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Back to Black and the Med too.... Live from the Prinsendam


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A very lazy, fun day. We had been to Corfu before so we decided to make this a DIY day and just relax, meander the streets, do a bit of shopping for gifts, etc. and enjoy a Greek salad and some Greek wine.


We had a nice fun, relaxing day. Ironically we found a store selling the antica murano. Nicer pieces than we saw in Venice or we saw on the ship. The newest things and some exquisite pieces.



More olives and spices too :)


Our Greek salads were delicious by the way, but the restaurant seemed to be a tad chauvinistic. Gerry got 9 olives in his, my DH got at least 5 and Georgina and I were struggling to find ours! I think we had 2 or 3 each. Sad, but true. Although it doesn't sound exciting, we had a great time. We know full well what awaits us itinerary wise with a LOT of early mornings and tours so just meandering when you can makes for a nice break And a fun day.


Tonight was the Cellar Master dinner which I already reported on. It really was a nice way to end them day!

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:(What the heck...who comes up with this stuff?




So it's our Itea day and Itea is a tender port and I find out that there is a talk for the collectors cruise for our turn around day. We are here until midnight so who is going to hop a tender to get back to the ship and then hop another one to get off? Who's going to shorten a private tour? Granted the ship's tours are only 4 hours long (duhh) And you can't do both the monastery and Delphi if you do a ship's tour (double duhh) but there are people who are getting there on their own or are on private tours so, sorry HAL not Everyone will be back on board at 4:20 when the ship doesn't leave until midnight! They could have done this the day before when we had an earlier port day, our sea day or even our Katakolon day when all on board was 3:30.


It just boggles the mind sometimes. We had to make a choice and no stupid idea is going to make me change my plans. The instructions will come and it's really not that complicated. Ok, this is an official Kazu uggher/complaint, whatever. I just wish whoever does this stuff would use the part of their head that has common sense.



Suffice it to say that we and 14 others weren't there. C'est. La Vie.


And the instructions arrived the next day along with our cards for re-boarding. Pretty simple, no need to go to a special meeting at all (thank heavens).

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The gateway to Olympia. As usual, the Prinsendam early and we were off the ship. George and his other two taxis were waiting for us. I had booked this tour with George aka taxi Katakolon months ago, in fact nearly a year ago and I was so glad I did. What a day we had. We were whisked off to Olympia and were there long before the crowds. Along the way, George gave us some great info on the area. Amazingly there are only 300 people living in Katakolon. Very small town where many stores are only open when the ship's arrive. Most of the tour buses, taxis and drivers come from other places. But when several ships are in port there are 10,000 people in this little town. What a day we had. It was an early start but we were so glad we did it. Olympia was empty for the first hour.


I had read that it was just a bunch of rocks and not worth seeing. All I can say is GO!!!! George supplied us with excellent guidebooks which included an overlay of what it is perceived the buildings were so you could really visualize things. For some reason I thought Olympia was smaller. Even better the walking was not hard and you wouldn't notice anyways as your eyes are filled with wonder. To think we went into the stadium where the competitors and priest and judges entered through the great arch (the regular people had to make their way there by climbing over the hills). After we were finished that we headed to the museum where the cherished pieces are kept carefully. There was Hermes statue that is so famous along with many fabulous works dating B.C.


As we were nearly done the site itself, I saw the hordes start to arrive so encouraged our group to move on so we could enjoy the museum in peace and quiet without the mobs. We succeeded:)


It was fascinating to see the Greek art develop and the folds in the clothing were incredible of the statues. The museum is fascinating and I was pleasantly surprised by the entire site.


A note, I saw George at the entrance to the museum As we arrived. He told us where the cars would be unless it was raining, but in any case he would be there when we were done. Take your time. He was definitely watching out for us.



After the museum it was time to head to the winery...since the ship's tours were going to the Mercouri winery, he took us to the Olympia winery where he had reserved us so that there was no one else and we had the place to ourselves. The winery was set in a beautiful background that you couldn't help but admire. The wine tasting was wonderful with a lovely plate of breads, cheeses, cold meat, olives and salad. They were just harvesting the last grapes and we were kindly offered two bunches of delicious grapes While we were on the tour. The tour was fun, not drawn out and our hostess was charming. One of our roll call members opted not to do the tour, and the winery gave her a comfortable seat with free wifi and gave her orange juice and the cookie dessert we had and offered her some munchies as well. Talk about cordial! I was very impressed and can see why they have a great rating on trip advisor.


Producing both olive oil, preserves and wine, I happily bought a bottle of wine while a couple of others bought a bottle and olive oil.


Then we were off to lunch. George took us to a place where the locals go and OMG was it good. All kinds of Greek food. We were brought to see the samples, had it explained to us and choose. They even accommodated a roll call member with celiac and told her what was safe. The house wine was decent and we were all happy, full and content. They had the cheese that

We had at the winery and our hostess there had discussed how they cooked it in olive oil. Seein

G that they had it, I had to try it and shared it with any other adventurous souls. I know the spelling is not right and I an just doing it as it sounded - saganakee . Salty, but good. It was a lovely spot with a truly lively waiter and I think I can honestly say we all enjoyed it. 10 euros per person which seemed very, very fair.



Then we were off to Agios Andreas. A lovely beach on the Ionian Sea. Great little spot to take drinks and coffees and overlook this wonderful site. The nice thing was that we were 5 minutes from port here so George said no worries, take your time, Well the cafe lattes ordered were the prettiest thing I have ever seen. The waiter apologized as Olive's swirl was not a perfect heart.


One of our roll call embers did go swimming in the Ionian Sea. Kazu can say for certainty that she has now dipped her feet in the Ionian Sea:)


Alas, time was running out and it was time to head back to the ship.


We were back in time of course but the call came for the Winston's. Everyone knows their name now. They were some lucky. If I was them I would have been running but they leisurely walked up to the ship and said to the crew (as they pulled up the gangway, etc behind them) are we the last ones? Prinsendam passengers are pretty good but the laughter was heard throughout the balconies along with the occasional run, don't walk. (I might have even been one of those people). I don't know if I was late like that if I would have had the nerve to walk, my heart would be pounding and I would be running. From the looks of the bags, they were shopping.


Tonight we are dining at Le cirque and sadly, it's a formal night and I will miss my escargots and my lobster. Hmmmmm. Might lay in a hint to Elvira. Don't know why they did it on this night oh well, what will be will be.


More later. have to get to changed.

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We arrived at Split at noon. This was designated as a tender port, but because of the Elegant Explorer's size, we were able to dock. :). We chuckled softly as we watched Celebrity's tenders going back and forth..also docked was the Azamara


Our guide Maja (pronounced Maya) was waiting for us. Gigianne had arranged this private walking tour. This was Our first time In Split so we were glad we had done so. The Ottomans did not reach Split but the impressions of the Romans and Venetians abound here.


Emperor Diocletian retired here and also had his mausoleum built here. He originally came from the sheep herders in this area and climbed his way up to be the Emperor of Rome. He was the only Roman Emperor to voluntarily retire.


The top part of the palace was destroyed over time but the subterranean area is very much intact. Because it was used as a dumping ground, it helped preserve the subterranean portion of the palace. When archaeologists dug it put they discovered many artifacts that told them about the daily lives of people as well as the palace itself. This area is fascinating. The ceilings are self supporting and the walls are built without mortar. Following the different rooms below, you can envision the rooms that would have been above.


Then we were on to his mausoleum which is now a church. Originally built to hold the emperor's sarcophagus, it became a church when the remains of St. Duje were brought there. No one knows what happened to the remains of the emperor, although the story goes that his remains were scattered in many places. There are several places where the Saint's remains are in the cathedral, one place for his bones by the altar which can be viewed on certain days and his ashes are in the sarcophagus. Once the Saint's bones remains were placed there the mausoleum became a Catholic Church and the decor and architecture are intermingled. The smallest church in Europe (I believe) and very unique.


Then we were off to Jupiter's temple and then to the main square of the palace. Sphinxes from Egypt are seen here. We went into a tunnel like area with wonderful architecture and fabulous acoustics as we listened to Dalmatian performers from the area. Moving on to the old quarter we were enraptured by our guides stories and insights.


At the end of the tour we had enough time to enjoy some of the local ambience and chose an outdoor spot to take a break. No euros here - only kuna or credit cards. Fortunately we had some, so we sampled some local wine And a desert. It was called frozen vanilla and lemon curd tart. Yum!!! Maja had told us that they do make good wine here but it is not exported as they do not make enough, so we tried a Malvazija to test it. Quite nice so as we walked back we kept our eye out for a place where we could pick up a bottle or two. We did indeed find some and happily paid the corkage fee to the ship and left a bottle in their care to have at the end of the journey. These are the types of wine we like to bring on board - the ones that aren't available at home.


Split is a very beautiful city. Filled with history, charm and gorgeous architecture. Totally different from Dubrovnik and so glad we had the chance to visit this magnificent place.


We had a marvelous day Here with a great guide and great company on our tour.


Tonight in the Showroom at Sea....Penny Mathisen. She's performed at the Sydney Opera house to London's West End, so we went to check it out. OMG - she was fabulous. What a voice! She had everyone cheering and No ONE was leaving the show room early. I hope she stays on and performs again. Absolutely wonderful.


And our Filipino crew show was tonight. Always fun!

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Well, Dh and I have done breakfast, lunch and dinner in the PG.


All three are getting a huge thumbs up from us so far.


Service is very good and attentive without being obtrusive.


Some of the service by our manager Elvira made me think back on a thread about tipping and what is exceptional service.


Here was our experience. When they said see you tomorrow after our dinner, we said no we wouldn't be at breakfast as we had to get off at 8:00 am and the Pg didn't open until 7:30.

Elvira said no, please come for 7:30. Tell me what you would like and I will have it ready for then And you won't be rushed. We arrived at 7:30 and coffee, juice were quickly delivered along with our omelettes. We enjoyed our breakfast and we're ready in time to get off.


What else have I seen?


People arrived late the other morning (closing times vary depending on if it is a port day or not.) and they were 15 minutes late. Elvira told them she would be happy to offer them

Continental breakfast and to please take a seat. She asked if they were having the same as usual and scurried to the kitchen. The couple had a hot breakfast. While she was in the kitchen another couple arrived and finding out it was closed proceeded to leave. When Elvira found out they had left, she went to find them and offered them coffee, juice and continental breakfast. ( by now the kitchen would have been closed).


That to me, is pretty dam good service.


The PG on this ship still shines for me.


We still have our Cellarmaster and Le Cirque dinner to do yet but somehow, I don't think we will be disappointed


By the way, that volcano chocolate thing is really good :)

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Enjoying all the updates. Keep them coming.


Everything is fine on the home front. Heavy rains this morning and windy. You're not missing anything here.



Thanks for the update:D

What a lovely way to start my Sunday - updates from Kazu.:)



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Jaqui -


It sounds like you are talking about Veuve Clicqout "Yellow Label." (Yes, I know the label is orange. Beats me why they call it yellow.)


It's a very nice Champagne and it sells for around $17.50 a glass on HAL ships, or $85-ish a bottle. A bottle is about $50 in most stores or $41.97 at Total Wine here in Fort Lauderdale.


If this is what you drank, then my information is correct. If the label was pink, it was the Veuve Rosé. If the label was White is was the Demi-Sec. The Rosé and the Demi-Sec are a little more expensive.



The NV for non-vintage narrows it down to one of those three, with the yellow label being far and away the most popular. If the bottle said La Grand Dame or Cave Privée, it would have been the costlier ones. Those have a vintage year on the label.


The yellow label, while not super expensive, is very good and I would never turn my nose up at it - nor would I turn down a glass.




Not POA but Veuve Cliquot is wonderful and cost $69 in Ontario at LCBO


Really enjoying your posts. And yes I'm hungry after reading that.




Thanks both.


The bottle you showed is indeed the one POA1.


Cruisingxpert, I never noticed this bottle in our liquor store but will look when I get home. Thanks:D

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What a great level of service by Elvira, that's what makes the EE special to me.


Yes, pretty good. In a cab on the way to Meteora. While we were waiting to be cleared in the Ocean Bar this morning with the group, Elvyra came out and saw me. She asked if she could bring me coffee or if we wanted to nip into the PG.


I declined but it was very nice of her AGAIN:D,

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Thank you SO much for your reports, Kazu. I followed your posts last spring re: the Maasdam before our trip in May, and haven't missed a wave of your trip this time either. I was so excited by your report on Katakolon and George that I just reserved him for our trip next September! :p Enjoy your journey and know how much we all appreciate your taking the time to share with us!

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While we were waiting to be cleared in the Ocean Bar this morning with the group, Elvyra came out and saw me. She asked if she could bring me coffee or if we wanted to nip into the PG.


It is instances like this that keep people coming back to HAL. I remember our first experience in the PG on the Prinsendam - midway through dinner I needed to use the ladies room, so I went to the desk to ask for directions. The dining room manager offered me his arm, walked me to it, waited a discreet distance away, and escorted me back to my table. I was smitten!


Smooth Sailing ! :) :) :)

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It is instances like this that keep people coming back to HAL. I remember our first experience in the PG on the Prinsendam - midway through dinner I needed to use the ladies room, so I went to the desk to ask for directions. The dining room manager offered me his arm, walked me to it, waited a discreet distance away, and escorted me back to my table. I was smitten!


Now that's service! I have been escorted to the Ladies', but never escorted back...;)

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It is instances like this that keep people coming back to HAL. I remember our first experience in the PG on the Prinsendam - midway through dinner I needed to use the ladies room, so I went to the desk to ask for directions. The dining room manager offered me his arm, walked me to it, waited a discreet distance away, and escorted me back to my table. I was smitten!


Smooth Sailing ! :) :) :)


Love it!


A couple came to the pg for breakfast and rather than say, sorry this is only for.....Elvyra said, let me show you to your dining room and escorted them to the MDR.

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Remember that bottle of wine I turned over at the first segment? We didn't get it back at the end of the first segment, so we will get it at the end of the cruise. No worries as we are staying on in Athens but thought I should report as I know inquiring minds might want to know;)

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A couple came to the pg for breakfast and rather than say, sorry this is only for.....Elvyra said, let me show you to your dining room and escorted them to the MDR.


Now that's class; she could have had them feeling quite embarrassed about not being eligible to go to the PG for breakfast, instead, she likely chatted them up the whole way to the MDR and made them feel like valued guests.


Smooth Sailing ! :) :) :)

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Now that's class; she could have had them feeling quite embarrassed about not being eligible to go to the PG for breakfast, instead, she likely chatted them up the whole way to the MDR and made them feel like valued guests.


Smooth Sailing ! :) :) :)


I am very impressed. Cees, the hotel manager was at the suite reception and when Elvyra joined us and I told him how wonderful she is :).


As you can see I am behind, but I am trying to catch up!


For those that do suites, I neglected to mention that there was a farewell suite reception for the first segment. We missed it as we were touring but this is something I don't recall seeing before, and I thought that it was a very nice touch.

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captain Andre is getting off tomorrow and captain Tim Roberts will take command. The takeover is a whole four hours. They both know the ship well :)

Edited by kazu
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Remember that bottle of wine I turned over at the first segment? We didn't get it back at the end of the first segment, so we will get it at the end of the cruise. No worries as we are staying on in Athens but thought I should report as I know inquiring minds might want to know;)



Thanks, Kazu - that is good information and the kind of stuff we need to know for sure, and don't have to speculate about any longer. Loving your reports, by the way.:)

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