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Drink package question - Does everyone in cabin need to have one?

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Everyone gets so angry on this subject, like someone is taking directly from them..


However, the people who try to police everyone about giving away drinks.


Are the same ones who bring a case of water & soda.


They just like to pick & choose the rules they want follow..



yes, I have to agree with you on this. So many people make comments on how wrong sharing is but how many people are guilty of braking/bending different rules. As Mat said, people carry in their own cases of water/soda. People bringing in more than 2 bottles of wine per stateroom. People bringing in other forms of alcohol. People getting/letting their underage children drink alcohol. There are too many examples of people not following the rules to list. FYI. I do buy the premium package for DW and I get the replenish package for myself. I am a non-drinker. But I have been known to bend other rules on occasion when I can benefit from it.

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Was just talking to a Crown & Anchor rep about the drink packages as I've never purchased one. She said they're doing a trial on some ship with 10 drink punch cards that can be shared. Has anyone been on a ship with these? There is no grautity attached to this, it's a flat cost. Any info?


the gratuity is built into the cost of the drink card. as general rule these are not available until 2-3 days in to the cruise. also IIRC the price limit on what can be ordered is on the low end. so if your favorite is the $15 margaritas, it may not work for you.

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an 18 month old does not NEED a drink package of ANY sort. freely available is milk, juice from concentrate, iced tea and lemonade plus a flavored water as well as plain tap water.


the fact that someone else will 'finish off her drink' is irrelevant.



What I meant, was more that I know my mom may order something for herself, with my daughter being able to try it herself. We don't give her fruit juice from concentrate or lemonade. We're pretty strict on that stuff.


Thanks for reminding me to put my big boy pants on ;) I appreciate that as a constructive conversation instead of justifications from you about why it's okay for you and your husband to taste each other's drinks, but an 18 month old not too...[/s]


To bring it back to a more constructive question for real. For premium juices and mixed (non-alcoholic) drinks, I would love to see RCL offer kid's size drinks for purchases (if they don't already?) Last time I was on RCL I was a college student who paid for every drink outright (no drink package then-or possibly too rich for my blood) and didn't sneak water, soda, or any other item on board. So I wasn't paying attention with Mom eyes. Anyway, I'm not trying to skirt the system. I'm just not really keen on paying RCL outrageously inflated prices for my daughter to have a treat here or there. And that was my only defense of the gentleman who said he shared drinks with his kids. I can slightly understand why that's a more justifiable act in his head. Obviously, sharing with adults (and even older children capable of finishing a whole drink in one sitting) is a different story altogether.

Edited by jujubird
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My daughter will be 18 months when we go. We don't give her juice, it just has too much sugar in it. My mom will have a premium drink package... I can bet that my mom will want to get something my daughter will enjoy a few sips of (non-alcoholic fun drink). Does that warrant a full package, or even a full purchase of a drink just for my little one?


Point is, I wish RCL had a package that was more sensibly priced with kids in mind. The cost for a package that would be appealing to a child my daughters age is just ridiculous..... I was floored I even had to pay full fare for her. It was a bit shocking when we first investigated.



Oh my, where to begin?!

1. If it's truly just a matter of giving your daughter a sip of a virgin Daiquiri, I doubt anyone would rake you over the coals. That's completely different from the guy who spoke of purchasing a package and then outright using it to order drinks for multiple family members.


2. Why are you concerned that RC doesn't have a more suitably priced drink package for your daughter? You said yourself she is 18 months old and you don't give her juice because it has too much sugar. What exactly is it that you would have her drinking from a drink package that doesn't also have a ton of sugar in it? Sodas? Sugar. Frozen fruity drinks? Sugar. Milk and water are free so what's left for her to drink anyway? :confused:


3. As for paying full price for her cruise fare despite the fact that she doesn't eat much, think of it this way: Generally speaking, cruise fares pay the basic operating costs of the ship. The profit comes from the extras people purchase onboard, such as drinks, gambling, spa services, shop purchases, excursions and whatnot. Toddlers don't buy any of that so the cruise line essentially makes no money off of them. At least they break even by charging a full cruise fare.


What I meant, was more that I know my mom may order something for herself, with my daughter being able to try it herself. We don't give her fruit juice from concentrate or lemonade. We're pretty strict on that stuff.


To bring it back to a more constructive question for real. For premium juices and mixed (non-alcoholic) drinks, I would love to see RCL offer kid's size drinks for purchases (if they don't already?)


I'm just not really keen on paying RCL outrageously inflated prices for my daughter to have a treat here or there.


Again, what exactly would you order for her if she had a package? Anything I can think of has a ton of sugar in it and you've said you don't want her having a lot of sugar. And if you want your daughter to have an occasional treat here or there, just buy her something a la carte. That will likely be a lot cheaper in the long run that some reasonably priced kids' drink package. ;)

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What I meant, was more that I know my mom may order something for herself, with my daughter being able to try it herself. We don't give her fruit juice from concentrate or lemonade. We're pretty strict on that stuff.


Thanks for reminding me to put my big boy pants on ;) I appreciate that as a constructive conversation instead of justifications from you about why it's okay for you and your husband to taste each other's drinks, but an 18 month old not too...[/s]


To bring it back to a more constructive question for real. For premium juices and mixed (non-alcoholic) drinks, I would love to see RCL offer kid's size drinks for purchases (if they don't already?) Last time I was on RCL I was a college student who paid for every drink outright (no drink package then-or possibly too rich for my blood) and didn't sneak water, soda, or any other item on board. So I wasn't paying attention with Mom eyes. Anyway, I'm not trying to skirt the system. I'm just not really keen on paying RCL outrageously inflated prices for my daughter to have a treat here or there. And that was my only defense of the gentleman who said he shared drinks with his kids. I can slightly understand why that's a more justifiable act in his head. Obviously, sharing with adults (and even older children capable of finishing a whole drink in one sitting) is a different story altogether.


Not sure what kind of drink you are looking for that you would approve of for your 18-month-old. Soda, juice, etc. you indicated you did not allow because of sugar content. Lemonade, fruit punch, tap water, flavored water, white and chocolate milk, iced tea, are all free ......doesn't leave much else! All the virgin blender drinks usually have some type of sugar.

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Not sure what kind of drink you are looking for that you would approve of for your 18-month-old. Soda, juice, etc. you indicated you did not allow because of sugar content. Lemonade, fruit punch, tap water, flavored water, white and chocolate milk, iced tea, are all free ......doesn't leave much else! All the virgin blender drinks usually have some type of sugar.


Sorry. To be more specific. The question of a better prices package for kids (or a small kids version of blended drinks) was less a question for us, and just more a general question. While we're strict at home, as I said, I'm not adverse to her trying sips of things. Nothing wrong with that. That said, for other parents who may be okay with vacation equaling fun drinks all around, it'd be nice if they had kids size fun drinks (and maybe they do?) so people aren't buying the full size drink and having half of it go to waste. :)


As for someone else mentioning that the cruises make up extra money on the other things (drinks, etc). I totally get that argument from an adult perspective. Really I do and I'm not saying it's wrong to be charged for a child my daughters age to be on board, there was just sticker shock as I thought there would be some kind of discount give. Her young age it feels like a bit of a gimme.

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jujubird - I totally get your point and while I personally am not a big fan of having children on board a cruise ship, you are obviously taking her as part of a family trip (btw, my issue is usually less with the kids and more with the totally ignorant parents who don't care how their kids behave!!). I'm assuming you and your husband are taking her into your cabin to sleep in a crib, so I don't understand how RC can justify charging full price for her!! I also personally don't think there's anything wrong with your mom letting her have a sip of a drink every now and then (however, you say you don't want to give her the fruit juices and lemonades provided for free because of sugar content - I hope you realize that those specialty drinks your mom will be getting a crammed full of sugar, too - probably even more so than the other stuff :-) ).

As for the bringing water on board, that is a different matter altogether in my eyes as you are not consuming some of RC's without paying. If you're bringing your own water, you have paid for it yourself and I feel very strongly that this shouldn't be any of RC's business!! The water prices on board are such an incredible rip-off in my opinion!! On my last cruise (a German ship), they had several really nice fresh water dispensers on each floor and they gave you a carafe so you could always get water for your cabin (and fill bottles to take off the ship). Now that was a great service, and also very environmentally friendly as it avoided wasting thousands and thousands of plastic bottles!!!

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The ship's water from tap is fine on RCCL CELEBRITY. Have had no issues. They make their ice cubes with their tap water. Bring a few empty or full water bottles in checked luggage and refill onboard. Just be careful as they don't like u filling at water stations[emoji12][emoji12]



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The age or eating/drinking habits of any passenger is irrelevant. Plenty of people only eat or drink a very little. Cruises are not operated on the same business model as other venues which offer freebies or discounts to children in order to get the adults to patronize their business. Cruises may offer child friendly activities but have to pay for them somehow. Which is why Junior does not get a price break.

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The age or eating/drinking habits of any passenger is irrelevant. Plenty of people only eat or drink a very little. Cruises are not operated on the same business model as other venues which offer freebies or discounts to children in order to get the adults to patronize their business. Cruises may offer child friendly activities but have to pay for them somehow. Which is why Junior does not get a price break.




This is true[emoji12][emoji12]



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Not exactly sharing my drink package.


I gave my wife & kids a few drinks.


Actually the bartender gave them the soda, I just asked if they can have one....



There is a difference between sharing and stealing. Sharing is when it's cold outside and two people snuggle under a blanket. That's sharing a blanket. Taking a product that you did not pay for, is stealing. If a person has a product by purchase, and than gives it to other people, it is still stealing. It is like when you take a soda cup, fill it up, dump it into another cup that belongs to someone else, and go up to get you own. Regardless of unlimited refills while in the place, it is still considered stealing. The owner/manager can call the police, and have the local appropriate action taken.


So under definition of the law, and the cruise line, it is considered "stealing" and not sharing. That is why the cruise line will take appropriate actions against you if caught stealing.


Not sure if you are an adult or not, but I would hope at some place and time in your life, you learned this. If not, today you got a lesson!

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jujubird - I totally get your point and while I personally am not a big fan of having children on board a cruise ship, you are obviously taking her as part of a family trip (btw, my issue is usually less with the kids and more with the totally ignorant parents who don't care how their kids behave!!). I'm assuming you and your husband are taking her into your cabin to sleep in a crib, so I don't understand how RC can justify charging full price for her!!


That's actually one of the reasons I won't be getting the drink package for myself. I don't want to be one of those parents that isn't able to fully see what's going on with their kid and how they are interacting. My parents took me on cruises at a young age and always were very mindful of teaching us how to behave in public. But yup, we're getting a pack and play in the room. It's just weird to pay full price for her as a stateroom "guest".



I also personally don't think there's anything wrong with your mom letting her have a sip of a drink every now and then (however, you say you don't want to give her the fruit juices and lemonades provided for free because of sugar content - I hope you realize that those specialty drinks your mom will be getting a crammed full of sugar, too - probably even more so than the other stuff :-) ).


Oh believe me, I know there is. However, grandma (my mom) will try to spoil my daughter when I'm not looking. I know this. It's okay with me. It's one of the reasons we are trying to be good about it, because we know she'll get special treats with the grandparents, etc. We have a high risk of Type 2 in our family, so my biggest goal is just trying to teach my daughter from a young age that drinks like that (and even juices, etc) are for special occasions and not all the time. But while we're on vacation, I'm not going to begrudge my mom a chance to get a virgin drink mix and give my daughter a sip. We're not so vigilant about it we can't see the Forrest for the trees :)

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The age or eating/drinking habits of any passenger is irrelevant. Plenty of people only eat or drink a very little. Cruises are not operated on the same business model as other venues which offer freebies or discounts to children in order to get the adults to patronize their business. Cruises may offer child friendly activities but have to pay for them somehow. Which is why Junior does not get a price break.


In our case, my daughter can't take part in the activities. They aren't offered for her age. So yes, in my mind, it does matter a bit. Sorry if that offends your sensibilities.

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The cruise lines don't care about your opinion. They charge based on a space taken up on a lifeboat. A 2 year old takes up the same seat as a 22 year old or a 62 year old. You can either pay the price, regardless of age, or choose to not bring a 2 year old because you don't like the fact that they are charged the same rate as anyone else. You already get a break off of full price for the 3rd and up in a cabin. Or only sail lines that offer greatly reduced fares for children.

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Or only sail lines that offer greatly reduced fares for children.


This. We have decided to basically dump Royal until our 2 year old turns 3 next October. They don't cater to under 3 very well, at all. They charge higher 3rd and 4th rates than other lins and don't offer any decent camp options or water activities.


From my research, only Carnival offers proper and complimentary camp for children starting at 2. All others seem to start at 3 and it's just a nursery.

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This. We have decided to basically dump Royal until our 2 year old turns 3 next October. They don't cater to under 3 very well, at all. They charge higher 3rd and 4th rates than other lins and don't offer any decent camp options or water activities.


From my research, only Carnival offers proper and complimentary camp for children starting at 2. All others seem to start at 3 and it's just a nursery.

Also the consideration of my DD for her 2yr old son.

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This. We have decided to basically dump Royal until our 2 year old turns 3 next October. They don't cater to under 3 very well, at all. They charge higher 3rd and 4th rates than other lins and don't offer any decent camp options or water activities.


From my research, only Carnival offers proper and complimentary camp for children starting at 2. All others seem to start at 3 and it's just a nursery.


Unless your under 3 year old is potty trained, note that none of the Carnival ships have any water facilities for them.

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While we're strict at home, as I said, I'm not adverse to her trying sips of things. Nothing wrong with that.


So you really just want her to have a few sips of something here and there? Even at a discount it seems silly to purchase a drink package for someone to just have a sip of a drink here and there. Since you don't let her have juice and such at home, it seems the free juice, lemonade and fruit punch would certainly constitute enough of a "treat" for her to have a few sips from time to time, and wouldn't cost you a penny. :)


I'm assuming you and your husband are taking her into your cabin to sleep in a crib, so I don't understand how RC can justify charging full price for her!!


A ship is only allowed to have a certain number of souls on board. It doesn't matter if those are adults sleeping in their own bed, or small children in a crib. For every child in a crib, that is one less adult or older child who can be aboard, i.e. one less passenger who is likely to pay for extras like cocktails, sodas, excursions, gift shop purchases, arcade spending, photos etc. If you aren't getting "extra" money from a passenger (i.e. a baby/toddler) the cruise line at least wants to get the full cruise fare for them since that is more or less what pays the operating costs of the ship.

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Thread seems to have evolved into a new title! Adding my two cents worth regarding pricing for tots.


Usually children/babies are paying a reduced fare as a 3rd or 4th person. As a single cruiser I pay close to double fare - and I accept that fact.


Not everyone spends a huge amount on board - so again that is a fact - so I don't buy into the "they don't spend anything theory." Occupancy is a life boat capacity, as others have pointed out.


Finally, perhaps parents don't always realize it, but children make a lot of work for staff; beds/cribs still have to be made; towels/bathroom stuff; smelly diapers; dining staff go out of their way to provide entertainment and special food requests.


As far as nothing for children to do - there is plenty to do - trouble often is parents are looking for someone else to participate in their place while they relax. I am not saying all parents - but young kids of all ages can do things outside of the programs on board - but they often need someone to do it with. Have seen young toddlers having a good time chasing a ball on the sports court or empty lounge.

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Question - as part of a TA promotion, my kids under 18 gets the soda package.

my youngest is 3.5 . do you expect her to go to the bar and ask for a coke, or can i get it for her ?

You can get it if you have her SeaPass card.

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Question - as part of a TA promotion, my kids under 18 gets the soda package.

my youngest is 3.5 . do you expect her to go to the bar and ask for a coke, or can i get it for her ?


Since you are going to be on the Allure, she/you will be able to use the Freestyle machines to get her drinks.





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