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Do you use the hand-sanitiser?

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Wash wash wash wash

Sanitise Sanitise Sanitise

Timing timing timing

Keep hands away from face

Don't shake hands

Stop all the kissing hello goodbye with friends

Think smart about it,

Like a lot of the posters suggestions

Air borne can be a problem


I Even got ill in Egypt

Sanitation sanitation sanitation !!!!!

What a susprise:rolleyes:


Great advice!!!

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I do use it, and I also wash when leaving the rest room. After being seated to eat, whether it's the buffet of DR, I also use a wipe.

In the DR you may use your hands to pull your chair to the table, look at the menu, at the buffet you're handling the tongs. Before I touch anything on the table, I wipe my hands.

Haven't been sick ... yet.

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My DW is a nurse in the inner city she washes and uses the sanitizer always but got the noro on Radiance for her 45th birthday (sad she missed it in Cozumel). Sanitizers were present but enforced after the out break, I don't understand why its not enforced always. I use them always even when getting back on ship after being in port.if it works then use it if not at least you will kill some other bacteria that would make someone sick. I like NCL's

"Washy washy" people spraying the hands before entering the buffet, but the other restaurants it is left up to you, they are there to be used so use them.

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I see your later post regarding your career as firefighter, etc. I am a marine engineer, and unless I go through the whole surgical hand washing thing, sometimes I cannot get all of the fuel oil out of the pores of my hands or from under my nails. But, noro is an anal to oral cross-contamination, so things like fuel oil, or soot and construction dust in your case, are not causative factors.


I've worked cruise ships as Staff Chief Engineer, who is trained by the USPH (CDC) in their sanitation program, and who is responsible for the administration of the program onboard from a technical standpoint (equipment maintenance and sanitation).


CDC says that sanitizers are about 33% as effective as hand washing, but are still useful.


The reason there are usually "washy-washy" or "sanitizer police" at the buffet, but not the dining rooms, is that you are far more likely to get noro in the buffet line than in the dining venues. All dishware is sanitized per the USPH, and the wait and galley staff have washed their hands nearly to death (the wait staff needs to wash after busing dirty dishes back to the galley before they are allowed to handle clean dishes and serve food again). The buffet line, you have multiple people touching the same ware (tongs, drink dispensers, spoons, grabbing dishes and then putting them back on the clean dish stack, etc, etc), and this is where you will pick up the germs. The buffet also tends to have "finger food" or burgers, where the germs you pick up from a utensil is tranferred to your food, and then you eat the food.


Usually, when the "sanitizer police" are being pushy, there have been a number of cases of noro or other gastro disease, but which is below the CDC reporting number, and the ship's staff are trying to keep the numbers below the reportable. To say that the crew know nothing about sanitizers is demeaning. EVERY crew member is given basic USPH training, which includes the proper hand washing techniques, and the effectiveness (or lack thereof) of sanitizers. While crew will contract noro, the number of cases where they CAUSE the outbreak are very small, as USPH requirements are a daily part of cruise ship life, and taken very seriously by all crew.

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Come on people.... Really???! It's not just norovirus were talking about here. It is very comendable that so many of you are soap and water users, but one ship with 2-5 thousand people there are hundreds of people who who don't use soap and water until they take a shower. I know I have been in the bathrooms many time and have seen people walk out after using the urinal or crapper and never stop by sink to was their hands. These same people will then be using the utensils that you use in the Windjammer. The same people that have been smoking and didn't wash their hands. So yes soap and water might be better but if they can catch a few of those by making us all use the sanitizer to try to prevent some germs from being passed around than so be it. At least they are trying to be proactive in this rather than doing nothing at all.

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Yes, absolutely. If nothing else, no dirty looks from the sanitizer police at the entrance to WJ. lol


Seriously, I'm one of those, who brings packs wipes in a ziplock which I soak in Clorox and as soon as we get access to our cabin, thoroughly washes down every knob, handle, TV remote, telephone, chairs on balconies, etc. Then I heavily spray down the cabin with Lysol and we leave for a couple of hours until the smell dissipates. I typically carry wipes and use them in regular hotels as well (minus the Lysol spray). Maybe its mental but I feel better knowing I l cleaned.


I love cruising, but the one thing that absolutely nauseates me is watching children (and on occasion adults), grabbing food directly from the plates at buffets (children are especially bad at dessert tables), touching food and putting it back. Not even using the tongs. Or some people have the disgusting habit of picking food up or even placing on their plates, but start eating it right over the buffet table. This isn't reserved for just cruises, I've seen it at hotels, restaurants and upscale lounges. I wish people were more respectful at buffets. Sometimes I just lose my appetite.

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I wonder what the world did before hand sanitizer? They survived. When I was little we used to drink out of a garden hose and still managed to survive. Imagine the germs that we ingested. People today are paranoid about every little germ. Germs and bacteria help to build up your immune system. If you are never exposed you are more susceptible to them.


I will continue to avoid hand sanitizer and just wash my hands regularly. And shockingly even though I rarely use hand sanitizer, I can't remember the last time I was sick.


When I am working out in the yard on a hot day cutting the grass I still will get a drink out of the garden hose! :cool:

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Chengkp75, thank you for giving your professional input. I know construction dust and fire soot would not give you norovirus but on construction sites rats and birds are all over, so there is a chance there. Your stats of 33% better protected with washing hands and sanitizing is still better than nothing. And as far as your experience inboard ships with behind the scenes goings on is invaluable. Again, thank you for your professional input. To others I understand that you have allergic reactions to sanitizers I am not putting you down for not doing that, I've seen people come out of the bathroom, hands still a little wet walk past the hints and say to the staff " im good just washed" no problem. And one more question to ask to think about...if norovirus is an anal to oral transfered virus do you think it just comes from human to human or rodent to human? Just understanding where it started we have the ability to try to minimize the spread. Case and point, I would buy a can of soda open and drink it, science my DW got sick and passed it on to me I tend to stay away from cans and if I have a can I rinse it off before drinking.

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Chengkp75, thank you for giving your professional input. I know construction dust and fire soot would not give you norovirus but on construction sites rats and birds are all over, so there is a chance there. Your stats of 33% better protected with washing hands and sanitizing is still better than nothing. And as far as your experience inboard ships with behind the scenes goings on is invaluable. Again, thank you for your professional input. To others I understand that you have allergic reactions to sanitizers I am not putting you down for not doing that, I've seen people come out of the bathroom, hands still a little wet walk past the hints and say to the staff " im good just washed" no problem. And one more question to ask to think about...if norovirus is an anal to oral transfered virus do you think it just comes from human to human or rodent to human? Just understanding where it started we have the ability to try to minimize the spread. Case and point, I would buy a can of soda open and drink it, science my DW got sick and passed it on to me I tend to stay away from cans and if I have a can I rinse it off before drinking.

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Yep, get your point about rodent/birds, and that kind of contamination is everywhere!


Even at the dishwashing machine, you have people who handle dirty dishes, and people who handle the clean dishes that come out, and god forbid you should cross that line without washing your hands. The amount of sanitation that cruise ships have put on themselves (the CDC/USPH Vessel Sanitation Program was developed by the cruise lines themselves) is far and away more strict than any local or state health code. Many USPH inspectors are former NYC health inspectors, and they will tell you that.


Something many people don't know about is that all "ready to eat" food (salad, fruits, anything that is not cooked) is sanitized in a chlorine solution before it leaves the provisions area to go to the galleys. As you state about the soda can, that's one reason the lines tend to go with soda dispensers instead. However, those people who re-use their glass at a soda/juice/water dispenser can transmit the germs.


Really, the whole thing comes down to what your mother told you growing up: "wash your hands"!

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On a recent cruise we noticed so many passengers just walking past the hand-sanitiser dispensers situated at the entrance to cafes and the MDR and the staff didn't seem to be even pointing out to people to use them.


In Wind-jammer on many occasions the tongs were actually left lying in the dishes which would mean if some-one hadn't cleaned their hands then any germs could end up on the food.


Made me realise no wonder certain sick bugs can travel so quickly around the ships.


Just out of interest wanted to see how many wash your hands in the wash-room or use the sanitiser or not?



In the interest of Full disclosure:


I do not regularly use the WJ at all and have an autoimmune disease.( my immune system is nonexistent)


I will and do wash thoroughly as often as possible.. every time I am in the cabin in addition to stepping onto a restroom before entering any food area( park cafe was my favorite)


the sanitizer.. no not so much. if the staff requires it( and they have at times) then I do so, but quite frankly it doesn't destroy Noro, dries my skin out like nobody's business and it's damn sticky.


I have yet to get even so much as a sniffle.

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Yes I use the sanitizer and I wash my hands often. I don't touch railings, doors or elevator buttons either. The sanitizer may not help avoid NORO but there are plenty of other things it may help with. I don't want any bugs to ruin my vacation like colds and flu and pink eye, strep throat and such. I have seen plenty of people walk out of the bathroom and never even look toward the sink to wash. I will use all precautions I can as long as I still see such nastiness. Even if it may not catch everything.

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I always wash my hands after using the restroom, I have seen countless grown men use the toilet and then walk out without washing their hands, this always amazes me.


Let me as this...Those who wash your hands how do you open the bathroom door? Bare handed or with the towel? If bare handed you contaminated your self thus doing it to others.



I think hand sanitizers and Norovirus and talk about germs is simply more magnified on cruise ships because of the contained quarters and the density of people in a small area. But it should hold true for other places as well - those big buffets in a Vegas casino, etc.


Unfortunately while you and I may take precautions and wash our hands, open the bathroom door with paper towels, use the hand sanitizer, get our food, use our own personal hand sanitizer before eating... many do not! I have also seen many a grown men use the toilet (as in #2!), flush the toilet (presumably with their hand as well), and then walk right out of the bathroom without nary a look at the sink. Disgusting, but what can you really do except make sure that you're not standing behind him in the buffet line to at least minimize the number of germs you're picking up.


I've left a diner once when I saw one of the cooks come out of the toilet and not wash his hands. It happens everywhere. In the end, I realize I can only do the best I can to protect myself, and then let the chips fall where they may. As my mother always says, "Big germs eat little germs."

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After washing, sanitizing and wiping down everything in our stateroom with antibacterial wipes, I still caught noro on our last cruise. I always wash my hands and use sanitizer, but this was the first time I decided to wipe everything down in the cabin, and go figure, it was the time I got sick.

This is because antibacterial products kill bacteria only, not viruses. Hence they are ineffective against norovirus. And there is research suggesting that the increase in use of antibacterial products has actually caused the development of superbacteria, the kind that are resistant to antibiotics and antibacterial products.

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This is because antibacterial products kill bacteria only, not viruses. Hence they are ineffective against norovirus. And there is research suggesting that the increase in use of antibacterial products has actually caused the development of superbacteria, the kind that are resistant to antibiotics and antibacterial products.


That depends on what kind of products you're talking about. Things like bleach and alcohol tend to be effective against a wide range of both bacteria and viruses. And though I would not say it's impossible, the microbes don't generally tend to develop resistance to these products.

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If picking up solid items like a chicken wing or something like that, you can use a clean fork that you just got out of the box in the rolled napkin. I don't really care if someone thinks I am using a fork that is not freshly cleaned and taken out of the napkin, my health is more important than they're opinion. If asked, I gladly explain it is cleaner than the tongs lying there.

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I use the sanitizers as a courtesy to other passengers, but I'm not really worried about the germs from others....you can't be healthy without a strong immune system, and you can't have a strong immune system without exposure to germs. I've seen some pretty disgusting behavior at the buffet, but I've never been sick on or after a cruise. I read here about people spraying their entire cabin with Lysol, and I can only feel sorry for them, as they're just weakening their immune system.

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I found it a bit funny on one cruise that they were chasing everyone around with hand sanitizer and yet I had to pull out about ten coffee mugs before I got a clean one.


I may not use the sanitizer because I have just washed and/or sanitized my hands minutes before but that doesn't stop the snide comments.


I could do without the "washy washy-yummy yummy" every time I walk into the WJ.

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I use the sanitizers as a courtesy to other passengers, but I'm not really worried about the germs from others....you can't be healthy without a strong immune system, and you can't have a strong immune system without exposure to germs. I've seen some pretty disgusting behavior at the buffet, but I've never been sick on or after a cruise. I read here about people spraying their entire cabin with Lysol, and I can only feel sorry for them, as they're just weakening their immune system.


I DETEST the smell of Lysol! :eek:

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I use the sanitizers as a courtesy to other passengers, but I'm not really worried about the germs from others....you can't be healthy without a strong immune system, and you can't have a strong immune system without exposure to germs. I've seen some pretty disgusting behavior at the buffet, but I've never been sick on or after a cruise. I read here about people spraying their entire cabin with Lysol, and I can only feel sorry for them, as they're just weakening their immune system.


Thank you, I agree with you 100%!


The most disgusting behavior at the buffet I've seen on my last cruise on Liberty. Breakfast at MDR and a guy actually grabbed a piece of salmon from the buffet with his fingers and put it in his mouth while still standing there... I wonder if all the handsanitizers work if some people behave like pigs!

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