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when did cruising become so sloppy


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If you do not want to dress up then you should head on over to the Windjammer or other venue where dressing up is not a requirement. I'm sorry but for those people who have taken the time to bring the proper attire for formal night and actually dress up according to the code it would not be fair for those who decide to dress down to be allowed to eat in the dining room.



It is not a requirement. It is suggested attire.


We have always dined with just our family as well. I know everyone differs in this but I'd rather not meet new people than be stuck with people I don't like for dinner. Plus our trips are about our family, my parents, and my kids. I want to just sit with them at dinner. That may change as we start traveling without our kids but I doubt it. I was planning to do a cocktail dress on at least one night of our next cruise but now I'm seriously considering not even bringing it and just opting for an easier dress that does not require my 5" heels to be packed.



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I don't really care who flames me since I am stating my OPINION. When did cruising become so sloppy? All I read is do I have to follow the rules?? Do WE have to follow the dress code? How can I cheat the system? The thing I love about cruising is seeing people dressed up in the evenings. The atmosphere that was classy. Now it seems no one cares. It's all about I paid and I don't want to dress up and I don't want to wait in line and I don't want to pay for that and I am the ONLY one that matters, why can't MY kid do that why do I have to watch MY kid I'm on vacation!

Is anyone else tired of hearing about how people want to not do what is "suggested" by the cruise lines??


I think it was when prices became so low. I could bore you with the comparison between what we paid when we first started cruising compared to now.


But I also think that much of the problem is Cruise Critic and similar sites where people encourage others to "wear whatever you are comfortable in" and explain in detail how to use rum runners and "just ask for robes" and "why not ask if you ask if you can bring your friend who is a Gold member into the CL -- all they can say is No." It makes everyone think that everything is available to anyone if you simply ask and then complain enough.


What really ticks me off is that we can not talk about "legal" ways to save money and tell people which TA's can offer them a great deal but people can talk all day long about how to scam the system here. Maybe the name should be changed? (Ok, let's see how long it takes them to suspend my account for being honest.)

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I think it was when prices became so low. I could bore you with the comparison between what we paid when we first started cruising compared to now.


But I also think that much of the problem is Cruise Critic and similar sites where people encourage others to "wear whatever you are comfortable in" and explain in detail how to use rum runners and "just ask for robes" and "why not ask if you ask if you can bring your friend who is a Gold member into the CL -- all they can say is No." It makes everyone think that everything is available to anyone if you simply ask and then complain enough.


What really ticks me off is that we can not talk about "legal" ways to save money and tell people which TA's can offer them a great deal but people can talk all day long about how to scam the system here. Maybe the name should be changed? (Ok, let's see how long it takes them to suspend my account for being honest.)


you do understand that the percentage of folks that read CC and would happen to be in the dining room at the same time as you is pretty slim to none?

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I don't care that much but I do think it's sad that so many say "if its not a rule then I won't do it."


Many customs and expectations are also not codified as rules. Discussing politics, commenting one someone's weight, lack of good grammar, education, social standing, appearance, or farting, picking one's nose, cutting in line are all not technically against the rules but most of us know not to do those things (at least in person, the internet's a bit different, so don't dig up one of my old posts ;) )


I prefer to live in a self-governing society in which all of us or at least most of us do the right thing because we want to rather than because we are compelled to by the powers that be.


Wouldn't that be nice?


But as I said it's no big deal, a person is not just defined by how they dress, and I'd rather a casually dressed nice, interesting person than a decked-out boor. But I don't get why so many think it's ok to just ignore the suggested dress code. I mean how hard is it to throw on some good clothes? We almost all have them. Just put them in your bag and put them on 2 nights. And I'll hold in my gas at the table ;) :) Because a nice, interesting person who makes an effort to comply with the dress code is best of all.

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don't forget to lump in those nasty smokers..


RCI don't care.. if you care move up the cruise line chain.


they don't enforce dress

they don't enforce rum runners unless you are flaunting them.

they continue to allow smoking everywhere they did except balconies. they won't enforce that unless someone goes crying to security.



I kinda disagree with you: RCI enforces rum runners and any alcohol smuggling when they catch the culprit.


I haven't seen anyone smoking in an area undesignated for smoking. Remember security has a lot of people to watch. I'm not shy about going to them and informing them. I don't see thar as "going to cry to security ".

Edited by nednrom
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As I have read this thread, I've become appalled and disillusioned. This thread somehow has mentioned "trailer park" people, fat people who are sloppy, people who don't comply with perceived rules and even smokers as reasons why cruises are no longer what they used to be. What has been appalling is how snobbish the posters appear and how the implication has been that you should only be able to take a cruise if you are at a certain socio-economic status with a certain size waist. It seems that only those who are at that level know how to behave in public with manners and know the appropriate dress for the occasion.


I am sorta glad that I haven't been to any of the M&Ms. I might not have worn the appropriate outfit or ordered the correct drink. :eek:

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As I have read this thread, I've become appalled and disillusioned. This thread somehow has mentioned "trailer park" people, fat people who are sloppy, people who don't comply with perceived rules and even smokers as reasons why cruises are no longer what they used to be. What has been appalling is how snobbish the posters appear and how the implication has been that you should only be able to take a cruise if you are at a certain socio-economic status with a certain size waist. It seems that only those who are at that level know how to behave in public with manners and know the appropriate dress for the occasion.


I am sorta glad that I haven't been to any of the M&Ms. I might not have worn the appropriate outfit or ordered the correct drink. :eek:




maybe there can be a "not worthy" meet and greet?

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I must say I find it ridiculous that people make a connection between dressing casually and being rude or not classy.

Maybe if you guys spent less time worrying about clothing and more time being kind and non-judgemental society would be in better shape than it is.

How someone else dresses should not affect you and definitely has nothing to do with how they raise their kids or how they treat others. If you think making your kid wear a suit makes him a better person good for you. I think it's all so superficial and meaningless.

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When did cruising get sloppy? Just my opinion but, it happened when life became all about Me Me Me.


I'm on vacation - leave me alone.

I'm wearing shorts to the MDR. Leave me alone.

I'm wearing a bikini even though I weigh 300 lbs. Leave me alone.


I'm doing what I want and when I want. Leave me alone. The rest of the sentence is "and I don't care what you think". Because I'm me. I don't care about your space and my impact on it. Because I'm me and I'm entitled to do what I want. I don't care that I'm in your line of sight and you have to look at me because I'm me and I can do what I want.


Children who have been told that everything they do is wonderful and that they are wonderful no matter what they say or do, grow up to be adults that believe that they can continue to do anything, anywhere.


But this is just my opinion . . .

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When did cruising get sloppy? Just my opinion but, it happened when life became all about Me Me Me.


I'm on vacation - leave me alone.

I'm wearing shorts to the MDR. Leave me alone.

I'm wearing a bikini even though I weigh 300 lbs. Leave me alone.


I'm doing what I want and when I want. Leave me alone. The rest of the sentence is "and I don't care what you think". Because I'm me. I don't care about your space and my impact on it. Because I'm me and I'm entitled to do what I want. I don't care that I'm in your line of sight and you have to look at me because I'm me and I can do what I want.


Children who have been told that everything they do is wonderful and that they are wonderful no matter what they say or do, grow up to be adults that believe that they can continue to do anything, anywhere.


But this is just my opinion . . .


Wow, I don't even know why some of you guys even go on cruises anymore. Granted I've only been on 4 cruises but I've never seen anything so off putting that it would ruin my trip. Were there a few obnoxious kids towards the end of my last spring break cruise? Yes, they bothered me for about 30 seconds one day in an elevator. Were there a few chair hogs? yes. Were there heavier people in bikinis? I guess. That is not my business. My business is to keep myself and my family in the best health as possible.


Honestly your post just now was truly disgusting. What I would truly like to know in this entire discussion that I have unfortunately let myself get sucked into is this. Are the people who agreed with the OP truly disgusted in those who don't dress in 100% formal attire or are you just referring to things like guys wearing muscle shirts and an obvious disregard for dress code rules? Now that we have started referring to trailer parks and 300 lb women bikinis as a reference to how disgusting society is today, which is it? Are you pissed because I'm not wearing technical formal attire into your geriatric prom (as it was so eloquently put before)? Or is it the people who don't dress up at all?


I love cruising. My kids, my husband, and my parents are now all hooked. Everyone is entitled to their opinions and their interpretation of the suggestions (again, not rules). However, I think it is just incredibly ridiculous when I see tuxes and women wearing floor length formal gowns into the MDR even on formal nights. Most of them look like they are just wearing an old bridesmaid dress anyway. All this to sit down with the same people you have sat down with night after night and eat some frozen lobster? Give me a break.




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I always thought a cruise was SPECIAL. NOT ANYMORE. SLUMMING around with the bottom of the barrel a lot of the time (especially if there is a CHEAPO price tag). Is there NOTHING special anymore??? Doesn't seem like it to me (unless you get invited to the Oscar's or similar).


I only ever went on cruises for three reasons:1. to get away from faxes, phones, computers, my daily business life. 2. to see some out of the way place I probably would NOT pay airfare to get to-Manta, Ecuador comes to mind. 3 to get dressed to the nines which is not part of my normal daily life. I spend way too much time in Levi's and t shirts in warehouses, on docks and in and around semi trucks which is the business I own.


Sloppy people, sloppy attitudes totally RUINED cruising for us. Last cruise, just before my dear husband passed away-he made the comment "if you really want to get both of us dressed up, guess you either have to join some kind of charity where they have fancy balls and stuff or just throw all those fancy clothes you have away. I'm not going to be mistaken for a waiter again".


What a sad comment on today's lifestyle. Down, down, down-how much MORE dumbed down can we get our society???

Edited by greatam
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I always thought a cruise was SPECIAL. NOT ANYMORE. SLUMMING around with the bottom of the barrel a lot of the time (especially if there is a CHEAPO price tag). Is there NOTHING special anymore??? Doesn't seem like it to me (unless you get invited to the Oscar's or similar).


I only ever went on cruises for three reasons:1. to get away from faxes, phones, computers, my daily business life. 2. to see some out of the way place I probably would NOT pay airfare to get to-Manta, Ecuador comes to mind. 3 to get dressed to the nines which is not part of my normal daily life. I spend way too much time in Levi's and t shirts in warehouses, on docks and in and around semi trucks which is the business I own.


Sloppy people, sloppy attitudes totally RUINED cruising for us. Last cruise, just before my dear husband passed away-he made the comment "if you really want to get both of us dressed up, guess you either have to join some kind of charity where they have fancy balls and stuff or just throw all those fancy clothes you have away. I'm not going to be mistaken for a waiter again".


What a sad comment on today's lifestyle. Down, down, down-how much MORE dumbed down can we get our society???


So you say you see cruises as a way to get dressed to the nines, which is not part of my normal daily life. You spend way too much time in Levi's and Tshirts in warehouses. So lets turn this around for a minute. We spend most of our lives dressed to the nines. Does that make me better than you on a daily basis? Does it now make me a sloppy person with a sloppy attitude as you put it because I don't want to do that on vacation? Or does that make you a sloppy person with a sloppy attitude in your everyday life because you are mostly in your levis and tshirts in warehouses? Truth hurts, doesn't it?

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Interesting thread. I too agree and disagree.


We like to follow the "rules". It is part of why we love cruising. We loved dressing up and we hated it. We love all of the activities that keep you busy and we hate them and want to just chill. But we always were and are respectful of others and so were our kids when they got to go. Doing what you want is still respectful of others if you are taught how to act at home.


On the other hand, I think my vacation should be all about "me me me" I work 48 weeks a year doing what someone wants me to do all day for the purpose of providing for a large family doing for them the rest of the day. My cruises are for me and about me and thats ok. I am not bound by the activity schedule and I will do what I want and dress how I want. That doesn't disrespect anyone. It IS my vacation and it IS all about me.


By the way, we too dress less formally now. Used to rent a Tux, then bought one, then just a suit and tie, now a dress shirt and vest with no tie. DW went from evening gowns to cocktail dresses. It is just how it is now. I don't get in a huff when I see someone not follow the rules. Worrying about how someone else dresses would just ruin my evening and not theirs. Look into your wife's eyes more and not at someone elses vulgar t-shirt and tasteless tattoos. It is about YOU.

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I always thought a cruise was SPECIAL. NOT ANYMORE. SLUMMING around with the bottom of the barrel a lot of the time (especially if there is a CHEAPO price tag). Is there NOTHING special anymore??? Doesn't seem like it to me (unless you get invited to the Oscar's or similar).


I only ever went on cruises for three reasons:1. to get away from faxes, phones, computers, my daily business life. 2. to see some out of the way place I probably would NOT pay airfare to get to-Manta, Ecuador comes to mind. 3 to get dressed to the nines which is not part of my normal daily life. I spend way too much time in Levi's and t shirts in warehouses, on docks and in and around semi trucks which is the business I own.


Sloppy people, sloppy attitudes totally RUINED cruising for us. Last cruise, just before my dear husband passed away-he made the comment "if you really want to get both of us dressed up, guess you either have to join some kind of charity where they have fancy balls and stuff or just throw all those fancy clothes you have away. I'm not going to be mistaken for a waiter again".


What a sad comment on today's lifestyle. Down, down, down-how much MORE dumbed down can we get our society???


So, can we assume you don't cruise anymore?

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I don't really care who flames me since I am stating my OPINION. When did cruising become so sloppy? All I read is do I have to follow the rules?? Do WE have to follow the dress code? How can I cheat the system? The thing I love about cruising is seeing people dressed up in the evenings. The atmosphere that was classy. Now it seems no one cares. It's all about I paid and I don't want to dress up and I don't want to wait in line and I don't want to pay for that and I am the ONLY one that matters, why can't MY kid do that why do I have to watch MY kid I'm on vacation!

Is anyone else tired of hearing about how people want to not do what is "suggested" by the cruise lines??


Actually I don't mind dressing up on some cruises but there are others where we are just going to relax and I don't want to....so we choose cruiselines with a more relaxed dress code and are still following the "rules" if we choose not to dress up. Some people go on these cruise lines expecting everyone to dress up when its not required and come on here complaining about those who don't prefer to dress up like it ruined "their" vacation :rolleyes:...IMHO that is just as bad as what you are complaining about. This is why it is good that there are choices. Different cruiselines have different dress codes...choose the one that is right for you and stop complaining...whether you like to dress up or down. As for those who can't wait in line or be bothered with their kids...they are everywhere in life. Rude people are everywhere, not just on cruises. It is just the world we live in....

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I always thought a cruise was SPECIAL. NOT ANYMORE. SLUMMING around with the bottom of the barrel a lot of the time (especially if there is a CHEAPO price tag). Is there NOTHING special anymore??? Doesn't seem like to me (unless you get invited to the Oscar's or similar).


I only ever went on cruises for three reasons:1. to get away from faxes, phones, computers, my daily business life. 2. to see some out of the way place I probably would NOT pay airfare to get to-Manta, Ecuador comes to mind. 3 to get dressed to the nines which is not part of my normal daily life. I spend way too much time in Levi's and t shirts in warehouses, on docks and in and around semi trucks which is the business I own.


Sloppy people, sloppy attitudes totally RUINED cruising for us. Last cruise, just before my dear husband passed away-he made the comment "if you really want to get both of us dressed up, guess you either have to join some kind of charity where they have fancy balls and stuff or just throw all those fancy clothes you have away. I'm not going to be mistaken for a waiter again".


What a sad comment on today's lifestyle. Down, down, down-how much dumber down can we get our society???

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I always thought a cruise was SPECIAL. NOT ANYMORE. SLUMMING around with the bottom of the barrel a lot of the time (especially if there is a CHEAPO price tag). Is there NOTHING special anymore??? Doesn't seem like to me (unless you get invited to the Oscar's or similar).


I only ever went on cruises for three reasons:1. to get away from faxes, phones, computers, my daily business life. 2. to see some out of the way place I probably would NOT pay airfare to get to-Manta, Ecuador comes to mind. 3 to get dressed to the nines which is not part of my normal daily life. I spend way too much time in Levi's and t shirts in warehouses, on docks and in and around semi trucks which is the business I own.


Sloppy people, sloppy attitudes totally RUINED cruising for us. Last cruise, just before my dear husband passed away-he made the comment "if you really want to get both of us dressed up, guess you either have to join some kind of charity where they have fancy balls and stuff or just throw all those fancy clothes you have away. I'm not going to be mistaken for a waiter again".


What a sad comment on today's lifestyle. Down, down, down-how much dumber down can we get our society???


Um, read it the first time. Why the repeats?


Again - Can we assume you don't cruise anymore? It being ruined and all.

Edited by WetToes
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I don't really care who flames me since I am stating my OPINION. When did cruising become so sloppy? All I read is do I have to follow the rules?? Do WE have to follow the dress code? How can I cheat the system? The thing I love about cruising is seeing people dressed up in the evenings. The atmosphere that was classy. Now it seems no one cares. It's all about I paid and I don't want to dress up and I don't want to wait in line and I don't want to pay for that and I am the ONLY one that matters, why can't MY kid do that why do I have to watch MY kid I'm on vacation!

Is anyone else tired of hearing about how people want to not do what is "suggested" by the cruise lines??


Having had to wear a suit and tie all of my business/work life, and a tux on special occasions, I will not ever again wear a tux. I am on vacation and I want to be comfortable. HAL did not enforce this rule on my last Caribbean cruise, (two formal nights for a 7 day cruise). We had dinner on our veranda instead.


I primarily choose to sail on Oceania which has a country club casual dress code. I wear a sports jacket sans tie for dinner, even in their four specialty restaurants.

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Wow, I don't even know why some of you guys even go on cruises anymore. Granted I've only been on 4 cruises but I've never seen anything so off putting that it would ruin my trip. Were there a few obnoxious kids towards the end of my last spring break cruise? Yes, they bothered me for about 30 seconds one day in an elevator. Were there a few chair hogs? yes. Were there heavier people in bikinis? I guess. That is not my business. My business is to keep myself and my family in the best health as possible.


Honestly your post just now was truly disgusting. What I would truly like to know in this entire discussion that I have unfortunately let myself get sucked into is this. Are the people who agreed with the OP truly disgusted in those who don't dress in 100% formal attire or are you just referring to things like guys wearing muscle shirts and an obvious disregard for dress code rules? Now that we have started referring to trailer parks and 300 lb women bikinis as a reference to how disgusting society is today, which is it? Are you pissed because I'm not wearing technical formal attire into your geriatric prom (as it was so eloquently put before)? Or is it the people who don't dress up at all?


I love cruising. My kids, my husband, and my parents are now all hooked. Everyone is entitled to their opinions and their interpretation of the suggestions (again, not rules). However, I think it is just incredibly ridiculous when I see tuxes and women wearing floor length formal gowns into the MDR even on formal nights. Most of them look like they are just wearing an old bridesmaid dress anyway. All this to sit down with the same people you have sat down with night after night and eat some frozen lobster? Give me a break.







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Um, read it the first time. Why the repeats?


Again - Can we assume you don't cruise anymore? It being ruined and all.



Computer glitch on the repeat-it has been cancelled.


Ruined ain't the word for it. DH has passed away. I MAY still cruise but it sure won't be on a mass market cruise line where no one gives a S***. Why would I want to slum it with people in their shorts and flip flops or even Dockers and a collared shirt??? NOT my idea of a cruise.


Never been to the Caribbean, never WILL GO to the Caribbean for a cruise. Lived on one island (Hawaii) and been to enough other islands (Fiji, Bora Bora, Aruba on a fluke with a South American cruise) that ANY Caribbean island I have NO interest in.


Go, enjoy yourself. Just know that you have NOT truly gone on a cruise unless you participated in all that is the cruising tradition. And that includes a tux or suit for formal night. Flip flops, Dockers sans jacket. NOT my idea of a cruise.

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Computer glitch on the repeat-it has been cancelled.


Ruined ain't the word for it. DH has passed away. I MAY still cruise but it sure won't be on a mass market cruise line where no one gives a S***. Why would I want to slum it with people in their shorts and flip flops or even Dockers and a collared shirt??? NOT my idea of a cruise.


Never been to the Caribbean, never WILL GO to the Caribbean for a cruise. Lived on one island (Hawaii) and been to enough other islands (Fiji, Bora Bora, Aruba on a fluke with a South American cruise) that ANY Caribbean island I have NO interest in.


Go, enjoy yourself. Just know that you have NOT truly gone on a cruise unless you participated in all that is the cruising tradition. And that includes a tux or suit for formal night. Flip flops, Dockers sans jacket. NOT my idea of a cruise.


Slumming it with Dockers and a collared shirt :eek: Oh, the horror. I'm glad I haven't met you but even if I had, I would not turn my nose up at you with your Levi's and tshirts on a workday at your business while I was dressed nicer than you. I didn't realize princesses had to work. ;)


Now I have another question. What do you all you guys and ladies who like to wear prom dresses and tuxes to the MDR on formal night do all day? Do you do anything active, out in the sun? Anything that would exhaust you to the point that you do not want to put on the floor length formal or do you sit in your suites all day waiting to get ready for dinner?



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