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Coming homewith cough and cold


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On our last cruise, San Diego to New Zealand, we had really great speakers during the day and good shows at night. By the end of the cruise, it seemed like every single person on the ship was coughing, hacking and looking miserable. Somebody brought it onboard and everybody caught it -- probably in the showroom. All the hand sanitizing in the world wouldn't have helped.


On one hand I kind of just take it as part and parcel of travel that I'll get a bug and deal with it. On the other hand, if I had immune problems or for some reason couldn't afford the "down" time, I really would avoid the showroom and elevators. If you keep to yourself, it's easier to stay healthy. But not as much fun.

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I often put oils on a tissue inside the pillowcase.... Could you share which oils you used? Thank you, m--




Sitting in an airport at the moment and my recipe is in my oil reference book. From what I remember it was eucalyptus, citrus and some others I can't remember. You might be able to google oils for bronchitis. All I can say it that it nailed it!



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I fnd echinacea taken ona regular basis helpsalot .When I feel a coldorsore thoatcoming I takemore ...twice a day .gargling with mouthwash helpstoo ...its usually enough toward offnasty germs ...

I also found an equivalent toCoriciden HP at Walmart ...only in US ...nothere in Canada ....generickind that nipped it inthebud ...nowI try to travel with itall the time ...it really does work well forme ..it is a coughandcold remedy

Our fellow table mate had a head cold ....never said anything ...we all cameback sick

Also wedidso much in Europe...walked all overVenice ...Istanbul .probably over did it ...wenever rested ......plus it was really bone chilling coldinmanyplaces and lets face it .idid not have thewarmestclotheson .Go figure .I was expectingwarm tohot weather in May in Europe .It was sunny but quite chilly

I know ifI start to shiver ...i will be sick

I will nowdrink pineapplejuiceto help withcough ....i love pineapplejuice

Cannot complainon Eurodam weatethe bestfood ever ...much of it very healthyso cannot fault diet for illness ..freshfruits andveggies every day

I guess its part of cruising ....unfortunately

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My mother-in-law has often gotten this same thing when cruising, and I am constantly seeing and hearing hackers around the ship on most cruises. I thankfully have not gotten sick onboard or after, BUT I have quite a regimen.

1) take airborne every day starting a week before the cruise all the way until we return home

2) use Nozin on flights

3) Clorox the stateroom upon embarkation

4) wash my hands obsessively and use hand sanitizer obsessively

5) never touch the railings and use my elbow or knee to touch elevator buttons

6) use my own pen

7) get the soda and more package (on Princess), so I just have to flash my card instead of handing it to servers all the time who have handled loads of sick people's cards *No, my primary reason for getting this package is not germ control, but it's a nice side benefit beyond the amazing virgin strawberry Daquiris!

Healthy cruising to you all!! [emoji568]



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I'm so excited to find this...Cruise Crud, finally a diagnosis. For the past few years, I have been getting this annoying constant cough towards the end of my cruises, having it last, I kid you not , months! We sail late October, early November, and this dang cough lasts almost to Valentines day or more. This last time I stocked up on meds, I took some packets of cold medicine, mostly day, some night. I used them all up, and kept coughing. Not a chest cough, but a throat cough, no fever, stuffiness, runny nose....drives me nuts...


This year, I am taking some stuff called Airborne, cold medicine and cough syrup. I will be cleaning the whole cabin with clorox wipes for sure. That cough is not a souvenir I like bringing home with me.

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On our HAL cruise I got it from the AC vent right above my side of the bed. I developed a nasty cold after our last X cruise two weeks ago but that was definitely from the plane. Two in front and two behind were coughing and sneezing up a storm. Inevitable one of us would get sick and I apparently drew the short straw.

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Lately all my cruises I come back quite sick with hacking cough and sniffles ....Why

Are AC ducts the culprits ofcruise coughs ?

Dowe over do it

Anybody haveideas ???Hownot to catch how to getover


Getting sick from AC ducts is a myth perpetuated by companies who make money "cleaning air ducts". Believe me, I know. :eek:

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Last time we were on a cruise they squirted our hands as we walked in but after that no one watched the handles that we all used to dish up our food. We saw people eat, cough, blow their nose and then go back and dish up 2nds. I have heard that some people dish up their food and then wash their hands again before they eat. Is the dinning room more healthy or do you just not see how many handle your food and plates?

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Sitting in an airport at the moment and my recipe is in my oil reference book. From what I remember it was eucalyptus, citrus and some others I can't remember. You might be able to google oils for bronchitis. All I can say it that it nailed it!



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Thanks, I searched and found several blends. Glad it worked for you. m--

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The only cruise where either one or both of us was not sick within a week of being home was the one cruise we drove too. Our last cruise in November, I was feeling great when it ended. Two days after flying home, I had a chest cold, a week after that, pneumonia. I was actually not feeling back to normal until February.


I blame the air on the planes and the close confines with 100 plus other people. One sick person sneezing on a plane can infect darn near everyone by the end of a flight.



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I shall try this on my hubby next time ... I couldn't believe how loud his snoring became on our recent cruise and it also meant I went 19 days averaging no more than 3 hours sleep per night ... :(


I won't be waiting for our next cruise to try the snoring remedy! :D

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I won't be waiting for our next cruise to try the snoring remedy! :D


Sure hopes this works as well for others as it has for us. My DH is so good about using it. If I nudge him during the night, he will sit up in bed and reapply saline which he keeps on his bed stand.. He is even talking about using it during the day on our next cruise to keep his passages moist. Best of luck on trying our cure.....it has been a Godsend!



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Whether the chemicals that are used on cruise ships are safe or effective, one will have a reaction if one is sensitive to them. The reactions may range from a throat tickle to full-blown sinusitis and everything in between, which could include the 'kennel cough.' And it is not just HAL; it is every cruise line.

Based on my personal experience and observations over the last ten years of cruising on many lines, I would say that more than 50% of the passengers 'of a certain age' have some reaction to the ship. Most recently I was in a 'Pure' room on Crystal; these have all the possible allergens removed and only non-allergic products used. I found that I got a sore throat every time I turned the AC from neutral to heat, and it disappeared as soon as I went back to neutral.

That is not to say that there are no germs going around. I am sure there are and passengers do have illnesses they caught onboard and during travel.

Usually one can tell the difference if most of the symptoms disappear when one is on the deck or on shore. This frequently happens to me so I know my problem is the ship.

The chemical sensitivity may lower the immune system and make it more susceptible to the germs; the germs may lower the immune system and make more susceptible to the chemicals.

It would just be nice if cruise lines put a little more thought and effort into finding the least reactive products. And the rest of us did not have do their housekeeping for them.

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My husband went to the medical center and got antibiotics and Allegra. He started getting better in the middle of the 20 day Christening Cruise. The couple in the cabin next door(connecting door) refused saying "meds do not help." They were still coughing loudly all night up until we disembarked. If everyone took the responsibility when they start coughing and sneezing in crowded areas we may all stay healthy. All of the ports had pharmacies that helped provide cough medicine. I used the nasal spray Ayr the whole time and did not catch the respiratory problems that seemed to hit this cruise. Since lines form in the Lido on the Koningsdam(no self serve food) people were sneezing and coughing in the food lines as they leaned over the glass. Many people were refilling their water bottles by holding them on the water spigots. People were doing the same thing with their thermos bottles at the coffee dispensers. I asked one man if his bottle was clean and he said NO. Other cruise lines have signs telling people not to do this. HAL needs to do the same.

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My husband went to the medical center and got antibiotics and Allegra. He started getting better in the middle of the 20 day Christening Cruise. The couple in the cabin next door(connecting door) refused saying "meds do not help." They were still coughing loudly all night up until we disembarked. If everyone took the responsibility when they start coughing and sneezing in crowded areas we may all stay healthy. All of the ports had pharmacies that helped provide cough medicine. I used the nasal spray Ayr the whole time and did not catch the respiratory problems that seemed to hit this cruise. Since lines form in the Lido on the Koningsdam(no self serve food) people were sneezing and coughing in the food lines as they leaned over the glass. Many people were refilling their water bottles by holding them on the water spigots. People were doing the same thing with their thermos bottles at the coffee dispensers. I asked one man if his bottle was clean and he said NO. Other cruise lines have signs telling people not to do this. HAL needs to do the same.


They have a sign on both machines on the Prinsendam telling you not to do that.

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My husband went to the medical center and got antibiotics and Allegra. He started getting better in the middle of the 20 day Christening Cruise. The couple in the cabin next door(connecting door) refused saying "meds do not help." They were still coughing loudly all night up until we disembarked. If everyone took the responsibility when they start coughing and sneezing in crowded areas we may all stay healthy. All of the ports had pharmacies that helped provide cough medicine. I used the nasal spray Ayr the whole time and did not catch the respiratory problems that seemed to hit this cruise. Since lines form in the Lido on the Koningsdam(no self serve food) people were sneezing and coughing in the food lines as they leaned over the glass. Many people were refilling their water bottles by holding them on the water spigots. People were doing the same thing with their thermos bottles at the coffee dispensers. I asked one man if his bottle was clean and he said NO. Other cruise lines have signs telling people not to do this. HAL needs to do the same.



If the problem was a cold, the couple next door could have been right about the meds your DH took. Antibiotics don't work on viruses, and can help create superbugs, and Allegra is for allergies that are not contagious.

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We both picked up a throat virus at the end of our Koninsdam cruise. Definitely started while cruising, people were coughing a lot on the shore excursions. Then a 28 hour trip home including 21 hours flying and I have been sick for a week.

My last virus, despite having four grandkids under five who always have something, was when we were in Hawaii last year.

So I tend to blame unfamiliar viruses but it is so annoying coming home sick that I start to lose the will to travel.

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So, we have suffered from the same issue (i.e. cabin cough, colds, etc) on many of our cruises. But about 4 or 5 years ago we started practicing some avoidance and hygiene procedures that seems to have worked (based on our last 200 or so cruise days). 1. Avoid Elevators! These things are just closed chambers designed to disperse viruses and germs to all trapped inside...if anyone coughs or sneezes. And using the steps has a few other benefits including exercise, speed (no waiting 5-10 min for an elevator), and helps leave the elevators to those who truly need them. 2. If we are in a public room near somebody who is obviously ill (coughing and sneezing) we will simply move! 3. We try to avoid cruise ship excursions...where passengers are normally herded together be it in a bus (another chamber designed to spread germs) or any tour site where everyone is crammed close together. and 4. Wash hands frequently....with warm water and soap. We have all heard this too many times, but it is very effective. It is the primary means that we used to avoid getting sick when I worked in a hospital emergency room. And it also has the added benefit of being the best known prevention of getting Norovirus.


And after all this, you still might get sick :(. It is just the nature of travel when we are all crowded together with lots of strangers....some of whom are sick.



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They have a sign on both machines on the Prinsendam telling you not to do that.


So does the Zaandam and Volendam.


I now have my first cold in 18 years, got it on the Zaandam cruise from Alaska. Heard a lot of hacking and coughing while we were on the ship, I practiced good hygiene but it didn't help. I did notice lots of people entering the buffet without using hand sanitizer and then using the tongs to get their food. We will now carry wipes with us to wash our hands before we eat.

Edited by DarkCrystal
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  • 2 months later...
Towards the last few days of our British Isles cruise two years ago (Princess) my husband came down with a head cold. No fever, no cough. I was fine. He was feeling better by the last day. We disembarked and transferred directly to Heathrow for our flight back to the USA the same day. We were on a very full jumbo jet. About 2 hours into the flight I started to feel that my throat was closing and my head was completely clogged. Thank goodness, I wasn't coughing yet. The plane landed on time and I don't remember having a ridiculously long wait for our luggage and to go through customs. We live about a 1/2 hour from the airport. By the time I got home I had a fever of 102 which lasted 3 days.




My apologies to everyone on that plane - some of who, especially those seated near me, probably did get sick. They say you are most contagious just before you become ill yourself. In that case, I was "patient zero" for not only that plane, but both airports, etc.




And that is how you get sick on vacation.



Every time I cruise, I pa k few mouth masks in my purse. I got a bad cough few months ago while we cruised on Koningsdam. On the return plane, I felt so bad kept on coughing. I put on my mask so that I wouldn't spread germs to the air on the plane.

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