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Live from the Royal: June 26th, 2015--British Isles-- Move-over Offer Part 2


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July 2, 2015

Greenock/ Glasgow


It was cloudy in Scotland. We left the port to be met by our guide from Busy Bus Tours. This was our second tour with this company. We really enjoyed the first and had high hopes for the second tour, as well. We were one of the first to arrive to the bus. The six or so couples in front of us in line left the front seat open for my mother. Such nice, nice people. Well behaved and raised right. If any of our bus mates happen to chance upon this blog, I just want to thank you.


Our guide was charming and interesting. His name is Frank and our driver is Frankie. This made for easy remembering. Our first stop was Loch Lomand in the Village of Luss. This is such a charming little town. The stone houses are beautiful and the beach was very inviting. The only downside was the midges (a little like a mosquito, but small). Our guide, Frank, claims he is a veritable pub crawl for midges. Ha. We had just a little under an hour to spend there. Another helpful hint: If you get to the town, have 30 p ready for the bathroom, which is very, very clean.


Our next stop was just a quick bathroom break at the Green Wellie factory gift store. We did not have a lot of time for shopping, just a quick break. Next we moved on to the Kenchie Castle (I think- I don't want to use the internet minutes to Google it, but if someone who is land based feels the desire, please do so). This castle was built in the 1643, and has gone to ruin. There is a story that one of the turrets was struck by lightening with such force that the turret was blasted off and landed spire-down in the courtyard. It does appear that this would be so, as there is an intact, but upside down turret-y looking think in the courtyard. We also had great access to this castle and all of its parts. We could go upstairs way upstairs and down into the kitchen One of the reason is for this is this particular castle is NOT a known tourist attraction. Also, only one single bus with one very skilled bus driver can pull into the car park at a time, and only about 10 cars, sans bus, can park at any one time. This made for a very uncrowded experience. I think our tour guide made a very wise choice as this was the highlight of the tour. Just a word of advice if you are lucky enough to find this little gem, wear comfortable shoes as it is about a half mile hike to the castle.


We proceeded on to the Castle Argyle which is still a functional castle (re-built in the Chateau fashion in the 1800's). It was lovely from the outside, though I opted to shop with my mom instead of seeing the castle. We had about an hour and a half here. You could also opt to walk by the lake, which was lovely. By this time in the day the sun was out! Bonus! (more of that luck). We made one last stop at a "Rest and Be Thankful" (this is what they call their rest stops), to take photos in a glen (valley). It was beautiful and reminded me of my childhood visits to southern Germany.


On the ride back, we listened to songs and played games and asked a million questions to our guide. Overall, this was our absolute best tour. Loved the tour. Loved the guide Frank. Love, love, loved the driver Frankie! I would highly recommend this company, Busy Bus, and its operators-- as these have been our two best tours on this trip.


When we returned to ship, my BB and SIL went to their Wine Tasters Dinner. My mom and I went to the MDR for our dinner. If I have not mentioned this, we have the best table. We are actually not in the MDR proper (the big room), but in a smaller room off to the side. There are 4 tables for 4 and one 8 top in the center. We have one of the window tables. Our waitstaff, Apollo and Dan have been terrific and attentive, and even saved the day for me last night with their wonderful ability to remember stuff. I am super grateful for their constant attention to detail. Amazing team, and hopefully Dan will get his sleeves soon...


For dinner (because, I know that y'all like this stuff- me, too!) I had the Swiss air-cured beef (very yummy with olive oil), the salad (great), gazpacho (best ever! though I could eat my weight in gazpacho), and the beef stroganoff. My mom had the bean soup, and the pork chop. They cut and boned the chop for her at the table, which I thought was a very nice touch. We had the Norman Love white chocolate cheesecake for dessert: delicious. They also brought us a order of bananas Foster to share, but then remembered I do not imbibe, so my mom was our official taster. She said it was lovely, but the Norman Love dessert was far better.


After dinner, we promptly went to bed. And so ends another wonderful day of our vacation!


More tomorrow!


Thank you so much for traveling along!

Tracie-Lynn :) :)


Tracie-Lynn, thanks so much for the wonderfully detailed live from. We've sailing July 8th on the Royal and taking Busy Bus tours from Glasgow and Liverpool, so have enjoyed reading the details and glad you enjoyed both tours. We can't wait to sail, and your review is building our anticipation. Can't wait to read about the rest of your cruise. Hope we are as lucky with the weather as apparently you have been.

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July 4, 2015

Invergorden, Scotland


Good morning, lovely friends-


Happy Independence Day!


I will finish out yesterday and begin today in one fell swoop.


First off, there is tragic news aboard the Royal. The coffee machine in the Concierge lounge is down. Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. Coffee machine down. Coffee machine down. Must... Get... Caffeine... Now...The struggle is real, folks. (OK, enough of that silliness. I have great dreams that as I am being seated in Sabatini's, Milos is scaring up my coffee bevvie of preference. Milos? Milos?) Oh. No. Milos is out today. Arrrrggggg.... Let's see what happens next. I am liable to have a meltdown rated at def-con 5. Watch out world, you do not, I repeat, DO NOT want to meet uncaffeinated Tracie. OMG... A blast from the past, Romeo (from my January cruise- Sabatini's) just appeared with coffee- Yay! Let the normal begin!!!! Thank you, Romeo!


OK, let's talk about yesterday. I left you at lunch. They finally opened the casino at around 3 where I wheeled my mom to SKI (spend kids inheritance). She was happily left to gamble a bit while I napped.


It was formal night last night. I had only planned on one formal night, but I managed to scare up another somewhat sparkly outfit so I would not be a total standout at dinner. It was just my BB, SIL, and me. I opened the menu, and what appeared????

The five loveliest words in the English (and French) language(s):

Twice. Baked. Goat. Cheese. Soufflé.

Chant along with me, people...


Yay! Yay!

Goat Cheese Soufflé!

Eat it all night!

Eat it all day!

Don't need meat,

Or curds and whey!

Just bring me two servings of

Goat Cheese Soufflé!


... and that, dear friends, is EXACTLY what I had for dinner. Two servings of Goat Cheese Soufflé. And a chocolate lovers dessert. In all honesty, I should have skipped dessert and just asked for a third serving of GCS. Gosh, that stuff is remarkable. See, I am remarking!


After dinner perfection, I went to see a comedy show with Susan. Doug Funk did this improv that was truly hilarious. He had an audience member participate in three different skits, and I have not laughed that hard since my co-workers decorated my office. (I'll leave that to your imagination, but if you clowns are reading this, you had better behave!).


We then proceeded to the Marriage Match Game. It was funny as always. I cannot believe the stuff people will say, and hey, folks, they film this on the Royal, and play it over and over and over on the On-Demand TV. Wow. Just wow.


We are in Invergorden now, and it is raining, and I have delayed getting off the ship as long as possible. I will post more later.


Thank you for eating breakfast with me!


Tracie-Lynn :) :)

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I TOTALLY agree about the goat cheese soufflé. Best, best thing on any Princess menu!!! We always do anytime dining and only eat in the dining room about half the nights. But we check the menu every day so that we don't miss goat cheese soufflé. Always the first priority for food!

Thanks for the great reports on your cruise. I love following along on your trip.

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July 4, 2015

Inverness, Scotland, Part 2


After scaring up my BB and SIL (mom decided today was an "extended sea day"), we set off for another fun day in Scotland. However, upon approaching the gangway we were met, well, more like assaulted with a blast of cold and damp air. So glad I had packed both my puffy coat AND my packable rain coat. We found our tour guide with WOW! Scotland (I really like to emphasize the WOW!- by holding three fingers up, on both hands, at either side of my mouth- and shouting WOW! Though my family may be tiring of my antics...) We were sent to the smaller of two buses. Once we boarded the bus, we found reserved seating for up. We had the second row seats and one seat next to the guide. Yep, a sign with Reserved for Tracie. No kidding. Guess who gets to sit next to our guide! I feel like the naughty middle schooler... Actually our guide, Sandy (short for Alexander), is super nice, even in his soaking wet kilt.


We set off to the sight of a famous battle ground- a battle between the Jacobites and the Hanovers (my auto-correct wants to change this to hangover. Ha.). We had one of four options at this hour-long stop. We could go with the guide for a narrated tour of the battle ground, we could pay six pounds for the visitor center, we could park in the coffee shop for a cappuccino and some free wifi, or wait on the bus. We selected option 3, as the rain was coming in hard and sideways. It is also less than 15 degrees C (Less than 60 degrees F). Cold and damp. Hmmmm... coffee and internet or standing in a wet field. Ahhhh, Grasshopper, I chose wisely. There were only 4 brave souls who selected the narrated tours. Bless them and their bravery.


Our next stop was the Clave Cairns, a site for ancient ruins. The rain had slowed significantly, and most people got off the bus. I took some photos and returned to the nice and warm and dry bus.


We had an hour and a half to explore Cawdor Castle. This castle is inhabited, but we were still able to see much of the property. Our guide explained that the grounds are equally lovely, but not many people ventured out to see them in the rain. I walked through the castle then settled down with a delicious bowl of butternut squash soup and some lovely bread (3.95 pounds- bargain!- well, that is probably relative...).


Tonight is Italian night in the MDR. Not my mom's or brothers favorite. Not sure how my SIL feels about this, and I may be dining alone. I love this menu, especially when they make the Arribiata. I have my fingers crossed. I can tell you right now, when I get back to the ship, I will be taking a nice, long and hot shower. Did I mention hot???? Yikes, it is cold and damp in Scotland, which just may be the normal temp, though our tour guide, Sandy, has stated they are still waiting for summer to arrive.


We made a quick stop a Loch (say that with your best emphasis on the <ch>) Ness. We looked for Nessie, but to no avail. We did see the man that has been the subject of a movie about the Loch Ness monster. He makes little Nessie figures for 5 pounds a piece.


We are now in Inverness. I have opted to walk up to the Inverness Castle, which is, and always has been operational. It is part of the Sheriff's Court System. It is also the place where one can take amazing photos of the city of Inverness.


I am now sitting is SO COCO Chocolate Shop waiting for my cup of hot chocolate. Holy cow, Bat Readers, this place personifies complication. I sure hope the bevvie is decent, because a nice hot chocolate would certainly win the day!


Hot Chocolate Update: Now I know why the line is so darn long. Wow! This is amazing hot chocolate! So worth the wait. I think I may just move to Inverness and work here, if they will have me. I will give up the fight to weigh somewhere in semblance of normal. I will drink 2- no- 5- no- 20 of these a day. I did not even get the "upgraded" version. And BONUS BONUS BONUS! Free wifi! Could it get better???? (Actually, yes. Without being a total ingrate, this would be so much better if Bradley were here. Just sayin')


I am going to post now, while I have the chance.


Thank you for reminding me to wipe my chocolate mustache


More later-



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OMG, Tracie-Lynn, love love love your daily postings!


When you have a chance, would you address casino hours a bit more? Family and I are on this cruise late August and devote a fair bit of time (and money) in the casinos.


Thanks much.


Another thought -- thanks for mentioning where you've accessed free wifi. Helps to know so we don't drag tablets around each day...

Edited by cavcmy
Added re free wifi
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One of the best reviews I have ever read!! Your descriptions and comparisons are hilarious! "a rolling assisted living center" and "an international version of the Beverly Hillbillies" almost had my morning coffee shooting out of my nose! The horror of your leaving your glasses and contacts at home brought back memories of my trip to Bermuda. Mine were left home and I kept my lenses in my eyes for seven days and nights. It was my first cruise and I was afraid to take them out at night in case the ship sank and I would die because I was blind without them. Like you, I can't see a thing without them…I need a dog and a cane. Thank you again for your enjoyable review. Vickie

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I totally agree - you've been had!!!


Hi Colin.

I think a little birdie told me you might be sailing on the Royal in January. We're supposed to sail her for the third time in February.

We LOVE this ship!



And now back to our regularly scheduled programming.


Tracie - I just found this thread (well, actually an hour ago as I couldn't stop reading).

I'll just add my compliments to everyone elses about how much fun it is to read what you write.


Are these the hiking sandals you wrote about?

They look pretty attractive for something that you could hike in.



Edited by chamima
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When I did the TA on her the end of April and then the first BI cruise I felt the ship was not as cold as I expected. I did not freeze and did not need a sweater . I would bring something with just in case as we are all different.



Thanks so much for responding, Dickinson! Coming from Nevada, we are limited to how much we can pack!!

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OMG, Tracie-Lynn, love love love your daily postings!


When you have a chance, would you address casino hours a bit more? Family and I are on this cruise late August and devote a fair bit of time (and money) in the casinos.


Thanks much.


Another thought -- thanks for mentioning where you've accessed free wifi. Helps to know so we don't drag tablets around each day...


Because this itinerary really doesn't get out into the international waters, the casino must remain closed. When they can sail further afar of the coastline (someone mentioned 12 miles out), then they can open.


On our cruise, the casino had extremely limited hours:


Day 1 - 10 pm. til ?

Day 2 - approx. 5:30pm to 8:30pm

Day 3 - Closed

Day 4 - 6:30pm to 10 pm

Day 5 - Closed

Day 6 - Closed

Day 7 - Closed

Day 8 - 12:30 pm til ?

Day 9 - Closed

Day 10 - Closed

Day 11 - Lost the Patter but it was a sea day, so hours were better

Day 12 - 9 pm to 1am


Our itinerary included Liverpool. This could change if you have a different itinerary, and the hours did change from what is listed above depending on our sailaway times.

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Someone asked about the MTP. On the June 2 sailing, the couple were from the UK and had sailed 1,236 days! At the Captain's Circle reception, they gave the numbers and I think there were something like 644 Platinum and maybe 400 something Elite. I think about 50% of the ship were 1st time Princess cruisers.

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This is the stop we missed last August because of windy and choppy seas. Had planned the Wow Scotland tour there in Invergordon/Inverness. Thanks for this great review. I would love to do this itinerary all over again some day!

Edited by MaChere
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June 30, 2015

but my Canadian friends are on board- love them!)


Hi Tracie.... I just found your live from thread! Now this explains all your steps on fitbit.


So nice to follow along.... say hi to your Mom for us.


Oh and what! You have other Canadians that you love... oh okay we can share the wealth.


Keep up the journal,


Cheers from roasting British Columbia



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Scottish schools do not break up until end July English schools a few weeks later


Have done a few UK cruises never had more than a handful of teens on board


if cruising in June.



yours Shogun

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Hi Colin.

I think a little birdie told me you might be sailing on the Royal in January. We're supposed to sail her for the third time in February.

We LOVE this ship!



Karen, don't know who the birdie might be but they are wrong - we are on the Royal Princess in just 15 days doing this itinerary round Britain and Ireland........................very much looking forward to it too..............

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