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Don't be late! Don't miss the ship!


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If there was a medical situation, doctors, authorities would have been involved. They would have known the predicament, and contacted officials of the situation, as well as the cruise line.


Further, she would not be walking alone back to the ship with bags of goodies. Should would have been driven back in some vehicle.


We know why she missed the ship. She is an idiot.


La Ca Gal


Lol that was the quote from Crusin6 , it is apparent she was shopping.

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Well of course she may have been shopping but the point is....


She was very very late.....which could mean she was hit by a car while leaving the store



Or could have been sick or could have been helping someone





You're giving her a lot of credit. We don't know why she was late. It appears she was shopping, but we don't know that either. Hit by a car? That sounds pretty far fetched.




Come on the kids were safe....



We don't know that. At a minimum, they were left without their mother. Possibly their father, too. We don't know if there was family on board to care for them.





Seriously what man leaves his wife without knowing what happened to her?



His only choice was to go after her



His only choice??? Hardly. And, if my husband had left our young children on board the ship and come after me, I'd have been furious with him! My kids would need him more than I would at that point.



But, the bottom line is that this is all speculation. You can attach all the good or negative intentions and motivations you want to it, but we really don't know what happened.

Edited by Quilting_Cruiser
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I am acquainted with more than a few females who wouldn't have a clue how to get from Nassau to New York without written directions and someone holding their hand. If mom is one of them, dad did what was right for the family.


I hope it's only a few. I know a few men who wouldn't be able to get across town, too. And, I'd be embarrassed to be a person (doesn't matter if male or female) who was so dependent on others as to be incapable of taking care of myself!

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You're giving her a lot of credit. We don't know why she was late. It appears she was shopping, but we don't know that either. Hit by a car? That sounds pretty far fetched.




We don't know that. At a minimum, they were left without their mother. Possibly their father, too. We don't know if there was family on board to care for them.





His only choice??? Hardly. And, if my husband had left our young children on board the ship and come after me, I'd have been furious with him! My kids would need him more than I would at that point.



But, the bottom line is that this is all speculation. You can attach all the good or negative intentions and motivations you want to it, but we really don't know what happened.



Read the thread and you will see it was reported the kids were left with family members on board



So...if that's the case.....a good man leaves the ship to find his wife!!!!!!!


I can't believe how evil some people can be....saying he should have left her not knowing her situation



Btw would you still be furious if he left the kids with family.....and you were in Nassau without docs.....and he left you? And you were injured or lost? But hey he still left you to teach you a lesson


If you had family onboard and you were in trouble....you would have been mad if he didn't come to find you.


Now I wouldn't be without docs cash and cards but that's just me and I'm capable of getting myself home because I've traveled the world...but....that's me



Sorry....but any person that thinks the husband should have abandoned her for whatever reason....maybe to teach her a lesson perhaps.... Needs to rethink that....



A good man does exactly what he did based on ....what we know from this thread....


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Edited by Crusin6
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WOW this thread is eight pages long!!


Was it Miss Peacock in the library with a candle stick,or was it Miss Scarlet in the kitchen with a revolver, or.......................?


After extensive investigation I have found the REAL reason why she was late......


She was in an internet cafe reading one of these ridiculous threads here on CC.:)


Bwahahaha! I witnessed the event and was on the ship (and in the video for one second. ha.) and guess what? I STILL DON'T KNOW what happened. The shopping bags are the only real indicator I have. However, to add fuel to the fire, she didn't nonchalantly approach the ship. She actually was being driven in a golf cart. She was clearly in perfectly good physical condition and appeared to know perfectly well how late she was running. She leapt from the cart and then dropped her bags. (Or now that I am questioning my own memory, WAS she driven back in a golf cart? Hmmm...I think that's what I recall...)

Edited by oceanjuli
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Well of course she may have been shopping but the point is....


She was very very late.....which could mean she was hit by a car while leaving the store



Or could have been sick or could have been helping someone



Seriously what man leaves his wife without knowing what happened to her?



Come on the kids were safe....



His only choice was to go after her



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I would agree with you that it's entirely possible that 1) she was hit by a car, 2) she is a doctor and was assisting in a medical emergency, or 3) she was sick and sitting on a toilet for an hour...


However... Occam's Razor is a theory that says the simplest explanation is often the correct one. While it's entirely possible that your explanations of her behaviour might be possible, all of those seem extremely unlikely. By that I mean that the percentage chance that those events happened is likely miniscule. The likeliest explanation is that she was shopping and lost track of time.


You are saying the husband didn't know what happened to her. I would imagine he knows exactly what happened to her. Perhaps he left her at the Straw Market where she said she was going to pick up a few things, and ended up unable to control herself at the delight of all of the local handcrafted wares and the bargains she was finding.


You are acting like this man is a saint for sacrificing his vacation for his wife. I agree with you that IF the reports that the kids were in the safety of their grandparents are true, that he did the right thing in stepping off and being with her. But that's certainly not an action that deserves effusive praise. He is likely as much to blame for the situation as her. If she did say she just wanted a few minutes to shop, he should have said it wasn't a good idea, since they were so close to the sailaway time. If he knew exactly where she was, why didn't he go and get her?


It is likely we will never know the real story... but this sounds like a case of a selfish woman who really thought that as long as her husband was there at the dock to tell them to wait for her, that the boat would really wait. Probably their first cruise.


I sure hope those items were worth it. Because she cost her and her husband hundreds if not thousands of dollars in hotel rooms, meals and plane tickets to get home.

Edited by blackwing
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Read the thread and you will see it was reported the kids were left with family members on board



So...if that's the case.....a good man leaves the ship to find his wife!!!!!!!


I can't believe how evil some people can be....saying he should have left her not knowing her situation



Btw would you still be furious if he left the kids with family.....and you were in Nassau without docs.....and he left you? And you were injured or lost? But hey he still left you to teach you a lesson


If you had family onboard and you were in trouble....you would have been mad if he didn't come to find you.


Now I wouldn't be without docs cash and cards but that's just me and I'm capable of getting myself home because I've traveled the world...but....that's me



Sorry....but any person that thinks the husband should have abandoned her for whatever reason....maybe to teach her a lesson perhaps.... Needs to rethink that....



A good man does exactly what he did based on ....what we know from this thread....


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But, we don't know that they were left with family. On another thread, someone told someone in an elevator that two people in their party missed the ship in Nassau. That doesn't necessarily translate to fact that it was these two people or if it was these two people that the folks in the elevator were family. And who said anything about teaching her a lesson?


Yes, even if I had family on board I would have been furious with my husband! I wouldn't be without cash or documents because I'm a responsible adult and I can take care of myself--I don't need someone to take care of me. I know my child and she would have been very upset to be on the ship alone without either of her parents even if she were with other family members.


How did the woman suddenly get into to trouble or get hit by car or suffer some kind of accident? It's all speculation. She obviously had cash and/or a credit card with her--look at all the bags she's carrying.


You've made up a story about how this woman was late because of some unknown delay that prevented her from returning to the ship and that her husband (we don't know if that was her husband, BTW) was being protective of her and left his children in the loving arms of family. We don't know any of that to be true. It's pure speculation.


And, still, we don't know the circumstances. There are many, many facts missing. The only fact we actually know is that she missed the ship. Maybe she didn't even have children; maybe she was yelling that her kids were on board because she thought they'd come back for her. Someone on the video asked how the guy talking knew she had kids on the ship, and he said something to the effect of, "Because she was just yelling that her kids are on the ship!" I'm not saying that's what happened, but it's yet another possibility.


We don't know. I don't think anyone's "evil" for suggesting he should have stayed on the ship with his children. LOL.

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I think the poster you quoted understands it correctly and see the bigger picture and not just the $$$$


Would you like it if you found out your kids were housed in the captains quarters?


Those kids had better be watched every minute they are on the ship and by more than 1 caretaker



Not questioning the captains credibility just wondering why he would consider taking on this responsibility when the parents were so close


IMHO the crew that let the father off the ship should be fired


If those kids wind up with so much as a hangnail there will be problems



I'm not litigious at all but I'm clear headed enough to realize the potential exists and there is a pilot boat and yes I know that is dangerous too....but realistically being so close to the dock and with the parents right there the ship could and should have stopped


The video will be the parents best evidence



The point is, had the parents behaved like RESPONSIBLE ADULTS and arrived back at the ship at or before the appointed time, the children would not have sailed off into the sunset while the parents were left behind. The ADULTS that LEFT their children onboard are at fault here. Not the cruise line, not the captain, not anyone else...the adults that were left standing on the dock. The woman who seemed to think it appropriate to arrive nearly an HOUR past the scheduled departure time is at fault here. People need to learn to take responsibility for the actions instead of expecting everyone else to just accommodate them.

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Thanks for posting this link. I hope people reading this thread will take the time to view this article. It has eye witness interviews which in turn gives us a more accurate view of what happened.

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Thanks for posting this link. I hope people reading this thread will take the time to view this article. It has eye witness interviews which in turn gives us a more accurate view of what happened.
And yet, it's still not entirely clear what happened. One commenter says there were at least two children, aged 12 and 9. The other video has a commenter that says there are three children. One of the guys says the children were with relatives. One says that he did not see the parents again until they docked in New York.


The one bit of new information in this article says that the woman was on a land excursion. If that's the case, I think it's ludicrous of this family to separate. The woman did her own thing on her own, while the rest of the family stayed together? Moreover, it seems she didn't do a NCL excursion. If it was a excursion she booked on her own, she clearly didn't get the timing right. And she must have done some shopping somewhere along the way.


This video highlights the importance of either doing the NCL excursions or making sure you have plenty of time to make it back if you are doing things on your own.

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and those suggesting lawsuits against NCL, etc...


- Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings Ltd. (Norwegian) is a Bermuda-incorporated company (US HQs is located in Miami but that doesn't mean anything)

- NCL Breakaway is registered in the Bahamas

- NCL Breakaway flies the Bahama flag

- The incident took place in the Bahamas


International law applies and the parents may have actually violated several Bahamian laws concerning welfare of a child, etc

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Once leaving the dock is set in motion it is very difficult to reverse

Although the mother may have been in sight as you left the dock, many things had taken place to make that happen. It also is very difficult to stop forward movement on a ship and they also may have been denied coming back to the dock by the harbor master, not to mention the fees involved.


The mistake here is the father who left his young children so he could look for his wife, an adult. Kids should always come first. The bigger mistake is the mother who didn't make it back on time, for whatever reason. Luckily the kids are safe, will be treated well and will have quite the story to tell later in life.


I agree, and you said it better than I could.

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Even though I'm sure it was traumatic for the children, at least they had their uncle with them (according to the article). Hopefully the mother has learned a big lesson and that next time there is a time deadline, she can find it within herself to be back on time.


I can believe someone would suggest suing NCL. For what, waiting extra time for her to come back late to the ship. Please, the mother was the one in the wrong, no one else.

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The one bit of new information in this article says that the woman was on a land excursion. If that's the case, I think it's ludicrous of this family to separate. The woman did her own thing on her own, while the rest of the family stayed together? Moreover, it seems she didn't do a NCL excursion. If it was a excursion she booked on her own, she clearly didn't get the timing right. And she must have done some shopping somewhere along the way.


This video highlights the importance of either doing the NCL excursions or making sure you have plenty of time to make it back if you are doing things on your own.


I wouldn't put a ton of stock into that news tidbit. It comes from one of the passengers, who later admits he doesn't know the family and got the information from the kids during an elevator ride.


Besides, if it was an excursion, she was the only one that missed the boat. It's very unlikely she was on a booked excursion for one.

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Even though I'm sure it was traumatic for the children, at least they had their uncle with them (according to the article). Hopefully the mother has learned a big lesson and that next time there is a time deadline, she can find it within herself to be back on time.


I can believe someone would suggest suing NCL. For what, waiting extra time for her to come back late to the ship. Please, the mother was the one in the wrong, no one else.


If there actually was another relative on the ship with the kids, then Mom's theatrics at the pier are even more over-the-top. What did she think was going to happen, that the kids would be herded down into the bowels of the ship to be slave rowers? That they'd be eaten in the MDR?


I can get a parent freaking out at the idea that young kids are completely alone on the ship and neither parent nor any other supervising person from their group is with them, but if that's not the case, Mom is a drama queen on top of being careless and disrespectful.

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Did the people bashing the article read until the end where NCL had a statement of what actually went down?


Obviously not.


To be fair, it wasn't on the original article but has since been added.





Norwegian Cruise Line told MailOnline Travel: 'During Norwegian Breakaway’s seven-night Bahamas cruise from New York that departed on April 17, one female guest did not return to the vessel by the widely communicated scheduled all aboard time of 5:30pm during the ship’s call in Nassau, Bahamas, on April 21.

'The onboard team located her husband and children on board but the family was not able to reach her nor did they know when she would be returning.

'Due to the circumstances, the ship went beyond normal protocol and waited alongside an additional half an hour for the guest. When she had still not returned and following consultation with the family, it was decided that the husband would disembark with their travel documents to wait for his wife while the children would stay with their uncle and his family on the ship for the remainder of the voyage.

'The company offered travel and lodging assistance to the couple and arrangements were made for them to reunite with the ship upon her return to New York on April 24.'

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I agree.


If the children were as young as they reported, I think the Captain took a risk in sailing without them - they are minors. The captain sets sail with children on board with no legal guardian present??


The parents could have been involved in an accident/incident.




They weren't. He could see them dockside with their shopping bags.




Read the thread and you will see it was reported the kids were left with family members on board



So...if that's the case.....a good man leaves the ship to find his wife!!!!!!!


I can't believe how evil some people can be....saying he should have left her not knowing her situation



Btw would you still be furious if he left the kids with family.....and you were in Nassau without docs.....and he left you? And you were injured or lost? But hey he still left you to teach you a lesson


If you had family onboard and you were in trouble....you would have been mad if he didn't come to find you.


Now I wouldn't be without docs cash and cards but that's just me and I'm capable of getting myself home because I've traveled the world...but....that's me



Sorry....but any person that thinks the husband should have abandoned her for whatever reason....maybe to teach her a lesson perhaps.... Needs to rethink that....



A good man does exactly what he did based on ....what we know from this thread....


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He called her from a cell phone. She had a cell phone & so did he. He could have sailed with the kids, and made contact with her to guide her through her next steps. Western Union could have handled a money transfer. It would have been expensive, but that's the lesson to be learned.




What shocks me, is how everybody assumes that everybody else is a child abuser until proven otherwise.....it's baffling.








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To be fair, it wasn't on the original article but has since been added.





Norwegian Cruise Line told MailOnline Travel: 'During Norwegian Breakaway’s seven-night Bahamas cruise from New York that departed on April 17, one female guest did not return to the vessel by the widely communicated scheduled all aboard time of 5:30pm during the ship’s call in Nassau, Bahamas, on April 21.

'The onboard team located her husband and children on board but the family was not able to reach her nor did they know when she would be returning.

'Due to the circumstances, the ship went beyond normal protocol and waited alongside an additional half an hour for the guest. When she had still not returned and following consultation with the family, it was decided that the husband would disembark with their travel documents to wait for his wife while the children would stay with their uncle and his family on the ship for the remainder of the voyage.

'The company offered travel and lodging assistance to the couple and arrangements were made for them to reunite with the ship upon her return to New York on April 24.'


I can appreciate the update by NCL.


I do question why those travel documents were not given to the port agent as standard protocol, and why it was the husband who instead got off. I guess it really was the husbands choice at that point what to do and he elected to get off instead of giving those documents to the port agent?

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To be fair, it wasn't on the original article but has since been added.





Norwegian Cruise Line told MailOnline Travel: 'During Norwegian Breakaway’s seven-night Bahamas cruise from New York that departed on April 17, one female guest did not return to the vessel by the widely communicated scheduled all aboard time of 5:30pm during the ship’s call in Nassau, Bahamas, on April 21.

'The onboard team located her husband and children on board but the family was not able to reach her nor did they know when she would be returning.

'Due to the circumstances, the ship went beyond normal protocol and waited alongside an additional half an hour for the guest. When she had still not returned and following consultation with the family, it was decided that the husband would disembark with their travel documents to wait for his wife while the children would stay with their uncle and his family on the ship for the remainder of the voyage.

'The company offered travel and lodging assistance to the couple and arrangements were made for them to reunite with the ship upon her return to New York on April 24.'

Thank you for adding this. Glad to hear that the Captain consulted with the husband and that the husband decided to take travel documents with him to wait for her, and that the husband decided to place the children in the care of their uncle knowing full well that he and the mother might not make it back on.


I also think it is very generous of NCL to provide travel and lodging assistance. I wonder if NCL paid for it or if they just helped make the arrangements?

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