of defending against the parent's irresponsibility. I don't think it would be any different in the CL than it is around the rest of the ship.

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  • 6 months later...

It is illogical to grant access to the concierge lounge to children. Kids have a place dedicated as kids only. If the Cruiseline is worried about the children of suite passengers, they should create an exclusive kids only area for gold card cruisers. Royal is not thinking this through. On our most recent cruise children were carding in and out of the Diamond lounge over and over grabbing food with their fingers then walking out, only to return minutes later for another serving. They were passing their card to non suite children who would do the same. Instead of dealing with the problem Royal will probably install a revolving door to make it easier to abuse the lounge. During the day unsupervised kids were carding in, in groups making hot chocolate playing games and leaving their messes behind. Wouldn't it make sense for kids to go to a kid friendly place to do the same thing? These kids were not supervised at all by their parents and I am sure the kids have been instilled with the belief that anything goes because they paid a premium for suite status. The diamond lounge used to be a place to socialize and meet fellow frequent cruises in a relaxed and comfortable atmosphere.

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There were many children in the CL on our recent Mariner Spring Break cruise. They behaved appropriately and in no way lessened the experience for adults (we usually went in around 7-7:30). On the first night there was a screaming infant in the lounge, but after about a minute of unsuccessfully trying to quiet the baby, the parents removed the child.


We don't have children so I was very worried about how the atmosphere would be affected. We found it to be a non-issue on our sailing.

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It is illogical to grant access to the concierge lounge to children. Kids have a place dedicated as kids only. If the Cruiseline is worried about the children of suite passengers, they should create an exclusive kids only area for gold card cruisers. Royal is not thinking this through. On our most recent cruise children were carding in and out of the Diamond lounge over and over grabbing food with their fingers then walking out, only to return minutes later for another serving. They were passing their card to non suite children who would do the same. Instead of dealing with the problem Royal will probably install a revolving door to make it easier to abuse the lounge. During the day unsupervised kids were carding in, in groups making hot chocolate playing games and leaving their messes behind. Wouldn't it make sense for kids to go to a kid friendly place to do the same thing? These kids were not supervised at all by their parents and I am sure the kids have been instilled with the belief that anything goes because they paid a premium for suite status. The diamond lounge used to be a place to socialize and meet fellow frequent cruises in a relaxed and comfortable atmosphere.


You are referring to suite guests and also to the Diamond Lounge. Suite guests and children are not entitled to use the Diamond Lounge. They are invited to the Concierge Lounge, unless they happen to also be Diamond members. Even then, children are not allowed in the DL, unless that policy has changed, and NEVER unsupervised. I would have brought the situation you describe to the attention of the Diamond Concierge and also to Guest Services.

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First of all, I have no young children, so the policy does not directly affect me one way or another.


On our November 2011 Explorer cruise, we witnessed the following behavior by various adults in the Concierge Lounge.


1. Waiting for the Concierge not to look, then quickly pouring their free drinks into cardboard coffee cups and taking them outside of the lounge.


2. Entering the lounge wearing baggy pants with lots of cargo pockets. Sitting next to the bar cart where the bartender keeps all of the beer bottles. Waiting for the bartender to be serving someone else, leaving the cart unattended, and then filling up all the cargo pockets with bottles of beer and sneaking out of the lounge.


3. Waiting to enter the lounge at 4:45 p.m. and then not moving from the seat until 8:30 p.m. -- drinking the evening away for free and not letting other guests have a place to sit and also enjoy.


4. Touching food with fingers and sneezing right over the area where they place the food.


5. Waiting for the Concierge to leave the lounge to attend to business so they can pick up the telephone and make ship-to-shore long-distance calls for free, only to tell the concierge when he returned that they were just calling their friends in another cabin, while everybody sitting in the lounge heard the conversation: "Thanks, mom for housesitting for us and taking care of the dogs while we're on the cruise".


I'll take a couple of well-behaved children entering with their parents anyday.


Kind regards,


Gunther and Uta

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I agree German.

While I strive to follow CL guidelines, I see many kids AND ESPECIALLY ADULTS breaking every rule posted. The kids are only lkearning the inappropriate behaviors from their inappropriate acting parents. I am blessed and thankful that my kids are excellent and are complemented on their dining room behavior on EVERY SINGLE CRUISE we've ever taken. Some of you should look in the mirror.

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It is illogical to grant access to the concierge lounge to children. Kids have a place dedicated as kids only. If the Cruiseline is worried about the children of suite passengers, they should create an exclusive kids only area for gold card cruisers. Royal is not thinking this through. On our most recent cruise children were carding in and out of the Diamond lounge over and over grabbing food with their fingers then walking out, only to return minutes later for another serving. They were passing their card to non suite children who would do the same. Instead of dealing with the problem Royal will probably install a revolving door to make it easier to abuse the lounge. During the day unsupervised kids were carding in, in groups making hot chocolate playing games and leaving their messes behind. Wouldn't it make sense for kids to go to a kid friendly place to do the same thing? These kids were not supervised at all by their parents and I am sure the kids have been instilled with the belief that anything goes because they paid a premium for suite status. The diamond lounge used to be a place to socialize and meet fellow frequent cruises in a relaxed and comfortable atmosphere.
'Are you talking about the Concierge Lounge or the Diamond Lounge? The CL is available to suite guests including their kids. The DL is supposted to be kid-free according to Adam Goldstein. I don't know if the Gold card for suites would work in the DL unless the holder is D or D+

Which ship?


Lack of supervisions by parents seems to be a common trait of parents who are afraid to discipline their kids.

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I agree German.

While I strive to follow CL guidelines, I see many kids AND ESPECIALLY ADULTS breaking every rule posted. The kids are only lkearning the inappropriate behaviors from their inappropriate acting parents. I am blessed and thankful that my kids are excellent and are complemented on their dining room behavior on EVERY SINGLE CRUISE we've ever taken. Some of you should look in the mirror.

Agree about the horrid acting adults that don't supervise their kids and are bad role models.
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First of all, I have no young children, so the policy does not directly affect me one way or another.


On our November 2011 Explorer cruise, we witnessed the following behavior by various adults in the Concierge Lounge.


1. Waiting for the Concierge not to look, then quickly pouring their free drinks into cardboard coffee cups and taking them outside of the lounge.


2. Entering the lounge wearing baggy pants with lots of cargo pockets. Sitting next to the bar cart where the bartender keeps all of the beer bottles. Waiting for the bartender to be serving someone else, leaving the cart unattended, and then filling up all the cargo pockets with bottles of beer and sneaking out of the lounge.


3. Waiting to enter the lounge at 4:45 p.m. and then not moving from the seat until 8:30 p.m. -- drinking the evening away for free and not letting other guests have a place to sit and also enjoy.


4. Touching food with fingers and sneezing right over the area where they place the food.


5. Waiting for the Concierge to leave the lounge to attend to business so they can pick up the telephone and make ship-to-shore long-distance calls for free, only to tell the concierge when he returned that they were just calling their friends in another cabin, while everybody sitting in the lounge heard the conversation: "Thanks, mom for housesitting for us and taking care of the dogs while we're on the cruise".


I'll take a couple of well-behaved children entering with their parents anyday.


Kind regards,


Gunther and Uta


All those things happened on one cruise? In our two cruises in a GS using the CL, we haven't seen any of those behaviors.


I'm not sure why people think talking about adult behavior has any bearing on the rules being changed for whatever reason they decided to change them.


What I find highly amusing is the most kid friendly cruise line on the planet, Disney has more adult only locations than any other mass market cruise line.


We're in a GS on EX in Nov, which is also a Member's cruise. We are Diamond now and we'll determine whether we use the CL or the Diamond event based on how crowded they each are.


I do think keeping the CL adult only for 3 hours out of 24 isn't asking that much. Kids have always been allowed the other 21. It just appears parents want to drink in front of their children.:rolleyes:

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All those things happened on one cruise? In our two cruises in a GS using the CL, we haven't seen any of those behaviors.


I'm not sure why people think talking about adult behavior has any bearing on the rules being changed for whatever reason they decided to change them.


What I find highly amusing is the most kid friendly cruise line on the planet, Disney has more adult only locations than any other mass market cruise line.


We're in a GS on EX in Nov, which is also a Member's cruise. We are Diamond now and we'll determine whether we use the CL or the Diamond event based on how crowded they each are.


I do think keeping the CL adult only for 3 hours out of 24 isn't asking that much. Kids have always been allowed the other 21. It just appears parents want to drink in front of their children.:rolleyes:


Well said. Enjoy the member cruise --

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here we go.:rolleyes:

and I say not very well said.!


I just said "it appears", which means it's how it LOOKS to others. Is that all you took out of my post? Geez, taken completely out of context.:rolleyes:

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I agree German.

While I strive to follow CL guidelines, I see many kids AND ESPECIALLY ADULTS breaking every rule posted. The kids are only lkearning the inappropriate behaviors from their inappropriate acting parents. I am blessed and thankful that my kids are excellent and are complemented on their dining room behavior on EVERY SINGLE CRUISE we've ever taken. Some of you should look in the mirror.


Every parent on this message board claims that their children are well behaved.


There should be a couple adult only lounges on every ship and not only for the suite guest.

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