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Balcony Smokers on Allure

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And as for the people that want to state the "rules". Is it only on a cruise you wish to police everyone. Are you stating you never break any rules. Are you saying you never go above the posted speed limit when driving, which is an actual law. People need to stop acting like they are perfect. EVERYONE breaks rules at one point or another.


Very disappointing that it took 100 comments before the speeding analogy finally made an appearance. It must be losing it's popularity. :D

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Wow--- what a tattletale you are. Did her smoking really bother you THAT much that you had to start a fight ?




What do you do if youre walking thru the casino -- or on the smoking deck and catch a whiff? Do you start gagging and choking and lecturing people there too? Why would you confront someone over such a small thing as sneaking a smoke on their balcony? Was it really such major impact on your life ?




No one likes a tattletale .. I think I might call you Cindy Brady from now on.



I can tell you that yes it would bother me.


And yes I spend lots of time in the casino. I expect to encounter smoke there so it does not bother me the way smoke on my balcony (or coming through my window of my home as I have experienced before). There is something to be said about being mentally prepared to encounter it.


I do NOT expect to deal with it on my balcony



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What a non-answer; are you running for a political office?


Smoking was allowed, so non-smokers had to accept it. Smokers did not need to compromise. They could puff away on their balcony all day long and if a non-smoker was displaced, oh well.


But now the rules have changed and smoking is not allowed on the balcony. So why does a non-smoker need to compromise on that? They don't.


For the smokers in the thread; if you are so amenable to stopping when caught in the act, what difference does it make if it is your neighbor who asks you or if it is Royal's guest services or security that asks you to stop? I mean, you're going to stop when asked to so I don't understand why you take offense to ships personnel asking but not your neighbor? :confused:


hmmmmm.....mayor joe blow.....has a nice ring to it. ;)


seriously though, you should go back a reread smoking threads from about 2 years ago.....they are funny as hell. non-smokers claiming to berate their neighbors for smoking on the balcony and even claiming to throw water or spray stuff on their neighbor's balcony. non-smokers sure didn't care about the smoker's rights back then so why in the world would you expect a smoker to care about your rights now. :confused:

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hmmmmm.....mayor joe blow.....has a nice ring to it. ;)


seriously though, you should go back a reread smoking threads from about 2 years ago.....they are funny as hell. non-smokers claiming to berate their neighbors for smoking on the balcony and even claiming to throw water or spray stuff on their neighbor's balcony. non-smokers sure didn't care about the smoker's rights back then so why in the world would you expect a smoker to care about your rights now. :confused:


Because I never berated them or threw water on anyone, ever. So don't see how that applies. :confused: Acting like that was wrong then, it's wrong now. Throwing a hissy fit is wrong no matter which side you are on.


I don't expect a smoker to care about me, at all. And that doesn't bother me. It's "whatever". I expect them not to smoke on their balcony. I'm not going to schedule times to use my balcony. I'll use it whenever the mood strikes and expect my neighbors not to be smoking. That's the part that is not negotiable.


Again, you sidestepped my actual questions though. So I guess you're aiming for Congress? If a smoker is going to say 'Okay, I will stop" when asked, why would they be offended if the cruise line asked them instead of the actual neighbor?

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Sitting on my balcony on the Liberty of the Seas, we are docked next to the Allure in Cozumel, so far have witnessed five cabins where they are smoking on the balconies. It is as if they don't know any better, no one is hiding it!! Looks like an announcement needs to be made on this ship about the no smoking policy. What a fire hazard!!




People don't follow rules.

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I am amazed at some of these posts. As an asthmatic, I cannot even walk through the casino or any designated smoking area, but I don't make nasty remarks about the smokers.

If I get smoke in my lungs, I not only can't exhale it, I cannot get good air in. Those of you that mock people with breathing problems should try the feeling of being suffocated. Just one time might make you just a little more sympathetic. We budget for our cruise and the best part of it for me is sitting on my balcony looking at the water. I honestly don't think it's right that someone would keep me from doing that because they don't want to walk to where they can smoke.

It is really upsetting to read the callous remarks in some of these posts chastising me and others like me for even caring that tobacco smoke is keeping us from using our balconies.

Do you honestly think it's the same as complaining about people saving seats?

Take a good hard look at yourselves and try for a little empathy.



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I am amazed at some of these posts. As an asthmatic, I cannot even walk through the casino or any designated smoking area, but I don't make nasty remarks about the smokers.

If I get smoke in my lungs, I not only can't exhale it, I cannot get good air in. Those of you that mock people with breathing problems should try the feeling of being suffocated. Just one time might make you just a little more sympathetic. We budget for our cruise and the best part of it for me is sitting on my balcony looking at the water. I honestly don't think it's right that someone would keep me from doing that because they don't want to walk to where they can smoke.

It is really upsetting to read the callous remarks in some of these posts chastising me and others like me for even caring that tobacco smoke is keeping us from using our balconies.

Do you honestly think it's the same as complaining about people saving seats?

Take a good hard look at yourselves and try for a little empathy.



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Great post and I totally agree!!!:)

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Sitting on my balcony on the Liberty of the Seas, we are docked next to the Allure in Cozumel, so far have witnessed five cabins where they are smoking on the balconies. It is as if they don't know any better, no one is hiding it!! Looks like an announcement needs to be made on this ship about the no smoking policy. What a fire hazard!!




OMG......Why do you care whats going on on another ship????? I dont get it.

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EXACTLY - you see the OtherPoster took delight in calling security to report an offense. Get a life of your own and stop minding other's business. It seems non-smokers are never going to be happy until all smokers are publicly stoned in the atrium. This is the sort of thing that makes them feel good and increases their own opinion of themselves. Most do not have the courage of their convictions to actually speak to the person directly. To be honest, the cruise line has more important things to worry about then a group of immature busy bodies reporting people for something that really isn't bothering them. If they only knew what the crew thinks of them. They are not elevated to Head of Security for bringing petty problems to the cruiselines attention.


As a retired police officer I can honestly say some people are just not happy unless they're complaining! Maybe if they put in a smoking lounge on Allure people wouldn't have to smoke on their balconies. Honestly, they build the biggest cruise ship in the world and don't put in a smoking lounge!




Now, have your way with me!

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For the smokers in the thread; if you are so amenable to stopping when caught in the act, what difference does it make if it is your neighbor who asks you or if it is Royal's guest services or security that asks you to stop? I mean, you're going to stop when asked to so I don't understand why you take offense to ships personnel asking but not your neighbor? :confused:


It's a simple fact, and it's not exclusive to smoking, that most people don't have the guts to confront a person face to face! If something is bothering you, you take care of it! If you don't get any satisfaction from that then call in the authorities, whoever they may be. Come on folks, take a little responsibility!



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Excellent post. You have my respect. May God Bless the rest of you!

Just unbelievable! :rolleyes:



Wow--- what a tattletale you are. Did her smoking really bother you THAT much that you had to start a fight ?


What do you do if youre walking thru the casino -- or on the smoking deck and catch a whiff? Do you start gagging and choking and lecturing people there too? Why would you confront someone over such a small thing as sneaking a smoke on their balcony? Was it really such major impact on your life ?


No one likes a tattletale .. I think I might call you Cindy Brady from now on.


How childish of you. Cindy Brady, really? You must be one of the "entitled" things who does what you want and when you want to regardless of the rules and/or in elementary school. I am guessing you are a smoker since you think sneaking a smoke on the balcony is a small thing.:eek: You don't know if he has asthma or some other health issue where the smoke would set it off. Even if he doesn't he has every right to report them.


What I do when walking thru the casino is that I don't walk thru it. If I have to go thru I hold my breath and walk as fast as I can. If I am near an approved smoking area and I get a whiff, then I either leave or deal with it since it is an approved area. I can always walk away. On my cabin balcony I am not going to leave because someone is not following the rules. That is what security is there for. :) BTW calling security is not starting a fight or lecturing people. You need to reread his post and if you don't understand what he said then try rereading it again until you do.

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I last heard someone being called a tattletale in third or fourth grade.


Part of being in a community is that each member who signs in to that community agrees to the rules ie the ship contract. If violation of those rules violates my rights or creates a safety hazard for the community, then not only is it my right, it is my responsibility to report it.


If people don't like the ship's rules, they are welcome to sail a cruise line that meets their requirements.

Well said.


That's exactly what the OP was -- he went crying down to the desk with a pic on his phone of someone smoking .. that's a tattletale (a nicer word than the other one I have in mind .... )


And how very grand of you to "welcome someone to go and sail a cruise line that meets their requirements" ... who are you that you speak on behalf of the entire cruise line?


How classy you must be. :roll eyes: You must be one of the "entitled" smokers because you are calling him a cry baby for doing what he has every right to do, not to mention smoking on balconies is AGAINST THE RULES.




I was not speaking in behalf of the cruise lines. I was pointing out that each person has the right to seek out the line that best suits their individual needs.

He knew what you were talking about, he was just being his rude childish self. Sometimes I wonder if people are raised that way or they just think that the rules shouldn’t apply to them?

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hmmmmm.....mayor joe blow.....has a nice ring to it. ;)




seriously though, you should go back a reread smoking threads from about 2 years ago.....they are funny as hell. non-smokers claiming to berate their neighbors for smoking on the balcony and even claiming to throw water or spray stuff on their neighbor's balcony. non-smokers sure didn't care about the smoker's rights back then so why in the world would you expect a smoker to care about your rights now. :confused:



That's a very general statement because as a non-smoker I would never do that to someone nor would I condone it



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It's a simple fact, and it's not exclusive to smoking, that most people don't have the guts to confront a person face to face! If something is bothering you, you take care of it! If you don't get any satisfaction from that then call in the authorities, whoever they may be. Come on folks, take a little responsibility!




As a former officer I'd think you'd recognize that when someone is knowingly acting in the wrong, asking them to stop sometimes just makes them even more belligerent.


"Hey, you can't smoke out here, please stop."


"Eff you..(continues to smoke"


And it only goes downhill from there.


So tell me why I have to confront anyone? I go on vacation to relax. And if you don't tell the cruise line about a problem, you aren't being fair and giving them the chance to resolve it. It's not my job to police anything and make people follow rules.


And you still didn't answer the actual questions; if it's the rare smoker that would say "Okay, I will stop and only smoke in designated areas" then they should not get their delicate feelings hurt regardless of who asks.


I think some smokers just are trying to play games so they can get away with breaking rules. It's as simple as that. Some people are doormats and will allow it or work out little schedules. I won't. Paid for a smoke free environment and am going to get one and not going to play little games about it.

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We were on the Independence 2 weeks ago. There was a wedding party in the 2 cabins beside us. They had the balcony sliding sections open and partied and smoked from early in the morning until very, very late at night. Nothing was done to correct the situation. We could only enjoy the balcony when they were at meals. Why pay for the balcony if one cannot use it ? They even threw cigars over the railing.

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We were on the Independence 2 weeks ago. There was a wedding party in the 2 cabins beside us. They had the balcony sliding sections open and partied and smoked from early in the morning until very, very late at night. Nothing was done to correct the situation. We could only enjoy the balcony when they were at meals. Why pay for the balcony if one cannot use it ? They even threw cigars over the railing.

That feeds my thoughts about a structure when someone gets turned in, because I 2 went and informed GS on Majesty and nothing was done or changed. Not cool since it really is a saftey issue with all that canvas and oh yeah fuel just below. I wouldn't want to be the person that caused Majesty to go up.


With Majesty the staff not doing anything means they are aiding in compromising the ship!


I would think the lifeboats on Harmony are much better than the ones on Majesty! I wished that these companies would on there own accord change them out hence putting newer and better technology and hopefully more reliable, and getting rid of those canvas covers with them. If you are going to run these old ships change the covers at least to decrese the fire hazzard.



Since Vision on up is plastic covers.


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Have you ever seen a person at a gas station smoking?

Have you ever seen a person on oxygen smoking?

Have you ever seen a person on hospital grounds smoking?

Have you ever seen someone standing under a no smoking sign smoking?


What is the common thread? They don't care, for themselves or the safety of others because their habit consumes them to the point of having almost complete control over their lives. This can't be fixed, but you can and should report it.


I have successfully reported it on a ship, and it was successfully resolved.


If you witness dangerous activities, and do not report it, than you become part of the problem. Fire is dangerous on a ship, and it is real. We don't need people in staterooms, or balconies throwing the items around. Most smokers that break the rules, also are the ones that are careless.

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One question and one statement....First the question....Are there any cruise lines or ships that have banned smoking altogether?


Not sticking up for the smokers, but we all seem in agreement that it's going to happen. The majority of these posts seem to be directed at catching a whiff of smoke on your balcony. If this is really a problem, and it's happened on your balcony on multiple cruises....WHY WOULD YOU CONTINUE TO BOOK A BALCONY ROOM???? The logic seems crazy to me...."I hate smoke....all 3 cruises I have been on I have had to deal with smokers on the balcony....so I am booking my 4th cruise, let me pay a premium and get a balcony room so I can get ticked off by the smokers" (facepalm)....Next time, book a window or interior room. Save money, and don't have to put up with the smokers on the balcony....problem solved :)



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These forums are the most hostile on the internet, I'm convinced.


But anyways, has RCCL addressed vaporizers yet? Those are becoming extremely popular.

Same as cigs to their eyes. Same rules apply


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One question and one statement....First the question....Are there any cruise lines or ships that have banned smoking altogether?


Not sticking up for the smokers, but we all seem in agreement that it's going to happen. The majority of these posts seem to be directed at catching a whiff of smoke on your balcony. If this is really a problem, and it's happened on your balcony on multiple cruises....WHY WOULD YOU CONTINUE TO BOOK A BALCONY ROOM???? The logic seems crazy to me...."I hate smoke....all 3 cruises I have been on I have had to deal with smokers on the balcony....so I am booking my 4th cruise, let me pay a premium and get a balcony room so I can get ticked off by the smokers" (facepalm)....Next time, book a window or interior room. Save money, and don't have to put up with the smokers on the balcony....problem solved :)



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It is banned on balconies on RCI and most lines. Of the mainstream lines only HAL allows balcony smoking


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I am a people person..............hahahaha. I won't be sneaking over to the phone to rat you out. I'll talk to you person to person first.


I like you!


I tried the direct face to face approach telling the person who was smoking at the balcony railing one cabin over and one deck below our balcony on Anthem this past winter that the smoke was coming onto our balcony and bothering us and that smoking wasn't allowed on cabin balconies.

The response from her was she had had a stressful day while in port, which we were still in so there was no wind to disperse her smoke and it had been crowded and time consuming to get back on the ship. She needed a cigarette right away and was going to ### #### smoke on HER balcony along with what she thought of my request.

I see in Gambee's Oasis review currently on this board that he had such an accommodating smoker beside him and his elderly mother onboard.

I doubt the 0.1% is anywhere close as a % of those who wouldn't be considerate to such a request. All one has to do is read what most smokers have to say in this thread.


My opinion, this person would have been nasty under ANY circumstance.


I also feel its all in the way a person asks....


Having said that, those smokers who reply in a nasty way and continue are more than likely miserable people to begin with.

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