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Breakaway left 3 passengers in Bermuda today


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The negativity on these threads is astounding. A few posters are very quick to accuse others of being untruthful because their experience may differ from others.


Think before you post and don't assume everyone has the same experiences you have.


It is very offensive to be accused of lying when a person posts their experiences.


Each incident that is related on these boards may have underlying circumstances that affect the outcome, so don't be so quick to criticize others until you have the facts.

Edited by swedish weave
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The issue here is not necessarily the sign, but that those who were NOT there are disputing the word of those who WERE there.


Sign or no sign, horn or no horn, somehow 4500 passengers made it back before the ship left and 3 missed the ship. Including other passengers who were at Calico Jacks that afternoon. Those two girls made a mistake. Likely not the worst mistake they will ever make in their life. They do deserve criticism. It is a lesson they can learn from. It is not a disaster missing the ship in Bermuda, there are regular flights, nice accomodations. it is a civilzed place. It only an inconvienece for them and an added expense.

Edited by Charles4515
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The negativity on these threads is astounding. A few posters are very quick to accuse others of being untruthful because their experience may differ from others.


Think before you post and don't assume everyone has the same experiences you have.


It is very offensive to be accused of lying when a person posts their experiences.


Each incident that is related on these boards may have underlying circumstances that affect the outcome, so don't be so quick to criticize others until you have the facts.

No offense - when 2 people out of 4000 (mom doesn't count) miss the boat; the fault is not eith the cruise line. The fault lies with the 2 people that don't know how to tell time and needs to learn to get back onboard at least 30 minutes -1 hour or 2, to not miss the ship!!


It wasn't a hundred or thousand people that missed the ship, it was just 2 people - Big difference, who's at fault here. You can make as many excuses you want to defend the 2 girls as much as you can - doesn't change the fact that 4000-something odd people on the same sailing managed to get back on time!


They embarrassed themselves AND their mother - they owe her the only apology for messing up so badly and for ruining the vacation like they did, by being so late. May the 2 of them learn their lesson about being tardy especially when its a cruise ship, airplane or any place that involves being there before the scheduled time!


Sent from my SGH-T399 using Tapatalk

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No offense - when 2 people out of 4000 (mom doesn't count) miss the boat; the fault is not eith the cruise line. The fault lies with the 2 people that don't know how to tell time and needs to learn to get back onboard at least 30 minutes -1 hour or 2, to not miss the ship!!


It wasn't a hundred or thousand people that missed the ship, it was just 2 people - Big difference, who's at fault here. You can make as many excuses you want to defend the 2 girls as much as you can - doesn't change the fact that 4000-something odd people on the same sailing managed to get back on time!


They embarrassed themselves AND their mother - they owe her the only apology for messing up so badly and for ruining the vacation like they did, by being so late. May the 2 of them learn their lesson about being tardy especially when its a cruise ship, airplane or any place that involves being there before the scheduled time!


Sent from my SGH-T399 using Tapatalk


Well said!

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I have zero sympathy for the fact that two young ladies missed their ship because they lost track of time (or didn't bother to check what time they needed to be back) while drinking and partying.


What I don't understand is all of the "Mom" bashing coming from some of the posters on this thread, with the insinuation that Mom in this case did something wrong by disembarking in order to try to find her daughters and ensure that they weren't stranded in a foreign country, no matter how nice it may be, with potentially little more than the clothes on their back and a few dollars in cash.


Yes the 20 something's were idiots for missing the boat, but as a parent myself, I just can't wrap my head around the argument that the best way to 'teach them a life lesson', is to just abandon them and let them figure out how to get home themselves. One would hope that between the port agent and their own life skills, they could have figured it out themselves, but why, as a parent, would you make the situation more stressful by not trying to help, just to prove a point?


What if it wasn't Mom who was sailing with the young ladies, what if it was their spouses. Would those same posters who claim that Mom was in the wrong, say that the husbands would also be in the wrong for not leaving their irresponsible wives behind?

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I have zero sympathy for the fact that two young ladies missed their ship because they lost track of time (or didn't bother to check what time they needed to be back) while drinking and partying.


What I don't understand is all of the "Mom" bashing coming from some of the posters on this thread, with the insinuation that Mom in this case did something wrong by disembarking in order to try to find her daughters and ensure that they weren't stranded in a foreign country, no matter how nice it may be, with potentially little more than the clothes on their back and a few dollars in cash.


Yes the 20 something's were idiots for missing the boat, but as a parent myself, I just can't wrap my head around the argument that the best way to 'teach them a life lesson', is to just abandon them and let them figure out how to get home themselves. One would hope that between the port agent and their own life skills, they could have figured it out themselves, but why, as a parent, would you make the situation more stressful by not trying to help, just to prove a point?


What if it wasn't Mom who was sailing with the young ladies, what if it was their spouses. Would those same posters who claim that Mom was in the wrong, say that the husbands would also be in the wrong for not leaving their irresponsible wives behind?

This is one of those cases where no matter what the other parties do (parents, cruise line, spouses, friends, cousins, brothers, other sisters, etc) - they going to look bad by association, because that's how bad these girls f-up (both could had been guys and it will still look bad).


Mom did the right thing by staying and everything but her daughters just made look so terrible despite that - her daughters owe her the only apology for embarrassing her and themselves like they did. It was genuinely a No-win situation for mom all because her daughters can't tell time.... Is mom at fault here? No, but still look bad anyway - that's who I feel deserves sympathy in this case, because no matter what she does, it was still her kids that mess up, with her on vacation with them no less.


Sent from my SGH-T399 using Tapatalk

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no offense - when 2 people out of 4000 (mom doesn't count) miss the boat; the fault is not eith the cruise line. The fault lies with the 2 people that don't know how to tell time and needs to learn to get back onboard at least 30 minutes -1 hour or 2, to not miss the ship!!


It wasn't a hundred or thousand people that missed the ship, it was just 2 people - big difference, who's at fault here. You can make as many excuses you want to defend the 2 girls as much as you can - doesn't change the fact that 4000-something odd people on the same sailing managed to get back on time!


They embarrassed themselves and their mother - they owe her the only apology for messing up so badly and for ruining the vacation like they did, by being so late. May the 2 of them learn their lesson about being tardy especially when its a cruise ship, airplane or any place that involves being there before the scheduled time!


Sent from my sgh-t399 using tapatalk



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This is a simple case of teenagers not knowing what time it was and having fun until they missed the boat.

It has been pointed out several times that the young women were in their twenties. I would not consider them to be teenagers.


A couple of people have speculated that mom was taking her daughters on the cruise, and maybe she will not or should not do so in the future. Where is there proof that mom was taking her daughters on the cruise? For all we know, the daughters were treated their mom to a cruise.


Since I don't have any daughters (or sons), I am neutral as to whether or not mom should have gotten off the ship. I just can't decide. However, if her daughters had not told her that they were going to Calico Jacks, if they just left the ship without telling her a thing about their plans for the day, I wonder if she would have left the ship and run around Bermuda looking for them.


I can't find the thread, but maybe some of you have read it. It had to do with a Celebrity cruise with a lot of college kids on spring break, and they went to Senor Frog's and stayed there much longer than they should have. The ship should have sailed, but instead, an officer of the ship went to Senor Frog's and pleaded with the college kids to leave the bar and return to the ship. It was speculated on the thread that Celebrity felt compelled to delay the ship's sailing away because there were literally hundreds of college kids at Senor Frog's, and they feared that their parents would sue if the ship had left them there.


Maybe the daughters had friends on that ship, and maybe their friends had told them that if they were getting drunk at a nearby bar when the ship was supposed to set sail, no worries, because an officer of the ship would go there to tell them to leave and get back on the ship. Yes, this is just speculation, as I obviously have no proof. But no one can prove that this didn't happen.

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It has been pointed out several times that the young women were in their twenties. I would not consider them to be teenagers.




A couple of people have speculated that mom was taking her daughters on the cruise, and maybe she will not or should not do so in the future. Where is there proof that mom was taking her daughters on the cruise? For all we know, the daughters were treated their mom to a cruise.




Since I don't have any daughters (or sons), I am neutral as to whether or not mom should have gotten off the ship. I just can't decide. However, if her daughters had not told her that they were going to Calico Jacks, if they just left the ship without telling her a thing about their plans for the day, I wonder if she would have left the ship and run around Bermuda looking for them.




I can't find the thread, but maybe some of you have read it. It had to do with a Celebrity cruise with a lot of college kids on spring break, and they went to Senor Frog's and stayed there much longer than they should have. The ship should have sailed, but instead, an officer of the ship went to Senor Frog's and pleaded with the college kids to leave the bar and return to the ship. It was speculated on the thread that Celebrity felt compelled to delay the ship's sailing away because there were literally hundreds of college kids at Senor Frog's, and they feared that their parents would sue if the ship had left them there.




Maybe the daughters had friends on that ship, and maybe their friends had told them that if they were getting drunk at a nearby bar when the ship was supposed to set sail, no worries, because an officer of the ship would go there to tell them to leave and get back on the ship. Yes, this is just speculation, as I obviously have no proof. But no one can prove that this didn't happen.



If you really believe that the girls were under the impression that they did not have to worry about missing the ship, and that a cruise ship officer would escort them back, then I have a bridge to sell you!

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I have zero sympathy for the fact that two young ladies missed their ship because they lost track of time (or didn't bother to check what time they needed to be back) while drinking and partying.


What I don't understand is all of the "Mom" bashing coming from some of the posters on this thread, with the insinuation that Mom in this case did something wrong by disembarking in order to try to find her daughters and ensure that they weren't stranded in a foreign country, no matter how nice it may be, with potentially little more than the clothes on their back and a few dollars in cash.


Yes the 20 something's were idiots for missing the boat, but as a parent myself, I just can't wrap my head around the argument that the best way to 'teach them a life lesson', is to just abandon them and let them figure out how to get home themselves. One would hope that between the port agent and their own life skills, they could have figured it out themselves, but why, as a parent, would you make the situation more stressful by not trying to help, just to prove a point?


What if it wasn't Mom who was sailing with the young ladies, what if it was their spouses. Would those same posters who claim that Mom was in the wrong, say that the husbands would also be in the wrong for not leaving their irresponsible wives behind?


I think the bashing was due to a pp who stated that the mom would be an afoot to stay on the ship. We don't know if the mom had contact with the girls. If my adult daughters were going to miss the ship, and I knew they had a credit card and passports, and were just drinking in a bar, I wouldn't get off. Same with my spouse. As a matter of fact, they'd probably beg me not to get off of the ship, so they could live a few more days before I killed them.

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I read thru most of this thread and I'm sorry but to me it's pretty simple...


2 ADULTS went to a bar while in Bermuda. They presumably got drunk and were late getting back to the ship. A 3rd ADULT who was with them got off the ship to try to find them before it sailed from port. All 3 ADULTS missed the ship.


Daughters, Moms, etc, who cares. All 3 were of the adult age. Be it correct or incorrect, responsible or not, they missed the ship due to their own choices. None were held hostage or had a medical emergency. 2/3 of the adults missed the ship because they drank too much, 1/3 of the adults missed the ship because she went looking for the other 2.


NCL did nothing, at all, even remotely, wrong.


This is not a parenting debate, and the title of the thread is misleading. But that's it, nothing more to the story

Edited by MrMike45
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I have zero sympathy for the fact that two young ladies missed their ship because they lost track of time (or didn't bother to check what time they needed to be back) while drinking and partying.


What I don't understand is all of the "Mom" bashing coming from some of the posters on this thread, with the insinuation that Mom in this case did something wrong by disembarking in order to try to find her daughters and ensure that they weren't stranded in a foreign country, no matter how nice it may be, with potentially little more than the clothes on their back and a few dollars in cash.


Yes the 20 something's were idiots for missing the boat, but as a parent myself, I just can't wrap my head around the argument that the best way to 'teach them a life lesson', is to just abandon them and let them figure out how to get home themselves. One would hope that between the port agent and their own life skills, they could have figured it out themselves, but why, as a parent, would you make the situation more stressful by not trying to help, just to prove a point?


What if it wasn't Mom who was sailing with the young ladies, what if it was their spouses. Would those same posters who claim that Mom was in the wrong, say that the husbands would also be in the wrong for not leaving their irresponsible wives behind?


Actually, no one bashed what this mom did. The bashing started when I stated that I would have left them a bag, passports and a credit card on the dock if I was the mom. Then the parenting debate started helicopter vs. accountability. Personally, outside of abuse or neglect I would never criticize the choices others make. This mom had to make a tough choice quickly.


Maybe her choice would have been different if it was her husband ;)

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I read thru most of this thread and I'm sorry but to me it's pretty simple...


2 ADULTS went to a bar while in Bermuda. They presumably got drunk and were late getting back to the ship. A 3rd ADULT who was with them got off the ship to try to find them before it sailed from port. All 3 ADULTS missed the ship.


Daughters, Moms, etc, who cares. All 3 were of the adult age. Be it correct or incorrect, responsible or not, they missed the ship due to their own choices. None were held hostage or had a medical emergency. 2/3 of the adults missed the ship because they drank too much, 1/3 of the adults missed the ship because she went looking for the other 2.


NCL did nothing, at all, even remotely, wrong.


This is not a parenting debate, and the title of the thread is misleading. But that's it, nothing more to the story



This is the best post in this whole thread.

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i read thru most of this thread and i'm sorry but to me it's pretty simple...


2 adults went to a bar while in bermuda. They presumably got drunk and were late getting back to the ship. A 3rd adult who was with them got off the ship to try to find them before it sailed from port. All 3 adults missed the ship.


Daughters, moms, etc, who cares. All 3 were of the adult age. Be it correct or incorrect, responsible or not, they missed the ship due to their own choices. None were held hostage or had a medical emergency. 2/3 of the adults missed the ship because they drank too much, 1/3 of the adults missed the ship because she went looking for the other 2.


Ncl did nothing, at all, even remotely, wrong.


This is not a parenting debate, and the title of the thread is misleading. But that's it, nothing more to the story





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The negativity on these threads is astounding. A few posters are very quick to accuse others of being untruthful because their experience may differ from others.


Think before you post and don't assume everyone has the same experiences you have.


It is very offensive to be accused of lying when a person posts their experiences.


Each incident that is related on these boards may have underlying circumstances that affect the outcome, so don't be so quick to criticize others until you have the facts.



Agree 100%

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It's all about being responsible. They are adults and know the rules and its Their own fault for missing the boat not anyone else's.






finding it hard to be sympathetic....didn't they know what time the ship was set to leave?

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This is according to a social media site's page for the Port Bermuda Webcam. They tried to get them to the ship via a tugboat, but it was too rough, so they will be figuring out how to fly home. Big bummer for them!


So, does that mean NCL will loose their deposit on those three people?

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The negativity on these threads is astounding. A few posters are very quick to accuse others of being untruthful because their experience may differ from others.




Think before you post and don't assume everyone has the same experiences you have.




It is very offensive to be accused of lying when a person posts their experiences.




Each incident that is related on these boards may have underlying circumstances that affect the outcome, so don't be so quick to criticize others until you have the facts.



I think a lot of the negativity comes from people always trying to find a way to blame NCL and considering this thread some people still want to find a way to blame NCL when it was the incompetence of these two adults for missing the boat.

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So do these three NOT get any latitudes points because they did not complete the cruise????






Ha! Don't bring that up now. We will have to get into a new heated topic, but I do think the mother should get the points, but the daughters should get negative points for being stupid.

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Ha! Don't bring that up now. We will have to get into a new heated topic, but I do think the mother should get the points, but the daughters should get negative points for being stupid.


Reasons to introduce negative Latitude points - now that could be an interesting thread...:rolleyes:


My starter - remove DSC = lose Latitude points for that cruise.


Stands back, grabs popcorn and beer and awaits the incoming...

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