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Quantum- Semi Live, Family Perspective


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see if this works




I don't think it worked, what ever it was going to be.:D


I am really enjoying your review! It is funny and informative, with lots of cool pictures!


Thank you for taking the time to write, and for getting some problems worked out with the manager, concerning kids menu and can soft drinks!


Enjoy the rest of your cruise!


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Pewee, great info and photos. I have no problem with the RS as the only time we used was on our 3 separate 12 nite Medit. and because of the early start of the tours we ordered continental breakfast with plenty of fruit prior to our tours. Entering the various ports and having breakfast on our balcony was wonderful.

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see if this works




I don't think it worked, what ever it was going to be.:D


I am really enjoying your review! It is funny and informative, with lots of cool pictures!


Thank you for taking the time to write, and for getting some problems worked out with the manager, concerning kids menu and can soft drinks!


Enjoy the rest of your cruise!



I guess it was "operator error" on my part!:o I decided to try right clicking the icon, and got it. Very cute video!

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Its 9.15 pm here, we have just retired back to the room, Diana getting a little tired.


She had a great afternoon at Adventure Ocean, face painted once again and came back with a toy squid which she adores, she does seem to be in a generally better mood after a session there.


On Indy she started off enjoying it so we put her in more and more and in some back to back sessions, however second part of the cruise she wouldn’t go at all no way, so we thought maybe we over did it, so for now we are just using it one session a day, we find this way she is looking forward to going every day.


We had an afternoon shopping and a couple of drinks in the solarium bar, I have to say it does seem the most dis organized bar on the ship for some reason, its almost comical watching them manage or should I say mis manage the small amount of customers.


It’s a stunning place though, just a shame the pools were still closed, they said it was still too risky with the rocking of the ship, someone might bet bashed. However the other pools were open.


Our daughters nick name since a baby is “little D” and I spotted this little D in the jewelry shop so I had to buy it for her! So she is a happy little girl, although I don’t think she actually knows what it is lol.








We went back to the room and got dressed for dinner, tonight it was Silk


The restaurants so far seem pretty straightforward, you have a small queue which passes quickly, they ask if you have reservation or not, give them your cabin number and they ask if you want to share or not, you are then seated. Some people are asked to wait to one side, for a short while, I think this is more for people without reservations or those not wanting to share but I don’t think the wait is long. Its very similar to MTD on other ships I would say.


I must say though for me I don’t like booking meals in advance online before you cruise, all our reservations have been changed because I just don’t think you know in advance what time you want to eat that day and where, I would personally sooner decide on a day by day basis which is what we are doing now, and its working fine, we just try to reserve 24 hours in advance and we have not had a problem so far.


The staff in general I think are brilliant, very friendly and I couldn’t ask for more really



Silk is just stunning!! We loved it! We got sat with a nice couple on a sharing table and the food was great, the starters taken out of our hands a little bit, he basically got 1 or 2 of everything and placed them in the middle on a spinning part of the table, it was great and everything was yummy!!



I asked for 2 main courses and they were both beautiful, the duck and the beef, both excellent!


The dessert I had was Thai peanut cheesecake and I didn’t like It though


Diana had her vegetable sticks and spaghetti followed by chocolate ice cream,


I must say though very slow service tonight, and Diana was getting a little impatient towards the end, but she was very good considering.



We then took her to the music hall for 20 minutes as she likes a little dance on the dance floor, I do love this venue! Its great.


As promised Sorrentos now stocking cold cans of sodas, so we grabbed a few drinks and now back in the room, Diana and Mum both on ipads and me typing away on here.


The internet has been awful today with long periods not working at all, hence me not updating earlier when I had some free time.


It is a funny cruise this one, I think people love it or hate it, we have spoken to an equal number of people in both camps.


We are having a good time anyway and that’s the most important thing.


By the way if your reading this and your on deck 8, and you hear a strange man walking down the corridor shouting out numbers its me! Diana is making me read out every cabin door number as we pass them to help learn her numbers! So sorry!


some pics of La Patisserie








Thanks to everyone for the replies, I know there is a live from thread going on with loads of info on it, but I also know some people asking questions specifically about families, and also thought with this being a separate thread it will come up easy in any searches from people looking for this kind of stuff


If you have any questions or want me to find out anything then if I can I will


On the subject of pictures, I have a photo bucket account, so simply I connect my phone (iphone 6 which I take the pics with) they transfer to my computer then I log onto photo bucket and start the upload, its pretty quick and I type all my text in word while they are uploading, that way if the internet goes down I don’t lose everything I have typed. Usually by the time I have finished typing the upload is done and I copy the links and text across, simples!


See you soon!

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I guess it was "operator error" on my part!:o I decided to try right clicking the icon, and got it. Very cute video!


well I'm glad you figured it out as I thought something had went wrong too...:rolleyes: LOL


Shreck Characters in a Soul Train Line...nice video...



On the subject of pictures, I have a photo bucket account, so simply I connect my phone (iphone 6 which I take the pics with) they transfer to my computer then I log onto photo bucket and start the upload, its pretty quick and I type all my text in word while they are uploading, that way if the internet goes down I don’t lose everything I have typed. Usually by the time I have finished typing the upload is done and I copy the links and text across, simples!


See you soon!


Thanks for that info Peewee....sounds pretty straight forward.

Edited by ILuvCruisin'
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Great review! I'm really enjoying your dialog from a parent's prespective.


You're right about the slide platform being too high for the ceiling. I sure hope they remedy that. Someone is going to come away with a good bump, at the least, on their head. My granddaughters have just aged out of Ocean Adventure and some of their fondest memories are times spent there. In fact, they still keep in touch with kids they met over the years.


I am a little concerned about the charge for hot breakfast. Did the charge continue during the day for other hot food items? I have a feeling we will be seeing this across the board soon.


And honestly... I think the design of the room is a little stark. But that's just my opinion. It does not look cozy. (Or maybe.. you're just very neat!!) The sofa does look like a board and not something I'd want (OR COULD) sink into and enjoy a good book. I'm not sure I even saw anything to put one's feet up on.


All that said.. I'd be on there in a heatbeat if given the chance! Growing pains I'm sure. Quantum is definitely on my list.


Thanks again for the great review... will be following along...




Yes the charges are for most hot things really , soup and salads are free and thats about it!


You got the description of the room spot on, stark is a good word to use, functional basic and modern, certainly not cosy, it was only tidy as that was when we first came into it, you should see it now, looks like we have been robbed or a hand grenade has gone off, or both!


I have just been lay on the sofa bed to type this, and had to get up, its like being on the floor, I am now sat on our chair and its not much better, I have got a suitcase to put my feet on though!


I hope it doesn't sound like I am complaining because i don't mean to, just trying to describe it to people, its a nice basic room, inline with a budget hotel is what I would say


and whoever designed that slide should be made to use it at least 10 times a day as punishment for such stupidity! LOL

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Your daughter got Inky the Octopus! He's one of the mascots of Adventure Ocean and the little ones do some activities themed around him. We have about eight of them from our years of her cruising in the Aquanauts age group and I'm not allowed to get rid of any of them!


Wonderful info, please continue when you can, but only when it doesn't impact your vacation!

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I'm sailing on the 18th, you mentioned that there was a line for those without reservations. I have all my times booked, but a couple of friends couldn't book the same times or restaurants. Are they holding some times for booking once on the ship? It's the same with the shows, Starwater is no longer available to pre-book, do they hold some seats for booking once on the ship? Thanks

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We went back to the room and got dressed for dinner, tonight it was Silk


The restaurants so far seem pretty straightforward, you have a small queue which passes quickly, they ask if you have reservation or not, give them your cabin number and they ask if you want to share or not, you are then seated. Some people are asked to wait to one side, for a short while, I think this is more for people without reservations or those not wanting to share but I don’t think the wait is long. Its very similar to MTD on other ships I would say.


I must say though for me I don’t like booking meals in advance online before you cruise, all our reservations have been changed because I just don’t think you know in advance what time you want to eat that day and where, I would personally sooner decide on a day by day basis which is what we are doing now, and its working fine, we just try to reserve 24 hours in advance and we have not had a problem so far.


The staff in general I think are brilliant, very friendly and I couldn’t ask for more really



Silk is just stunning!! We loved it! We got sat with a nice couple on a sharing table and the food was great, the starters taken out of our hands a little bit, he basically got 1 or 2 of everything and placed them in the middle on a spinning part of the table, it was great and everything was yummy!!



I asked for 2 main courses and they were both beautiful, the duck and the beef, both excellent!


The dessert I had was Thai peanut cheesecake and I didn’t like It though


Diana had her vegetable sticks and spaghetti followed by chocolate ice cream,


I must say though very slow service tonight, and Diana was getting a little impatient towards the end, but she was very good considering.




Thanks for detailing your experiences regarding Dynamic Dining. We love Traditional Dining, but Quantum is an option for us next year, so am really curious to see how DD works out!

Edited by OfTheSeasCruiser
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I am really enjoying your report, thank you so much for doing it "live" so we feel as if we are sharing your experience!


And yes, your little D is a cutie....your description of saying she likes to dance reminded me so much of our own daughter cruising at that age :) and I think we may have an Inky stashed away somewhere too!


Wishing you calm seas and sunny skies for the remainder of your cruise:)

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Good Afternoon!


Little update for those still following,


Its now 3.30pm Ship time, least I think it is, had us all up an hour earlier than planned this morning as I put the clocks back an extra hour and I should not have!


Oh well!


I had a pretty good nights sleep last night, apaprt from the really loud banging coming from the front, the cabin next door complained to our cabin steward about it but I don’t think anyone knows what it is, he seems to think it’s the banging of the waves on the front of the ship, but to me it sounds more like a large door.


Anyway I slept well, my wife didn’t. She said the PA system came on bing bonging at about 6.30am, I didn’t hear a thing, and to be honest thought she was dreaming until the captain apologized about it during his noon update.



Little Diana jumped on us at about 8am according to my watch, which turned out to be 9am real time! Michaela wanted to stay in bed a snooze a while so I took Diana for breakfast into café 270. I do like this place, my only criticism is that I think they should have the blinds up in the morning so you can see out, but when we went the blinds are down, I think they were practicing, still great, but I think the view in that place when the blinds are open is something else. It really is a good spot.








A little story about Diana, she loves Weetabix, in fact she would eat it for every meal if we allowed. What she doesn’t like though foe some really odd reason is the small packets with 2 biscuits in that you get in hotels etc. It’s the same I am sure, but she says its horrible and calls it “small packet Weetabix” so now on holidays we have to take what she calls “big packet Weetabix” with us, so with the big packet Weetabix packed we headed down for breakfast.




Another point I will write about here briefly is her Pram/buggy/stroller what ever you want to call it.


She got fed up of her buggy about 18 months ago at home would never go in it, so eventually we got rid of it.


On our recent cruise in august on the Indy we do badly missed it. Even though she is nearly 4 some nights we knew if we had one with us she would have been quite happy being pushed around, but trying to get her to walk a lot around the ship and in ports was just a disaster some days.


So with this trip to New York planned and no doubt a lot of walking both in New York and around the ship I researched into getting her a buggy, we decided on a Mountain Buggy Nano after reading some reviews its very small when folded and has a good weight limit for older kids. Its been a god send. She is more than happy being pushed around in it on the ship, we can store all her junk under it (including big packet Weetabix) and when she gets tired and cranky in the evening she will just sit and relax in it while we can still enjoy the ship and not have to take her straight to bed.


I am also sure in New York for 6 days it will be even more useful. So my advice to anyone with children a similar age even if you think your child has outgrown one , you might find one useful on a cruise! I am sure people look at us and think she is too old to be in one, but its only while on holiday and it makes things so much easier and relaxing. In August on Indy we actually missed seeing a port properly because she was too hot and wouldn’t walk when we got off the ship, if we had it then I am sure an enjoyable day would have been spent in Ibiza rather than a huge battle on the dock before heading back on the ship!


Ok where was we….


Breakfast in 270, got a carton of milk, made up the little madams big packet Weetabix and I had breakfast burritos which I think I am addicted to.


We had a good breakfast and then we relaxed for a while and I read while Diana watched her iPad.






I know you shoudnt but you cant help over hear peoples conversations and most of what you hear is complaints! It does make me chuckle. The kind of things you hear are


“oh dear its all going wrong”

“What with all the things that have gone wrong”

“I cant believe all the things wrong”


and so on and so on,


now the funny thing is, you don’t really hear what has gone wrong, I am sure people have had problems yes, but it’s a little bit like Chinese whispers, 3rd hand stories about problems and things going wrong but nothing specific, just think the rumor mill has started and some people have got caught up in the “lets complain about something and get some more OBC”


I think the weather and the rocking has dampened some peoples spirits beyond repair unfortunately.


Just to finish off with the moaning and groaning, I do hear a few comments about the staff not being friendly or personal enough, as I wrote in my last review of Indy, you get out what you put in, the staff in general have been great, treat them as you wish to be treated, be nice give them the time of day and be pleasant and they will do anything for you. I am afraid some people think you can act obnoxiously and downright rude to people serving you and then expect to be treated like royalty, but of course we all know that’s not exclusive to this ship.



Sorry I drifted off again there…… Back to 270 about 10am my time 11am ships time.


The place started to fill up fast as Nick Weir was doing his presentation again and people struggled for seats so once again we moved on to let people have our seats for the presentation.



On our way out we noticed the Cruise director Jimmy Rhodes turning people away saying it was full.


While on the subject of the cruise director, my opinion is that he isn’t that good. He seems very amateur and I thought wrong choice for a new ship and launch. You don’t see him much apart from on the TV, and even then not that professional in my own opinion. Possibly though he may feel under a lot of pressure especially with so many RCI top people onboard, I don’t know I just cant take to him. I imagine the Anthem with Joff Eaton on board is going to rock! That guy is great!


We had a wander around and bought a huge plate of chocolate from la patisserie and then sat down in Michaels pub, it was now that I realized my watch was wrong as my favorite server Ed asked if I would like a drink, and I said I thought you didn’t open until 11am? You get the idea anyway……


More reading more relaxing and then Michaela came to join us, we jut relaxed and ordered some food around lunch time from the pub, we tried some new things today after loving the pork sliders so much, devilled eggs, not a fan sorry! Crispy Hominy, again not a fan and the chicken liver crostini which was delicious.


We then headed to the theatre for the 1 pm showing of Mama Mia!!


Except it was yesterday, oops! We had missed it! Guess I will have to treat them to a broadway show in NY instead.


So at 2 pm Diana wanted to go to adventure ocean so off she went, and Michaela and I had a stroll around the ship, we went up to the North Star but the Queue was enormous, so we passed! Surprised you cant pre book a time slot, or take a buzzer or something to let you know when its ready..


Its moving a lot on the top decks and I don’t like the motion and feeling a little sleepy we headed to the cabin for a while, had a little snooze or tried to, but the banging started LOL! So Michaela has gone off to see how slow the bar service in the Solarium 9in other words to get merry with a nice couple we have met) and I am back in Michaels pub being looked after by the wonderful Ed and writing this, which I am enjoying doing.


I just don’t feel like doing much to be honest, I feel a little guilty really when there is so much to do on this ship, but I am just enjoying doing very little, writing this, a little reading etc. One of the reasons I am doing this onboard is because I know once I get home, I am back to working away and life at 100mph and it will never get done, is it bad just to enjoy doing nothing?? LOL! I don’t care if it is! I am loving it :D

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I just have to say how much I am enjoying your review. My kids are well past the age that I need to worry about much that you do (I did when mine were that age), however you are bringing out many things that apply to any and all ages.


Thanks so much for doing this, keep up the good work!! Although I kind of want your cruise to be over so it will be closer to my turn :D


ps - and I do agree your daughter is a cutie.

Edited by akcruz
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