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No-children travellers perspective of children on cruises???


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Hi Folks


Our children have grown up and have children of their own .. we love them all :o


However when we cruise we would prefer a child free cruise if possible , if not we choose a cruise line that caters for "adults" rather the those that are family friendly


All I ask is that parents consider carefully before taking their children on cruise lines that promote themselves as "Adult" or dont cater for children as much as the family friendly lines do.


This way we all get to enjoy our cruises


Best Regards


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I think a cruise is a great family vacation. I enjoy seeing the kids having a good time with their parents, or with the kids club when out and about the ship. There are so many great experiences for families when cruising. What bothers me is when kids are just set free on board ship. We had one rather miserable experience when every night of our cruise the kids (8-12 year olds) took over the Schooner Bar and the area just outside of the bar. They were sliding on sheets throughout the bar, climbing all over the tables and having elevator races so you weren't able to use the elevators. This was a group of about 10 kids. This happened about 10:00 pm each night. There were no parents, no supervision. I do know that there were complaints made at guest relations; not by us, but I did hear people complaining. Nothing was ever done.

I have read here on this site people say that it is their vacation so they set them free. All I ask is that if you are taking a family vacation remember that you chose to bring your kids so spend time with them or use the kids programs if you want some alone time with your honey. The rest of the passengers are also on vacation and are not responsible for your kids.

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to me, it sounds like you will be enjoying your children, and that is how it should be. You go on a "family Vacation" to be together as a family!!


It is the parents that sit in the sun/bar or whereever all day and just let their kids roam at free will - those are the kids that get into trouble - they are bored, and looking for attention. Heaven knows their parents brag about taking little so & so on vacation, but as soon as they get on the ship the kids are out of sight and out of mind.

Found if you converse with those kids, they have a lot to say, and are surprised that anyone takes the time to engage them. I ask them what they liked most about a port, the ship, last nights dinner. If they know some of the history of some of the ports - they usually lighten up when someone takes the time to care.

Do not just drop off your kids at a "spot" on the ship and expect them to have a good time - they want participation!! with you!

Watch the friends they meet and want to go off with - they may be the kids I find troublesome, and your kids may end up lured by them into trouble!

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I guess my biggest pet peeve (I have a child) is parents forgetting they're parents while on a cruise. Yes, it's a vacation but there's never a vacation from parenting. No running, no screaming, no throwing, no pushing, no whining still applies while on vacation!

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I have kids kids are mirror images of the parent. My kids all new that there is a place and time for things. Lazy parents don't care. it all starts from day one Our last one is 11. She too can not stand distruptive kids or people Even some adults do not behave

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I am 60+ years of age. DH and I travel alone, with out children or grandchildren. I work in a public school in Michigan, so I am around older children frequently. I have several cruises under my belt. I have never been bothered by a child on a cruise. Yes, sometimes kids cry, sometimes they even screech. Sometimes they even run and jump. None of that bother's me. I am more bothered by adults who behave badly then children. Besides, how can we adults expect children to act properly all of the time, when the adults are not.


Children eating dinner in the main dining room for late seating is fine with me. Royal Caribbean does not establish this as an adult free zone, so the passengers have no right to complain if there are children eating dinner during late seating. Some cultures eat later at night then other cultures. It's not my place to suggest they eat earlier. The same for specialty restaurants. As long as children are allowed in there, passengers have no right to complain.


Anyway, to the OP. Your going on a cruise with your family. I think that's great. Enjoy. Don't stress yourself out, and your children, with lots of rules. Have a talk with them, explain what you expect from them. Perhaps one or two rules that are major priorities to you. I, personally, would stick to things pertaining to safety. If the kids are getting to loud, talk to them about it then; remind them of inside voices. Just relax; and have a good time.

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However, it really bugs me when children are in adult-only areas or talking loudly in the library, the shows, at mealtimes, etc. Children banging the cabin doors drawers, etc. is annoying.


As long as children use inside voices, they can be fun, funny passengers.


Good on you for asking about this before the cruise. i think your family will be well-received by your fellow passengers.


Wishing you a wonderful trip.

Edited by Bookish Angel
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However, it really bugs me when children are in adult-only areas or talking loudly in the library, the shows, at mealtimes, etc.


As long as children use inside voices and use their manners, they can be fun, funny passengers.


Good on you for asking about this before the cruise. I think your family will be well-received by your fellow passengers.


Wishing you a wonderful trip.

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from the OP (in blue)


So.....I want the opinion of anyone who travels without children....

  • What kids behaviour drives you mad? Running and playing on/with elevators
  • What behaviour from the parents drives you mad? Parents who do not supervise their children
  • What areas do you not like seeing kids? Solarium, hot tubs, bars, casino, and most importantly...on the floor under my table in the MDR. Yes, this happened one evening. I felt something on my foot, lifted the table cloth and lo & behold, there was a small child under my table (at late dinner seating). Parents were a few tables over and were unaware that they'd "lost one".

OP, You sound like a thoughtful and responsible parent. Enjoy your family cruise!

Edited by rec625
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Just from your posts, it's sound a like you expect proper behavior from your children. So To me, it sounds like they are well behaved and will be fine on the cruise. Mine are now 15 & 17 and have cruised since they were 4 & 6. I couldn't believe how many times I heard 'your boys are so well behaved' it's almost like an exception than the norm which to me is sad.


As others have said running is the one that makes me crazy.


I don't mind kids in the hot tubs during the day and if their parents are there with them.


The biggest thing IMO and you even mentioned this - don't let them get over tired, because that's when the melt-downs happen and then anything can happen. Even though it's vacation I still set a bed time and make sure everyone gets enough rest.

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I have children and bring them on cruises...but I am going to respond anyway. :D


What kids behaviour drives you mad?


I can tolerate crying babies, cranky toddlers and teenage ennui. I will give you my encouraging smile of "been there, done that, don't let it stress you out" when I see it happening.


What I cannot stand is children who are smart mouthed and disrespectful to their parents. No smiles from me on that one.


What behaviour from the parents drives you mad?


Parents that put up with that smart mouthed & disrespectful behavior from their children.



What areas do you not like seeing kids?


Only in places where there are age restrictions or venue rules that state a minimum age. Don't bring them to the bar, the casino or adult area portions of the ship. Anywhere else I believe they should be fully welcomed.

Edited by orangepeel
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we took our son on his first cruise last Nye on carnival he was 4 he was involved in the kids program and loved it. I think the first day when we boarded was bad he was bored tired of sitting with us and we couldn't take him to the kids program it didn't open til like 9 or ten.

I don't know how it is with rccl for the first day


we are gonna try and take him on liberty for Nye 2014 I think he might do better since by then he will be 6 and his behavior is already getting better day by day

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I agree with all that has been mentioned & have to add my pet peeve......... No supervision at the buffet! I get absolutely crazy seeing children roaming through the buffet, touching, spilling & not paying any attention to where they're going or who they may be interfering with.

Also butting in line(to the front) of the ice cream machine line - then makes, messes up and discards three or four ice cream cones ( do parents allow that much waste at home? Also, if told to go to back of line(I was a teacher) - acts like they have no idea why they should. Then, it isn't helped by some adult who says - lets them go to the front - they are just a child!

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I'm fine with kids going to the front of a crowd to see what's going on (such as the parade), but some kids also push in front of those in wheelchairs. If your child is taller than the person in the wheelchair, please don't let them block the view. And please teach your children not to touch the wheelchair controls, or sit on the footplate! (Yes, this does happen). :eek:

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Thank you to the two of you who mentioned sitting on the edge of aisles for the theatre, had not thought of that. Although we already adopt the "remove quietly and deal with it" tactic in restaurants, I had not thought of the implications of sitting in the middle of a row of seats in the theatre!



This may not be an issue for you at all. When my kids were the ages of your's they did not attend the shows. When dinner was over, they wanted to go straight back to the kids club, which was nice. My Husband and I then got to sit and watch the show just the two of us. In fact Adventure Ocean allowed us to have quite a bit of "Adult" time while we still enjoyed cruising with our young children.


I think you will do great. You are on the right track, setting expectation for your children and making sure they understand what behavior is acceptable and what is not.

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I believe the vast majority of passengers and crew understand that even very well behaved children are not perfect 100% of the time. If you as a parent are considerate and attentive as reflected in your writing, you have no worries.


I have been on several transatlantic cruises. Just a few children on each. I do know the child care staff is aboard (and maybe bored;)). Honestly, the few kids on those cruises have been great. Maybe just because there are so few, the few seem even more adorable. Or perhaps more likely, it reflects the type of parents and kids who would elect long cruises with many sea days. Taking a happy, well behaved kid on such a cruise might make sense; sharing a cabin with a difficult child on such a cruise might not. Do not be surprised if your well behaved kids are regularly fawned over on the TA. Lots of crew love kids and may miss their own. Lots of grandparent-age cruisers on the TA are apt enjoy seeing younger cruisers, too.


Enjoy both your cruises with the little ones.


Even some adults are not perfect 100 Per cent of the time. I have seen some loud and obnoxious behavior from those who had too much "happy Juice."

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okay I have kids but mine are older and I had little patience for misbehaving when they were young. Also I've done a few child free cruises. So misbehaving kids drive me batty. Here are my things:


Running and screaming in the halls

Running/walking/cruising around dining room it's a dining room sit at the table and eat.

Not being supervised at buffet so they touch everything

Being in adult only areas

Children screaming and creating a scene during shows and the parents not doing anything -- someone above mentioned a family sitting near edge and leaving if the child got disruptive Yay to that family for being considerate.

Cutting in line for anything and everything

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I taught school for 20+ years, have 9 grandchildren and have sailed on 30 different ships....so somewhat of an "expert" on this particular topic.


Any child will exhibit bad behavior if he/she is expected to sit still during dinner after 7PM. Please do not take your children to the specialty restaurants or MDR after 7PM. We took our grandchildren to the buffet area or the pizza restaurant so they would have more fun. If they had fun we had fun!


If a ship doesn't have a children's program please do not bring them aboard the ship...they will be bored and so unhappy. Our grandchildren loved the children's programs and begged to go!!! They especially liked the children's pool area including the ice cream machine and hot tub just for kids!!!


Please choose appropriate excursions for them, ie the child friendly ones. I avoid those unless I'm sailing with my grandchildren.


There is a time and place for everything, just choose carefully. We had a wonderful time on the Oasis in May with our children and grandchildren. The children were all well behaved because they were very busy and were having FUN...this includes the adult children!

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No kids in MDR after 7?? Not every young child must complete dinner by 7pm! Amazing how some proclaim themselves an expert.


Not all children are rude and obnoxious either. I have experienced many more rude and/or intoxicated adults that can behave far worse!

Edited by Pebbles468
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No kids in MDR after 7?? Not every young child must complete dinner by 7pm! Amazing how some proclaim themselves an expert.


Not all children are rude and obnoxious either. I have experienced many more rude and/or intoxicated adults that can behave far worse!


I put expert in quotation marks which means I'm being sarcastic.

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My biggest pet peeve as far children on a cruise ships goes are those that like to get in the elevator and push ALL the buttons to EVERY floor just before I get on.


As a paraplegic and one who relies solely on elevators to get places on the ship, it can be rather annoying having to stop at every floor.


It seems I have ran into this on EVERY cruise Ive been on too :o


More than once, I have seen the older folks lean against the elevator control panel, inadvertently pressing every button in the process. Then the curmudgeons have the gall to yell at my kids, when they weren't even anywhere near the elevator buttons.


Another time, I was on the elevator with my son who was 3 or 4 at the time, and I allowed him to press the button for the floor we were heading to. As he was reaching out to the button, the old man in the elevator slapped his hand away and yelled at him not to touch. I was so shocked and immediately went to comfort my son, but I regret not putting that guy in his place.

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We enjoy children on cruise ships (we're in our sixties, 2 grown children, 1 30-something toddler) ... we are almost never bothered by their behavior. Children will act like children; when they are excited, they may run around and get loud. Doesn't bother us. When they get tired or mad, they may run around and get loud. Doesn't bother us, as long as the parents are trying to deal with the issue.

The only thing that bothers us is children being where they don't belong - bars, the casino, adult pools or shows. Hot tubs are okay if they are with their parents.

It sounds like you are doing a fine job with your children and they'll be fine ... please don't get so hung up on what adults may think of your children's (or your) behavior that you aren't able to relax & enjoy your vacation!

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Noise from children is wonderful. What is NOT wonderful, are the parents that ignore their children therefore almost guaranteeing that the children will be crying or doing more annoying behavior.


Children need to be children....and no matter how well behaved (whatever that means), they need attention. Dropping them off at Adventure Oceans, so the parents can have their own vacation, often doesn't work -- if the kids like to do things with their parents; or are just wondering what are my parents doing while I am HERE.


My DH and I have always cruised without children, since our kids are all grown up...but we remember what having small kids was like....and we LOVE to hear the 'pleasant noise of happy children'.


I even love to help a mother/father who could use an extra hand with their youngster, if they are OPEN to my help, if I am nearby.

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Noise from children is wonderful. What is NOT wonderful, are the parents that ignore their children therefore almost guaranteeing that the children will be crying or doing more annoying behavior.


Children need to be children....and no matter how well behaved (whatever that means), they need attention. Dropping them off at Adventure Oceans, so the parents can have their own vacation, often doesn't work -- if the kids like to do things with their parents; or are just wondering what are my parents doing while I am HERE.


My DH and I have always cruised without children, since our kids are all grown up...but we remember what having small kids was like....and we LOVE to hear the 'pleasant noise of happy children'.


I even love to help a mother/father who could use an extra hand with their youngster, if they are OPEN to my help, if I am nearby.

noise (noiz)n.1. a. Sound or a sound that is loud, unpleasant, unexpected, or undesired.


That is the effect on us that don't have kiddos. Parents have learned to tune the kiddos out, we haven't unfortunately. Not unusual to see a kiddo screaming their head off in the store and mom totally ignores them. So please understand where we are coming from with some of our comments. I spend 358 days a year away from kiddos, so it is a shock to our system when we encounter them. It's just the way it is.


We choose to cruise on a ship with families, so we will get by.

Edited by cruzincurt
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Noise from children is wonderful. What is NOT wonderful, are the parents that ignore their children therefore almost guaranteeing that the children will be crying or doing more annoying behavior.


Children need to be children....and no matter how well behaved (whatever that means), they need attention. Dropping them off at Adventure Oceans, so the parents can have their own vacation, often doesn't work -- if the kids like to do things with their parents; or are just wondering what are my parents doing while I am HERE.


My DH and I have always cruised without children, since our kids are all grown up...but we remember what having small kids was like....and we LOVE to hear the 'pleasant noise of happy children'.


I even love to help a mother/father who could use an extra hand with their youngster, if they are OPEN to my help, if I am nearby.


You summed it up. I love seeing parents WITH their kids having fun. These are the happy behaved kids. That is why they call it a family vacation. These are the kids I love to play with.

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