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Anomaly or New Standard on recent Oasis Sailing

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No sweetheart, I fly from PHL at least a half dozen times a year and have done so for over a decade, and I ALWAYS wait to go through the scanner until my bags are in the machine. TSA has no right to tell me differently, and never has dared. If they did I'd immediately tell them to get a supervisor.


What do you think other passengers are going to do? I'm not stupid enough to be a sheeple to the TSA who have zero law enforcement authority at all in this country or some moron frequent flyer wannabe who thinks he's special for some reason. My Chairman's Card and over a million butt in seat miles tell me he can go scratch.


By the way, in many airports they specifically tell you to to wait until your bags are in the scanner before you go through the machine.


Terminal E. Pffft. That's your problem. All airlines that cater to "Kettles." I use A and B pretty much exclusively. Every now and then I'm cursed with a flight out of the Dump.




Wow, You have flown out of Philly over 60 times. One million miles, I am impressed!


Also, I was ignorant that you are such a tough guy. Accept my apologies. I bet the TSA cringes at the sight of you.


A "Chairman's Card"? WOW! I am so ignorant I do not even have a clue what a "Chairman's Card" is. Please tell me all about it.


BTW, any chance you could post for us a picture of 'THE LOOK"?


Also, I appreciate you referring to me as "sweetheart", but, in actuality, I am pretty far from it.


Thanks for the laughs. Next time you are in Philly, let me know, and maybe we could get together for a couple of drinks. I'll buy.

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I think it comes down to math-in a small city of 6,000+ people, a good percentage of them are going to be scumbags. Just a fact.;)


I was on Oasis in April 2012, and while nothing got stolen, I almost got into a fistfight with a Real Mafia Housewife of Redhook over a pool chair that my 60+ year old mother supposedly stole from her. Mind you, we were sitting there for hours, and when she got up, we watched the next party over from us take her chairs, not us, but she was too stupid to realize or admit she was wrong.:confused:


Luckily for her, her gigantic mafia husband (complete in valour sweatsuit at the pool in 90 degrees) told her to walk away and get over it, otherwise she was going to have a huge problem with me for yelling at my mother.:D



^^^5 to you for not putting up with unnecessary crap, especially as it pertains to Mom.:rolleyes: You sound a bit like me. I'm from the Chi, mess with me and I may just ignore you; mess with my mama...YOU GET SMACKED! :mad:

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It is a shame that some want to blame the victim here.


It is a shame that so many people here have no reading comprehension, or are so quick to criticize, that they interpret anything that would remotely suggest it's prudent to lean toward using inexpensive things for your pool-side time as "blaming the victim."

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It is a shame that so many people here have no reading comprehension, or are so quick to criticize, that they interpret anything that would remotely suggest it's prudent to lean toward using inexpensive things for your pool-side time as "blaming the victim."


Relax Paul please

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I'm tired of people always blaming the victims with these issues. This is not the OP's fault...it was a blatant attempt at theft. The cruise line has a weakness in their security...THAT'S a problem! Good grief, I feel like if someone came up to me and took my belongings off my body, I'd be accused of "not being aware of my surroundings." Talk about drinking the RCCL Kool-Aid. And I really enjoy RCCL cruises, but some people can't take one criticism of their beloved cruise line.



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can I get an AMEN Hallaleua!!


I'd be pissed if it was my $1 old navy flip flops that were pinched. Its a sad statement on todays society that so many are so quick to try to lay the blame off on the victim.... :mad:. and be so willing to accept that fact that ....shi*t happens, take the cheap stuff so you're not out that much when it does.... breaks my heart.

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can I get an AMEN Hallaleua!!


I'd be pissed if it was my $1 old navy flip flops that were pinched. Its a sad statement on todays society that so many are so quick to try to lay the blame off on the victim.... :mad:. and be so willing to accept that fact that ....shi*t happens, take the cheap stuff so you're not out that much when it does.... breaks my heart.


Wow! Yet another uptight individual who can't understand people offering good advice and resort to attacking them by claiming they're "blaming the victim."


Here's some advice: Never take a self-defense class, because that would be accepting that stuff happens, and to suggest you learn how to defend yourself would be blaming you for getting attacked. If you leave shopping bags or valuables in your car, make sure they're in plain sight to tempt any would-be thieves, because they really shouldn't steal stuff from you, anyway. And if you are at the beach or a pool, be sure to leave valuable things lying around, too, just to test the other people around and see if they're honest or not. And if you're out in a bar around a bunch of people you don't know, feel free to get drunk to the point of passing out. If anyone assaults you while you're passed out, it's not your fault. :cool:

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Wow! Yet another uptight individual who can't understand people offering good advice and resort to attacking them by claiming they're "blaming the victim."


Here's some advice: Never take a self-defense class, because that would be accepting that stuff happens, and to suggest you learn how to defend yourself would be blaming you for getting attacked. If you leave shopping bags or valuables in your car, make sure they're in plain sight to tempt any would-be thieves, because they really shouldn't steal stuff from you, anyway. And if you are at the beach or a pool, be sure to leave valuable things lying around, too, just to test the other people around and see if they're honest or not. And if you're out in a bar around a bunch of people you don't know, feel free to get drunk to the point of passing out. If anyone assaults you while you're passed out, it's not your fault. :cool:


I'm certainly not arguing that stuff happens and we shouldn't take precautions. I'm definitely a very cautious person in these matters. But when something happens in broad daylight and RCCL doesn't seem to have the measures to hinder that, we've got problems. And it's no one's fault but theirs at that point.


Now, I agree that leaving something out in the open with no one else around is not a wise thing to do. It's not surprising it would get stolen (sadly), but we can put measures in place to reduce the temptation to the bad eggs out there.



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I'm certainly not arguing that stuff happens and we shouldn't take precautions. I'm definitely a very cautious person in these matters. But when something happens in broad daylight and RCCL doesn't seem to have the measures to hinder that, we've got problems. And it's no one's fault but theirs at that point.


What would you suggest? I know you said something about having security, but I don't think it's practical or desirable to have security guards watching your every move and keeping up with which shoes belong to whom. They have security cameras, which in this case, apparently captured the incident, but didn't get a clear enough shot to identify the thief.


I'm just curious what your thoughts are, because you've been pretty vague on this thread and seem to think there is a serious lack of security on cruise ships, but I have never sensed that in the cruises I've taken.

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I'm vague about what kind of security is needed because cruise lines are vague about reporting crime. This article obviously focuses in on Disney, but you'd be crazy to think this isn't done everywhere. What's tough is that security cameras catch people doing things, but in many cases, nothing comes of it. When looking up theft reports for cruise lines, they aren't forced to report anything less than $10,000 stolen.




I don't have a solution. I've never claimed to. But it could be better is all I'm saying. I'm surprised people don't acknowledge that, but maybe it's because a solution isn't presentable. Or maybe I'm barking up the wrong tree...who knows!


Oh well, I'm done with this topic. Even after all of this discussion, you'd be happy to know that I'm an avid cruiser, and I'm excited to share in that experience with all of you!



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Hmm. I actually read the article you linked to. Pretty lame in my opinion, when it focuses on someone who lost her purse and had it returned to her minus some cash. Even if the surveillance video showed the "suspect" appearing to handle something in the purse and then put his hand in his pocket, it would be hard to prove how much money was really in the purse and that some was missing. The person "rifling" though the purse could have just been looking for ID, so it could be returned to the proper person. Very weak case to accuse the person of theft, unless there was some clear evidence.


The other one was somewhat laughable. Someone's luggage was lost (which is always a bad thing on vacation) and the person assumes the porter to whom she handed it off stole it, and she wants him investigated. Sorry, but that's pretty lame, too. There are a number of things that could have happened to the luggage and many people other than the porter who could have handled it.


All-in-all, a lame article. These things wouldn't likely have been investigated much on land, either. I'm still not convinced of your conspiracy theory that cruise lines are covering up rampant crime.

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Who knew this thread was going viral. I read it on the first day and thought just like the OP, bad luck. What I wanna' know is:


When is Panther_4890 is gonna' change his avatar. 2006??? The Canes have been irrelevant ever since. Thanks for Dennis Seidenburg.


When is Ducklite gonna' learn not to mess with Johneeo. Dude, he's from Philly!!!


When is Paul65 gonna' be understood on these boards.


Rollman, sorry for the bad luck. Don't surrender to the fear. Buy her another more expensive pair and show those thieves you mean business.


Back to my Captain & Coke and booking another cruise. Happy cruisin' everybody. :D

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When me & my sister are getting back on the ship & have bags/cameras that go thru the scanners we try to have one of us go thru 1st while the 2nd person slightly delays putting our stuff on the belt until the 1st one goes thru and then can wait for the stuff to come thru and take what is ours.




This is what my dh and I do on the ship and in the airport.

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When is Ducklite gonna' learn not to mess with Johneeo. Dude, he's from Philly!!!

I believe Ducklite is a woman! ;) Rollo, since it didn't come up in the thread, what was your daughter wearing, a dry bathing suit? Or a dress? I'm just asking because I have seen threads were people were talking about how gross it is to sit in a seat where someone in a bathing suit had been sitting, especially a female, since their suits have less coverage than a man's. I would imagine it would be the same on the carousel. I can see measuring every time, because if a child fell, the parents would be screaming to sue the cruiseline, but, pulling her off and leaving her there? They should have asked who are her parents and NOT touched her, in my opinion. Sorry about the theft(s) , people never fail to amaze me.

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I believe Ducklite is a woman! ;) Rollo, since it didn't come up in the thread, what was your daughter wearing, a dry bathing suit? Or a dress? I'm just asking because I have seen threads were people were talking about how gross it is to sit in a seat where someone in a bathing suit had been sitting, especially a female, since their suits have less coverage than a man's. I would imagine it would be the same on the carousel. I can see measuring every time, because if a child fell, the parents would be screaming to sue the cruiseline, but, pulling her off and leaving her there? They should have asked who are her parents and NOT touched her, in my opinion. Sorry about the theft(s) , people never fail to amaze me.


"Dude" is a term of *affection*, like *guy*, that actually has no gender basis! ;)


Yes, ducklite is female.




And now, my summation:


Stealing is bad.


Having our things stolen makes us feel bad.


We don't want other people to feel bad.


Some people think that cheap possessions are best because they don't attract thieves.


Other people think that value of possessions is irrelevant - thieves shouldn't exist.


One poster has a vendetta against the cruise lines for not policing people.


Everyone overlooks the fact that, sitting right there, ROLLOMAN, the Original Poster, did not see the theft happen. Take THAT, vendetta man.


Cruises are not bubbles. Things happen that also happen on land: at home, at work, on vacation, while shopping.


Apparently bad people can afford to cruise.


All of which begs the question that Rolloman may have been struggling to ask, but didn't know how, and *I* definitely have struggled with since first reading the original post.


What kind of people are cruising now? As the lines build more and more ships, and need more and more people to fill them, is the population changing?


And I will leave that question hanging.

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"Dude" is a term of *affection*, like *guy*, that actually has no gender basis! ;)



What kind of people are cruising now? As the lines build more and more ships, and need more and more people to fill them, is the population changing?


And I will leave that question hanging.


Yes, this is a good question. Several years ago I had a theft issue on a Carnival cruise and it kind of turned me off of booking CCL. The fact is I really enjoy RCCL big ships but another incident in the future may prompt me to avoid them. I was on one of the first cruises with Oasis (they restricted passenger counts early on then slowly ramped up to capacity) and it never felt crowded. On the recent trip, in certain areas, I really felt like a sardine. Maybe they should revisit the allowable counts when the new ships arrive.

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I believe Ducklite is a woman! ;) Rollo, since it didn't come up in the thread, what was your daughter wearing, a dry bathing suit? Or a dress? I'm just asking because I have seen threads were people were talking about how gross it is to sit in a seat where someone in a bathing suit had been sitting, especially a female, since their suits have less coverage than a man's. I would imagine it would be the same on the carousel. I can see measuring every time, because if a child fell, the parents would be screaming to sue the cruiseline, but, pulling her off and leaving her there? They should have asked who are her parents and NOT touched her, in my opinion. Sorry about the theft(s) , people never fail to amaze me.


She was wearing a one piece princess outfit with a seperate tutu. Basically a normal type outfit a 5 year old would wear. It wasn't a bathing suit nor was it wet. Maybe he was going for a record of least amount of passengers in a day, who knows.

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rolloman, sorry to read about your experience on that ship. I hope, for all of us, that it was just bad luck and not a trend.


But I guess that your experience on board and throughout this thread just goes to show that there is a certain percentage of the population whose, Hmmmm, how should I say this,.... 'behavior' it less than ideal. :rolleyes:


Better 'luck' on your next cruise.


BTW if the wife want's to wear $100 flip-flops, or $500 flip-flops it is always wise, in my humble opinion, to 'just say yes'. :) (of course that also goes for my $500 Taylormade Driver and my $2,000 Goalie pads:D:D)

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This thread has been incredibly enlightening for me in that I learned that DW's flip flops are Tory Burch and going online I see they cost $50! For flip flops! Here I thought they were just some $15 pieces of rubber! Going to have to make sure now that we keep an eye on those.


One more thing to worry about now, in addition to making sure nobody swipes our camera or iPad from our lounge chairs while at the pool or on a beach. I guess that's why only one of us goes into the water at a time. Not ideal but what else can you do, other than to leave these things in your room but then you miss having them.


What I can't believe is the woman who blatantly tried to take your bag at security while you were getting back on the ship. I would have made such a fuss and at least have had security detain the woman and try to figure out what the heck she was thinking. The nerve and the gall of some people and what they think they can get away with. Especially because they are captive on a ship. Where did she think she was going to run to?


This thread is just a gentle reminder that you have to be observant and extra careful about your belongings and your surroundings. That's just how the world is. Karma will eventually come back to bite those dishonest people.

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If the theft was captured on security film, were they not able to identify the person? Their facial recognition software in the photo lab is pretty impressive.


The wife filled out a security form and they called her later in the day and she said security saw on film a large woman wearing blue who walked by and made off with the flip flops but she did it so quickly and smooth and did not reveal her face so there was nothing more they could do. My guess is a large woman wearing blue probably only narrowed it down to about 1000 out of 6000.

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