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Thank you for the best reply yet;) I have decided that I will just leave the tip alone and tip no more to the servers since they are getting their fair share, since two of our kids will not be using their services;) And I will slide extra money to our room steward at the end of the week, and $10 at the end of each day to the daycare staff if my children are well take care of. That should cover everyone:p


I'm also a big advocate of tipping the hard working service workers of the world. I know you are new to cruising so try and think of it this way. The vast majority of people on a cruise ship do not bring children on board with them. The cruise lines hire extra staff to attract the ones that choose to do so but understandably can't be expected to "socialize" that cost into their ticket prices for those that are not traveling with kids that require the extra service. Your room steward is going to have to work just as hard to make a bed for an extra adult in your room as a they would a child. Just like the waiter at your dinner table is probably going to have to bring your picky eater a glass of orange juice or a dessert.


In the end, I applaud your above decision to keep the $12 DSC for the regular staff and add on a little extra for the additional personal attention the staff at the daycare facilities afford your kids. It's the right thing to do IMO.

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In past cruises we always tipped our cabin steward and wait staff on the last day - with NCL freestyle dining I'm guessing we will need to tip on a nightly basis.




If you leave the DSC in place there's no need to leave a tip each night unless the service has been exceptional and you feel you want to. It isn't expected. If we dine in one of the up-charge restaurants we often add an extra tip even though it isn't expected there either and my husband always tips the bartenders. (He usually goes to the same place and by the end of the cruise they're all best friends.) We've always had great cabin stewards and usually give them extra toward the end of the cruise but, again, it isn't expected.

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. ...


In past cruises we always tipped our cabin steward and wait staff on the last day - with NCL freestyle dining I'm guessing we will need to tip on a nightly basis.



Since the DSC includes all of the wait staff, no need to tip nightly. Those waiters will share in the DSC.

So will your cabin steward share in the DSC so no need to tip extra, although most of us do since those stewards do so much for us.

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Yes, but you also have to consider all the tips over and above the DSC that are given.


I'm not sure how it works on NCL, but I do know on several other lines if the service charge is adjusted downward by a guest, any tips that are received from that guest have to be turned in or the person who is tipped

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I'm not sure how it works on NCL, but I do know on several other lines if the service charge is adjusted downward by a guest, any tips that are received from that guest have to be turned in or the person who is tipped

I don't know, because I've never reduced the DSC for any of my cruises. The tips I give are over and above the DSC.

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On CCL you can remove your tips but it is not fair to everyone working so hard on the ship it is not the people you see up front it is everyone down the line.Sure you can tip who you think gives you good service but a lot of the other ones are loosing out,kitchen help laundry personal just to name a few. So CCl is the same as NCL. We leave everything on and tip extra besides.

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On CCL you can remove your tips but it is not fair to everyone working so hard on the ship it is not the people you see up front it is everyone down the line.Sure you can tip who you think gives you good service but a lot of the other ones are loosing out,kitchen help laundry personal just to name a few. So CCl is the same as NCL. We leave everything on and tip extra besides.


I personally don't feel the need to tip the person washing my towels or dishes. They really can't go above and beyond to 'earn' a tip. They wash things to a set standard, that's it. I also never have face to face contact with them.


Should we also tip the fuel barge operators and the pilot who guides the ship in and out of port? I certainly don't think so. Where does it stop? The argument can certainly be made that EVERYONE associated with your cruise works very hard. NCL is responsible for paying these people a wage, not me.

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I personally don't feel the need to tip the person washing my towels or dishes. They really can't go above and beyond to 'earn' a tip. They wash things to a set standard, that's it. I also never have face to face contact with them.


Should we also tip the fuel barge operators and the pilot who guides the ship in and out of port? I certainly don't think so. Where does it stop? The argument can certainly be made that EVERYONE associated with your cruise works very hard. NCL is responsible for paying these people a wage, not me.


I wonder about this - are waitstaff (especially those in the extra-fee restaurants where many posters say they tip extra) paid LESS than those who wash dishes, or bedlinen who do not get a chance to smile at customers?? So assuming the smiling waitstaff are appropriately-paid, why should they pocket any extra tips PLUS share in the DSC that is split with every other service provider? And does anyone really know what the 'pocket it' policy is?

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I'm not sure how it works on NCL,


Perfect reason to post on an NCL board about DSC/tipping! :eek:


From my POV -- and this is just supposition -- it seems to me that those who bicker about DSCs and tips have never worked in a service position in their lives... which is fine, but those folks shouldn't pretend to understand what working in a service position is. All the guessing about who gets what is absurd.

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I personally don't feel the need to tip the person washing my towels or dishes. They really can't go above and beyond to 'earn' a tip. They wash things to a set standard, that's it. I also never have face to face contact with them.


Should we also tip the fuel barge operators and the pilot who guides the ship in and out of port? I certainly don't think so. Where does it stop? The argument can certainly be made that EVERYONE associated with your cruise works very hard. NCL is responsible for paying these people a wage, not me.


This is a tired argument full of non-issues. The last sentence there indicates that you aren't of aware of how a business works.

If you don't pay the DSC you are stiffing the crew.

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This is a tired argument full of non-issues. The last sentence there indicates that you aren't of aware of how a business works.

If you don't pay the DSC you are stiffing the crew.


Don't even bother with THAT one! He never listens & post the same inane diatribe over and over!!! WE GET IT ALREADY! GIVE IT A REST!:D

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Don't even bother with THAT one! He never listens & post the same inane diatribe over and over!!! WE GET IT ALREADY! GIVE IT A REST!:D


:) Well, that's true. Nevertheless, we can only hope the Dawn Of Enlightenment will will make an appearance help out.

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Don't even bother with THAT one! He never listens & post the same inane diatribe over and over!!! WE GET IT ALREADY! GIVE IT A REST!:D


Actually I have no objection to Love my butlers posts

He is simply giving an opinion that differs from many others.

I feel you are being a bit rude and showing a lack of courtesy to another member.

I don't remove the auto gratuity charges myself but find the arguments for people not wanting to give a general tip quite interesting.

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Actually I have no objection to Love my butlers posts

He is simply giving an opinion that differs from many others.

I feel you are being a bit rude and showing a lack of courtesy to another member.

I don't remove the auto gratuity charges myself but find the arguments for people not wanting to give a general tip quite interesting.


But the problem is they're the same ones over and over again... For a first time cruiser or someone who foreign to the tipping system, this is not helpful!!! I understand playing Devil's Advocate (believe me I'm game!), but this is about helping others...


BTW What I said previously is not rude...Just tired of people who pay hundreds or thousands of dollars and want to stiff the staff of what possibly $80 to $150???

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Actually I have no objection to Love my butlers posts

He is simply giving an opinion that differs from many others.

I feel you are being a bit rude and showing a lack of courtesy to another member.

I don't remove the auto gratuity charges myself but find the arguments for people not wanting to give a general tip quite interesting.


Of course everyone is entitled to their opinion. And I respect everyone's right to do so. And if someone, repeatedly so, differs greatly than my opinion and the vast majority of posters here, I try to respond in a way that I counteract not the person, but their point of view.


Many, many people read these boards every day. Many never post a word. I think it is important to emphasize the extent to which we feel someone 's opinion is one of a minority and why we do not agree. Otherwise, the unpopular voice would garner credence. If you asked 100 people what color the sky is and 98 say ue and 2 say pink, you might just be a little skeptical of those in the minority.


Very few people on this board are rude. Most are mind, funny (sometimes) and helpful. If anyone is rude to an extent it is a detriment the monitors will remove it. I have icked on the little red triangle a few times and sometimes it has resulted in a post or thread removal.

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Two questions...


#1 - Why do so many evidently smart people continually display an inability to tell the difference between a service charge and a gratuity?



#2 - Since the OP of this thread started the thread (back in February 2013) to ask a question about their upcoming cruise (back in April 2013) why on Earth are we STILL posting replies? The question has been asked and answered....and, the OP has completed the cruise and has a first-hand understanding of the situation.

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If I don't pay the DSC and then cash tip the crew twice that amount am I still stiffing the crew?


Yes, because you aren't tipping all of the crew covered by the DSC. Particularly the behind the scenes people like the cooks and laundry crew.


Regardless of what you seem to think, you do directly impact their work load.

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In the cause of saving us all a lot time posting the same old pro/con arguments I have done my FQA ver. 1.3 on the DSC. First thing to honestly ask yourself is are you trying to avoid it as I am cheap or do I just not understand why they have a DSC for tipping.


Some here will claim this information should not be shared as it is teaching people how to get out of them, I take the view you will anyway if you’re this cheap no matter what, so let’s not waste time.


Note: I pay the DSC and add some cash at the end when I find service to be above expected norms.



First two things from the NCL website so you have some base understanding for the discussion.


© Service Charges: Certain members of Carrier’s crew are compensated by a combination of salary and incentive programs that are funded in part by the service charge paid by each Guest. The charge , which is automatically added to your onboard account and subject to adjustment at your discretion, is intended to reward service provided in all departments and job categories and is distributed to employees 07/2011 according to Carrier's evaluation of job performance. A portion of the service charge collected by Carrier is also used for fleet-wide crew welfare programs.


The last line I have major issues with is the “A portion of the service charge collected by Carrier is also used for fleet-wide crew welfare programs.” A tip or DSC is to reward for performance NCL by diverting part of it for welfare programs is cheating the crew members of a portion of their reward while the same time passing a cost of “crew welfare: on to us. No business I have ever bought from or knowledge of has line item or hidden fee for “crew welfare” or called it a DSC/Tip.



2nd in this link on FAQ http://www2.ncl.com/faq#n19262 titled “If there is a service issue can the service charges be adjusted on board?”


"Guest satisfaction is the highest priority at Norwegian Cruise Line. We have structured a guest satisfaction program designed to handle any concerns about service or on-board product quickly and efficiently. However, in the event a service issue should arise during your cruise please let our on-board guest services desk staff know right away, so that we can address these in a timely manner. It is our goal to reach a satisfactory solution to any issue when it happens and make sure our guests can focus on enjoying their cruise. Should your concerns not be met with satisfaction you can adjust the charges."


The end of the 2nd statement I and others feel creates much confusion as it clearly says "Should your concerns not be met with satisfaction you can adjust the charges." once again leading you to think you can.


From these two above statements issues arise here and many minds that NCL clearly states "subject to adjustment at your discretion" & "Should your concerns not be met with satisfaction you can adjust the charges." yet it is then claimed by some here on CC this not what it really means but is a legal loophole, so NCL is not legally obligated to consider the DSC as wages and have tax issues.


Yet again the majority of vocal CC posters weight in with you should not think you can. My belief after reading the above from NCL is this all becomes more a moral and ethical view than policy, rule or law. Some people can live with that, I personally choose to not to live life cheating others just because I can.






So with the DSC background defined as clearly as mud by NCL themselves, here we go.



Yes they can be removed; bottom line you go the service desk ask them to remove it, insist they remove it; they will ask why and want a reason. By firmly stating you do not believe in tipping and demanding it be removed they will remove it.


If you give any other excuse they will try to get you to not remove it, explain the reasoning for DSC and why tipping is not the proper method and fix your issue/problem.


You should expect you will be called cheap, uncaring and lots of other things here on CC. In the line on the ship you may well find others staring, glowered, making comments on your decency or where you were born. You may feel like a heal, but you can do it.


Many on CC feel if you’re going to do this do it the first day so the crew knows you’re cheap, heartless and may ignore you while they pay attention to those of us who pay the fee and deserve their attention.


It is also claimed you will have a scarlet mark entered next to your name; another claim/report is a list goes around to all staff and your room steward with your names and cabin on it. Also it will be pointed out if removing any part of the DSC and you then tip cash the person you tipped is required to report it and it just goes back to this fund anyway, so why bother


No good reason you come can come up with to remove it is accepted here. If you have an issue on the ship the proper method of recourse is you go the service desk or call the hotel director @ x8888 and they will do their best to fix it. This is correct way to show your displeasure, not cheating the hard working staff.




Now here are some of the CC reasons to leave the tip and tip well.


You’re contributing to the whole crew who works so hard, many of the crew who you never see to tip any other way. Think about their family’s wellbeing, how will they survive if everyone did this? These are the people who do the jobs, us rich Americans never would and do for 13 hrs a day all for so little pay, far below our minimum wage laws. They do it for you 7 days a week, 10 months a year, all separate from their families and homes. So now just because you can, you’re cheating them of a better life by being a cheapskate.


The DSC of $12 is less than you tip for the same value when on another type of vacation. It will be pointed out that other lines suggest higher tipping than NCL’s $12. Yet other’s will say the inside cheaper cabins should tip less than the balconies and mini suites and that is not fair. Other lines do suggest tips be higher based on cabin choice. Other lines only just suggest tips and you leave an envelope at the end, but they also if choosing a” freestyle like” dinning choice require you to prepay it.



This is the crew's pay. With the exception of a SERIOUS lapse, there is no reason why you should feel entitled to remove the crew's pay. End of story. This is not ancillary income for them. It's their core compensation.




Last if your trip is so problematic you feel you need compensation you have other recourses you can pursue. Noise, food quality/variety or any other non-service related issue falls under DSC removal but is a cruise line issue. The hotel director has the authorization to handle this, when you get back you can also write detailing your issues to guest services. Many myself included have found when something is really wrong NCL is willing to provide recourse via “as a gesture of goodwill cruise credits, valid towards the cruise fare only on a future voyage”. This amount was at times greater than the DSC fee was.




Last my feeling if you’re trying just to get out of paying the DSC; You knew about the fee's when you booked and could have choose some other cruise line so just pay it and shut up or do not sail NCL.


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I've read these tipping threads with quite some interest for a long time... The debate seems to center around three questions which I will attempt to answer.


Q: Is the daily service charge a gratuity?

A: No. The Daily Service Charge is... a service charge NOT a gratuity. Why? Because a gratuity is paid 100% to servers and may not be withheld by the employer. However, a portion of a service charge may be withheld by the employer. As the post above quotes from NCL's website, this is exactly what NCL and other lines are doing with the service charge. A portion is withheld for "crew welfare programs", redistributed at their discretion, etc. Hence... it's a service charge not a gratuity.


Q: Can I adjust the Daily Service Charge (DSC)

A: Yes, you may adjust the Daily Service Charge. However, you are discouraged from doing so and should bring up any service issues up with Guest Services or the Hotel Director before attempting to do so.


Q: Will burn in the 7th circle of perdition for removing the DSC?

A: Yes, you will go to the 7th circle of perdition where you will be pushing a giant boulder uphill in smoldering heat for eternity if you are a resident of the United Status, Canada, and anywhere where tipping is customary.

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Q: Is the daily service charge a gratuity?

A: No. The Daily Service Charge is... a service charge NOT a gratuity. Why? Because a gratuity is paid 100% to servers and may not be withheld by the employer. However, a portion of a service charge may be withheld by the employer. As the post above quotes from NCL's website, this is exactly what NCL and other lines are doing with the service charge. A portion is withheld for "crew welfare programs". Hence... it's a service charge not a gratuity.


it's a pity then that so many cruise companies talk about 'prepaid gratuities' in their advertising when the mean 'prepaid DSC'

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Q: Is the daily service charge a gratuity?

A: No. The Daily Service Charge is... a service charge NOT a gratuity. Why? Because a gratuity is paid 100% to servers and may not be withheld by the employer. However, a portion of a service charge may be withheld by the employer. As the post above quotes from NCL's website, this is exactly what NCL and other lines are doing with the service charge. A portion is withheld for "crew welfare programs". Hence... it's a service charge not a gratuity.


it's a pity then that so many cruise companies talk about 'prepaid gratuities' in their advertising when the mean 'prepaid DSC'




It's for similar reasons the cruise shps are flagged in foreign countries to take advantage of looser labor laws, tax codes, etc. This is probably why they can get away with using the terms vaguely.


In the US, varying by states, there are specific definitions for gratuity versus service charges and it again comes down to whether the employer is able to withhold a portion. In the NY for instance I believe, service charges are subject to sales tax, whereas gratuities are direct income to the server and subject to income tax not sales tax.

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