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LIVE from the Grand Princess - 49 days from FLL thru South America to SFO


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Today passed like a flash. Don’t know where all the hours go. Went to the gym, had breakfast, got dressed and then to the Rio lecture. After that time to check out the sale (this is always a must do for my husband), saw nothing worthy to buy and suddenly it was time for lunch. The four of us decided on Alfredo’s; first time for Tina and Ken and they enjoyed it. Afterwards, off we went to the Maxtone-Graham lecture and then to see if I wanted to join the book club.


RE Book Club: Something that should have started much earlier than 9 days into the cruise. There were about 50 people and only 9 copies of each book. You’ll have to share, said the genius. Share with whom? I was one of the first there, so I did get a book; The Brightest Star in the Sky. Just a quick perusal and I may be turning it in unread.


Tonight is formal night and lobster night. Yum. Need to change clothes and get moving. See you tomorrow.

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Hi Pia and Mike,


I caught a nasty flu that took me down for almost two weeks, that is why I am late! I am looking forward to reliving my trip through you, enjoy. Glad you are mending, now I better read through to the last post, I only got through 1 page! ;)



PS send out love to Tina and Ken

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Good morning on our final sea day before reaching our first Brazilian port. Not sure of the temp this morning, but you can feel it getting hotter and also more humid. That, my friends, is Brazil.


Other than dinner, we did little else last night other than read. I’m trying hard to gain interest in the book club book and hope it piques my interest soon. I will give it today only and then POOF! BTW, more than 50% of the gents were wearing tuxes at dinner. Not our guys, who were the Men in Black.


Before I forget, will the person who posted the “you cannot bring wine aboard at other than embarking ports” please tell me where on the Princess website this was printed. Several of us have looked independently and none of us see it. It certainly is not written in our contract.


On tap today is Maxtone-Graham at 10 and the crossing the Equator ceremony at 11::15. Afternoon gives us an astronomy lecture, the movie Premium Rush in the theater and Ferris Bueller’s Day Off on MUTS.


Tonight is our Captain’s Circle party (there are a whole lot of them over several different days) and the entertainment will be the movie Total Recall on MUTS and comedian Al Katz and the magician in the theater. Explorer’s is doing ballroom dancing and Vista will have 50’s and 60’s trivia following by Rock and Roll music/dancing.

Check with you later.

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On tap today is...the crossing the Equator ceremony at 11::15.


I myself became a 'Shellback' en route to Rio de Janeiro on the USS Mississippi (CGN-40) as part of her commissioning crew. We spent three days at anchor during the amazing Carnival in Rio de Janeiro. What a memory that was for this then 19-year old! :D


Have a great time!

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Good morning on our final sea day before reaching our first Brazilian port. Not sure of the temp this morning, but you can feel it getting hotter and also more humid. That, my friends, is Brazil.


Other than dinner, we did little else last night other than read. I’m trying hard to gain interest in the book club book and hope it piques my interest soon. I will give it today only and then POOF! BTW, more than 50% of the gents were wearing tuxes at dinner. Not our guys, who were the Men in Black.


Before I forget, will the person who posted the “you cannot bring wine aboard at other than embarking ports” please tell me where on the Princess website this was printed. Several of us have looked independently and none of us see it. It certainly is not written in our contract.


On tap today is Maxtone-Graham at 10 and the crossing the Equator ceremony at 11::15. Afternoon gives us an astronomy lecture, the movie Premium Rush in the theater and Ferris Bueller’s Day Off on MUTS.


Tonight is our Captain’s Circle party (there are a whole lot of them over several different days) and the entertainment will be the movie Total Recall on MUTS and comedian Al Katz and the magician in the theater. Explorer’s is doing ballroom dancing and Vista will have 50’s and 60’s trivia following by Rock and Roll music/dancing.

Check with you later.


I believe that the person is referring to the Passage Contract that is currently on the Princess Web Site. The last sentence reads:


" You agree to surrender alcoholic beverages that are purchased duty free from the ship's gift shop, or at ports of call, to the carrier, which will be delivered to your stateroom on the last night of the voyage."

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Pia - the "new" alcohol policy is listed at




"Alcohol Policy"


My personal feeling is it has a lot more to do with beer than wine. We have seen folks with two wheeled carts stacked with cases of beer bring them onboard. Alcohol is a real big money maker for the cruise lines. $$$$ talk volumes.


We, too, like to look for a local bottle of wine as we explore ports and I think I will check with the Master at Arms before going ashore and see if bringing a bottle of wine back onboard will cause a problem.

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Popping in with some new info. New to us anyway. This is the first we have seen this. A form was delivered to our cabin this morning stating as follows:


Good Day Elite and Suite Passengers. In an effort to streamline the delivery of your Mini Bar for the upcoming cruises, we would highly appreciate it if you would take the time to complete the below mini bar request for any changes you may wish to make to the standard mini bar setup. It then goes on to tell you that:

1. Mini bottle of spirits may be exchanged on a one for one basis.

2. Non-alcoholic beverages may be exchanged on a one for one basis.

3. Alcoholic for non-alcoholic on a one for one basis

4. Non-alcoholic may NOT be exchanged for alcoholic.

5. Full mini bar may be exchanged for TWO coffee cards

6. Full mini bar may be exchanged for ONE bottle of wine as follows:

A. Kendall Jackson Chardonnay

B. Nobilo Sauvignon Blanc

C. Kendall Jackson Cabernet Sauvignon

D. Robert Mondavi Pinto Noir


Since the next cruise is only 13 days and we have a whole lot of soda, beer and wine, I think I might choose to get two coffee cards which is definitely the most cost effective trade.


Oh yes, there is water on our balcony again. Not as much as before, but still quite annoying. I am wondering why only Baja is getting this since when you look down at Caribe, they are completely dry. Grrrrrrrrrr

As for the contract, it may be disputable to those who consider it "after the fact." We will buy wine and see what happens, but only when we need it and we won't need it for at least another week or more.

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It states on the boarding pass( for our cruise in April) that 1 bottle of wine per person per voyage is allowed to be consumed in the cabins without corkage fee. Other bottles are permitted and will be charged a corkage fee whether you intend to consume on board or not. Liquor and beer are prohibited.


Now, whether they inforce that, who knows?

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It states on the boarding pass( for our cruise in April) that 1 bottle of wine per person per voyage is allowed to be consumed in the cabins without corkage fee. Other bottles are permitted and will be charged a corkage fee whether you intend to consume on board or not. Liquor and beer are prohibited.



Pia -- that is something that started appearing on boarding passes after you set sail from Port Everglades. If you go to the peronalizer and look at your (unneeded) luggage tags for your next segment, you will see this. It may also appear on the (unneeded) boarding pass for your next segment.

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Hi Pia,


You shouldn't buy wine when you actually need it, but when it is readily available. The ports where you will have a good selection of wine is Montevideo, Buenos Aires, and Valparaiso. If you need some wine in a week, Falkland Islands or Ushuaia are not ideal places to pick up wine.

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Popping in with some new info. New to us anyway. This is the first we have seen this. A form was delivered to our cabin this morning stating as follows:



Good Day Elite and Suite Passengers. In an effort to streamline the delivery of your Mini Bar for the upcoming cruises, we would highly appreciate it if you would take the time to complete the below mini bar request for any changes you may wish to make to the standard mini bar setup. It then goes on to tell you that:



1. Mini bottle of spirits may be exchanged on a one for one basis.


2. Non-alcoholic beverages may be exchanged on a one for one basis.



3. Alcoholic for non-alcoholic on a one for one basis


4. Non-alcoholic may NOT be exchanged for alcoholic.


5. Full mini bar may be exchanged for TWO coffee cards


6. Full mini bar may be exchanged for ONE bottle of wine as follows:



A. Kendall Jackson Chardonnay

B. Nobilo Sauvignon Blanc

C. Kendall Jackson Cabernet Sauvignon

D. Robert Mondavi Pinto Noir



Since the next cruise is only 13 days and we have a whole lot of soda, beer and wine, I think I might choose to get two coffee cards which is definitely the most cost effective trade.




Oh yes, there is water on our balcony again. Not as much as before, but still quite annoying. I am wondering why only Baja is getting this since when you look down at Caribe, they are completely dry. Grrrrrrrrrr



As for the contract, it may be disputable to those who consider it "after the fact." We will buy wine and see what happens, but only when we need it and we won't need it for at least another week or more.


Wow, the exchange for coffee cards or wine is a new deal. I'm wondering if they will offer it on our 3/9 Sapphire cruise?

Thanks for the update. Sorry about that water on you balcony. :(


PS: Pia, my Mom is doing really well. The above cruise will be her first since aneurysm tear in June. She has 9 lives, all set aside for cruising.

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Hi Pia!


Brian and I are following your adventures with great interest! I should have sent him to join you guys! Glad to hear that you are back in the gym and healing nicely. Please pass on our hellos to Frankie and Jack! We miss you all on our Royal boards.


Denise and Brian


PS: We are curious to find out how they liked zip lining in Antigua! Let us know.

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Pia - the "new" alcohol policy is listed at




"Alcohol Policy"


My personal feeling is it has a lot more to do with beer than wine. We have seen folks with two wheeled carts stacked with cases of beer bring them onboard. Alcohol is a real big money maker for the cruise lines. $$$$ talk volumes.


We, too, like to look for a local bottle of wine as we explore ports and I think I will check with the Master at Arms before going ashore and see if bringing a bottle of wine back onboard will cause a problem.


We will be on Star for the 29 day B 2B from BA to LA. We, too, were planning to bring a bottle apiece on board at our various SA ports -- (why tour a winery otherwise???) we would be very interested to hear what the Master at Arms tells you -- and what happens when you actually return from a port on this voyage. If you could post that info, it would be much appreciated.



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Fortaleza, a hot and humid city, where there’s a concentration of rain the first six months of each year. Good morning, and there’s no rain. Yet. We were here 2 years ago and were never able to get off the shuttle bus because the rain was so intense. Yes, here’s a free shuttle which we will try to get on eventually. We had intended to go to the central market in 2011, so perhaps we’ll get there this time. Princess only offers three shorex here. One to the beach, another to a museum and a half day city tour viewing cathedral, lighthouse, theater, etc. Fortaleza was founded in the 17th century by a Dutchman, who built a fortress around this village. The fortress was ultimately seized by the Portuguese and has now become Brazil’s fifth largest city. Fortaleza is the capital of the state of Ceara, the first state in Brazil to abolish slavery near the end of the 19th century. OK. History lesson over. :)


Last night we attended the Captain Circle party; the third of five. The most traveled stats are:

Third 989

Second 1043

First 1213



Afterwards we went to see Al Katz and the magician. Unfortunately there was more magician than comedian. They both get off today.


On board today is an afternoon matinee showing (again) Snow White and the Huntsman and on MUTS a Paul McCartney concert. Nothing else worth mentioning. We depart Fortaleza at 4:00 PM.







Tonight in the theater will be George Sakellariou a classical guitarist, The Artist on MUTS and in Vista, the movie Looper. Will google the movie to decide if it’s something we want to see. It’s with Bruce Willis and we like Bruce Willis. It’s rated R and we like R. But it’s two hours and we like less than 2 hours.


Oh, yes. I hate the book club book and it’s going back today.



1. I buy wine when I need it. I like Chilean wine best, but I did buy in the Falklands previously and it was just fine. I also bought coffee there and intend to get some again. Unless of course I can find Starbucks. :D

2. Bill: It is not there (on the not needed boarding passes for the next two cruises), nor is it there for any of my future cruises.


3. Botticelli is the only traditional dining room


Will be back later if there’s something new to report. We have no intention of fighting the shuttle crowds and waiting in the heat, so will disembark at leisure.

DEnise: Everyone loved their zipping.

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WATER ON THE BALCONY (or, how to resolve it)

After every Tom, Dick and Pedro inspected our balcony and even after the engineer came to look at the drain (there is none), someone in the upper echelon decided that carpeting the balcony might help. So yes folks, we are now the proud recipients of green grass carpet, tat I think is like astro turf. They did a great job; don’t know when they did it, but all of a sudden it was there. The water problem seems to be a Baja problem; definitely Starboard, though I have no idea whether or not port side has it too. For sure it’s not coming down from above, since neither Aloha, Caribe or Dolphin has it. As of now I really don’t care. I have a carpet and when it gets wet (I don’t doubt that it will) most of

it will absorb into the turf. Just thought you needed to know.

P.S. The line outside waiting for the shuttle must have 300 people in it, and the shuttle doesn’t begin until 9:15.

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Didn’t I say I wouldn’t fight the crowds? Well, I lied. Not really. When I looked down from my balcony about 9:30, the crowds all seemed to have disappeared. I discovered later that several buses had come at the same time and gobbled them up all at once. So we went down, but now the lines had formed again. We waited about 20 minutes for the buses to return and we were on the second one.


Central Market. Five stories full of “stuff.” Mostly the same stuff over and over and over. We took an elevator to the top and then walked down to each floor. Didn’t cover all the stalls; way too many. Other than clothing and shoes and purses, there are cashews. Lots and lots of cashews. I bought a skirt because I bargained well. Now we’ll see if I ever wear it. For those who have yet to come here, there are elevators and ramps, and restrooms at each end of each level.


The skies were overcast and it never did rain. But when the sun came out it got much hotter and we were happy to get back into the air conditioned bus and go back to the ship for lunch There are few small tables set up right as you get off the ship and they are selling key chains, hats (men’s and ladies), baseball caps, kids tee shirts, statues, ash trays and water.


I googled “Looper” and we’re going to the movie. The biggie is whether or not we stay until the end. See you tomorrow.

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Thanks for your daily posts. Makes some of us want to hurry up our cruise.


I'm planning to go to pier 35 when the Grand arrives so I can get photos from the outside.


I'm on the May 10 cruise to Alaska. Our Meet and Greet is assigned to the One5 Nightclub deck 15 aft.


Did they serve any comp drinks at your M & G? On my HAL M & G they served comp drinks plus some snacks.


Thanks for all of your information. :):):)



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