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carry on make up rules/air port 101 travel question


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I am hoping to take a carry on with back pack only for our cruise coming up.


I have not flown in a while and am not sure what the air port considers a gel or liquid and if other make up items can be packed without having to have them in the quart size bag you show the security screener.


So for example: mascara- does not fall into gel or liquid right?




shaving creams?


small suntan lotion?



What do you pack coconut oil in... it is solid until above 70 degrees the liquid? Can you put it in a small glasslike jelly jar?


Please, very simple questions and maybe I am over thinking but I do not want to be called out at screening and/or my make items thrown out.


Thank you so!

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Everything you've listed (including mascara which is a liquid), needs to fit into your bag with the exception of solid deodorant, and usually lipstick and Chapstick.


Coconut oil must be in the bag.


Think of it this way; it you can pour it, smear it or spread it, put it in the bag.

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I would suggest you pack things such as coconut oil in a small plastic rather than a glass jar. I do not put stick deodorant, Chapstick, mascara in my Baggie even though they might be considered liquid by some and no one has ever said anything. Everything is in 100 gram (about 3.5 ounces) or less plastic containers. If I need a larger amount for the cruise I buy it at the port and throw it away before we fly home.



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So have this down to a science...I often do 5 days in Vegas with just a carry on & backpack..and did a 5 day cruise the same last year (and I like to dress up in the evenings on both!)


"So for example: mascara- does not fall into gel or liquid right?




shaving creams?


small suntan lotion?"


Mascara, lipsticks, chapsticks & deoderant are not considered liquids.


Everything else is.


And I take LOTS of sunscreen for a cruise--usually 2 large bottles for 2 of us for a week (and usually use all of it) How to get around that? Buy at airport or on the ship (expensive) or at the city to embark at (cheapest).

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In Canada, sunscreen is a drug. you'll see DIN or NPN numbers on your sunscreen. Wonder if anyone has tried to make the argument that it's a medicine and get it through on that argument? I've done that with sanitizers. I just store the hand sanitizers in my large Ziploc bag for medicines. Never had a problem. We always have checked luggage so I just check my sunscreen.


I keep my makeup in my makeup bag. Never had a problem. I don't even pull it out - stays in my purse. I pull out my large bag with medicines and my small bag with liquids like hand lotions and stuff.



To the OP - I'd keep your coconut oil in the fridge, so it's cold. It will be a solid when you go through screening.

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You can buy sunscreen and bug repellent in individually packaged towelettes if you prefer. You can get them at Amazon or a sporting goods store and they are not considered liquids. I use these if we are going on a land vacation.

When we cruise I just buy bottles of sunscreen, conditioner and whatever else I might need in the departure city.



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Mascara, lipsticks, chapsticks & deoderant are not considered liquids.


That's not necessarily true, as there are different formulations of lip products and deodorants. A gel deodorant could be considered a liquid or gel - I always travel with something marked "solid" on the container, just in case, so I don't need to fit it into my ziploc (and FYI, what the TSA.gov website says vs what might be allowed in various airports can be very very different, and that goes double if you're traveling internationally where the interpretation of the rules varies widely) And mascara can be liquid or a gel. Whether or not you'll ever have it taken away at screening is another story, but if it can fit in your ziploc....Try:p


(even agents at the same airport in different lanes will allow different things - soft cheese & fois gras allowed by some screeners at Charles de Gaulle and not by others....)

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I downsize my liquids by using refillable soft squeeze tubes called GO tubes. Sunscreen if you run out on ship is always on board in the gift shop and mascara is always in the cosmetic shop on board. I never put deo, mascara or lipsticks in my liquids bag, never had them confiscate anything but I'm always cheerful with the TSA people & never argue even with a time consuming search while itching to make a tight connection. Should they confiscate something, its usually available on ship or at the embarkation city if you have time to shop.

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Just my anecdotal "data point": I've never had so much stuff to put in to my "Kippie bag" that I ran out of space. My only cosmetic "liquid" is my moisturizer. Sunscreen - I can find baby tubes of my favorites and pack a few of them to use until I can find a larger size at my destination (or first or second port). Everything else is either already in 100ml bottles or put into GoToobs. I'm not so sensitive or "married" to any particular thing (except unscented soap) that I must carry my own supply. I'll use the toiletries supplied. If I find them nasty, I'll just pick up something else. Not a big deal.

One thing about the "confiscation" by TSA: they never "confiscate" - they say that themselves. You "voluntarily surrender" your item. TSA gives you the choice - give up the item yourself or you do not fly :roll eyes: It's a farce, anyway; if they were worried about the terrorist potential of those items, they would have a hazmat team ready for disposal, not just toss them into the trash can at the checkpoint...

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You may try whatever you like, but coconut oil, even if it looks solid is considered a liquid. You can't bring through peanut butter or pudding!


It sometimes depends on the airport and the agent. I have gone through with forgotten liquids in my purse many times, and have never been stopped.


However, once in Canada, I was pulled out of line, everything taken out of my bag and searched, and I had to go through a pat down because I had one of those tiny hand sanitizer containers hooked onto the outside of my bag.


I asked why, as I had gone through airports all over the world with this same contained and was told, "In Canada, we do things right".


Just be ready to have to discard something that doesn't make it through.

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You may try whatever you like, but coconut oil, even if it looks solid is considered a liquid. You can't bring through peanut butter or pudding!



I did once travel internationally with someone who did have nut butter with her, but it was in those small little packets (almost like a fast food ketchup packet). She was highly allergic to many foods though, so I'm not sure if they were in the 3-1-1 bag or if possibly they let her through with a Dr's note?

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That's not necessarily true, as there are different formulations of lip products and deodorants. A gel deodorant could be considered a liquid or gel - I always travel with something marked "solid" on the container, just in case, so I don't need to fit it into my ziploc (and FYI, what the TSA.gov website says vs what might be allowed in various airports can be very very different, and that goes double if you're traveling internationally where the interpretation of the rules varies widely) And mascara can be liquid or a gel. Whether or not you'll ever have it taken away at screening is another story, but if it can fit in your ziploc....Try:p


(even agents at the same airport in different lanes will allow different things - soft cheese & fois gras allowed by some screeners at Charles de Gaulle and not by others....)


Have never once had any of these questioned.

(I don't use gel deoderant--that could be an issue).

NOT to say an overzealous screener might not say something--but honestly I wouldn't worry about it.

(couple years ago DD got caught with a closed soda in in backpack on the way back from a cruise. The interesting thing about this is that she realized that it had been in there from home--it made it through the first round of airport screening on the way to the cruise!:eek:)

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That's why I stated you have to know what you have in your bag. There ARE gel deodorants (heck, there are liquid & aerosol deodorants still!) If you don't ever use that type of product, you might not even consider it. But somewhere, some day, someone is having it pulled from their bag and it might or might not be able to fit into the 3-1-1 bag.


As a reminder - that's normally the first step if you "forget" a liquid or gel in your bag - if it's the appropriate size (the container itself is less than 100ml- NOT that there is less than 100ml of product left in the container) then you can try to put it in your ziploc and bring it with you. Otherwise (if the container is too big or it doesn't fit) garbage (or, you could mail it back to yourself if you want to spend the money).


Many of the items we carry are never questioned. But I want to be clear that, depending on the item and the local rules (outside the country, they don't have TSA, they have their own rules, which may or may not be the same, so check!) you could be questioned. Which is why I try really hard to pack by the objective rules and not what my personal experience has told me I could "get away with".

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If you travel through London Heathrow and many other European Airports be prepared for the screening staff to be very picky.


In my experience Mascara and lip gloss are always considered liquids. Also be careful with the number of items you put in your plastic bag - if you can't comfortably close your plastic bag they may well make you throw items away.


I was recently with someone who had a problem at Barcelona where they were made to unpack their entire hand luggage as they hadn't pulled out a mini lip gloss. Although they retrieved it and put in the little bag when asked to they were still made to unpack everything to see if they were concealing other items.


Also, be careful if you have a connecting flight.


I purchased a bottle of water after screening at Heathrow but never drank it so it remained sealed. When I changed planes in Abu Dhabi they would not let me back on with it as they said it could have been tampered with despite the fact that we were not allowed out of the arrival/departure gate in A.D and would have had no opportunity to 'fiddle' with it!


Personally, I now find it easier to travel with no liquids in my hand luggage and wait and buy what I need after I have been through security. This prevents me from getting in a panic every time I approach the screening area!

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On long flights, I like to put my lip balm & hand lotion in a place easier for me to access (I usually have a small bag of things I anticipate needing during the flight). However - when I know I need to transfer planes through security again (which is typical if you're changing planes in another country) I don't do it - for those exact reasons! I'm exhausted, possibly have had a couple drinks - who's to say I'll get all my liquids back into the right bag? So I will keep everything in the annoying ziploc in those situations....


(I carry my own flat pack water bottle - fill it up after security - and I do usually remember to empty before security during a transfer, but there have been times I've been chugging my water, too:p)

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Great responses from everyone! Now I am curious about if you can put a full size contact lens solution in a medicine bag with other medicines or not. Someone had mentioned they had a medicine bag and a zip show quart bag...do you show them the medicine bag too? Trying to have smooth screening experience. We will be near a Publix at Hampton Inn Blue Lagoon area which I will pick up sun screen after the flight to avoid trial size sun screen packing. I do have small medical 3 oz containers and I am hoping to fill with conditioner and coconut oil and place in the show zip bag. I am just trying to be smart and avoid any and all flying hassles... Thanks again my travel friends!

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In Canada, contacts lens solution is considered a non-prescription medication so it's subject to the 100ml (3.4 oz) rule.


I find the CATSA website to be more user friendly compared to the TSA website:





Overall, I find it varies depending on the airport and the person doing the screening. I've gone through multiple times and forgot to take the bag of liquids out of my carry on and nothing was said. In December, I went through security in Baltimore with a full bottle of water (I forgot it was in my bag) and security didn't even notice.

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On long flights, I like to put my lip balm & hand lotion in a place easier for me to access (I usually have a small bag of things I anticipate needing during the flight). However - when I know I need to transfer planes through security again (which is typical if you're changing planes in another country) I don't do it - for those exact reasons! I'm exhausted, possibly have had a couple drinks - who's to say I'll get all my liquids back into the right bag? So I will keep everything in the annoying ziploc in those situations....


(I carry my own flat pack water bottle - fill it up after security - and I do usually remember to empty before security during a transfer, but there have been times I've been chugging my water, too:p)



I combat this problem by putting the items I want to keep with me on the plane by putting those items inside a sandwich-sized plastic bag and then putting that into the quart-sized one to get through screening. When I'm done going through security...I just pull out the smaller bag and put it in my purse and put the quart-sized one into my overhead carry-on. Works like a charm!:D

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That's not necessarily true, as there are different formulations of lip products and deodorants. A gel deodorant could be considered a liquid or gel..


In my experience Mascara and lip gloss are always considered liquids. Also be careful with the number of items you put in your plastic bag - if you can't comfortably close your plastic bag they may well make you throw items away...


Agree with both members here. A TSA agent at the airport once cautioned passengers in line with this: "If you can squirt it, smear it, splash it, spray it, or squeeze it, it MUST go in the bag!". That made it all very clear for me and I have always remembered that.


Additionally, I must say I don't worry about what goes in the baggie; if in doubt and it will fit, put it in. You can always re-pack whatever you need to on the other side of security, no big deal. It's all still going with you to the same place. :)


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I combat this problem by putting the items I want to keep with me on the plane by putting those items inside a sandwich-sized plastic bag and then putting that into the quart-sized one to get through screening. When I'm done going through security...I just pull out the smaller bag and put it in my purse and put the quart-sized one into my overhead carry-on. Works like a charm!:D


Sounds good! So far, I've just been keeping the entire liquid ziploc in whatever bag is under the seat in front of me - slightly more annoying but doable, at least:p I usually end up with a ziploc that is pretty full - not of toiletries, but I'll fill any space with a mini bottle of liquor so I can have a nightcap when traveling....

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I combat this problem by putting the items I want to keep with me on the plane by putting those items inside a sandwich-sized plastic bag and then putting that into the quart-sized one to get through screening. When I'm done going through security...I just pull out the smaller bag and put it in my purse and put the quart-sized one into my overhead carry-on. Works like a charm!:D


I really like this idea, thank you so much! I refuse to check my makeup (it's expensive, but also because no one needs to see me without at least some on if my bag were to get lost, LOL) so a lot ends up in my 311 bag, but inevitably find myself wanting some chapstick/lip gloss, hand sanitizer or lotion on the plane only to remember it's all in the bag in the overhead compartment because I never think to take the purse items back out. I think a separate baggie would really help me with this.

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