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Cruise Etiquette: What have passengers done onboard your cruise that was rude?

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"(It's rude to tell a person they are being rude.)"


It is not rude to tell someone else they are rude--it is all in the delivery.


We live in an ever increasingly rude world & I think it is in part that too many feel it is rude to address rudeness.


(yes, I was rude in response to other's rudeness, for sure--I tried to politely redirect people "there are stairs just around the corner...)", but people's blatant disregard over & over pushed me over. Not right on my part, at all, I take full responsibility)



My husband has a plaque on his office wall that says "Irish diplomacy is the art of telling someone to go to hell in such a way that they look forward to the trip."

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My cruising pet peeves pretty much revolve around inconsiderate people, oblivious people, and self-centered people.


The one I will never forget:


My wife and I were in the windjammer for lunch on the Allure appx. 2 years ago. Moderately busy. We were one row away from the windows, and about 1/2 way through our meal. There were plenty of empty tables, and one just opened up next to the window as a couple (60ish) was walking by. They both looked like PITA's.


They decided to grab this table, I suppose for the view. It had not been cleaned yet, as the other people just left. I see them stack up all of the dirty dishes, utensils, napkins....and then bring them to the table where my wife and I are eating! They placed the dirty dishes on our table and said, "You don't mind, do you?". I was speechless and just looked at them (probably with my mouth open).


So now the wife and I are just shocked, and trying to give them the benefit of the doubt. They were at a 4-person table, and so were we. We figured they had two more people coming (still not appropriate), but nobody else showed up! Steam was probably coming out of my ears at this point.


When we left, I took every single dirty thing off of our table and brought it to theirs (while they were about 1/2 way through their meal). It took me two trips. I said, "You don't mind, do you?", and left. I still can't believe this happened.



I literally laughed out loud!! I would have probably done the same thing.



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There are rude, inconsiderate people the world over, but I think it's the minority. We've done two cruises from the U.S (we're from Australia) and have never had any issues and were actually amazed at how polite and well mannered all the children were (as well as the adults lol)

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Not sure if anyone has mentioned this one, but one thing that bothers me are kids that get into the hot tubs and SWIM and SPLASH around!! Hot tubs are for relaxing, not swimming. I have said something to kids if they do this, and if their parents are nearby, I will say something to them, too. I am always polite about it. One time a kid jumped into a crowded hot tub and kicked my granddaughter.


Also, here's a tip for those who get on an empty elevator after someone has pushed all the buttons: it doesn't work on all elevators, but try holding down the "close door" button as the elevator goes up/down. It has worked for me on Carnival, not sure if it will work on all elevators.



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This is a pet peeve of mine (no matter where it happens) - people stopping to have conversations in the middle of a high traffic area! Oh yeah, and walking two or three abreast down a stateroom corridor and then giving you the stink eye when they have to move aside to let you pass:(.



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  • 5 weeks later...

People walking 2 or 3 abreast in the hallways or simply standing in the hallways that see you coming, know you need to get through, and refuse to move an inch. There have been several times where I have had to muscle my way through even after offering a smile and a "pardon me". I understand that people see something, get distracted, and stop. That's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about willful behavior.


Butting in line infuriates me. I'm astonished at how much it happens. And muscling up front to view something.


On our sail day on Jewel last week I staked out 1 square meter of the Solarium pool so I could exercise in a way that wouldn't bother others. A gang of kids - a couple of them MAY have been 16 - got in the pool and started to get in my space and start muscling me out of it.


In general, when I'm one of 2 people in the Solarium pool, and I'm doing laps way off to one side, then someone will invariably get in and stand right in the lane. My wife simply gave up trying to get any exercise in the pools.


Finally, our best couple friends joined us on Jewel for their first cruise. One noon, they got to the Windjammer first, got a table for 4, put their silverware and personal effects down, and went to get food. They came back to see that someone else threw their keys on the table. They started eating and a a couple women came back, snatched up their keys, and glowered at them as if our friends had sat at their personal reserved Windjammer table.


Don't even talk about towels on chairs. So many empty chairs with towels and I have to put my things any open piece of real estate I can find…



Lama Out



Royal Suites So Far…

Grandeur '13, Allure '14, Jewel '14


Next Royal Suite…

Freedom '15

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In general, when I'm one of 2 people in the Solarium pool, and I'm doing laps way off to one side, then someone will invariably get in and stand right in the lane. My wife simply gave up trying to get any exercise in the pool. ...


I'm with you on everything but this. The pools are not large enough for staking out an area, other than to stand in.

The people probably weren't aware that they were in 'your' lane.

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I hate that as well sherryf. What was nice was on our last cruise we were in Stavanger Norway. Everyone was at the edge of the excursion boat we were on. Suddenly a man turned to me and told me to go in front of him as he would just look over me especially since I would be sitting on my walker. I was so grateful.


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I hate that as well sherryf. What was nice was on our last cruise we were in Stavanger Norway. Everyone was at the edge of the excursion boat we were on. Suddenly a man turned to me and told me to go in front of him as he would just look over me especially since I would be sitting on my walker. I was so grateful.



What a nice man!

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When my husband and I were on our honeymoon on the valor our neighbors slammed their cabin door about eleven thousand times




This door would slam so hard the headboard on our bed would move


No matter the time of day or night, it was non stop


Thinking back, I don't know why I didnt complain to guest services



Guess I was too busy honeymooning lol



But boy it pissed me off



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Edited by singbluesilver1
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WOW!!! That is exactly what happened to my mom and I while we were taking a cruise in Greece. We did the EXACT same thing you did! Our story was we were on the bus on the way to the pier when a group of individuals got on. On the ship we were enjoying the sun and eating when one of the individuals from the bus brings over his groups dirty plates and sits it down on a table between mom and I. Now being the evil New Yorker I am...I didn't go off. I calmly took me and my moms plates along with theirs(I have no waitress training, mind you) and walked over to where they were and deposited at their table said "I believe these are yours" to the applause of several pax. That is one story I will NEVER forget.



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You should have cleaned off your plates right onto their food. A much better payback. I was going to add that "accidentally" spilling some of your stuff onto their laps would also be appropriate but that would perhaps but not definitely be a bit much.



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Finally, our best couple friends joined us on Jewel for their first cruise. One noon, they got to the Windjammer first, got a table for 4, put their silverware and personal effects down, and went to get food. They came back to see that someone else threw their keys on the table. They started eating and a a couple women came back, snatched up their keys, and glowered at them as if our friends had sat at their personal reserved Windjammer table.



IMHO, both were wrong. I think that you go to the WJ without a bunch of personal effects, you walk in, get in line, get your food, then find any empty table, sit down, then eat.


IOWs, you don't "save" tables int the WJ. Suppose a bunch of people put their wrapped silverware/napkins on "their tables", found a "better table" or saw friends of family at another table, and decided to eat at another table leaving their "saved table" there for some time.

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IMHO, both were wrong. I think that you go to the WJ without a bunch of personal effects, you walk in, get in line, get your food, then find any empty table, sit down, then eat.


IOWs, you don't "save" tables int the WJ. Suppose a bunch of people put their wrapped silverware/napkins on "their tables", found a "better table" or saw friends of family at another table, and decided to eat at another table leaving their "saved table" there for some time.


I agree if you want to save a table, have one person of your party sit down and wait while the others get their food. then when they came back that person can go. Bringing your beech bags from the lido pool and spreading out everything to "save" seats is just plain tacky. And if you leave things more valuable such as a android or camera, you are asking for it to be stolen.

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-people who try to impress us with their job status, station in life, and what very important people they really are. They usually are not...which is why they are blabbing away in the first place


-extremely opinionated people who want to engage us in discussions about politics or religion-especially those who make it clear that their view is the correct view


-people who complain constantly-especially the ones that have not travelled very often and think that the way things are done in the US is the way it should be done in other countries. Those people should just stay home


-people who treat the crew with no respect whatsoever, speak rudely to them, or treat them as lesser beings

Edited by iancal
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IMHO, I think it is the beauty (and the beast, if you will) of cruising that it has become affordable enough for people from all walks of life to be able to enjoy. This often means that while most people will be agreeable, there will always be rude ones, just like everywhere else. I have seen the chogs, the line cutters, and the rude commenters. However, it's a vacation, and I view it as such. I try to ignore the idiots and enjoy myself (not that I'm above making a snide or loud comment about someone's rude behavior :D). My 3 boys all know they will face the wrath of mom for any rude or unacceptable behavior on their part, and even the 8 year old holds doors for others.


I have to say, some of the rudest behavior is the hairy chest contest on Carnival. Just my opinion, but I find the whole thing pretty crude - it's participants are often fueled by drink, and that results in some pretty sketchy behavior on a family friendly cruise!:eek:


I also heard a lady comment - loudly - in the hallway on our first cruise with our kids (the little one was just shy of a year old at the time) that she didn't know why someone would bring a baby with them on a cruise.:confused: Um, because I can't board him like we do the dog????


There are ALWAYS going to be rude people - you can't fix stupid!:)

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I love the hairy chest contest and even helped judge one once. If you don't like it, don't watch. It's all in fun and there are a number of us cruising without children who like some fun that is more oriented to adults than children.

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I love the hairy chest contest and even helped judge one once. If you don't like it, don't watch. It's all in fun and there are a number of us cruising without children who like some fun that is more oriented to adults than children.


I don't much care for the hairy man contest ... corny.

The contest itself is fine, if you like that sort of thing, but I understand what the other poster was saying.

The contest isn't crude, and it shouldn't be. It's out in the open in an area with lots of kids. It's some of the participants who take it to an adult (??? :rolleyes:) level.

These are not ADULTS ONLY cruises.

If you all want an adult (??? :rolleyes:)) version it should be held somewhere else and advertised as such. ;)

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I've watched four of those contests and saw no one going over the top. They weren't crude, lewd, or x-rated. Most of the guys weren't even good movers or dancers. Parents need to take responsibility for their children. If you don't want them to see something that is an advertised activity on the ship, be elsewhere with them at that time.

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DW and I are very easy going, and realize that there are a lot of people that just don't know proper manners. But, one of the few things that I find really annoying are drunks having parties in their rooms at all hours of the night and disturbing everyone's sleep (or drunks getting out of control in public places . So very inconsiderate, in my opinion. Another thing is seeing grown folks physically fighting. On one recent cruise we had not even left port and had already seen a pretty nasty fight between two guys. I really dislike seeing low-life ghetto behavior on cruises, and hate to have DW exposed to those types of people. Generally, I don't get too concerned about other 'stupid' things like a lack of buffet or Lido Deck etiquette, because we all know that some people just don't have any class.



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I hate that as well sherryf. What was nice was on our last cruise we were in Stavanger Norway. Everyone was at the edge of the excursion boat we were on. Suddenly a man turned to me and told me to go in front of him as he would just look over me especially since I would be sitting on my walker. I was so grateful.



Hey. That's the NORWAY influence.

God tag:)

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I've watched four of those contests and saw no one going over the top. They weren't crude, lewd, or x-rated. Most of the guys weren't even good movers or dancers. Parents need to take responsibility for their children. If you don't want them to see something that is an advertised activity on the ship, be elsewhere with them at that time.


The hairy chest 'contests' are not advertised as an 'adult only' activity, so how are you to know to remove your kids? :confused:

I've only watched one or two of these. That was enough for me. Lame. I also have never seen over the top behavior , but I have seen some suggestive moves.

I also don't doubt the previous poster about what they may have seen. When alcohol is involved you just never know what's going to happen.

These are FAMILY cruises and the 'entertainment' should be viewable by all, unless advertised differently.

There is a family comedy show, and an adult comedy show. We know this because we are told. ;)

Edited by WetToes
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When my husband and I were on our honeymoon on the valor our neighbors slammed their cabin door about eleven thousand times




This door would slam so hard the headboard on our bed would move


No matter the time of day or night, it was non stop


Thinking back, I don't know why I didnt complain to guest services




Guess I was too busy honeymooning lol



But boy it pissed me off



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Are you sure the head board did not move because you were honeymooning:-)

  • Haha 1
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IMHO, I think it is the beauty (and the beast, if you will) of cruising that it has become affordable enough for people from all walks of life to be able to enjoy. This often means that while most people will be agreeable, there will always be rude ones, just like everywhere else. I have seen the chogs, the line cutters, and the rude commenters. However, it's a vacation, and I view it as such. I try to ignore the idiots and enjoy myself (not that I'm above making a snide or loud comment about someone's rude behavior :D). My 3 boys all know they will face the wrath of mom for any rude or unacceptable behavior on their part, and even the 8 year old holds doors for others.


I have to say, some of the rudest behavior is the hairy chest contest on Carnival. Just my opinion, but I find the whole thing pretty crude - it's participants are often fueled by drink, and that results in some pretty sketchy behavior on a family friendly cruise!:eek:


I also heard a lady comment - loudly - in the hallway on our first cruise with our kids (the little one was just shy of a year old at the time) that she didn't know why someone would bring a baby with them on a cruise.:confused: Um, because I can't board him like we do the dog????


There are ALWAYS going to be rude people - you can't fix stupid!:)


When I first started cruising I always wondered why people brought the tiny ones-as it made visiting lounges in the evening impossible as you would not want to take a baby there. I always felt in order to enjoy the cruise it would be better to wait until the children were a little older and you felt comfortable leaving them with a grandparent. Now that was my personal opinion. I did not voice it to offend anyone for sure.


I do remember once talking to a young woman with a small child on debarkation day and she telling me the cruise had been a disappointment and I felt it was because she had her little child with her. Her child was wining and crying, so of course this reinforced my opinion. However I felt badly for her and certainly would not have voiced that to her.


However, that was in times past when a cruise was more for couples. Now many cruise lines cater to it being a family vacation with evening kid's clubs open in the evenings and babysitting services for the ones too small for kid's clubs. So my opinion has changed.

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