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Sugar-high: Allure of the Seas...am I out of touch?


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I thought the era of sugars & refined carbs was well-behind us.


Well, the education is out there, but the era is long from behind us. I'm reminded of it every time I'm on an airplane and the person next to me is spilling over into my seat. People like to throw around the moderation word but when it comes to something with that much sugar and carbs, they might as well say it's ok to smoke crack in moderation.

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I guess I look at it the same as cigarettes. Imagine if Royal had at least 3 stores selling all sorts of tobacco & cigs. The tide has turned, nobody chooses smoking anymore unless they are already completely hooked. Consumption of sugar items is a dying trend...


I just love your suggestion that sugar items are on the same path as tobacco. I remember reading the threads about those awful disgusting smokers and now since that "problem" has been pretty much solved, it is time to go after the lovers of sugar.


I actually saw this coming. Next up ... carbs? Alcohol? Chocolate? Gambling?

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I am astounded at all the pay$$ shops selling sugar on Allure:

* "Candy Beach Sweets"

* "Cupcake Cupboard"

* "Ice Cream Parlor"


I have no interest in desserts, and I thought most people were "over that" as well. Obesity, fitness, overall health concerns, valuing what we put in our bodies, etc.etc.... I thought the era of sugars & refined carbs was well-behind us. I don't know anyone who eats in excess anymore.


Is my perception completely out-of-whack? Do people still line up to pay for cupcakes/icecream/candy? All of those things are free in the Windjammer. Why would anybody spend additional $$ for things that are FREE IN WINDJAMMER, & are known to harm them?


I guess I'm puzzled why Royal Caribbean would devote so many shops to selling sugar items that most people no longer consume regularly due to the known health risks. Is Royal able to turn a profit off of the few people who don't know better?


I guess I look at it the same as cigarettes. Imagine if Royal had at least 3 stores selling all sorts of tobacco & cigs. The tide has turned, nobody chooses smoking anymore unless they are already completely hooked. Consumption of sugar items is a dying trend, so I don't understand why Royal devoted so much space to that behavior... especially when they offer the same sugar for free in Windjammer. Who would pay for cupcakes?


Both DH & I are Physicians which means I am all to familiar with health issues.


I hate to tell you.. Obesity is on the rise due to excessive sugar consumption amongst other things.. It is not on the decline. Quite the opposite.


Smoking is still prime.

Electronic cigarettes / Vapor Smoking has seen a huge Surge in the past 8-12 months. A large increase in users who were not prone to smoking traditional tobacco products.


Society is not in "Healthy Mode" , nor do they pay attention to the components of healthy eating. Weight loss surgery is up. Heart Ailments are on the rise due to unhealthy living and ailments not only in aging patients but in young. (DH is a Cardiothoracic Surgeon and deals with this daily)


Cruise lines have Candy shops, Sweet shops because they know people will purchase things. Kids want that extra treat consisting off gummy worms , Sugar tubes...etc. They are on numerous Cruise lines because Cruising is a business. A business is out there to make $ plain and simple.

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Society is not in "Healthy Mode" , nor do they pay attention to the components of healthy eating. Weight loss surgery is up. Heart Ailments are on the rise due to unhealthy living and ailments not only in aging patients but in young. (DH is a Cardiothoracic Surgeon and deals with this daily)




You said it.............

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I'm amazed that people still go for an unlimited soda package. There was someone on here recently who's husband had 4 sodas with meals. That's 36 spoonfuls of sugar in one sitting! In spite of all the evidence, it seems many people still hold on to the fantasy that diet soda is any better. Yes, apparently diabetes has not gone out of fashion, at least not in the US. People were complaining that the Freestyle machines were not always available on European cruises. It's good to know that at least some parts of the world has gotten the message.

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I am astounded at all the pay$$ shops selling sugar on Allure:

* "Candy Beach Sweets"

* "Cupcake Cupboard"

* "Ice Cream Parlor"


I have no interest in desserts, and I thought most people were "over that" as well. Obesity, fitness, overall health concerns, valuing what we put in our bodies, etc.etc.... I thought the era of sugars & refined carbs was well-behind us. I don't know anyone who eats in excess anymore.


Is my perception completely out-of-whack? Do people still line up to pay for cupcakes/icecream/candy? All of those things are free in the Windjammer. Why would anybody spend additional $$ for things that are FREE IN WINDJAMMER, & are known to harm them?


I guess I'm puzzled why Royal Caribbean would devote so many shops to selling sugar items that most people no longer consume regularly due to the known health risks. Is Royal able to turn a profit off of the few people who don't know better?


I guess I look at it the same as cigarettes. Imagine if Royal had at least 3 stores selling all sorts of tobacco & cigs. The tide has turned, nobody chooses smoking anymore unless they are already completely hooked. Consumption of sugar items is a dying trend, so I don't understand why Royal devoted so much space to that behavior... especially when they offer the same sugar for free in Windjammer. Who would pay for cupcakes?

I've never seen cupcakes, ice cream, or candy in the Windjammer. The closest I've seen to any of those is soft-serve frozen yogurt. Have I missed something?

Edited by time4u2go
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I'm amazed that people still go for an unlimited soda package. There was someone on here recently who's husband had 4 sodas with meals. That's 36 spoonfuls of sugar in one sitting! In spite of all the evidence, it seems many people still hold on to the fantasy that diet soda is any better. Yes, apparently diabetes has not gone out of fashion, at least not in the US. People were complaining that the Freestyle machines were not always available on European cruises. It's good to know that at least some parts of the world has gotten the message.


Plus, we see people who will consume several glasses of wine with dinner, a cocktail or two with dinner, several glasses of sweet tea, coffee concoctions, a beer or two. Let's not forget those stupid people who have no regard for your sensibilities who will consume 2 rolls with dinner or OMG!!! Get a fried entree. The nerve of those people.


My question, why don't more people mind their own business? As long as you are not blowing cigarette or cigar smoke in my face I'm fine with what vices you choose in your life. Why can't other's be the same.


I suppose I should be glad to be traveling with so many people so concerned with my well being (although I have never been in the Cupcake shop because most are too sugary sweet for my taste). :rolleyes:

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Both DH & I are Physicians which means I am all to familiar with health issues.


I hate to tell you.. Obesity is on the rise due to excessive sugar consumption amongst other things.. It is not on the decline. Quite the opposite.


Smoking is still prime.

Electronic cigarettes / Vapor Smoking has seen a huge Surge in the past 8-12 months. A large increase in users who were not prone to smoking traditional tobacco products.


Society is not in "Healthy Mode" , nor do they pay attention to the components of healthy eating. Weight loss surgery is up. Heart Ailments are on the rise due to unhealthy living and ailments not only in aging patients but in young. (DH is a Cardiothoracic Surgeon and deals with this daily)


Cruise lines have Candy shops, Sweet shops because they know people will purchase things. Kids want that extra treat consisting off gummy worms , Sugar tubes...etc. They are on numerous Cruise lines because Cruising is a business. A business is out there to make $ plain and simple.


I changed physicians a few years ago (DH still has her as his primary care dr) because she had no clue what it was like to struggle with weight issues. She is a very nice person, good doctor, but no clue and could not relate.


My current doctor does not feel the need to make me feel guilty about my struggle with weight and food. We are dealing with it together.


Fact is, many over weight people have a better knowledge of their bodies, food chemistry, weight control, nutrition, etc than many doctors.


So which are you? Just wondering.

Edited by temple1
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The thing that bothers me so much about people who judge those who are overweight is that they are judging on what they SEE at the time. The thin people who smoke, but you don't see them smoke, or drink excessively, but you don't see them drink are never subjected to this kind of scrutiny and derision.


When people who judge like that see a thin person, they assume that person is healthy and it might not be true.


Yep, I'm fat but I've lost 100 lbs. since my highest in 2008 (and with metabolic syndrome that was not easy) , but I would never, ever judge someone else because of their weight. I only feel bad for them because I know how evil people are about weight.

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Plus, we see people who will consume several glasses of wine with dinner, a cocktail or two with dinner, several glasses of sweet tea, coffee concoctions, a beer or two. Let's not forget those stupid people who have no regard for your sensibilities who will consume 2 rolls with dinner or OMG!!! Get a fried entree. The nerve of those people.


My question, why don't more people mind their own business? As long as you are not blowing cigarette or cigar smoke in my face I'm fine with what vices you choose in your life. Why can't other's be the same.


I suppose I should be glad to be traveling with so many people so concerned with my well being (although I have never been in the Cupcake shop because most are too sugary sweet for my taste). :rolleyes:

Here here !!!! Well said !


:) :) :)

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Both DH & I are Physicians which means I am all to familiar with health issues.


I hate to tell you.. Obesity is on the rise due to excessive sugar consumption amongst other things.. It is not on the decline. Quite the opposite.


Smoking is still prime.

Electronic cigarettes / Vapor Smoking has seen a huge Surge in the past 8-12 months. A large increase in users who were not prone to smoking traditional tobacco products.


Society is not in "Healthy Mode" , nor do they pay attention to the components of healthy eating. Weight loss surgery is up. Heart Ailments are on the rise due to unhealthy living and ailments not only in aging patients but in young. (DH is a Cardiothoracic Surgeon and deals with this daily)


Cruise lines have Candy shops, Sweet shops because they know people will purchase things. Kids want that extra treat consisting off gummy worms , Sugar tubes...etc. They are on numerous Cruise lines because Cruising is a business. A business is out there to make $ plain and simple.


Then you know that thin and healthy people drop dead of heart attacks too. There is a lot more to all these issues than just being overweight. Family history (genetics) play a huge role in our health. Smoking is an even bigger issue than diet. Everyone has to do what is right for them. I really hate it when a naturally thin doctor rides someone for their weight. My DH had a Dr who was Korean and naturally small build and lean who expected his patients to all be his size and build. :eek:


As for the cupcake shops, they are being closed because they're not selling enough. My opinion is because the cupcakes are just okay, nothing special and not because people are trying to be healthy on vacation.


As for the poster who said they've never seen ice cream in the WJ, they have it once or twice per cruise at lunch and dinner. We've only seen it a few times.


Sugar is not the devil.

Edited by BND
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My daughter just had her 16th birthday and her request was white cupcakes with maple buttercream topped with candied bacon. There... I hit the cupcake AND the bacon fad in one fell swoop!!!



No one has ever accused me of being a healthy eater, but that cupcake is gross.

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I'm sorry but I found your post completely pompous. As long as you are judging cruise ships and the people on them why not pass that onto Disney World? Those people are real Aholes for selling sugar also. And the Mickey Shaped Waffles? Gluten Galore :eek: The entire place should be shut down for this crime. Let's throw this out to theme parks in general. I think anyone who is eating cotton candy or a pretzel should be thrown in the GMO food prison so they can be shunned, embarrassed by the do gooders and learn their lesson.


Now lets extend this to anyone who vacations in Europe. Those patisseries or any place that serves bread should be shut down. Nobody on vacation should be able to indulge. We all know better, right?


For the love of God, why not places that serve alcohol? As we all know there are no alcohol related deaths, right? What I think is funny is that people turn their noses up at others who eat a cupcake but they are walking around with a margarita in their hands or any mixed drink in general. Do you know how much sugar and calories are in the average fruity mixed drinks? But God forbid, I want a freaking cupcake on vacation. I should know better right? The fact that I workout like crazy at home and eat mostly protein and veggies and never let myself have a sugary drink means that I'm a fat cow if I enjoy something on a cruise? Oh ,that's right, I'm the average cruiser as someone stated. Just a fat cow there to eat like crap for a week.


No, I typically do not pay for extras on a cruise ship but if my 3% body fat kid that spends 3 hours a week tumbling and can do 4 back handsprings in a row wants to eat candy… I'm going to let her.


The amount of judging on this forum is more disgusting than any amount of processed sugar one can consume at once. I honestly do not think I have ever been so put off by reading this diatribe and verbal vomit.



Edited by debbs0723
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I am astounded at all the pay$$ shops selling sugar on Allure:

* "Candy Beach Sweets"

* "Cupcake Cupboard"

* "Ice Cream Parlor"


I have no interest in desserts, and I thought most people were "over that" as well. Obesity, fitness, overall health concerns, valuing what we put in our bodies, etc.etc.... I thought the era of sugars & refined carbs was well-behind us. I don't know anyone who eats in excess anymore.


Is my perception completely out-of-whack? Do people still line up to pay for cupcakes/icecream/candy? All of those things are free in the Windjammer. Why would anybody spend additional $$ for things that are FREE IN WINDJAMMER, & are known to harm them?


I guess I'm puzzled why Royal Caribbean would devote so many shops to selling sugar items that most people no longer consume regularly due to the known health risks. Is Royal able to turn a profit off of the few people who don't know better?


I guess I look at it the same as cigarettes. Imagine if Royal had at least 3 stores selling all sorts of tobacco & cigs. The tide has turned, nobody chooses smoking anymore unless they are already completely hooked. Consumption of sugar items is a dying trend, so I don't understand why Royal devoted so much space to that behavior... especially when they offer the same sugar for free in Windjammer. Who would pay for cupcakes?

Out of touch would be an understatement!....:cool::rolleyes:
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I am astounded at all the pay$$ shops selling sugar on Allure:

* "Candy Beach Sweets"

* "Cupcake Cupboard"

* "Ice Cream Parlor"


I have no interest in desserts, and I thought most people were "over that" as well. Obesity, fitness, overall health concerns, valuing what we put in our bodies, etc.etc.... I thought the era of sugars & refined carbs was well-behind us. I don't know anyone who eats in excess anymore.


Is my perception completely out-of-whack? Do people still line up to pay for cupcakes/icecream/candy? All of those things are free in the Windjammer. Why would anybody spend additional $$ for things that are FREE IN WINDJAMMER, & are known to harm them?


I guess I'm puzzled why Royal Caribbean would devote so many shops to selling sugar items that most people no longer consume regularly due to the known health risks. Is Royal able to turn a profit off of the few people who don't know better?


I guess I look at it the same as cigarettes. Imagine if Royal had at least 3 stores selling all sorts of tobacco & cigs. The tide has turned, nobody chooses smoking anymore unless they are already completely hooked. Consumption of sugar items is a dying trend, so I don't understand why Royal devoted so much space to that behavior... especially when they offer the same sugar for free in Windjammer. Who would pay for cupcakes?



Edited by Peterbilt Driver
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I am astounded at all the pay$$ shops selling sugar on Allure:

* "Candy Beach Sweets"

* "Cupcake Cupboard"

* "Ice Cream Parlor"


I have no interest in desserts, and I thought most people were "over that" as well. Obesity, fitness, overall health concerns, valuing what we put in our bodies, etc.etc.... I thought the era of sugars & refined carbs was well-behind us. I don't know anyone who eats in excess anymore.


Is my perception completely out-of-whack? Do people still line up to pay for cupcakes/icecream/candy? All of those things are free in the Windjammer. Why would anybody spend additional $$ for things that are FREE IN WINDJAMMER, & are known to harm them?


I guess I'm puzzled why Royal Caribbean would devote so many shops to selling sugar items that most people no longer consume regularly due to the known health risks. Is Royal able to turn a profit off of the few people who don't know better?


I guess I look at it the same as cigarettes. Imagine if Royal had at least 3 stores selling all sorts of tobacco & cigs. The tide has turned, nobody chooses smoking anymore unless they are already completely hooked. Consumption of sugar items is a dying trend, so I don't understand why Royal devoted so much space to that behavior... especially when they offer the same sugar for free in Windjammer. Who would pay for cupcakes?


Where can you get a key lime cupcake in the Windjammer? If you don't want to indulge, no one is forcing you to but any of these items.

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The thing that bothers me so much about people who judge those who are overweight is that they are judging on what they SEE at the time. The thin people who smoke, but you don't see them smoke, or drink excessively, but you don't see them drink are never subjected to this kind of scrutiny and derision.


When people who judge like that see a thin person, they assume that person is healthy and it might not be true.


Yep, I'm fat but I've lost 100 lbs. since my highest in 2008 (and with metabolic syndrome that was not easy) , but I would never, ever judge someone else because of their weight. I only feel bad for them because I know how evil people are about weight.


I agree with you 100%! I am also a person who struggles with weight but I don't sit at home eating sweets and fatty foods all day. I have health problems that run in my family that I have to deal with and its harder to lose weight. On the other hand, my 115 pound cousins eat everything they can get their hands on including sweets and fried foods and they don't gain a pound! I would never judge anyone.


If someone wants sweets on vacation, go for it! Vacation is a time to enjoy yourself and not be so hard on yourself. Thats just how I feel. :cool:

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