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Denied boarding


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Late to the post so maybe its already been discussed, but ports overseas have been beefing up security in the last few months because of terrorism related concerns (cru ise law news has been covering it a lot lately.


It's possible popular large ports are also tightening up security in the US.


I feel bad for you and especially the 18 year old boy that this happened. The obvious point is to buy trip insurance (I do not buy through carnival. I do an internet comparison. This time we went with allianz). It's much cheaper than Carnival's.


I personally don't see how you can get a refund. Like others said, see if your credit card covers anything and maybe try the charge back procedure someone mentioned (unlikely to work, IMO).



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I find it telling that the 18 yr old did not notice his wallet was missing between GA and the port.


Please. My 19 year old boy can never find his phone and its always in his pocket. I also have a 17 year old boy. They can't help it... Frontal lobe is not developed, which makes them pretty stupid at times.

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Please. My 19 year old boy can never find his phone and its always in his pocket. I also have a 17 year old boy. They can't help it... Frontal lobe is not developed, which makes them pretty stupid at times.


I have my car keys in my hand and I cant find them :D


I guess my frontal lobe is just rotted away at this point, because I am pretty stupid most times

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This is again an argument for arriving to the port a day early! They could have driven back to Georgia to get the wallet - problem solved! It's taking a chance to drive day of. What if the car breaks down? What if a road is closed? You are stuck somewhere? You could say they were cutting it close to begin with, no room for a problem to occur. Which one big one did.

And yeah, I said before, leave him and everyone else cruise! He had family nearby. He I assume had a phone. The Princess officials would have helped him some with making some arrangements. It's not like he would have died or slept in the street if he was left alone. And when the family gets back, they all drive home together as originally planned. And for the rest of his life, that boy will check his documents carefully. At least I hope so.

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Elaine, I agree with you, an 18 year old should be able to manage travel plans, but this generation is so immature they are more like 12 year olds. Mommie needs to make the arrangements for them, otherwise, they are lost! I was in the final Vietnam draft and off I went at 19, but I had my first job caddying at 11 years old, at 16 Night Manager at Burger King, so I was plenty mature to handle Vietnam. Most 18 year olds haven't a clue what a job is because Mommie needs to find them one and then drive them back and forth.


Mommie just doesn't have the time to do that right now!



Read a report recently about why there are Helicopter parents and the lack of independence. It was traced back to all the TV coverage Adam Walsh and his father's TV shows. True or not, it was an interesting analysis.



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I agree. I was just wanting to point out to the readers who post arguments that 18 yr are adults and entitled to adult privileges and are posting that "who leaves an 18 yr old"...me that's who. I also was in my own apartment before graduating high school, figured out college etc etc etc


Yeah but we moved everything to age 21-- so we contributed to this. IMO THey can't even get a job at numerous places until age 18 (best buy for instance). Definitely can't get a job at 15 and even 16 often...... We have been through this.


The reason I would have left one adult with him is because He's not my kid and I assumed responsibilty for him when we left....


This is a random point, but in Louisiana you can't be a stripper until age 21 now. (Im not supporting the stripping industry)

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He does have a job at the local wings joint and is going to school to be an electrician actually. I have no doubt he will pay us back when he has the money. It just shouldn't have come to this in the first place in my opinion.


NO! He owes you nothing unless you paid for his ticket. Your group made a choice not to go. That is on YOU not him.

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I doubt the decision to deny boarding was Carnivals, but suspect it was DHS, and that's why it took 3 hours for a decision to be reached. Probably Carnival was pleading the case on the O.P.'s behalf


The requirement for specific documentation is not Carnivals but instead the governments. Carnival could probably not care less what I.D. people have as long as the ticket is paid for but the U.S. Government does set the requirements for documentation and Carnival has to follow the rules.


Is is possible he has a police record? I mean, yeah, the feds arent going to make an exception to federal law, but something else to consider...

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Yeah but we moved everything to age 21-- so we contributed to this. IMO THey can't even get a job at numerous places until age 18 (best buy for instance). Definitely can't get a job at 15 and even 16 often...... We have been through this.


The reason I would have left one adult with him is because He's not my kid and I assumed responsibilty for him when we left....


This is a random point, but in Louisiana you can't be a stripper until age 21 now. (Im not supporting the stripping industry)


My daughter just got her first job in Feb at 15 years old, she works at Cold Stone. There are jobs out there, they're just a little harder to come by. She had inquired at quite a few retail stores that don't hire until 18 though.

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It's been an interesting thread with all sides aired. An example of Perfect Storm problems.


Our story was not quite so dramatic. As was(is) our custom, I had all our Passports secure in our carry-on as we arrived at airport. In baggage line, we simply prepare to get our DLs out to check in and board plane. Delightful wife opens purse and all color drains from her face. Wallet gone. She'd last touched it day before. We check in with Passports and proceed to gate to regroup.


Work colleague assigned office and restaurant from previous day. Son's girlfriend (with key to water flowers and get mail) heads to our house to examine car, dresser, etc. We board and fly to LA. In 4 hours there will surely be a positive answer. But after landing/calling, no luck. So our whole financial world is 'at risk' as like many folks we're both on the same accounts.


Now we do have one saving grace. Wife carried a different credit card in a small auxiliary business card holder. It's the only 'uncompromised' funds we have access to. We weren't leaving the country with a stolen/lost wallet so that night we got on the phone and spiked everything. Got on the ship in the morning using that little used CC. I suppose in an absolute emergency her folks could have Western Unioned us cash.


Wallet never turned up and nobody ever attempted any fraudulent charges. But we were safe when we were gone and she went about the 'rebuild' once we arrived back home.


It can happen to anyone.

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Yeah but we moved everything to age 21-- so we contributed to this. IMO THey can't even get a job at numerous places until age 18 (best buy for instance). Definitely can't get a job at 15 and even 16 often...... We have been through this.


The reason I would have left one adult with him is because He's not my kid and I assumed responsibilty for him when we left....


This is a random point, but in Louisiana you can't be a stripper until age 21 now. (Im not supporting the stripping industry)


Both my kids got jobs at 16. Jobs they went out and secured on their own so they could have their own money to spend and save. DD is now 19 and has been working at that same place for 3 years while finishing high school and now starting her 2nd year of college. She has excelled at both her job and her schooling. DS (22 now) constantly held a job and internships through his college years. It didn't take him long to find his first job out of college doing exactly what he wanted in a field that is extremely hard to get into Sports Journalism. He had to move 16 hours away to get it but that didn't stop him from doing it. He went out a month ago and secured himself an apartment, new furniture, and a new car and still had thousands left in his savings with his only debt being the new car he purchased.


No you won't get a job sitting at home waiting for someone to give it you. It takes some responsibility to go out there to get one and to hold on to it. My kids have learned early to take the initiative to go after what they want. I know a few adults that still lack that drive...it is a pet peeve of my to see them living off of other people and/or the government on my tax dollar. My husband and I met when we were 18. He has worked at the same place he was working at then 31 years later. I was in between my Freshman and Sophomore year of college working 3 part time jobs to help finance what my scholarships and Pell grants did not. I don't buy the excuses for not being a personally responsible adult at 18.

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Both my kids got jobs at 16. Jobs they went out and secured on their own so they could have their own money to spend and save. DD is now 19 and has been working at that same place for 3 years while finishing high school and now starting her 2nd year of college. She has excelled at both her job and her schooling. DS (22 now) constantly held a job and internships through his college years. It didn't take him long to find his first job out of college doing exactly what he wanted in a field that is extremely hard to get into Sports Journalism. He had to move 16 hours away to get it but that didn't stop him from doing it. He went out a month ago and secured himself an apartment, new furniture, and a new car and still had thousands left in his savings with his only debt being the new car he purchased.


No you won't get a job sitting at home waiting for someone to give it you. It takes some responsibility to go out there to get one and to hold on to it. My kids have learned early to take the initiative to go after what they want. I know few adults that still lack that drive. My husband and I met when we were 18. He has worked at the same place he was working at then 31 years later. I was in between my Freshman and Sophomore year of college working 3 part time jobs to help finance what my scholarships and Pell grants did not. I don't buy the excuses for not being a personally responsible adult at 18.


My first job was at 14 working at the grocery store. Bagging. They still hire 14 year olds today. I believe every State is different, though.


I have a 17 year old that I hired full time. Young mother. As long as they are out of school, they can work normal hours like any 18 year old.


I agree with you. Jobs are definitely out there for anyone 14 and up.

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My first job was at 14 working at the grocery store. Bagging. They still hire 14 year olds today. I believe every State is different, though.


I have a 17 year old that I hired full time. Young mother. As long as they are out of school, they can work normal hours like any 18 year old.


I agree with you. Jobs are definitely out there for anyone 14 and up.


Mine was at 14 as well picking blue berries and babysitting. I was very proud to be able to purchase my own clothes and supplies for school. DH's was at 14 too helping the school custodian clean. Kids can find work if they look for it. I didn't put the pressure on my kids at that age since they were involved in sports and were doing well academically. They put the pressure on themselves to go out and get jobs once they could drive.

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As others said before, slippery slope for Carnival for every sob story.


Coulda, shoulda, woulda, scenario:


Dad: "Ok, all you guys go on ahead and board... me and Forgetful Fred will go collect the wallet, get a hotel for the night and catch up to you to you guys in the first port."


F.F.: "Thank you, Sir, I promise I will work to reimburse you for your out of pocket expenses."

All Others: "Yay! The entire trip is not ruined and we are all taking responsibility for our own actions!"

And, scene. ;)



This is the best response so far, LOL:)


Bad Forgetful Fred.

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Would Carnival have allowed the father and boyfriend to retrieve the license and fly to the first port?


no. you can't fly to a foreign country with just a drivers license, you need a passport.


Can't fly to a first port in the U.S. to meet the ship as you'll be violating the PVSA.



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You can fly. Need to get there earlier and jump thru some hoops.



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This is true.


Have a friend who lost his wallet, ID, everything, in Las Vegas last week.


Had to jump through some hoops, but he was able to get on a plane back to Austin, TX.

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We live in a semi-rural area, so there isn't much to choose from for jobs for teens. They are competing against adults for the job,


There is no babysitting, lawn mowing, grocery bagging, farms/orchards, fast food places, gas stations, camp grounds....is there no jobs or just jobs they don't want to do? We are in a semi-rural area too. There are jobs if you look for them. Sometimes you have to start at the bottom, especially when you just start working...but that is life.

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Ha I'm wondering if any of the "I'm glad they didn't give him credit because rules are rules" are glad that my friend got all his money back because he followed the rules?


Well, I'm glad there are rules and also like the guarantee. I'm glad Carnival followed their guarantee but sorry your friend was a jerk about it (if it went down like you said. I wish people just valued, followed, and considered rules as a matter of course.


My daughter just got her first job in Feb at 15 years old, she works at Cold Stone. There are jobs out there, they're just a little harder to come by. She had inquired at quite a few retail stores that don't hire until 18 though.


Agree these jobs exist. And I live in a decent sized city area.


I teach sophomores this year and about 1/3 have jobs (and this is a higher income area school so many just have no need to work/parents want them to focus on grades or sports). Plenty of jobs still hire 15/16 year olds. I see students bagging groceries or at fast food restaurants in the area.

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I found this on my boarding pass I just printed out:


"Identification Requirements:

U.S. security procedures require all guests 16 years of age and older to present a government issued photo identification upon

airport and cruise line check-in. All guests must present proof of citizenship and any necessary visas at embarkation (visit us @ http://www.carnival.com

for more

information on acceptable WHTI travel documentation).

Guests without proper documentation will be denied boarding and no refund will be given."

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A mistake was made, but this is not Carnival's problem. Valid photo ID is required for boarding and I'm happy to know Carnival enforces this policy. Stinks that vacation was ruined, but, like I said, a mistake was made.

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