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Why so much negativity?


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No cruise-line is perfect. No cruise-line has ever been perfect. No cruise-line will ever be perfect.


NCL wasn't perfect before. It isn't perfect after recent changes. It won't be perfect after future changes.


I have and will have a good time on every cruise that I have taken or will take. Until that changes to the point that I don't want to cruise, I will continue to cruise. Since I'm not loyal to any cruise-line, I'm free to continue to look around at what other lines have to offer.


NCL's way of making changes bothers me more than the actual change. If people can decide to cruise months or years in advance (and NCL will gladly hold your deposit for the same time), NCL should be willing to announce changes in advance.


If (for example) Escape was going to be smoke-free in 2019 (nobody is booked, yet) and they announced it today, the outrage wouldn't be anywhere near the outrage if they announced the same thing in November 2018 to go in effect for January 2019.

I think everyone one here or almost everyone would agree that NCL's communication sucks, especially when it comes to their changes. I think announcing things before bookings is unrealistic, since changes come at different times and waiting that long to make a change could have a huge impact on NCL's bottom line (they are in the business to make money, if some like it or not). I think they should announce them 90 to 120 days before the change, which would give those that feel the change is a deal break a chance to cancel. Now, even if they were to do that, there would still be people who would complain because they purchased airline tickets and would have to incur a cost to change them. At 90 or 120, they wouldn't make everyone happy, but at least folks could cancel their cruise.


If your example were true, that is one exception where I think they could make the announcement prior to any bookings, but all other it would be too unrealistic.

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This is a valid point, there is no need to institute changes immediately especially within 90 day windows. I will give you that. But, question still remains, why are people getting so upset over things like cases of water? If buying water onboard hurts your wallet or you dont like it.... you shouldnt go. Its petty stuff to worked up over.


I personally really don't care either way about the water thing; however, just because something isn't important to *you* doesn't mean it shouldn't be important to others. Calling it 'petty' certainly is, well...petty.


And as you said, some changes are instituted whereupon people cannot cancel without penalty which can make it difficult to just 'not go.'


My opinion.

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Some people are very ritualistic. Every policy change affects someone's rituals. (For example, I can't have a steak for my first lunch onboard any more. It's off the menu. I am still alive.) There are two things you can do at that point - adjust your ritual, or lose your mind. Many people here do not adjust their rituals.


Some people (I have never understood this) can locate CruiseCritic.com, successfully navigate to the boards, locate the NCL topic, and ask a question that is answered on ncl.com. In the FAQs. The basic questions are the ones that professional complainers use to advance their agendas, because they are often policy questions.


I often think the complainers pay people to post any question that starts with "I searched, but I couldn't find ..."


Some people just want to be heard. Posting doesn't make people read it, but it's out there.


Some people are convinced NCL staff monitor this board 24x7 to see what needs to be fixed. (I'm pretty sure this is not the case.)


Some people think if they convince enough people to stop sailing NCL, the policy they disagree with will be reversed. (It has not occurred to them that the company may cease to be.)


I have found that blocking a very small number of people has made Cruise Critic a much more pleasant place.



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To answer your question "Why so much negativity?" I think for many they are happy commenting on all of the things that go wrong rather than what might be right. Just like a day on land or any other vacation we have taken there are events which may not be the nicest. I think it depends on each person's expectations. Some people like to express their displeasure through CC comments, some choose to just write a letter about the incident to NCL and call it good, and some do both which that is fine. I can choose to read or not read the posts that start becoming not very nice. I feel I am blessed after many years of hard times to be in a position to afford to take a cruise with my husband, stay in a suite, and just relax in our retirement. I say for every negative comment have two positive ones.

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Thanks for attempting to bring back some sanity to CC by creating this post. So many CC conversations have turned into endless rehashings of the same tired old topics. Joining in on the drama appeals to a lot of folks but has changed the dialog to complaining about the minor inconveniences instead of focusing in on why I think most of us cruise: to have a good time relaxing, discovering new places, meeting new friends, and watching the wet world go by. It would be great if more topics discussed here helped one another meet those objectives. Thanks again.

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Thanks for attempting to bring back some sanity to CC by creating this post. So many CC conversations have turned into endless rehashings of the same tired old topics. Joining in on the drama appeals to a lot of folks but has changed the dialog to complaining about the minor inconveniences instead of focusing in on why I think most of us cruise: to have a good time relaxing, discovering new places, meeting new friends, and watching the wet world go by. It would be great if more topics discussed here helped one another meet those objectives. Thanks again.


Thanks for saying this, it is why I cruise!

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Even threads asking for positives with cruising with NCL have descended into negativity. It truly is depressing.


I know, from reading this board for some time, that there have been a lot of changes to the NCL product which have been met with dismay, eg the water policy/replacing free eateries with paying ones, etc etc. but I'm afraid that's life. NCL is a business and as such is run with the intention of making money. How they then chose how to use the profits is up to the men back at Headquarters. They can either 'give back to the paying public or get greedy and increase prices more in order to make even more money'


If it was a shop putting up prices and removing favourite items you would vote with your feet and never shop there again so maybe, just maybe the answer is to stop cruising with NCL. So many of you are complaining bitterly but still booking trips - why? If you feel that angry at the changes then choose another cruiseline; there are plenty out there.


We will be on the Breakaway later this year and despite any misgivings that I have, we will have a great time. Maybe because it will be our first time on an NCL ship this big (we've done the Spirit) we won't notice what some people perceive as shortcomings. Hell, I'm on holiday; someone else is cooking my meals (free ones of course :D), washing up, making my bed, I have the UBP, and because I'm from the UK I don't pay the extra gratuities, so I will be more than happy. Just have to hope for good weather and smooth sailing. What more can a girl want?!!!!


It's the same few people over and over again. :rolleyes:

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NCL's way of making changes bothers me more than the actual change. If people can decide to cruise months or years in advance (and NCL will gladly hold your deposit for the same time), NCL should be willing to announce changes in advance.


If (for example) Escape was going to be smoke-free in 2019 (nobody is booked, yet) and they announced it today, the outrage wouldn't be anywhere near the outrage if they announced the same thing in November 2018 to go into effect for January 2019.


I agree. I was a communications manager for several years, and it appears to me the communications strategy doesn't exist. Most of the time when they communicate with their customers (or there's an absence of communication) it's something that could have gone so much better for them if they had the most basic of communication plans in place. They could put me on their payroll for a couple hours and I could give them a communications strategy that would keep them out of these customer service messes they keep getting themselves into.


Great post.


Why, thank you. :p

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This is a perfect example of why there is so much "negativity."


The complaints about the Jewel stopped once NCL did what their contract obligated them to do when a mechanical issue impacts a trip. It was NCL's ridiculous initial position that caused the issue.


The NCL-splaining that goes on only around here serves only to magnify the complaints. Life tip folks: telling people who are annoyed about something that they are being childish or stupid = throwing gas on a fire.


In many ways, that thread demonstrated a lot of the issues on these forums at the moment.


It was a specific issue, and one where the consensus really did seem to be that NCL were in the wrong. I strongly believe that it was just the sort of issue to bring up here, and one which I had great sympathy with, I believe that NCL were clearly wrong in how they dealt with the compensation.


However, things did get a bit heated even though most of us were in agreement with that. I had to keep on stating that I agreed that NCL were in the wrong when it came to their offer and people were still wasting time trying to convince me.


Where I did disagree with what people were saying was when some of the conspiracy theories started as to what the nature of the issue was and whether NCL were right to cut the cruise short, or deal with it in other ways.


My point was that we just didn't have the information to say that they had done anything right or not, and that things were being stated as fact were just unknown to us. Despite the fact that I didn't actually state a view, I was accused of blindly believing NCL, where all I had actually done was refuse to blindly condemn them.


There really is plenty to criticise NCL for that we know about, without making stuff up.

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because thats all people do nowadays is complain and whine.... especially on cruise critic. Its the modern culutural norm... Me, Me, Me everything is a dramatic tragedy and was dont to slight me.


Look at the thread and outrage about the Pearl having to stay a day in Seattle for repairs. I mean, what else do you want NCL to do? They have to repair the ship? What do you want? a free compensation flight on a rocket to the moon in its place?


Oh and the crying about bottled water.... OH MY GOD. Like listening to 9 year olds who were just told no to ice cream.


Acknowledging everyone on here is an adult..... the majority of people here need tyo Grow up.


when it comes to someone wanting to stick their hands deep in my pocket for the cash i have earned you better believe it's all abut me, me, me. and i damn well expect to get what i paid for. but with ncl this is rarely the case. book a cruise 9 months out and see what you paid for that you end up not getting because they 'changed' policies. if you want to frivolously throw your money into the wind that is your prerogative but i expect the policies in place when i book a cruise to be in place when i take the cruise.

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when it comes to someone wanting to stick their hands deep in my pocket for the cash i have earned you better believe it's all abut me, me, me. and i damn well expect to get what i paid for. but with ncl this is rarely the case. book a cruise 9 months out and see what you paid for that you end up not getting because they 'changed' policies. if you want to frivolously throw your money into the wind that is your prerogative but i expect the policies in place when i book a cruise to be in place when i take the cruise.


Very well said!

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I do tire of the negativity. I don't mind if someone has a problem and they complain about it, but it's when they go on and on and on and post the same thing on threads that are only remotely related to the change they have a problem with.


The posting of lists of every little change NCL has made is what makes me chuckle. I cannot believe that every single change impacts so many individuals. I look at the lists, and 99% of what's on them I don't even think about and have absolutely no impact on my enjoyment of a cruise. The recent water and soda policy impacts me slightly. I usually pick up a six-pack of diet root beer or diet Coke before I board. But, I don't care enough to complain about it. It's hard to imagine that some can't drink a different brand for a week or that drinking a different brand will absolutely ruin their vacations. I'm sure there's something they could change that would make me look elsewhere--like if they shut down all the specialty restaurants, that would be a huge disappointment for me.


I do understand that some are disappointed by some of the recent changes and I sympathize to a point. But the fixations on some of them can be over the top.




a 12 pack of what i like to drink costs 5 dollars, and that's for the whole cruise. now that i can't bring it on i have to buy the soda package for 6 dollars a day plus 18 percent gratuity. has nothing to do with the brand, it has to do with ncl attempting to rob me blind. and as a result, their service personnel will pay the price and i'm sure ncl doesn't give a hoot about giving their employees the short end of the stick.

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I disagree..... Its like pulling up a lounge chair next to the customer service desk on board around here lately. People are losing thier minds over the mostly petty and trival stuff.


And in terms of the "I paid for a product and should receive it crowd" Its a ship with a crew and many passengers. Sometimes, it doesn't go as planned. Get over it.


I said it before and I will say it again.... the cruise industry has seen massive growth in the last 15 years. The honest answer they don't care about your petty complaints or if you offended its not as "awesome" as you think it use to be. Thier growth out performs the heavy baggage / constant complaining crowd that ends up stop going.... which means its a gain for them in the long run anyway.


Good ridden. So tired of complainers onboard.....


then by the same token, they nor their workers should be surprised when we even the odds by removing the dsc. if they don't care then i don't either.

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a 12 pack of what i like to drink costs 5 dollars, and that's for the whole cruise. now that i can't bring it on i have to buy the soda package for 6 dollars a day plus 18 percent gratuity. has nothing to do with the brand, it has to do with ncl attempting to rob me blind. and as a result, their service personnel will pay the price and i'm sure ncl doesn't give a hoot about giving their employees the short end of the stick.



As I said, I do have sympathy for those it has impacted, such as yourself. But, you're stating your concern and not screaming about unfairness and saying your entire cruise will be ruined. If I didn't have the UBP on my upcoming cruise, it would likely bother me more. I have UBP on my next three NCL cruises, and after those if it's not a promo (they don't always give the solos any promos) then I just won't drink much soda. I'm not negating the disappointment of others, but I just don't understand the fixation and need to drone on and on and on.

Edited by Quilting_Cruiser
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In many ways, that thread demonstrated a lot of the issues on these forums at the moment.


It was a specific issue, and one where the consensus really did seem to be that NCL were in the wrong. I strongly believe that it was just the sort of issue to bring up here, and one which I had great sympathy with, I believe that NCL were clearly wrong in how they dealt with the compensation.


However, things did get a bit heated even though most of us were in agreement with that. I had to keep on stating that I agreed that NCL were in the wrong when it came to their offer and people were still wasting time trying to convince me.


Where I did disagree with what people were saying was when some of the conspiracy theories started as to what the nature of the issue was and whether NCL were right to cut the cruise short, or deal with it in other ways.


My point was that we just didn't have the information to say that they had done anything right or not, and that things were being stated as fact were just unknown to us. Despite the fact that I didn't actually state a view, I was accused of blindly believing NCL, where all I had actually done was refuse to blindly condemn them.


There really is plenty to criticise NCL for that we know about, without making stuff up.



I was following along on that thread and thought you were very clear in your agreement that NCL should be doing more, but there was one poster who just wasn't absorbing what you were saying. I also thought your comments about what NCL was doing were quite reasonable. Sometimes when people are feeling as wronged as some there were, they get such tunnel vision that they don't even hear the support. I was actually a bit entertained every time someone tried to convince you of what you were saying. LOL.

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As I said, I do have sympathy for those it has impacted, such as yourself. But, you're stating your concern and screaming about unfairness and saying your entire cruise will be ruined. If I didn't have the UBP on my upcoming cruise, it would likely bother me more. I have UBP on my next three NCL cruises, and after those if it's not a promo (they don't always give the solos any promos) then I just won't drink much soda. I'm not negating the disappointment of others, but I just don't understand the fixation and need to drone on and on and on.


first of all, i am not screaming.....notice there are no caps in my entire post due to a broken cap lock and shift key. second, i have never said anything about a 'ruined' cruise so please stop the false dramatic statements for emphasis. i am simply sick and tired of the way ncl is treating their customers and i will play by their rules, even if it causes their workers discomfort by removing the dsc to pay for the soda package i must now purchase. i won't jump up and down and holler at guest services, i will explain exactly why i am doing what i'm doing, and will enjoy the rest of my cruise while knowing i will not sail ncl in the future. i've put up with their bs long enough. yes, somebody may be standing in line to take my place but i pity the poor soul taking my spot and at some point in time, ncl will run out of newbies to take the places of previous cruisers if they continue with their deplorable customer service.


btw, considering i drink a whopping two beers during a 7 night cruise, the ubp is completely worthless to me, even with only paying the gratuities.


to add......since we each have 5 posts in this thread how am i supposedly the one going on, and on, and on and yet you are not. things that make one go hmmmmmm. :rolleyes:

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a 12 pack of what i like to drink costs 5 dollars, and that's for the whole cruise. now that i can't bring it on i have to buy the soda package for 6 dollars a day plus 18 percent gratuity. has nothing to do with the brand, it has to do with ncl attempting to rob me blind. and as a result, their service personnel will pay the price and i'm sure ncl doesn't give a hoot about giving their employees the short end of the stick.


I am sorry you can no longer bring your soda choice on the ship however you do not have to purchase anything. You choose to purchase the package because you wish to drink soda. I used to bring Dansani water on board on both NCL and Carnival and I can no longer do so on either cruise line. For me it is not a game changer and I continue to sail on both lines. The service personnel are not the ones making the cruise line business decisions. Some employees may agree with you that you should be able to bring the soda of your choice on your cruise. It is not their fault and hence in my opinion should not be penalized for the soda decision.

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first of all, i am not screaming.....notice there are no caps in my entire post due to a broken cap lock and shift key. second, i have never said anything about a 'ruined' cruise so please stop the false dramatic statements for emphasis. i am simply sick and tired of the way ncl is treating their customers and i will play by their rules, even if it causes their workers discomfort by removing the dsc to pay for the soda package i must now purchase. i won't jump up and down and holler at guest services, i will explain exactly why i am doing what i'm doing, and will enjoy the rest of my cruise while knowing i will not sail ncl in the future. i've put up with their bs long enough. yes, somebody may be standing in line to take my place but i pity the poor soul taking my spot and at some point in time, ncl will run out of newbies to take the places of previous cruisers if they continue with their deplorable customer service.


btw, considering i drink a whopping two beers during a 7 night cruise, the ubp is completely worthless to me, even with only paying the gratuities.


to add......since we each have 5 posts in this thread how am i supposedly the one going on, and on, and on and yet you are not. things that make one go hmmmmmm. :rolleyes:



First of all please accept my apologies that word "not" somehow got skipped. I have a new laptop with a very sensitive touchpad, and I'm finding that often times what I thought I typed isn't accurate and words are missing. Unfortunately, inadvertently deleting the word "not" in this case made for a dramatically different comment than was my intent. I was actually saying that you are NOT screaming and complaining and saying your cruise will be ruined. :o It's the people who act like it's the end of the world that I have trouble sympathizing with. If I don't like what a company does and I have other options, then I take my business elsewhere, which is what you're saying you're going to do.


That you're going to remove the DSC seems very unfair to me unless you're also going to let your steward know that he doesn't need to service your room each day. The service staff on the ship didn't make this decision, and it's unfair to them to punish them for it.


BTW, this is my fifth post in this thread. :p

Edited by Quilting_Cruiser
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As I said, I do have sympathy for those it has impacted, such as yourself. But, you're stating your concern and not screaming about unfairness and saying your entire cruise will be ruined. If I didn't have the UBP on my upcoming cruise, it would likely bother me more. I have UBP on my next three NCL cruises, and after those if it's not a promo (they don't always give the solos any promos) then I just won't drink much soda. I'm not negating the disappointment of others, but I just don't understand the fixation and need to drone on and on and on.


Just to pick up on your UBP point. NCL has just changed (OK raised;)) the prices on their drinks and, as a consequence, many drinks that were included under the UBP are no longer included (Grey Goose vodka and any single malt Scotches are two that spring to my mind).


This may not impact many people (or many will not care) but it is indicative of a trend which I, for one, find disturbing. The loss of single malt scotches in the UDP would be quite a big deal to me if I had not already kicked NCL into touch.


The list of changes that many seem to denigrate is just a summary of the many changes that NCL have made in the last 2 years or so. Most are not in favour of the customer, but it serves to illustrate the fact that what pertains at the time of booking will probably be different at the time you sail. I will not do business under those terms.

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I am sorry you can no longer bring your soda choice on the ship however you do not have to purchase anything. You choose to purchase the package because you wish to drink soda. I used to bring Dansani water on board on both NCL and Carnival and I can no longer do so on either cruise line. For me it is not a game changer and I continue to sail on both lines. The service personnel are not the ones making the cruise line business decisions. Some employees may agree with you that you should be able to bring the soda of your choice on your cruise. It is not their fault and hence in my opinion should not be penalized for the soda decision.


so one is expected to spend money for a cruise expecting things to be certain ways and then told after final payment that things are not as they were presented. :confused: and you think that is okay. :confused: to me, that is bait and switch which is illegal in most places. yes, i have to go to the package because i don't want to have headaches on a cruise due to lack of caffeine. i guess it's also my choice that i can't stand the taste of coffee so soda is the only way i can get my caffeine intake.


btw, yes, you can bring dasani water on board a carnival ship if you can find it in a can. same for soda on a carnival ship. if ncl changed to that to attempt to end smuggling or shorten the waiting time in security lines, i'd have no problem with their stance.


to me, it is immaterial that the service personnel are not the ones making the decision. they simply bear the brunt of what i can do to ncl. as a previous poster stated, ncl does not care how their change in policies affect their customers so i really do not care how my change in my normal polciy.....paying the dsc.....affects ncl, or their employees. i guess luckily those emplyees will only have to put up with me for just one more cruise as i have no plans to ever sail ncl again. ccl, rccl, princess, and hal do very well for me.

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Just to pick up on your UBP point. NCL has just changed (OK raised;)) the prices on their drinks and, as a consequence, many drinks that were included under the UBP are no longer included (Grey Goose vodka and any single malt Scotches are two that spring to my mind).


This may not impact many people (or many will not care) but it is indicative of a trend which I, for one, find disturbing. The loss of single malt scotches in the UDP would be quite a big deal to me if I had not already kicked NCL into touch.


The list of changes that many seem to denigrate is just a summary of the many changes that NCL have made in the last 2 years or so. Most are not in favour of the customer, but it serves to illustrate the fact that what pertains at the time of booking will probably be different at the time you sail. I will not do business under those terms.


I understand your point. My point is that on a list of 20 things that have changed how many of them actually apply broadly? The last list I saw had perhaps 20 or more changes. I read the list and realized there was only one of them that had a direct impact on me. I can't get too worked up about that. I'm not an NCL cheerleader; I'm actually relatively new to NCL with only two previous cruises on the line. If they start making changes that impact me, I'll move on to another cruise line, not come to CC and go on and on and on about how I feel and tell others that NCL is out to screw them.

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First of all please accept my apologies that word "not" somehow got skipped. I have a new laptop with a very sensitive touchpad, and I'm finding that often times what I thought I typed isn't accurate and words are missing. Unfortunately, inadvertently deleting the word "not" in this case made for a dramatically different comment than was my intent. I was actually saying that you are NOT screaming and complaining and saying your cruise will be ruined. :o It's the people who act like it's the end of the world that I have trouble sympathizing with. If I don't like what a company does and I have other options, then I take my business elsewhere, which is what you're saying you're going to do.


That you're going to remove the DSC seems very unfair to me unless you're also going to let your steward know that he doesn't need to service your room each day. The service staff on the ship didn't make this decision, and it's unfair to them to punish them for it.


BTW, this is my fifth post in this thread. :p


i'll swap your sensetive laptop with my old one so that i could type a capital letter again. :D


yes, i do feel it's a bit unfair as well but i also know that it's ncl, with another of their piss poor policies that allows me to do what i will do. personally, i have always advocated for making the dcs mandatory, but until it changes, i have the right to do what i plan to do. i do feel a bit sorry for the workers who will suffer slightly, but again, that is ncl's doing, not mine. but to be fair, i will do this on the first day of the cruise and not the last so i'm sure that my steward will be notified......then again, maybe not considering ncl's poor communications....and he can adjust accordingly if he wishes. i don't make the bed often at home so not having it made on a cruise when i spend little time in the room to begin with would not be an issue.


the biggest problem is that many people don't have realistic options to do something else if they are within final payment when ncl changes their policies. most people that i know can't just blow off a multi-thousand dollar cruise and spend another multi-thousand dollars to cruise with someone else.

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to me, that is bait and switch which is illegal in most places.
I read this so often on here with regard to NCL changes, I wish someone would actually stand up and file a bait and switch lawsuit against NCL instead of just accusing them of it, so we can all find out if it is in fact bait and switch or not. By definition, I'd say no, but I could be wrong. Edited by NLH Arizona
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I read this so often on here with regard to NCL changes, I wish someone would actually stand up and file a bait and switch lawsuit against NCL instead of just accusing them of it, so we can all find out if it is in fact bait and switch or not. By definition, I'd say no, but I could be wrong.


truthfully, i have no idea how to file a lawsuit nor do i have the extra cash lying around to retain a lawyer to do so. that being said, when the website states you are allowed to take water and soda on board when you book a cruise and then when after you've paid final payment and can't get a full refund when they change that written policy, what would you call it. :confused:

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Just to pick up on your UBP point. NCL has just changed (OK raised;)) the prices on their drinks and, as a consequence, many drinks that were included under the UBP are no longer included (Grey Goose vodka and any single malt Scotches are two that spring to my mind).


This may not impact many people (or many will not care) but it is indicative of a trend which I, for one, find disturbing. The loss of single malt scotches in the UDP would be quite a big deal to me if I had not already kicked NCL into touch.


The list of changes that many seem to denigrate is just a summary of the many changes that NCL have made in the last 2 years or so. Most are not in favour of the customer, but it serves to illustrate the fact that what pertains at the time of booking will probably be different at the time you sail. I will not do business under those terms.




Just as a total aside.


I haven't been following this thread closely since this morning, but one of the things I did say then was that I didn't really understand why people who no longer cruise with NCL stick around here.


It is absolutely your right to do so, I just don't know why you bother. I have a feeling you may have told us why earlier, but can't be bothered to go back and check as I'm using my phone at the moment.


Your name is one that I have seen on here for many years. The changes that NCL have made have obviously affected you more than me, and you have moved on. For whatever reason, you stick around, but your contributions are still constructive and logical. We aren't just presented with lists, and you make extremely valid points in a reasoned way. Your contribution to these boards is a positive one even though the points you make may be negative.


I'm sure that we agree on the majority of things when it comes to cruising and when we don't I know we see it as a difference of opinion, rather than something to fall out about.


I've picked up on you as you happened to post now and I've drink lots of wine, but there are many others like you. Those people with more negative opinions of NCL really do have something to add to this forum, as long as they present it in the right way. Similarly, some who have positive opinions really are a negative influence here.


As you can probably tell, I've had lots of wine. :)

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