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why do people not wash there hands


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Have you watched people eating... licking their fingers,... so many do it and go back for more food. So much for washing at the door. A woman in front of me in the buffet line was eating pizza and licking her fingers. 2 people spoke to her as we waiting for the food to open up. She just didnt get it. I explained that she will be handling the serving tools and all of us behind her would get her germs. Then I stepped in front of her in line and she didnt say word.!! She did not leave to wash her hands.

personally I wash carefully, sanitize and rarely touch a surface. On the last 6 cruises I have caught a nasty virus. Planning on taking gloves for when I handle tongs and scoops next time

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You know, I think for the most part, people have no problem washing their hands. What really bothers me is when people go to the bathroom and don't bother with washing. Perhaps I'm horrible, but I have no problem publically shaming people that don't wash their hands after going to the toilet. It happens every single cruise where someone will leave the bathroom without washing their hands, and I'll publically call them out in the hall so everyone can be in earshot to purposely embarrass that individual. I think it's disgusting and not right. Don't get me wrong - there have been times when I've been told to "f-off" or that it's none of my business. But the fact of the matter remains that it's just gross to not wash your hands after going to the bathroom and it has the potential to make others on the ship sick. I also find it sad that most people that don't wash after the bathroom are seniors. I'm not sure why.


On a side note, before each cruise I buy a container of Lysol wipes and disinfect my entire stateroom. I know that stateroom attendants do a pretty good job, but I don't think they really go as far as cleaning the telephone, light switches, door knobs, drawer handles, TV remote, etc. Getting sick on a cruise is awful, and I try every which way to ensure I don't get sick.

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I don't use a sanitizer because with some brands I break out, just so you are aware why some people don't use them. People need to know circumstances before they condemn others.


Unfortunately, I learned this the hard way on my last cruise. I had a lovely breakout on my right hand which kept getting worse each time I used the sanitizer. So to try and not re-sanitize the affected spot and not rub the sanitizer into my jeans, I rubbed it down my forearm. Shortly thereafter, I had a break out there, which confirmed that I am sensitive to that brand.


I was obsessive about hand washing the rest of the cruise and about not touching railings or elevator buttons. I did let guest services know I was having an issue and they told me to just not use it.


Cheers, K

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Lets hope the Edge ships will have a wash basin prior to entering the Oceanview Cafe:




Beautiful set-up. And I had to chuckle as this looks similar (though fancier) to the set-up we have a boy scout camp - where we can get 400 young men to wash up prior to eating each meal served in the dining hall.


Cheers, K

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You know, I think for the most part, people have no problem washing their hands. What really bothers me is when people go to the bathroom and don't bother with washing. Perhaps I'm horrible, but I have no problem publically shaming people that don't wash their hands after going to the toilet. It happens every single cruise where someone will leave the bathroom without washing their hands, and I'll publically call them out in the hall so everyone can be in earshot to purposely embarrass that individual. I think it's disgusting and not right. Don't get me wrong - there have been times when I've been told to "f-off" or that it's none of my business. But the fact of the matter remains that it's just gross to not wash your hands after going to the bathroom and it has the potential to make others on the ship sick. I also find it sad that most people that don't wash after the bathroom are seniors. I'm not sure why.


On a side note, before each cruise I buy a container of Lysol wipes and disinfect my entire stateroom. I know that stateroom attendants do a pretty good job, but I don't think they really go as far as cleaning the telephone, light switches, door knobs, drawer handles, TV remote, etc. Getting sick on a cruise is awful, and I try every which way to ensure I don't get sick.


I totally agree it just takes one person not washing there hands to infect the whole ship-who are these people as everyone who has replied to this post washes there hands.There must be a better way to police the hand washing and its such an easy cop out to say the sanitizers affect your skin,everyone going to eat should either use the gel or be forced some way to wash their hands or not be allowed in.You could make that a condition of the cruise the same as no smoking is.

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On the Eclipse now. Feel very sorry for the people who are sick and missing some of this wonderful cruise.

I must commend the staff for their efforts in dealing with this outbreak. They are working so hard, continuously cleaning and sanitizing. Many are having to do double shifts, serving in the dining room and then spending the afternoon cleaning it all.

Those of us who are still healthy have a lot to thank them for.

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Are you saying that your snack food tongs have some magical property that keeps them from transmitting diseases among all of the (not older) people who use them? I know I would feel much safer picking up food myself rather than using tongs that have been handled by who knows how many other people, maybe even people with Germs! The horror.


How in heavens name do you serve yourself in a buffet on a ship? Pick up the salad with your fingers? Grab the chips with your hands? Sip the soup directly from the ladle?


Common sense says use the tongs rather than fingering the food that others will be eating and then either sanitize your hands or don't put your fingers in your mouth. Not that difficult, really, we've been doing it on ships for 20 years.

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I always sanitize but understand this folks... URINE is sterile and does not transmit diseases. It's the other end that transmits the bugs to make you sit. Even a whooping urinary tract infection is usually bacterial not viral and not easily transmitted. Don't use the handrails if you use the stairs and if you use the elevator use a tissue to push the button.

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You know, I think for the most part, people have no problem washing their hands. What really bothers me is when people go to the bathroom and don't bother with washing. Perhaps I'm horrible, but I have no problem publically shaming people that don't wash their hands after going to the toilet. It happens every single cruise where someone will leave the bathroom without washing their hands, and I'll publically call them out in the hall so everyone can be in earshot to purposely embarrass that individual. I think it's disgusting and not right. Don't get me wrong - there have been times when I've been told to "f-off" or that it's none of my business. But the fact of the matter remains that it's just gross to not wash your hands after going to the bathroom and it has the potential to make others on the ship sick. I also find it sad that most people that don't wash after the bathroom are seniors. I'm not sure why.




If you did that to me I assure you it would be your last day not confined to your cabin after i called security and told them how threatening you were and how I feared for my safety. How do you know someone didn't use their own anti viral sanitizer (which i do often) in the stall where you didn't see. Just because you didn't see it doesn't mean it didn't happen and YOU have no right to threaten others.

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If you did that to me I assure you it would be your last day not confined to your cabin after i called security and told them how threatening you were and how I feared for my safety. How do you know someone didn't use their own anti viral sanitizer (which i do often) in the stall where you didn't see. Just because you didn't see it doesn't mean it didn't happen and YOU have no right to threaten others.


Why would you sit in the stall and "use your own sanitizer" when sinks (and a more effective cross-infection defense) are less than 3 feet away?

Sorry, but I would almost guarantee that 95% of people who use the toilet and then omit washing are NOT sitting on the can sanitizing their hands. And they are putting the rest of the ship at risk.


And sorry, publicly shaming someone with horrible hygiene is NOT "threatening someone" and I think security would not waste their time with such trivialities.

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Why would you sit in the stall and "use your own sanitizer" when sinks (and a more effective cross-infection defense) are less than 3 feet away?

Sorry, but I would almost guarantee that 95% of people who use the toilet and then omit washing are NOT sitting on the can sanitizing their hands. And they are putting the rest of the ship at risk.


And sorry, publicly shaming someone with horrible hygiene is NOT "threatening someone" and I think security would not waste their time with such trivialities.

You can't guarantee anything without proof. Security takes threats very seriously. You can have an opinion, and I agree hygiene is of utmost importance especially in a confined place like a ship but no one has the right to threaten, harass, embarrass, shame, or scold another person. After security warns the aggressive passenger I believe they will stop their aggression or risk further consequences.

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Have you watched people eating... licking their fingers,... so many do it and go back for more food. So much for washing at the door. A woman in front of me in the buffet line was eating pizza and licking her fingers. 2 people spoke to her as we waiting for the food to open up. She just didnt get it. I explained that she will be handling the serving tools and all of us behind her would get her germs. Then I stepped in front of her in line and she didnt say word.!! She did not leave to wash her hands.

personally I wash carefully, sanitize and rarely touch a surface. On the last 6 cruises I have caught a nasty virus. Planning on taking gloves for when I handle tongs and scoops next time

Glad I wasn't in that line! We own a very large catering co. & 2 restaurants. It amazes me how disgusting some people can be! We did a company open house. The CFO was sticking his fingers in the buffet & moving right down the line..Stick finger in food then in mouth & move to the next food item. When I asked him to stop, his reply was do you know who I am? When I told the HR manager, she told the CEO. The CFO nearly got his butt fired! Disgusting pig, that guy!

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Yes, you're right about the urine being sterile. Still when one cleans up after #2. Things can get spread around. Still makes sense to just wash-up after using the rest room, period!


I agree with you except for the part of confronting someone. It's not right to do this. maybe you should consider quietly saying something to someone, you know you catch more flies with honey then vinegar. When you confront someone they will become defensive and DEFIANT and you will not achieve your goal.

Sometimes particularly woman use the restroom to adjust a piece of clothing and did not touch anything that would transmit noro or ecoli or anything else.

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I really can't belive I read this whole stupid thread. Regardless of what other passengers do, bottom line is that you have to be diligent about washing your own hands and being as clean as you can. There are folks from all around the world that don't necessarily have the same cleanliness routines that Americans do.


Sent from my SM-T810 using Tapatalk

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I really can't belive I read this whole stupid thread. Regardless of what other passengers do, bottom line is that you have to be diligent about washing your own hands and being as clean as you can. There are folks from all around the world that don't necessarily have the same cleanliness routines that Americans do.


Sent from my SM-T810 using Tapatalk


You may have read it, but you missed the entire point of this thread.


You can be as diligent as you want, but if some awful hygiene pax contaminates what you later touch, you will be infected. If you faithfully wash your hands and then touch elevator buttons contaminated by some unclean person, you will be infected. Serving tools in buffet, salt and pepper shakers, menus, the list is endless. You will be infected.


I, for one, am sick and tired of getting colds and viruses (but thankfully no noro) from people who do not have the most elementary grasp of good hygiene. And I use sanitizer frequently, especially after serving myself in the buffet (before eating), the gym (the worst hygiene anywhere) and menus in the dining room.

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All the hand washing stations and dispensers aren't going to stop those passengers who contaminate the buffet line. They use the utensils to put food on their plate, then use their fingers to eat the food while they're in line, then they grab another utensil, etc. Irritates me to no end. One of the many reasons we try to stay out of the buffet as much as possible.

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All the hand washing stations and dispensers aren't going to stop those passengers who contaminate the buffet line. They use the utensils to put food on their plate, then use their fingers to eat the food while they're in line, then they grab another utensil, etc. Irritates me to no end. One of the many reasons we try to stay out of the buffet as much as possible.


And this is why we don't use the buffet!


We are on the Eclipse in July and I have already explained the issues with Norovirus to the kids, reiterated the importance of hand washing and said we won't be using the buffet. We are huge on hand washing at home - the kids are required to wash hands before eating or unpacking the dishwasher and are sent back if we don't think they have done a proper job. We've never had any issues with food poisoning or gastrointestinal illnesses and we don't want to start on our much anticipated and highly expensive holiday!

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We carry our own sanitiser. A foam one that is kinder to hands and more effective than the ones on board. We always make sure we use it entering the MDR or buffet, and then again after handling menus or serving implements.

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And this is why we don't use the buffet!


We are on the Eclipse in July and I have already explained the issues with Norovirus to the kids, reiterated the importance of hand washing and said we won't be using the buffet. We are huge on hand washing at home - the kids are required to wash hands before eating or unpacking the dishwasher and are sent back if we don't think they have done a proper job. We've never had any issues with food poisoning or gastrointestinal illnesses and we don't want to start on our much anticipated and highly expensive holiday!


Kids not using the buffet, half the fun of a cruise. We wash our hands and Don't wash our cabin, don't disenfect everything in sight and some of these other crazy things. Kids and us have never been sick either and we eat in the buffet all the time.

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Everyone here is so worried about people not washing their hands but have you ever thought what's in the swimming pools or hot tubs? How about the lounge chairs? That person sitting next to you for hours in the hot tub drinking beer--How does he hold it so long? If some people are so prone to getting sick then perhaps they shouldn't go on a cruise ship.

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In the UK we can buy anti viral foam which we

always use on board in addition to washing our hands. It stays on the skin

for up to 6 hours and protects against noro, which the anti bacterial gels n board do not. We have been on a coup,e of cruises that had outbreaks of noro (ship taking full precautions, staff serving at buffet, no salt and pepper pots or butter curls on tables etc), and have never been affected. We also carry our own pen for signing bar receipts, as no matter what precautions the ship takes, bar waiters still hand you a pen which has been who knows where to sign with!

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Everyone here is so worried about people not washing their hands but have you ever thought what's in the swimming pools or hot tubs? How about the lounge chairs? That person sitting next to you for hours in the hot tub drinking beer--How does he hold it so long? If some people are so prone to getting sick then perhaps they shouldn't go on a cruise ship.[/quote


The point I tried to made was not washing your hands after going to the toilet then making everyone else sick rather than not going on cruises

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Kids not using the buffet, half the fun of a cruise.


That's definitely a matter of opinion! My kids much prefer restaurant dining and really aren't that food motivated when it comes to cruising. They love the entertainment, the activities, the shore excursions and the time together. On his first cruise the teen spent time cruising the buffet but swiftly got bored and abandoned it in favor of spending time with his dad and I relaxing, doing silly quizzes and just hanging out together.


He was actually really disgusted with the behavior of both kids and adults in front of him the buffet line the few times he did visit it to top up between meals. He stopped going after seeing a kid sneeze on the food and the adult with them did nothing.

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I'd be very careful about publically shaming anyone who doesn't wash their hands after using the bathroom.


Anyone who won't wash their hands after using the bathroom may well

have other socialization issues that could result in unintended consequences.


As Mother used to say "Do you want to be dead right?"

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Hi Everyone,


As numerous posts required deletion, it's safe to say this thread has run it's course, and is now closed.


Thanks for your understanding and participation.

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