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Experience In Chez Jacques


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Since Oceania takes the money for the tickets for children and welcomes them on board I think it is poor taste to say that it is nice they are not seen. I wonder how some would feel if I said it was nice seniors were on board but lucky not seen.

I would say that most passengers do not welcome them on board. Also I have not seen any seniors misbehaving and running and carrying on in the restaurants, hallways and the pools. Spin it any way that you want. As you know seniors are not the problem, KIDS can be.

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We had a good one on a South American cruise. He wore a hat with stuffed animals hanging from it, one a penguin with a suction cup. The penguin every time he went into a dining establishment was attached to the nearest window. When at the Terrace he shook the crumbs out of his serviette down to the balcony below, he took a bottle of wine and glass to the hot tub, hidden in a backpack and enjoyed his drinks, he actually played with his yoyo while he was waiting. Sorry, seniors at times can be just as bad as kids at times. No age group is perfect.

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I would say that most passengers do not welcome them on board. Also I have not seen any seniors misbehaving and running and carrying on in the restaurants, hallways and the pools. Spin it any way that you want. As you know seniors are not the problem, KIDS can be.


Agree 100%. It is interesting that whenever there is a thread regarding children, some people will inevitably bring up adults, seniors, etc. The thing is, this thread is about children. Anyone can start a thread about seniors or misbehaving adults if you so desire. In the meantime, I'm sticking to the topic.


To restate something that seems to have gotten lost in this long thread is that there are some children's programs during school breaks and summer. If someone sails on Oceania during these times and they do not want to encounter children - it was their decision to book at what I feel is the wrong time of the year.


We will be traveling this July (something I generally avoid doing) and am prepared that children on the airplane could be unruly (even in Business Class), the airports will be chaotic, etc. While I may not like traveling in the summer, it is my choice and I will force myself not to complain:o

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Agree 100%. It is interesting that whenever there is a thread regarding children, some people will inevitably bring up adults, seniors, etc. The thing is, this thread is about children. Anyone can start a thread about seniors or misbehaving adults if you so desire. In the meantime, I'm sticking to the topic.


To restate something that seems to have gotten lost in this long thread is that there are some children's programs during school breaks and summer. If someone sails on Oceania during these times and they do not want to encounter children - it was their decision to book at what I feel is the wrong time of the year.


We will be traveling this July (something I generally avoid doing) and am prepared that children on the airplane could be unruly (even in Business Class), the airports will be chaotic, etc. While I may not like traveling in the summer, it is my choice and I will force myself not to complain:o


I think you are missing the point, with respect.


Nobody hates children. They just do not want their peace to be shattered by unruly behaviour - whether it's from old or - let's face it, more often - young.


The choice should not boil down to *when* you book: it's really more about *where* you book. There are plenty of lines - Disney comes immediately to mind - that cater for families and children: there are others such as Oceania which pretty obviouly do not, and the majority on these would not book if they knew their voyage would be ruined by noisy behaviour.


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I think you are missing the point, with respect.


Nobody hates children. They just do not want their peace to be shattered by unruly behaviour - whether it's from old or - let's face it, more often - young.


The choice should not boil down to *when* you book: it's really more about *where* you book. There are plenty of lines - Disney comes immediately to mind - that cater for families and children: there are others such as Oceania which pretty obviouly do not, and the majority on these would not book if they knew their voyage would be ruined by noisy behaviour.


Your post well written. I think most of us would agree.

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Your post well written.* I think most of us would agree.


* Except for the "obvious" typo!


Incidentally I have just seen the headings of the reviews in the 2015 Berlitz "Cruising and cruise ships" for some of the fleet:


"Premium country club style for mature-age cruisers" (Marina)

"This is an informal premium ship for mature age cruisers" (Regatta)

"This premium ship has traditional decor, for mature age cruisers" (Nautica)


There must be clues there, somewhere ;)



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The hints are certainly there. Unfortunately, I suspect most cruisers (especially those new to Oceania) don't check out this site ...


How many times do people post here at CC, asking about children ... and then they get slammed. While I admit to being one who isn't happy to see young children on Oceania (we rarely have), if they are well behaved I have no problem with them ... other than sympathy because there just are no programs that would insure they have a good time on a cruise.


The parents really should do their homework first to see if Oceania will provide their young children a happy experience. Disney, Cunard, NCL, etc.., DO.



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Reading some reviews on CC I wonder if people even check out Oceania at all before they book

complaints of small cabins & bathrooms, mediocre entertainment, expensive excursions, smaller ships the list goes on

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The original post mentioned a two year old.It isn't the child who is at fault but the parents....Adults...as already mentioned,other passengers do not want to say anything to these adults...

How would I find out school holidays for so many different countries when I want to book a cruise?


No fuss travel...we must have had the same man on one of our cruises.He was removed from a table of eight and put on a table in the corner next to us.We were isolated in a tight corner.He got out a small doll and placed it against the salt pot and continually talked to it..He had foul loud language....We asked to move because of the language and the maitre-de accused me of descriminating aginst mentally ill people.me...who works with theses people daily!! He was drunk....It was very distressing...Strange how the other diners could get him moved and the maitre-de put him in an isolated table in a corner,facing the wall.

I complained as my husband and I were celebrating our anniversary and it completely ruined our evening..we did not complain immediately to the manager of the dining room,but he found out.He looked for us on the ship,apologised and left us two bottles of wine the following evening on our table.Good wine too...

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The original post mentioned a two year old.It isn't the child who is at fault but the parents....Adults.

A two yr may not know any better but adults are supposed to

No fuss travel...we must have had the same man on one of our cruises.He was removed from a table of eight and put on a table in the corner next to us.We were isolated in a tight corner.He got out a small doll and placed it against the salt pot and continually talked to it..He had foul loud language....We asked to move because of the language and the maitre-de accused me of descriminating aginst mentally ill people.me....

Was this person travelling alone?

If he was mentally ill then he should not have been on a cruise alone

If he was been disruptive he should have been removed from the ship

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We did see him a few times after that,all ways on his own...sometimes people can appear drunk but indeed have something like a motor neurone disease...

He certainly drank plenty.

Our gripe was the loud foul language and being the only two tables set in the corner,it was upsetting...strange that he was moved from his other table,unless he requested it...

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...we must have had the same man on one of our cruises.He was removed from a table of eight and put on a table in the corner next to us. We were isolated in a tight corner.He got out a small doll and placed it against the salt pot and continually talked to it..He had foul loud language....We asked to move because of the language and the maitre-de accused me of descriminating aginst mentally ill people.me...


There are times when things happen that are so outrageous that we don't speak up satisfactorily because we can't fully process what is happening. For a maitre d' to have accused you of discrimination is offensive. Sounds like he was striking back because he realized he'd done a poor job monitoring the behavior of the offender. I'm glad you eventually got an apology via the dining manager.


For what it's worth, sharing this stories allows all of us to be somewhat more prepared if and when something like this happens to us. For that, I thank you.

Edited by Pet Nit Noy
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The original post mentioned a two year old.It isn't the child who is at fault but the parents....Adults...as already mentioned,other passengers do not want to say anything to these adults...

How would I find out school holidays for so many different countries when I want to book a cruise?


No fuss travel...we must have had the same man on one of our cruises.He was removed from a table of eight and put on a table in the corner next to us.We were isolated in a tight corner.He got out a small doll and placed it against the salt pot and continually talked to it..He had foul loud language....We asked to move because of the language and the maitre-de accused me of descriminating aginst mentally ill people.me...who works with theses people daily!! He was drunk....It was very distressing...Strange how the other diners could get him moved and the maitre-de put him in an isolated table in a corner,facing the wall.

I complained as my husband and I were celebrating our anniversary and it completely ruined our evening..we did not complain immediately to the manager of the dining room,but he found out.He looked for us on the ship,apologised and left us two bottles of wine the following evening on our table.Good wine too...


No, his wife was with him.

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I could think of a few other things about some of the patrons of the restaurants that annoy me lol , but I think my thoughts are best kept to my self .


And some times I just land up with a smile on my face and think hey ho , it's a broad church the great mass of humanity !


In the end it's Oceana that must make the call and suffer any consequences in the long run . If indeed there are any .

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I could think of a few other things about some of the patrons of the restaurants that annoy me lol , but I think my thoughts are best kept to my self .


And some times I just land up with a smile on my face and think hey ho , it's a broad church the great mass of humanity !


In the end it's Oceana that must make the call and suffer any consequences in the long run . If indeed there are any .

What might be the consequences if they do not correct this problem. The vast majority of their customers do not want kids or misbehaving adults on board, so lest see how many of them stay home if this kind of thing continues.

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Sure - punish all the parents/grandparents who have taken great pains to raise well-behaved and civil children and who want them to have quality travel experiences.


There is a reason they are called children.... because they lack the judgment, maturity and manners of an adult. Thrusting a child into an adult environment is something the child is not equipped to cope with. A responsible parent would not , unless because of ego, want to thrust a child into an adult activity.


It is absurd to me that an adult would want to thrust a child into a "quality travel" experience for any other reason than to show off to their child, like a dog performing in a dog show. Its not for the childs benfit but the parents and the parents alone..... get real and get honest with the real motivation. You should let the child or person grow into the stage of life when they seek out higher levels of experience. Good old Maslow wrote of this in his"Hierarchy of Needs".


Come on ,kids want and need to be kids, not little adults. Thats short changing the child's life.


No kid is going to sit around with others his age and dream of having quality travel experiences unless he is warped.....This is all about pleasing the adults not the kids.............

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I could think of a few other things about some of the patrons of the restaurants that annoy me lol , but I think my thoughts are best kept to my self .


And some times I just land up with a smile on my face and think hey ho , it's a broad church the great mass of humanity !


In the end it's Oceana that must make the call and suffer any consequences in the long run . If indeed there are any .


Words of wisdom .But come on , tell us how you really feel . :o

Edited by iamkingofall
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We were dining at Chez Jacques last night, and had a not so great experience. This was not because of bad food or service, but because of inconsiderate passengers. We had been seated for about 5 minutes when two young women came in, carrying party decorations. They wanted to drape streamers, crepe paper and balloons around their table and while the Maitre'd said ok, he also said don't do too much, as it would disturb others. The women did a little decorating, and a few minutes later, in walked the rest of their group, including a 2 year old. Well, that's when the fun started. As 2 year olds are known to do, and no one faults the child, he began acting like a toddler, screaming and yelling in a two year old's high pitched voice. Every couple of minutes, he's screech like a howler monkey, and I can tell you, every time I jumped in my chair (our table was next to theirs). When the parents couldn't get him to stop, they gave him the lovely Jacques rolls to toss back and forth----the waiters were busy picking up rolls from the floor. When that got old, they began batting a balloon around the table. And finally, they let Jr run around the tables, while the wait staff were working so hard to serve everyone. The poor Maitre'd was so flustered, he was running around to all the tables, apologizing to everyone. While we were all none too happy, we realized this had nothing to do with the staff, but with a very inconsiderate family who should have realized that a lovely restaurant like Chez Jacques is no place for a balloon party at 7:30 at night with a two year old.


What a dreadful experience. I really felt for you and you have my full sympathy.



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What might be the consequences if they do not correct this problem. The vast majority of their customers do not want kids or misbehaving adults on board, so lest see how many of them stay home if this kind of thing continues.


P&O have a good answer. Adult only ships. End of...

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How many do they have now that Adonia has moved to Fathom?

How formal is the dress code??


They have three including the Adonia which is a R ship now going to Cuba. Dress is casual except they have a few formal nights with suit or tux for men.

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They have three including the Adonia which is a R ship now going to Cuba. Dress is casual except they have a few formal nights with suit or tux for men.

Yea I am aware Adonia is an R-ship but now that itis part of Fathom line I doubt it will still be adults only


the formal dress code is not for us

thanks for the reply

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